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Tema: Talking about what I am studying

Curso: Ingles IV

Nombre del año: "Año del Bicentenario del Perú: 200 años de

Docente:Gabriela Emma Edith Montoya Muñoz

Integrantes: Llatas Castro Anderson Isaac

Baquedano gil betty Elizabeth


Good morning teacher! My name is Llatas Castro Anderson Isaac and together
with my classmate Baquedano Gil Betty Elizabeth, we will present talking about
what I am studying.

A: Hello companion. How are you?

B: Everything fine thank. And you?

A: Good. What are you doing?

B: A survey based on statistical data.

A: I understand. You need to be very accurate for that kind of survey.

B Yes a little. And what are you doing?

A: Reading personality as I study psychology. It seems an interesting theme I

would like to study it more. You need to be an analyst for this.

B: It looks complicated. And where would you like to work?

A: I would like to work in a hospital so I can help people peace of mind and
guide them in their problems.

B: It looks interesting. I would like to work for a company and I want to have a
good position.

A: Looks good to me. I would also like to have an office and I want it to be large
so that patients feel at ease.

B: You listen interesting to me I also would like to have my own job office and I
want to help people.

A: It's the most important thing to be able to help people with your work, and I
would also like to be able to give talks in schools about different topics.

B: Sounds great. you like your career a lot I would like to have as many good
idea as you. same i want to keep striving

A: It looks like a good idea. Now if already have to go away. Up to later partner.

B: Until then it is going for you.

A: Same thank you.

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