VIMS Procedure

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Caterpillar Vital Information Management System

(VIMS) Download
Special Procedure Instructions & Explanations
Reminders Overview À Target 15 min
1.1 Take VIMS Download data based on service schedule o1.2 Prepare All Download
Service Package or machine condition.
€PPE device
1.2 Prepare all VIMS Download devices as required include
Use 1. Preparing Laptop with VIMS software (1) and VIMS download
VIMS cable (2).

2.1 Make sure the machine on hard & level surface with the
o2.4 Connect one VIMS
wheel chock use. download cable port to Laptop
2. Set-up (PC) and another one to
Equipment 2.2 Ensure the engine is turned off machine port
and tools for
download 2.3 Put and make sure Laptop (PC) and download device to
process right location (save place)

2.4 Connect one VIMS download cable port to Laptop (PC)

and another one to machine port.

i1 Makesure 2

parking brake 3.1 Turn on the key switch o3.2 Open VIMSpc 2003A,
ON double Click VIMSpc 2003A
3.2 Open VIMSpc 2003A program on Laptop (PC) with Icon.
double Click VIMSpc 2003A Icon

3.3 After VIMSpc program appear, connect machine with o3.3 Connect machine with
Click File and Click Connect Machine Click File and Click Connect

4 TCI-PLT- download
SP005 Mechanical data process
Service &
3.4 Check Machine status to find parameter that needs to o3.4 Check Machine status,
download, where the parameter needs to reset or don’t Click Data – Real Time
needs to reset. The procedure, Click Data – Real Time machine status
machine status. You will find as on screen.

Page 1 of 4
Caterpillar Vital Information Management System
(VIMS) Download
3.5 After you know the data status on machine status, begin to o Click Data- and Download
download process with Click Data- and Download

Environmental 3.6 After the screen appears as on side check all parameter o3.6 Check all parameter and
Management than needs to download and reset reset Click start
Planning Check merge on download
Click start for begin download process.

3.7 Waiting for download data process and Click OK If o3.7 Click OK If download process
download process Finish (Complete) Finish (Complete)

3.8 After Download process Finish (Complate) click file and o3.8 Click file disconnect
4 Service Sheet disconnect machine for stop the download process and
Exit to VIMS program.
machine and Exit to VIMS
on Service program.
Package on TCI
Online (Based on
each type of the

4.1 Turn off the key switch and remove all VIMSpc o4.1 Turn Off the key switch
Download devices.

4.2 Collecting all VIMSpc data into TCI online-Transaction

4. Remove all file-Machine downloads – every site folder to facilitate
device and analyst and reporting.
data into one 4.3 Make report and analysis, send by email to your superior
and save your report into TCI online.

Talsico™ Process Picture Maps are created under license from Talsico International Pty Ltd. Talsico™ Process Picture Maps and all associated intellectual
property are owned by Talsico. Duplication or use of this methodology or format is prohibited without the express written permission of Talsico.
Author: Nanang Yusanto Effective: Superseded: Approvals:
C:\Documents and Settings\nyusanto\My Documents\New Thiess Project\Work Instruction (WI) Revised: 7-Jun-2005

Page 2 of 4
Caterpillar Vital Information Management System
(VIMS) Download
Peringatan Peninjauan Petunjuk dan Penjelasan
Khusus Prosedur À Target 15 menit
1.1 Ambil VIMS data (Download) berdasarkan Jadwal service o Persiapkan perlengkapan
atau saat mesin memerlukan download.
€PPE 1. Persiapkan untuk Download.
Gunakan perlengkapan
1.2 Persiapkan semua perlengkapan download yang
diperlukan seperti Laptop dan kabel download.
selalu download

o2.4 Connect satu VIMS

2.1 Pastikan mesin berada pada permukaan yang rata dank
eras serta lengkapi denga pengganjal ban (wheel Chock). download cable port ke laptop
(PC) dan yang satunya kemesin
2. Menata
i1 Pastikan peralatan 2.2 Pastikan engine telah di matikan.

bahwa dam Mesin

2.3 Letakkan Laptop dan perlengkapannya pada tempat yang
untuk peoses rata didalam Kabin agar tidak jatuh.
parking brake download
pada posisi 2.4 Konek-kan satu ujung kabel download ke laptop dan ujung
ON. yang lain ke download port pada mesin.

3.1 Putar kunci kontak pada posisi ON o3.2 Buka VIMSpc 2003A
dengan doble Click VIMSpc
3.2 Buka program VIMSpc pada laptop dengan menekan icon 2003A Icon.
VIMSpc 2003A

3.3 Connect VIMSpc software dengan mesin dengan menekan o3.3 Click File dan Click
data-connect machine. Connect Machine.
3. Proses
4 TCI-PLT- pengambilan
SP005 Mechanical data VIMS
Service &

3.4 Setelah software tersambung dengan mesin check mesin o3.4 Cek Mesin status, Click
status untuk melihat data apa saja yang harus di download Data – Real Time machine
dan mana yang memerlukan untuk di reset). status

Page 3 of 4
Caterpillar Vital Information Management System
(VIMS) Download
3.5 Setelah mengetahui data mana yang perlu di download o3.5. Click Data- and Download
mulai proses download dengan menekan data-download.


3.6 Berikan tanda centang pada parameter yang hendak o3.6 Cek semua parameter dan
didownload dan yang hendak anda reset, reset Click start start
Check pada kotak merge on download
kemudian tekan start untuk proses download.

3.7 Tunggu sampai semua proses download lengkap kemudian o3.7 Click OK setelah proses
tekan OK jika sudah selesai. download selesai.

3.8 Jika proses download telah selesai tekan File – disconnect o3.8 Click file disconnect mesin
4 Lembar – dan Exit untuk keluar dari program VIMSpc 2003A dan Exit to VIMS program.
Servis pada Paket
Servis di TCI
(Berdasarkan tipe
dari tiap unit)

4.1 Matikan kunci kontak dan lepas semua perlengkapan o4.1 Matikan Kunci Kontak
download susun secara rapi.
4. Pelepasan
semua 4.2 Kumpulkan semua data dan gabungkan menjadi satu
peralatan dan pada TCI online-Transaction file-Data downloads dan
mengumpulk pada folder masing-masing site untuk mempermudah
proses analisa dan pembuatan report.
an data
menjadi satu 4.3 Buatlah report dan analisanya, kirimkan pada atasan anda
dan simpan report tersebut pada TCI online.

Talsico™ Process Picture Maps are created under license from Talsico International Pty Ltd. Talsico™ Process Picture Maps and all associated intellectual
property are owned by Talsico. Duplication or use of this methodology or format is prohibited without the express written permission of Talsico.
Author: Nanang Yusanto Effective: Superseded: Approvals:
C:\Documents and Settings\nyusanto\My Documents\New Thiess Project\Work Instruction (WI) Revised: 7-Jun-2005

Page 4 of 4

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