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Year 4 / Semester 2 / A.Y. 2021-2022



CS 7: Time Management, Delegation and Procrastination

Objective 1. Recognize time management using personal time management (Textbook pp. 45–46)

1. List and describe the seven habits of highly effective people used in personal time management.
Personal Time Management Description

1 Be proactive • Accept responsibility for own actions and attitudes

• Exercise freedom to choose response

2 Begin with the end in mind • Begin with a clear understanding of the desired
direction and destination.
• Things are created mentally before they are created
• Quality is designed and built in. Ineffective people
use old habits and environmental conditions. One
may climb the ladder to success only to find once
one got to the top that the ladder was against the
wrong wall.

3 Put first things first • Personal management is organizing and managing

according to priorities.
• Give less time to things that are urgent but not
important such as pressing matters and
nonproductive meetings, because they do not have
long-term benefits and to spend more time on
things that are important but not urgent, such as
relationships, prevention, planning, preparation,
taking opportunities, and recreation.

4 Think win-win • Explores options until a mutually satisfactory

solution is met through effective cooperation
• Desired results, guidelines, accountability,
resources and consequences are made explicit.
• It is an abundance mentality that builds on synergy
rather than a scarcity mentality that leads to win-
lose strategies.

5 Seek first to understand, then • Communications are important to building win-

to be understood. win relationships.
• Our perceptions come from our experiences.
Credibility problems usually involve differences.

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Empathetic listening is therapeutic.
• Once people feel they are understood, they lower
their defenses.
• Once one understands the other person's point of
view, it is easier to arrive at a win-win solution by
problem solving.

6 Synergize • Comes from teamwork or creative cooperation,

• Diversity can produce the whole is greater than the
sum of its parts.
• Synergy results from bringing different
perspectives together in a spirit of mutual respect
to seek the best solution.

7 Sharpen the saw • The longer one saws, the duller the saw gets and
the harder one works to get less and less
• People need physical, spiritual, mental, social, and
emotional self-renewal.
• One needs to give priority to a balanced program
for self-renewal.

Objective 2. Identify how to maximize managerial time (Textbook pp. 46-48)

1. Describe ways to maximize managerial time and give example for each.
Ways Descriptions Example

a. Inventory activities The nurse managers conduct an

inventory of their activities to
maximize use of their time ) after
recording what they did after 15
minutes for a typical week , they
asses how they spent their time.

b. Set goals - Determine short, medium and

long-range goals.
- Significance: resolve goal
conflicts and direct how one will
spend time.

c. Plan strategies Rank, prioritize, what can be

implemented and eliminated –
Planners / Calendars.

d. Plan Schedules Peak & low times

e. Say No Learning to say no graciously

especially in low priority work

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saves time.

f. Use transition time Reports can be used while

commuting, lunch, coffee breaks
can be used for personal

g. Accelerate learning Clear, realistic learning goals,

collect information in one place,
group materials in small study
units, format materials.

Objective 3. List ways that can be used by manager for effective and efficient meetings (Textbook pp.

1. Enumerate five ways to have an effective and efficient meeting.

• Managers should first consider the purpose of the meeting, if it is not necessary, they should not
conduct it.
• Key participants are identified; if they cannot attend, the meeting should be cancelled.
• People who do not need to attend should not be invited.
• Other alternatives to meeting: Memo, Telephone call, Conference.
• Managers may limit their time in meetings attending only that segment when they are to make
• The purpose of the meetings should be clearly defined

Objective 4. Discuss delegation process (Textbook pp. 52-58)

1. State five principles of delegation.

 Decides what task should be done by whom, where and when
 Responsibility and authority should be assigned
 Support is provided by responding to delegates needs.
 Ensure understanding by Bing and receiving feedback, addressing concerns.
 Monitor by Milestone-tracking system, review scheduled status reports, give feedback on
interim reports.
 Reverse delegation should be avoided.
 Results should be evaluated.

2. List five reasons for delegating.

• Save time
• Helps develop others
• Build trust
• Increase self-esteem
• Increase pride
• Increases job satisfaction
• Uses latent talent
• Develops skills

3. Explain the five rights of delegation.

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a. Task - should be within the scope of the person's practice and consistent with the job description. In addition,
organizational structure, policies, procedures, and standards should be considered. Staff should not be
assigned an activity outside their defined role or something they have not been taught.
b. Circumstance - the health status and complexity of the care needed should be matched to the skill of the
staff member assigned the delegation.
c) Person – should have the appropriate license or certificate, an appropriate job description, and a
demonstrated skill that is to be checked off on the skill checklist before the skill is delegated to that person.
Registered nurses can delegate activities of daily living such as positioning, bathing, grooming, dressing,
ambulating toileting and feeding to unlicensed assistive personnel.
d) Direction / Communication – should be clear, concise, complete, and correct. It should specify the activities
to be performed, the expected results, timelines, and follow-up communications.
e) Feedback / Supervision - should ask for input, get the person's recommended solution to the problem, and
recognize the person's efforts. The registered nurse may give direct or indirect supervision when that
responsibility is delegated to another licensed nurse, the manager should monitor the performance, give and
receive feedback, intervene it necessary, and confirm clear documentation.

