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Part 31 Hantavirus Not Ebola Prompted The Pre Olympics

Lockdown Of Xian Covid Part 31 Yoichi Shimatsu

Hantavirus, Not Ebola, Prompted The

Pre-Olympics Lockdown Of Xian
Covid Part 31

By Yoichi Shimatsu
Exclusive To

As the countdown begins for the Beijing Winter Olympics,

scheduled to start on Friday, February 4, the Chinese capital region
is on full alert not only for bioengineered COVID-19 but also a
vintage Korean War-era biological weapon called Hantavirus. A
specific variant called Hantaan virus (HTNV) erupted in mid-
December to shut down the ancient capital of Xian, a metropolis of
13 million residents along the Silk Road, which is now just barely
resuming public activities.

Named after the Hantan River that flows through Seoul, Korea,
Hantavirus was first developed as a biological weapon during the
pre-World War II occupation of China by that infamous Unit 731 of
the Japanese Imperial Army, based in Harbin, near the Amur River
(Heilongjiang, or Black Dragon River), as still disclosed by
infections among the Amur rat species. After the defeat of Japan in
WWII, Hantavirus subtypes were further weaponized in the postwar
era by 731 veterans recruited into the U.S. Army biological warfare
program at the Dugway Proving Ground, 85 miles southwest of Salt
Lake City. What a fine partnership it was, heralding a new bilateral
era of better bioweapons!
Disinfo from the Mouths of Charlatans

In a cover-up of this direct association of rat-borne Hantavirus with

the U.S. Army biowarfare program, the showoff researcher Dr.
Robert Malone has taken it upon himself to blame the Africans for
the Xian imbroglio. His disinformation seeks to divert public
attention away the actual cause of the Xian outbreak, by referring to
this all-too familiar rodent virus as an "Ebola-like hemorrhagic
fever". Correction, Dr. Malone: The Xian infections involve the
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) caused by the bunyavirale
family as opposed to the filovirus group that includes Ebola.

Visually, though an electron microscope, their overt difference is

that bunya viruses are spherical enveloped viruses, whereas Ebola
filovirus types have elongated RNA filaments in various
configurations, U-shaped or curled in rings. This difference in
morphology is just so basic, Dr. Malone, that either your eyesight or
your honesty is deranged.

Also in the real world, as opposed to microbiological disinformation,

the carriers of Hantavirus are rodents, usually household rats,
whereas Ebola is conveyed by giant fruit-eating bats, as discussed
in detail in my multi-part series on the West African Ebola outbreak
of 2014-16 series posted at , which has since been
butchered and removed from the Internet by the biowarfare
establishment. I take your censorship as a complement, touche'!

As the common sense of any orchard owner dictates, giant fruit

bats infected with Ebola do not swarm over barren trees in northern
China in the freeze of December, but instead nestle in their caves in
balmy subtropical Yunnan some 700 miles to the south, their
natural habitat of confinement. Indeed, as a environmental adviser,
I have visited Pingliang, the apple-growing orchards a bit west
across the border of Shaanxi, China, and can testify that the
copious amount of pesticides there in Gansu Province mercilesslya
kill any creature with or without wings that dares to bite an apple,
including Robin and Batman. Scrub and peel before eating is my
sincere advice, or better just stick with the hot noodle soup.
Researcher Malone self-proclaims to be the sole pioneer of the
mRNA techniques that are used to micro-assemble the Pfizer and
Moderna COVID double-dose vaccines (which, by the way, have
proven ineffective enough as to require a third inoculation).
Contrary to his self-centered claim, mRNA has been widely applied
in American agricultural research for many decades, as pointed out
by this writer years ago in an article on swine flu research in the
American Midwest. Malone's ascent to self-proclaimed genetic-
engineering genius and a potential successor to Tony Fauci (there
is a resemblance when it comes to quackery) started with his
research with the Salk Institute, yes, of polio disrepute, and then
onto AMRIID, the long-discredited U.S. Army Research Institute of
Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, MD, the same military outfit that
weaponized Hantavirus. So is it any wonder that biowarfare shill
Malone cites "Ebola" in Xian rather than Made-in-the-USA

