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S: Short for Symptoms, some questions you could ask are; “What brings you in?” Or,
“What are your symptoms?”

A: Short for Allergies, something you could ask is, “Do you have any allergies?”

M: Short for Medications, something you could ask is, “Do you take any medications?”

P: Short for Past Medical History, something you could ask is, “Do you have any past
medical history, or family history?”

L: Short for Last Oral Intake, something you could ask is, “What did you last consume?”
Or, “When did you last eat or drink something?”

E: Short for Events Leading up to symptoms, something you could ask is, “What were
you doing when this happened?” Or, “When did your symptoms start?”

HR: Normal: 60-100BPM. Steps: I’d clip a pulse oximeter to the patients right index

BP: Normal: 120/80 - 60/90 Steps: I’d wrap the BP cuff around the patient’s arm. I’d
inflate with the ball to 180mmHg and then slowly deflate at 3mmHg intervals.

SP02: Normal: 95 - 100%. Steps: I’d clip a pulse oximeter to the patients right index finger.

RR: Normal: 15-20 BPM. Steps: I’d watch the chest ride for 30 seconds, than multiply that
by 2.

Temp: Normal: 97.7 - 99.5 F. Steps: I’d run an infrared thermometer over the patients

C: Catastrophic hemorrhaging

A: Airway

B: Breathing

C: Circulation

D: Disability

E: Exposure

Heart Rate. 0 – No heart rate 1 – Fewer than 100 beats per minute indicates that the baby is not
very responsive. 2 – More than 100 beats per minute indicates that the baby is

Respiration: 0 – Not breathing. 1 – Weak cry, it may sound like whimpering or grunting. 2 – Good,
strong cry.

Muscle Tone: 0 – Limp 1 – Some flexing (bending) of arms and legs. 2 – Active motion.

Reflex Response: 0 – No response to airways being stimulated. 1 – Grimace during stimulation. 2 –

Grimace and cough or sneeze during stimulation.

Colour: 0 – The baby’s entire body is blue or pale 1 – Good color in body but with blue hands
or feet 2 – Completely pink or good color.

Scores: If the baby scores 7-10 they only need routine post-delivery care.

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