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Comp 930
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QUESTION N0.01 (True/False) [10 MARKS]

A. One of the most common cloud objects that are tracked is the percentage of CPU utilization,
because it has not a direct impact on performance.
B. The number of IOPS you can allocate is usually inversely proportional to disk size.
C. To upgrade the machine in place, which involves shutting it down, upgrading to a more powerful
VM class, and then restarting it, is also called vertical scaling.
D. A common approach to scaling horizontally is to add or remove servers automatically, either in
response to key metrics or based on expected load.
E. Oversubscription is a common strategy to limit costs, and it can be applied to compute,
networking, and storage.
F. When a substantial traffic spike occurs that overwhelms the provisioned capacity, the servers
become undersubscribed, and performance will likely suffer.
G. The recovery time objective (RTO) is the amount of time a system can be online during a
H. The recovery point objective (RPO) is the restore point you recover to in the event of an outage.
I. A cloud segment remains operational for 2,000 hours in a year. For that year, that asset
broke down 20 times (downtime). MTBF for that segment will be 125 hours.
J. Common cloud issues that may require troubleshooting include automation, interoperability,
interconnections, software language support, licensing, networking, resource contention and
starvation, outages, template issues, time synchronization, and workflows.

Create a VPC peering connection with VPCs in the same account and different Regions.

1. Open the Amazon VPC console at

2. In the navigation pane, choose Peering connections.

3. Choose Create peering connection.

4. Configure the following information, and choose Create peering connection when you are done:

5. Name: You can optionally name your VPC peering connection. Doing so creates a tag with a key
of Name and the value that you specify.

6. VPC ID (Requester): Select the requester VPC in your account with which to request the VPC
peering connection.

7. Account: Choose My account.

8. Region: Choose Another region and select the Region ifor the accepter VPC.

9. VPC ID (Accepter): Select the accepter VPC.

10. In the Region selector, select the Region of the accepter VPC.

11. In the navigation pane, choose Peering connections. Select the VPC peering connection that you
created, and choose Actions, Accept request.

12. When prompted for confirmation, choose Accept request.

13. Choose Modify my route tables now to add a route to the VPC route table so that you can send
and receive traffic across the peering connection.

14. Verify the peering connection by launching two instances on each peering VPC and PNG.

15. Write down the results. Upload two screenshots: VPC peering connection and PING Test

16. Show the Final results/output to the instructor.

QUESTION N0.03. Viva voce [05 MARKS]

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