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Explain how Filipino culture has been changed by globalization in the following areas:

1. Religious Beliefs
2. Socio-Cultural Beliefs (Social Norms)
3. Political Beliefs (Authority, Human Rights, Government)

• Globalization has changed our Filipino culture in the area of religion by having a lot of
religion on our country nowadays. Through international globalization, our country met a
lot of religion that has been brought on our country and now also has been practice in
our society. Just like Mormons, that is from other county but now it has been a religion in
our country. And there’s a lot more religion that is in our country right now and also being

• Socio cultural Beliefs (Social Norms) : Globalization plays a huge part on our filipino
culture because through this we are able to learn the culture of other countries or nation.
We learn new things and we are not ignorant about this anymore. The downside of this
is that when we get too much attached in a certain culture, the danger is we can forget
our native culture. In the area of social norms, there are norms that is only from other
country that has been adapted by the filipino or should I say by our country through

• Political Beliefs (Authority, Human Rights, Government): Through globalization filipino

culture changed their political beliefs in the area of authority, human rights and
government. One of the evident example of this is the filipinos especially those millennials
or middle aged filipino is now very vocal about the human rights, they rally about their
freedom of speech I can say that this is because of the globalization internationally. They
witness what happened in other country that’s why they think they must be like them so
that what they want can be given to them. The freedom of speech that they want. This is
only one example of it.

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