Economic Growth Paradigm Lecture 07

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Economic Growth Paradigm

Lecture 07
Dynamics of Degrowth

1. GDP degrowth

2. Consumption degrowth

3. Work-time degrowth

4. Radical degrowth

5. Physical degrowth
GDP Degrowth

• The first interpretation of degrowth is striving for negative

GDP growth or a reduction in GDP (the opposite of economic

Any criticism about this concept? Do you think long-term GDP

degrowth can encourage green economy?

the long term effect is uncertain, as GDP degrowth may depress investments in
cleaner technologies, renewable energy and related research, which can lead to an
increase in future CO2 emissions.
Consumption Degrowth
• means striving for a reduction in the amount of
• a strategy that emphasis into less resource use and
less pollution

What should be the measurement unit of consumption?

How to reduce consumption?

A voluntary reduction of consumption of certain types of

goods and services may well lead to an increase in other
types of consumption.

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