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Lacsamana, Joules N.

Love, Death and Robots Season 1 Episode 1: Three Robots

On this episode the scene is like the earth is already died. It is the fall of humanity, there is no living
human there anymore. At first I thought there is no living organisms anymore. Until a cat appeared
which is kind of weird for the robots since they are not familiar with those things. Also there are a lot of
things that a robot does not familiar with. One thing I notice in this episode is that, they show the
innocence of the robots, they show things that a robot do not know. They show in this episode that a
robot does not now everything. Also show that these robots have emotions, they are scared and also
feel jealous. Those three robots have been program into different things, they are only bound to
comprehend things base on how they are programmed. I realize that as a human I am so blessed
because I am not bound to do only this or that, I have the freedom to choose what I want to do. I have
the freedom to explore things because my creator does not programmed me to be bound on one thing
or a few things alone. I am the only one who is limiting myself, I will be the one that will withheld my
potentials. I must explore things, do things that I do not do before through this other potentials of me
may unlock. Withholding myself to do things wont help me to become a better person this will only lead
me to box myself to the things I know and I do in the present time. I should not programmed myself to
be limited to the things I know now there must ne a development in my daily life.

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