PART 28 Biden Obama Rice NSC Team Funded COVID Biosynthesis Part 28 by Yoichi Shimatsu 161120

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Biden Obama Rice NSC team funded COVID biosynthesis Part

28 By Yoichi Shimatsu 161120

Biden-Obama-Rice NSC team funded

COVID biosynthesis - Part 28

By Yoichi Shimatsu


Biden corrupt Democrat leadership connived to stuff ballot

boxes grotesquely surviving on blood serum drained out of bled
to death COVID patients Yoichi Shimatsu

DEADLY Biden corrupt Democrat leadership connived to stuff

ballot boxes grotesquely surviving on blood serum drained out
of bled to death COVID patients Yoichi Shimatsu

Ethical Republicans have been falling ill in this not so secret

war of biological weaponry as do not have access to Dead
COVID patients blood Yoichi Shimatsu

The antibody-conveying serum from "convalescent" patients,

including murdered youths in China and homeless men in
Cuomo-Blasio's New York, drained corpses laid in wooden
coffins along a trench on Hart Island, was one of the horrific
topics of my 27-part coronavirus series. Now, making a
Dracula-like return from the political coffin, Joseph Robinette
Biden has emerged out of the shade after months hiding in his
Biden new ruddy complexion reveals a vampiric addiction to
infusions of human blood into his corrupted body Nov 2020
Yoichi Shimatsu

Biden infused with Covid patient blood the Foreign proteins in

blood are disruptive to brain which cause his memory lapses
and ghoulish utterances Nov 2020 Yoichi Shimatsu

Twilight Battle

Stephanie Meyer, the Marrowbone-based author of "Twilight",

stated this sort of situation with clarity: "I decided as long as I'm
going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly." That explains the
midnight express of mail bags packed with fake pro-Dem ballots
in Erie, Pennsylvania, a lakeside area resembling an eerie
Transylvania. Beware creatures that go bump in the night
because it could be your mailman delivering the pro-Trump
write-in votes into the reactors at the Enrico Fermi nuclear

Selene woke up to the realization that her toothy tribe had to be

wiped out in its entirely, along with most of the Lycan kinsmen
of her werewolf lover Michael Corvin to save humanity from
total destruction. The only way they could consummate their
romance was in human form, impelling the couple to
alternatives to blood-sucking, thereby getting on to the path of
love and family values.

Now that the veins of the once over-confident Trumpsters are

being drained dry with every passing hour, the shadows are
converging over America with the less-than charitable
subhuman beasts howling in victory over their prey, thanks to
their brain-dead zombie followers indoctrinated in political
creepiness at the best universities. No, this is not some dark
comedy; it's just a measure of moral failure.

Further along in this 28th part of my coronavirus-biowar series, I

briefly discuss a gathering of the covens on the ridge way
overlooking the spooked Biltmore mansion at Asheville,
Tennessee. If you are cringing in fear over what I've just
mentioned, then you could a brain-addled member of the
coven, and therefore doomed. These vampires are certainly not
immortal, not when a wooden stake through the heart or the
utterances of a conjurer can cast away their withered life
energy to the winds. Ah, Selene's ultraviolet bullets are so much
more amusing. She bangs, she bangs!


Biden secret biological project out of NSC during his Vice

President during Obama Presidency precursor for
CORONAVIRUS Yoichi Shimatsu

Biden CORONAVIRUS secret biological project out of NSC

during his Vice President during Obama Presidency precursor
for CORONAVIRUS Yoichi Shimatsu

After a span of silent meditation during travels, I've just toiled on

this Part 28 of the coronavirus series, focused on then Vice
President Joe Biden's secret biological warfare project run out
of the National Security Council (NSC). The most secretive
operation began with the Gain of Function (GOF), with
controversy erupted after the 2012 discovery of University of
Wisconsin Madison veterinary school's unapproved nighttime
and weekend lab work of gene-splicing viruses to enhance their

My COVID series showed how UW researcher Gary Splitter, in

league with the infamous Yoshihiro Kawaoka. spliced HIV
proteins into coronavirus and, when their more secretive
experiments were discovered, had to relocate the illicit bio-
warfare project to Frank Plummer's National Microbiology
Laboratory in Manitoba, Canada.

