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James Dashner is the author of The Maze Runner, a dystopian science fiction novel. When I
first saw the book title, I immediately assumed it was about a man that was running through a
maze, and in the end, I was pretty close. In my opinion, the character that was best written
was surely the main character, Thomas. Thomas is the last boy, but not the last man that
enters The Glade, which is basically an oasis in the middle of the colossal Maze. Thomas has
a mindset of a leader and in the end, he eventually leads Gladers out of Maze. He is constantly
judged by Gally, who is the co-leader of their community and one of the oldest ones. This
conflict peaks when Thomas goes to Maze alone, which is against the rules and founds out
there is a possibility to escape the Maze. “–“You’ve been here 3 days. Alright. I’ve been here
3 years.”-said Galls angrily. “Yeah, you’ve been here for 3 years and you’re still here. Gally!”
- responded Thomas.”. This is my best scene from a book because it shows how a person
with hope, focus, commitment and sheer will, will eventually lead society to success. The kids
find their way out of the Maze through a Hole inside of it that leads to the real world. The
book leaves us with the conflict of no memories for anyone and the troubles the real world
will face now that they escaped the Maze. The kids were chosen because they are seemingly
immune. The Maze was one of many tests that the Gladers will undergo so their brain
chemistry can be observed and analyzed in hopes of finding a cure. Sacrifice. In The Maze
Runner, many characters risk their lives for the sake of saving those around them in various
acts of self-sacrifice. Thomas risks his own life, entering the Maze to save Alby and Minho.
In contrast to Thomas's act of bravery, Minho leaves behind the two of them to save his own
life. The point of the book is that there will be an occasion in your life when you’ll have to
step out of your comfort zone and take a risk. It may be in the form of a new job role, or a
leadership opportunity. Don’t be afraid to do so. If you fail, look at it as another valuable
learning opportunity. I recommend this book because it is very fast-paced. A very fast-paced
book is very hard to put down, even though you won’t ever want to. This book is also very
interesting because of the events that happen in one continuum.

-Gabrijel Domović, 3.b

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