Virus of Choice for the CIA

Despite nearly century of R&D on the Hantavirus, no cure has ever

been found for this infectious disease spread in rat urine and feces,
meaning prevention is especially difficult wherever rodent
populations are concentrated, for instance near urban sewer
systems, garbage heaps and landfills. On my first visit to China in
late spring 1977, my translator-guide Bing disclosed that as a
teenager during the Korean conflict he had been dispatched by the
Youth League for the clean-up of "straw, horse hair and rat dung"
dropped from CIA-operated aircraft over the northern bank of the
Yalu River, in Chinese territory in contravention of the UN
Command's combat zone limited to Korea proper.

Langley HQ vociferously denied Chinese and Soviet accusations of

biological warfare, primarily because the Dugway-sourced infected
dung soon thereafter spread to the UN command center in Seoul,
killing 3,000 UN soldiers, mostly American GIs (whose nearest kin
were never compensated for the cockamamie live-experiment),
which set a grim precedent for the Pentagon-CIA recklessness
repeated in the Agent Orange debacle on Vietnam veterans and
their families, on down through at least two generations of their
children? The CIA lied, so what else is new? That's what they're
paid to do with taxpayers' money.
Unit 731 legacy of modified Hantavirus along with biowarfared
bubonic plague have never been totally quelled across rural China,
showing up even in the New Territories district of Hong Kong.
These early-generation biological weapons have also cropped up
along American roadways from Dugway, Utah, to March Air Base
near Riverside, California, and onto to American military staging
area in Okinawa. Virus outbreaks have occurred on Indian
reservations in the Four Corners region and campgrounds in the
Yosemite National Park, along with permanent infection of squirrel
populations in Riverside County, Southern California, indicating that
animal-control measures cannot prevent either Hantavirus and
bubonic plague from becoming endemic in once-pristine natural
areas and presenting a potentially lethal threat to nearby

Haunted by Hantavirus

Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS), was the forerunner of

"gone nuts" pseudo-science that created COVID, as practiced at
veterinary laboratories, medicals schools and research hospitals in
the Biowarfare Archipelago across the United States, Canada and
Britain. After a gestation period of 2 to 8 weeks, the symptoms in
patients include acute shock, leaking blood vessels, kidney failure
and low blood pressure.

The average mortality rate in HPS-infected humans is 38 percent of

patients, way far worse than COVID, which runs from a 1.7 percent
death rate among infected persons in the USA up to 6.9 percent
across the border in Mexico, the nation with the highest coronavirus
mortality rate. (And the US-Mexico border remains wide open for
illegal migration, thanks to the open border dogma of Joe Biden and
his Democratic Party liberals, even while clinics and hospitals in the
border states are so swamped will illegals that American citizens
cannot get treatment.) Just be damned happy that Hantavirus isn't
running wild across these United States and, meanwhile, to hell
with the statistically unjustifiable and absurd COV lockdown!

Official Apologies instead of Diplomatic Cowardice

"Diplomatic boycott" of the Winter Olympics is a hypocritical cop-out

by the Biden administration, along with allied governmental leaders
in Tokyo, London, the Hague and other nations that had a role in
the creation and sinister spread of Hantavirus across the Korean
Peninsula and China. Instead of blaming the victims of sinister,
indeed genocidal biowarfare by a domineering West, official
apologies from Washington are long overdue along with a
cooperative international program to reduce and, wherever
possible, eliminate these bio-agents and other types of lab-
enhanced infectious diseases. Stop making and spreading them,
and the outbreaks will cease.

Meanwhile, it is high time for the American press, under First

Amendment protection, to root out the cynical biowarriors out of
their labs and cloisters in our national health bureaucracy, starting
with that maniacal deceiver Tony Fauci of the the National Institute
of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), who is nothing less than
an unpatriotic, sinister, and indeed diabolical war criminal.