As the GOF scandal widened a research ban was imposed,

becoming more embittered as Kawaoka and Plummer
threatened to reveal highest-level federal support for their gene-
altered COVID synthesis. By 2016, National Security Adviser
Susan Rice, who has Canadian and British connections through
her husband (whose mother is a top-level executive with the
Canadian Broadcasting service with also an intelligence role).

To prevent further disclosures of the COVID research, which

was reaching its final stage, the Council's leadership decided to
move the lab work kit and caboodle to the UK, where Joe Biden
had close contacts with Windsor Palace. Biden accompanied
Mike Bloomberg for his knighting by the Queen in April 2016, in
the very same time-frame of start-up of bovine TB-enhanced
COVID testing on English badgers at the University of Bristol in
Southwest England.

During those final three years of the Obama administration,

funding for foreign-based lab work on bats and badgers was
funneled to the USAID, Fauci's NIH and Jeh Johnson's
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which had inherited
the Plum Island veterinary microbiology lab from the Army's
controversial AMRIID bio-defense program, which had suffered
leaks of bio-toxins and escapes of weird chimeric beasts.

The year 2016 also is when President Barack Obama had the
NSC incorporate the Directorate of Global Health Security and
Biodefense. The GHSB integrated the research at the U.S.
Navy's NAMRU labs with various universities and civilian-run
research institutes. The NAMRU (Naval Medical Research
Units), with labs in Africa, Latin America and Asia to collect,
study and research biological agents worldwide, for possible
upgrading as novel types of bio-weapons, whick explains why
Rear Admiral Tim Ziemer was appointed as Obama's chief of
the Directorate,

A point to remember is that all offensive biological warfare

projects are sheltered under the official cover of "bio-
defense"due to USA being a signatory of the 1970s Biological
Weapons Treaty, which bans large-scale production and
deployment of lethal bio-agents, while allowing the loophole of
toxic samples for testing defensive countermeasures.

Since the President is often away at state functions, on foreign

tour or idling on a golf course with corporate cronies, the
National Security Council Staff has been overseen on the day-
to-day basis by the Vice President and National Security
Adviser, at the time Biden and Susan Rice. Uncle Joe,
therefore, is up to his eyeballs in official deception, cover-ups
and outright lies about the offensive biological warfare
operations,which have included deliberate releases of GOF bio-
agents including ebola, Zika and, of course, COVID.

In short, President Barack Obama is ultimately responsible for

the enhanced virulence of COVID, while VP Biden was more
directly involved on a daily basis in dispensing funding,
covering the researcher payrolls, warding off potential critics
and whistle-blowers and involving the British MI-6 and Porton
Down in order to complete the weaponization of coronavirus.

Biden continues to be the patron and protector of the bio-

warriors, recently re-appointing several to his Cabinet in
waiting. The biological war criminals promoted and harbored by
Biden include

Jake Sullivan, Rhodes Scholar invited to London and Yale Law

School grad (the CIA hatchery), foreign policy adviser to State
Secretary Hillary Clinton (Remember Benghazi), tapped to be
President Biden's National Security Adviser. My opinion: This is
another Jesuit-run skunk on the pavement.

Beth Cameron, biologist with a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins

University, the cockpit of biological warfare guised as global
population studies and monitor of emerging diseases, served
on the Obama-Biden-Rice NSC "bio-security" team that
sponsored weaponization of coronavirus in Canada and Bristiol
U, England. My opinion: the Lady MacBeth of globalized mass
Avril Haines, another typical Yale war criminal, former deputy
director of the CIA during the drone killings, a Susan Rice crony
and friend of Gina Haspel (the Murderess Club), slated to be
Biden's Director of National Intelligence. My opinion: Semira, an
egotistical cold-blooded killer as opposed to the righteous

Lisa Oudens Monaco, prosecutor and Obama's Homeland

Security adviser at the time of the Gain of Function (GOF)
controversy, which was followed by DHS direct sponsorship of
COVID weaponization in Wisconsin, Canada and Britain. My
opinion: Dial M for Mass Murder.