4. State the delegation decision – making process.

• The assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation of delegation.
• First, the Nurse Practice Act should permit the delegation, authorize the task or tasks to be delegated, and
authorize the nurse to decide delegation.
• The delegator needs the appropriate education, skills, and experience; the appropriate scope of authority;
and demonstrated and documented evidence of current competency.
• The delegator needs to assess the needs of the patient, the circumstances, and availability of adequate
• Then the delegator needs to plan for the task or tasks to be delegated by specifying the knowledge and skills
required to do each task, by requiring documented or demonstrated current competency to do each delegated
task, and by determining the implications for the patient and others.
• To ensure appropriate accountability, the delegator accepts accountability for the performance of the
delegated task or tasks and verifies that the delegate accepts the delegation and accountability for the
delegated task or tasks.
• Then the delegator supervises performance of the task by providing directions and clear expectations about
how the task or tasks are to be performed; monitoring the performance to ensure compliance to established
standards of practice, policies, and procedures; intervening as necessary; and ensuring documentation of the
task or tasks.
• Finally, the delegator evaluates the delegation process, evaluates the patient and the performance of the task
or tasks, and receives and gives feedback. The delegator adjusts the plan as necessary.

5. Give four conditions that facilitate delegation.

1. Leaders and managers should understand die cencept of delegation
2. Need to have positive attitude toward people.
3. Need to overcome feelings of loss prestige.
4. Need to develop a positive atmosphere the their staff.
5. They should help achieve result through effective communication,
6. They concentrate on the accomplishment of overall goals and objectives rather than day to day details.

6. Differentiate the three concepts / aspects of delegation.

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Aspect Definition

a. Responsibility Denotes obligation. It refers to what must be done to complete a

task and the obligation created by the assignment.

b. Authority Is the power to make the final decisions and give commands.

c. Accountability Refers to liability.

7. Discuss cultural considerations for delegation in terms of:
a. Communication - Is affected by culture. Context of speech, dialect, kinesics (stance, gestures, and
eye movement), use of touch, and volume have cultural variables and influence how one is
perceived. Delegation given in a soft voice may not be considered as important as directions given in
a louder tone.
b. Interpersonal space - varies among cultures and within cultures with French, African Americans,
and Hispanics often being comfortable with closeness and middle class Caucasian Americans
tending to want 2 to 3 feet of personal space. Asian Americans are likely to prefer formal space
except for family and close friends.
c. Past, present, and future orientations – vary among cultures and within cultures. European
Americans tend to value the future, time, and tend to be on time. Asians, Hispanics, and Native
Americans tend to value the past and the elderly but focus on the present.
d. Social organizations - differs among cultures. Some are more individualistic, and others are more
family oriented. African Americans tend to appreciate large extended family networks. A single-
parent woman often heads households. The elderly are usually respected. Church affiliation and
religious beliefs are often a source of strength.

8. List five reasons why leaders and managers do not delegate.

• Staff has their reasons for not accepting delegation.
• Some depend on the leader and managers and find it easier to ask the boss
• Lack of self esteem
• Fear is often related to how mistakes have been handled.
• Lack of guidelines , standards and control are additional problems
• Duties are not always clearly defined.
• The incentives are inadequate and they do not want to perform work if the leader or manager
receives the credit.

Objective 5. Discuss reasons for procrastination and techniques to stop it (Textbook pp. 58-59)

1. Complete the table:

Reasons for Emotional Non-Emotional
n a. Escape an overwhelming a. Lack goals
b. Unpleasant deadline b. Goal without time

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c. Excuse for poor work c. Unrealistic time
d. Get someone else to do the job d. Insufficient information
e. Inadequate follow up
f. Over commitment
2. List six techniques to stop procrastination.
• Break a large job down into smaller task
• Do a startup task
• Take advantage of your moods
• Consider the consequence of not doing the job
• Consider hiring someone to do the task
• Consider switching jobs with someone
• Divide up the job to do what one likes to do
• Make a commitment to someone to wager with someone
• Set goals
• Set realistic time schedule
• Gather necessary information
• Avoid over commitment
• Give yourself rewards
Objective 6. Determine ways of maximizing organization time (Textbook pp. 59-60)

1. Explain the techniques in maximizing organization time.

a. Plan – Making estimates and time limits helps regulate work flow-decrease time spent in crisis
management and increases the available time for creative work.
b. Organize – Organizational charts , multiple bosses causes confusion , duplication of task autonomy and
independence reduce the amount of time spent in conflict management .
c. Staff – selection of qualified staff, appropriate use of personnel.
d. Direct - Identify what a less qualified, lower paid person can handle, Allows the staff member how the
task will be accomplished and keep authority commensurate with responsibility.
e. Control - Nurse leaders and managers set standards, monitor results, and give feedback

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