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Checklist for Neurological Examination of the Lower Limb

Item Achieved Not

Wash your hands
Greet the patient
Introduce yourself to the patient
Explain performance of examination to the patient for obtaining
Ensure proper position of patient for examination and stand to
the right of the patient.
Exposes lower limb appropriately
Inspect from the foot of the bed for DWARFS*
Assess gait for stride length, hand movement, turning ability,
and symmetry by asking the patient to take a short walk
forward, turn around, and then come back.
Assess for tone by either leg roll or knee lift (Bilateral).
Assess knee reflex (Bilateral).
Assess ankle reflex (Bilateral).
Assess plantar reflex (Bilateral)
Assess power of hip flexion and comment on power (Bilateral)
Assess power of hip extension and comment on power
Assess power of knee flexion and comment on power (Bilateral)
Assess power of knee extension and comment on power
Assess power of ankle dorsiflexion and comment on power
Assess power of ankle plantar flexion and comment on power
Perform point of reference of light touch on sternum with the
patient’s eyes closed.
Light touch of L1 (Bilateral)
Light touch of L2 (Bilateral)
Light touch of L3 (Bilateral)
Light touch of L4 (Bilateral)
Light touch of L5 (Bilateral)
Light touch of S1 (Bilateral)
Perform point of reference of pain sensation on sternum with
patient’s eyes closed.
Pain sensation of L1 (Bilateral)
Pain sensation of L2 (Bilateral)
Pain sensation of L3 (Bilateral)
Pain sensation of L4 (Bilateral)
Pain sensation of L5 (Bilateral)
Pain sensation of S1 (Bilateral)
Perform point of reference of vibration on sternum with
patient’s eyes closed.
Assess vibration sensation once on any bony prominence
with eyes closed and when the vibration stops (Bilateral)
Explain procedure of proprioception examination
Assesses proprioception with eyes closed(Bilateral)
Assess coordination by heel to knee to ankle (Bilateral).
Thank your patient
Wash your hands
Summarize the finding

*DWARFS: Disability, Wasting, Asymmetry, Fasciculation, Scars.

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