The Blood-feasting Coven

Even a fearsome Vlad the Impaler, aka Count Dracula, failed to

mass murder as many civilians as the Obama-Biden-Rice death
squad have down worldwide. Impaling is over with quickly as
opposed to the Pandora's box of agony and economic disaster
from ebola, Zika and now COVID-19, which these monsters
have released on a vulnerable civilian population worldwide.
So, basically after four years of draw-down of militarism and
decreasing violence during Donald Trump's presidency, we will
soon be back to another mass murder spree and therefore
having to take on the Democrat death squads once again.

This time it will be different for the lambs. I can say this based
on recent experience, which is still too fresh to disclose, proving
vampires can also die. Despite being pumped up with blood
plasma infusions from the bodies of murdered COVID victims,
these nightshade brutes will face their moment of ultraviolet
impact and sent back down to the Hell from whence they

The term "vampire" here is not used in any derogatory or

fantastical sense but is used in its literal meaning as definiedin
the Free Dictionary's "In popular folklore, an undead being in
human form that survives by sucking the blood of living people,
especially at night; or a person, such as an extortionist, who
takes advantage of others, especially for personal gain.".

So both definitions make for an exact fit with the Democratic

Party leadership, as I witnessed at their secret coven summit in
Cashiers on the state line between North Carolina and Georgia,
where not a single well-dressed man or woman had donned a
face mask. The Dem elite are sheltered from coronavirus by
blood transfusions from so-called "convalescent patients", those
innocent victims of organized medical murder in the time of
pandemic. There at a resort and shopping mall in mid-
September during a 4-day hurricane (hardly a time for a
mountain hike), they gathered to bend the knee to their occult

That was just a couple of days before the casket lid was
slammed shut on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Then they fell
like flies in a wintry fog, withering away like worms hung up to
dry. Security men came rushing in on brand new self-driving
trucks, but too late and causing several roadway collisions in
the confusion. Round 1 won by Selene.
In opposition to the coven's treason and grotesque immorality.
the traditional Christian moral values and upright conduct of this
American people will triumph against the dominant evil of our
time, for as writ on paper inside everyone's wallet or purse, but
more importantly in our hearts and souls: "In God we trust." In
addition to an unshakable faith, it is to arms we go, marching
alongside Selene, the fierce renegade in this titanic battle of the
Underworld Universe to defeat the regrouping forces of evil.

"Our war has been waged for centuries, unseen by human

eyes, but all that is about to change, for I am a Death Dealer."


Biden Obama Rice NSC team funded COVID biosynthesis Part

28 By Yoichi Shimatsu 161120

Biden-Obama-Rice NSC team funded

COVID biosynthesis - Part 28

By Yoichi Shimatsu


Allow me, for starters, to confess my admiration for Selene,

heroine of the "Underworld" movie series about conflicted
vampires-and-werewolves. Even though her twin-pistol
barrages were directly lifted from tomb-raider Lara Croft, Kate
Beckinsale's character study reveals the glimmer of a little girl's
innocence beneath her ice-cold steely stare, whereas Angela
Jolie remains ever the haughty adolescent narcissist.

The heroine who topples the iron code of clan loyalty rooted in
false memories turns against her coven of demented
bloodthirsty psychopaths who chillingly resemble the corrupt
Democrat leadership, which not only connived to stuff the ballot
boxes but has grotesquely been surviving on blood serum
drained out of bled-to-death COVID patients, while their ethical
Republican foes have been falling ill in this not-so-secret war of
biological weaponry.

The antibody-conveying serum from "convalescent" patients,

including murdered youths in China and homeless men in
Cuomo-Blasio's New York, drained corpses laid in wooden
coffins along a trench on Hart Island, was one of the horrific
topics of my 27-part coronavirus series. Now, making a
Dracula-like return from the political coffin, Joseph Robinette
Biden has emerged out of the shade after months hiding in his
crypt. His new ruddy complexion reveals a vampiric addiction to
infusions of human blood into his corrupted body. Foreign
proteins in that blood, however, are disruptive to the brain,
which cause his memory lapses and ghoulish utterances.

