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 Zeppelin is a type of  airship named after the German

inventor  Ferdinand von Zeppelin. Ferdinand who start airship
development at the beginning of the 20th century. Zeppelin's
were first developed in 1893.  After the outstanding success
of the Zeppelin design, the word zeppelin came to be
commonly used to all airships. During World War I, the
German military made big use of Zeppelins as bombers and as
scouts, killing over 500 people in bombing attacks in Britain.
The defeat of Germany in 1918 slowed the airship business.
By the time of the Hindenburg, important changes had taken
place: the passenger space had been moved to the interior of
the overall vessel, passenger rooms were moved from the
exterior by the eating area, and forced-warm air could be
circulated from the water that cooled the forward engines, all
of which made traveling much more comfortable.

Elena Drvoderić 8.b

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