Mental Health First Aid Ipe

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This semester, I had the privilege to attend the IPE on Adult Mental Health First Aid.

chose to attend this event because I was initially unaware that there was such a thing as “mental

health first aid”, but quickly came to the conclusion that this is a necessary service. Furthermore,

broad scale training within this area would be highly beneficial, not only within one’s personal or

professional life, but also to me as a public health worker.

Primarily, one of the major things mental health first aid teaches is that we aught to listen

non-judgmentally to the person we are trying to assist. Listening was such a big factor that it is

included in their five steps. These steps create the acronym ALGEE and can be explained as

follows: Approach to assess for risk of suicide/harm and assist; Listen non-judgmentally; Give

reassurance and information; Encourage appropriate professional help; Encourage self-help and

other support strategies. Although these five steps are important, they do not need to be carried

out in order, nor do they all need to be completed. This is because each mental health first aid

encounter will be different, and should be tailored to what the individual needs.

Furthermore, I learned how to approach a person with various mental health diseases. The

IPE shed light on people living with depression, anxiety attacks, suicidal thought, and

schizophrenia. Depression, for one, is something that many people in the world experience, so it

is necessary that we understand how to talk and engage with these individuals, as well as identify

the tell-tale signs. Signs and symptoms for anxiety attacks are very similar to heart attacks, and

therefore we ought to be trained on how to notice and begin the correct chain of action to help in

either event. For all mental health situations, especially depression, schizophrenia and suicidal

thoughts/actions, I learned that one’s choice of words, body language, and actions are very

important when trying to make the person feel comfortable enough to receive help. It is most

helpful to use language that is non-judgmental, non-critical, and non-abrasive. At the end of it

all, you should encourage the person to seek professional help, or at least talk to someone

consistently (even a trusted family member or friend).

Finally, since caring for others and being a support system can be really demanding as

well as emotionally and mentally draining, mental health first aiders are encouraged to care for

themselves too. Common methods of self-care may include a spa-day, exercising, working on

hobbies, volunteering, or even therapy. Self-care is important so that we do not feel too

overwhelmed, but rather regain the emotional capacity to help others when necessary. This IPE

was insightful and I do believe it should be something that everyone, no matter profession,

should have some knowledge/training in.

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