City of Ten Thousand Warriors

Once again, contrary to regional environmental factors mitigating

against an outbreak, as was the case of coronavirus in Wuhan, the
Hantavirus event in early December seems utterly suspicious inside
Xian, the ancient capital of 13 dynasties, gateway to the Silk Road
and resting place of the Ten Thousand terra cotta warriors. One
might argue that Wuhan is situated in a river valley divided by the
great Yangtze; whereas the view from Xian's central tower is of a
vast grassy plain, so the dissimilarities outweigh their commonality.
Vistas even from high bell towers, however, can be deceiving, since
just beyond a fold in the nearby mountains, there flows the Yellow
River, the vast waterway of Northern China, which contributes to
soil fecundity and a large rodent population. And that factor tends to
lean toward a natural cause rather than heinous foreign-organized
biowarfare as in the Wuhan case.

Inside the massive brick walls left by the Ming Dynasty, high and
mighty Xian has been impregnable to invasions and peasant
uprisings, in contrast to Nanjing or even Beijing. After deboarding
the Silk Road train and entering its sanctuary, without fear of
intimidation or hard stares, visitors may dine among the many Hui
Muslim lamb barbecue restaurants near the Bell Tower and then
stroll to the ancient Taoist and Buddhist scroll-and-painting district
with its Beilin antiquities museum. Up on its high ramparts, a visitor
notices the refreshing dry, crisp desert air of a healthy environment,
carrying none of the cloying humidity of the coastal cities, which
renders suspect the recent travel ban to Xian due to the outbreak of
the Delta variant of coronavirus and then by another infectious
agent dropped by tiny squeaky creatures scurrying inside the
kitchen walls. Obviously I still have doubts of whether the Xian
outbreak stemmed from natural causes.

Imposed on December 22, the travel ban into and out of Xian, has
recently been eased somewhat to allow for entry of food supplies
and so as not mar the glory of the Beijing Winter Olympics. There's
an air of mystery, however, in the recent tightening of health
checks in Beijing and other major cities, as if in dread of leakage of
an infectious agent out of Xian.

Here, as in the earlier quite ineffective bat-borne attack on Wuhan

in early October 2019, the deployment of giant fruit bats was
selected by the biowarfare perpetrators, in all probability the
Japanese colleagues of rogue researcher Yoshihiro Kawaoka (U.
Hokkaido, U. Wisconsin-Madison, U Tokyo), as the most effective
means of long-distance delivery of a highly infectious diseases into
the food supply of the Chinese population. Bats are not readily
trained, being rightfully suspicious of apes in general and humans in
particular, and certainly do not intend to freeze to death on a long
winter's flight.

Bat Failure in Wuhan

The earliest sections of my COVID series showed that coronavirus

as a biological weapon was targeted at the French-led World
Military Games (CISM), held in Wuhan over two week, starting in
mid-October 2019. The first attempts at contaminating that region of
the Yangtze River valley in late autumn was done with infected
gigantic bats with a wingspan of nearly 6 feet (2 meters), but failed
due to a regional drought that had withered local tree-bearing fruit
crops. After bat-borne transmission went awry, the lab-modified
coronavirus was delivered inside of infected Tilapia fish, which lack
natural immunity due to bioengineering. The targets were two lakes
used for the CISM aquatic lifesaving, boating and swimming events,
where seafood workers with a Korea-based religious cult infected
the military athletes and their supervisors, many of them military
intelligence officers, rendering a serious blow to military forces
around the world, with the exception, of Japan, Britain, Australia
and Israel, which are not CISM members.

In the wake of my reporting, based on leaks from whistle-blowers, a

massive disinformation campaign was mounted to put the blame on
bat research done at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan. In fact,
China's officialdom passively encouraged that cover-up to distract
public attention away from the huge number of deaths by
coronavirus infection of Chinese soldiers assigned to facilitate the
CISM games, which my series proved with the bright flare from
large plasma-furnace incineration near the Chongqing PLA garrison
at same time as mass cremations at Wuhan, made clearly visible by
infrared-tracking Earth observation satellites.

Although new lockdowns are ordered even as COVID radically

diminishes both in potency and frequency, we can now safely
resurrect the Chinese idol Marx, who ironically uttered: "History
repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce." So long, Tony, after
all the horrors you inflicted and now at the end of your reign, good
riddance! As for me, I hope Part 32 of this series will be
unnecessary as American society rushes out of its 2-plus years of
comatose hibernation.

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