Twilight Battle

Stephanie Meyer, the Marrowbone-based author of "Twilight",

stated this sort of situation with clarity: "I decided as long as I'm
going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly." That explains the
midnight express of mail bags packed with fake pro-Dem ballots
in Erie, Pennsylvania, a lakeside area resembling an eerie
Transylvania. Beware creatures that go bump in the night
because it could be your mailman delivering the pro-Trump
write-in votes into the reactors at the Enrico Fermi nuclear

Selene woke up to the realization that her toothy tribe had to be

wiped out in its entirely, along with most of the Lycan kinsmen
of her werewolf lover Michael Corvin to save humanity from
total destruction. The only way they could consummate their
romance was in human form, impelling the couple to
alternatives to blood-sucking, thereby getting on to the path of
love and family values.

Now that the veins of the once over-confident Trumpsters are

being drained dry with every passing hour, the shadows are
converging over America with the less-than charitable
subhuman beasts howling in victory over their prey, thanks to
their brain-dead zombie followers indoctrinated in political
creepiness at the best universities. No, this is not some dark
comedy; it's just a measure of moral failure.

Further along in this 28th part of my coronavirus-biowar series, I

briefly discuss a gathering of the covens on the ridge way
overlooking the spooked Biltmore mansion at Asheville,
Tennessee. If you are cringing in fear over what I've just
mentioned, then you could a brain-addled member of the
coven, and therefore doomed. These vampires are certainly not
immortal, not when a wooden stake through the heart or the
utterances of a conjurer can cast away their withered life
energy to the winds. Ah, Selene's ultraviolet bullets are so much
more amusing. She bangs, she bangs!

After a span of silent meditation during travels, I've just toiled on

this Part 28 of the coronavirus series, focused on then Vice
President Joe Biden's secret biological warfare project run out
of the National Security Council (NSC). The most secretive
operation began with the Gain of Function (GOF), with
controversy erupted after the 2012 discovery of University of
Wisconsin Madison veterinary school's unapproved nighttime
and weekend lab work of gene-splicing viruses to enhance their

My COVID series showed how UW researcher Gary Splitter, in

league with the infamous Yoshihiro Kawaoka. spliced HIV
proteins into coronavirus and, when their more secretive
experiments were discovered, had to relocate the illicit bio-
warfare project to Frank Plummer's National Microbiology
Laboratory in Manitoba, Canada.

As the GOF scandal widened a research ban was imposed,

becoming more embittered as Kawaoka and Plummer
threatened to reveal highest-level federal support for their gene-
altered COVID synthesis. By 2016, National Security Adviser
Susan Rice, who has Canadian and British connections through
her husband (whose mother is a top-level executive with the
Canadian Broadcasting service with also an intelligence role).

To prevent further disclosures of the COVID research, which

was reaching its final stage, the Council's leadership decided to
move the lab work kit and caboodle to the UK, where Joe Biden
had close contacts with Windsor Palace. Biden accompanied
Mike Bloomberg for his knighting by the Queen in April 2016, in
the very same time-frame of start-up of bovine TB-enhanced
COVID testing on English badgers at the University of Bristol in
Southwest England.

During those final three years of the Obama administration,

funding for foreign-based lab work on bats and badgers was
funneled to the USAID, Fauci's NIH and Jeh Johnson's
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which had inherited
the Plum Island veterinary microbiology lab from the Army's
controversial AMRIID bio-defense program, which had suffered
leaks of bio-toxins and escapes of weird chimeric beasts.

The year 2016 also is when President Barack Obama had the
NSC incorporate the Directorate of Global Health Security and
Biodefense. The GHSB integrated the research at the U.S.
Navy's NAMRU labs with various universities and civilian-run
research institutes. The NAMRU (Naval Medical Research
Units), with labs in Africa, Latin America and Asia to collect,
study and research biological agents worldwide, for possible
upgrading as novel types of bio-weapons, whick explains why
Rear Admiral Tim Ziemer was appointed as Obama's chief of
the Directorate,

A point to remember is that all offensive biological warfare

projects are sheltered under the official cover of "bio-
defense"due to USA being a signatory of the 1970s Biological
Weapons Treaty, which bans large-scale production and
deployment of lethal bio-agents, while allowing the loophole of
toxic samples for testing defensive countermeasures.

Since the President is often away at state functions, on foreign

tour or idling on a golf course with corporate cronies, the
National Security Council Staff has been overseen on the day-
to-day basis by the Vice President and National Security
Adviser, at the time Biden and Susan Rice. Uncle Joe,
therefore, is up to his eyeballs in official deception, cover-ups
and outright lies about the offensive biological warfare
operations,which have included deliberate releases of GOF bio-
agents including ebola, Zika and, of course, COVID.

In short, President Barack Obama is ultimately responsible for

the enhanced virulence of COVID, while VP Biden was more
directly involved on a daily basis in dispensing funding,
covering the researcher payrolls, warding off potential critics
and whistle-blowers and involving the British MI-6 and Porton
Down in order to complete the weaponization of coronavirus.

Biden continues to be the patron and protector of the bio-

warriors, recently re-appointing several to his Cabinet in
waiting. The biological war criminals promoted and harbored by
Biden include

Jake Sullivan, Rhodes Scholar invited to London and Yale Law

School grad (the CIA hatchery), foreign policy adviser to State
Secretary Hillary Clinton (Remember Benghazi), tapped to be
President Biden's National Security Adviser. My opinion: This is
another Jesuit-run skunk on the pavement.
Beth Cameron, biologist with a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins
University, the cockpit of biological warfare guised as global
population studies and monitor of emerging diseases, served
on the Obama-Biden-Rice NSC "bio-security" team that
sponsored weaponization of coronavirus in Canada and Bristiol
U, England. My opinion: the Lady MacBeth of globalized mass

Avril Haines, another typical Yale war criminal, former deputy

director of the CIA during the drone killings, a Susan Rice crony
and friend of Gina Haspel (the Murderess Club), slated to be
Biden's Director of National Intelligence. My opinion: Semira, an
egotistical cold-blooded killer as opposed to the righteous

Lisa Oudens Monaco, prosecutor and Obama's Homeland

Security adviser at the time of the Gain of Function (GOF)
controversy, which was followed by DHS direct sponsorship of
COVID weaponization in Wisconsin, Canada and Britain. My
opinion: Dial M for Mass Murder.

The Blood-feasting Coven

Even a fearsome Vlad the Impaler, aka Count Dracula, failed to

mass murder as many civilians as the Obama-Biden-Rice death
squad have down worldwide. Impaling is over with quickly as
opposed to the Pandora's box of agony and economic disaster
from ebola, Zika and now COVID-19, which these monsters
have released on a vulnerable civilian population worldwide.
So, basically after four years of draw-down of militarism and
decreasing violence during Donald Trump's presidency, we will
soon be back to another mass murder spree and therefore
having to take on the Democrat death squads once again.

This time it will be different for the lambs. I can say this based
on recent experience, which is still too fresh to disclose, proving
vampires can also die. Despite being pumped up with blood
plasma infusions from the bodies of murdered COVID victims,
these nightshade brutes will face their moment of ultraviolet
impact and sent back down to the Hell from whence they

The term "vampire" here is not used in any derogatory or

fantastical sense but is used in its literal meaning as definiedin
the Free Dictionary's "In popular folklore, an undead being in
human form that survives by sucking the blood of living people,
especially at night; or a person, such as an extortionist, who
takes advantage of others, especially for personal gain.".

So both definitions make for an exact fit with the Democratic

Party leadership, as I witnessed at their secret coven summit in
Cashiers on the state line between North Carolina and Georgia,
where not a single well-dressed man or woman had donned a
face mask. The Dem elite are sheltered from coronavirus by
blood transfusions from so-called "convalescent patients", those
innocent victims of organized medical murder in the time of
pandemic. There at a resort and shopping mall in mid-
September during a 4-day hurricane (hardly a time for a
mountain hike), they gathered to bend the knee to their occult
That was just a couple of days before the casket lid was
slammed shut on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Then they fell
like flies in a wintry fog, withering away like worms hung up to
dry. Security men came rushing in on brand new self-driving
trucks, but too late and causing several roadway collisions in
the confusion. Round 1 won by Selene.

In opposition to the coven's treason and grotesque immorality.

the traditional Christian moral values and upright conduct of this
American people will triumph against the dominant evil of our
time, for as writ on paper inside everyone's wallet or purse, but
more importantly in our hearts and souls: "In God we trust." In
addition to an unshakable faith, it is to arms we go, marching
alongside Selene, the fierce renegade in this titanic battle of the
Underworld Universe to defeat the regrouping forces of evil.

"Our war has been waged for centuries, unseen by human

eyes, but all that is about to change, for I am a Death Dealer."


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