Avisuite - Amhs User Agent User Manual: Avitech GMBH

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AviSuite - AMHS User Agent

User Manual

Avitech GmbH

Document ID : UM_AviSuite_MtuAMHS_All
Created / updated : Alice Lambert
Version : 1.8
Date of issue : 2018-10-01
Status : released

Avitech GmbH
Bahnhofplatz 3
88045 Friedrichshafen

It is prohibited to reproduce or transmit any part of this document for any purpose, in any form or by any means electronically or
mechanically, without the prior written permission of Avitech GmbH.
AviSuite - AMHS User Agent
User Manual

Table of Content
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 10
1.1 Purpose and scope .............................................................................................. 10
1.2 Referenced documents ........................................................................................ 10
1.3 Abbreviations .......................................................................................................10
2 BASIC SKILLS .................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................11
2.1.1 Starting the application / Web Start technology ................................................... 11
2.1.2 How to login .........................................................................................................11
2.1.3 Navigation ............................................................................................................12
2.2 Standard displayed elements .............................................................................. 13
2.2.1 Time .....................................................................................................................13
2.2.2 Login ....................................................................................................................13
2.2.3 Connection status ................................................................................................ 13
2.3 Printing mechanism ............................................................................................. 14
2.4 Template Finder ...................................................................................................14
2.5 Drop down menu ................................................................................................. 15
2.5.1 The File menu ......................................................................................................15
2.5.2 The Messaging menu .......................................................................................... 15
2.5.3 The Flight Plan menu ........................................................................................... 16
2.5.4 The ETFMS menu ............................................................................................... 17
2.5.5 The NOTAM menu ............................................................................................... 18
2.5.6 The MET menu ....................................................................................................18
2.5.7 The Tools menu ...................................................................................................19
2.5.8 The Options menu ............................................................................................... 20
2.5.9 The Window menu ............................................................................................... 20
2.5.10 The Help menu ....................................................................................................20
3 FILE MENU ......................................................................................................... 21
4 MESSAGING MENU ........................................................................................... 22
4.1 The Message Office unit ...................................................................................... 22
4.1.1 Message Office functions .................................................................................... 22 File .......................................................................................................................22 Options ................................................................................................................23 Context menus .....................................................................................................25 Context menu of the Search node ....................................................................... 25 Context menu of the User Area node .................................................................. 26 Context menu of the Message Table ................................................................... 27 The search function ............................................................................................. 28 Functions .............................................................................................................29 File .......................................................................................................................29 Options ................................................................................................................29

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AviSuite - AMHS User Agent
User Manual Special Features .................................................................................................. 30 Message Type .....................................................................................................31 Columns ...............................................................................................................31 Query ...................................................................................................................32 The AMHS tab .....................................................................................................33 The IPM tab .........................................................................................................34 The Ipn tab...........................................................................................................35 The Report tab .....................................................................................................36 The Probe tab ......................................................................................................37 Sub-tabs ..............................................................................................................38 The IPM Details sub-tab ...................................................................................... 38 The Ipn Details sub-tab ........................................................................................ 39 The Probe Detail sub-tab ..................................................................................... 40 The Deliv. Envelope sub-tab ................................................................................ 42 The Subm. Envelope sub-tab .............................................................................. 43 The Submission Result sub-tab ........................................................................... 45 The AMHS Viewer unit ........................................................................................ 46 Functions .............................................................................................................47 File .......................................................................................................................47 Options ................................................................................................................47 The Message tab of the AMHS Viewer ................................................................ 48 The Details tab of the AMHS Viewer ................................................................... 49 The File tab of the AMHS Viewer ........................................................................ 53 The Traces tab of the AMHS Viewer ................................................................... 54 Online Message Monitor ...................................................................................... 55 Functions .............................................................................................................55 File .......................................................................................................................55 Options ................................................................................................................56 The message monitoring ..................................................................................... 56 The AMHS Channel Configuration ...................................................................... 57 Functions .............................................................................................................57 File .......................................................................................................................57 The General Settings tab ..................................................................................... 58 The MTA Device tab ............................................................................................ 59 Autoprocess Profiles ............................................................................................ 61 Functions .............................................................................................................61 File .......................................................................................................................61

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AviSuite - AMHS User Agent
User Manual Fields ...................................................................................................................62

4.1.2 The channel tree of the Message Office .............................................................. 62 The ID node .........................................................................................................62 The Search node ................................................................................................. 64 The User Area node ............................................................................................ 64
4.1.3 The message table of the Message Office .......................................................... 65
4.1.4 The message preview of the Message Office ...................................................... 66
4.2 The AMHS unit ....................................................................................................68
4.2.1 AMHS functions ...................................................................................................68 File .......................................................................................................................69 Template ..............................................................................................................69 Options ................................................................................................................70
4.2.2 The Message tab of the AMHS unit ..................................................................... 71 The Details window .............................................................................................. 72
4.2.3 The Details tab of the AMHS unit ........................................................................ 73
4.2.4 The File tab of the AMHS unit .............................................................................. 76
5 FLIGHT PLAN MENU ......................................................................................... 77
5.1 Common FPL/ATS functions ............................................................................... 77
5.1.1 File .......................................................................................................................77
5.1.2 Template ..............................................................................................................77
5.1.3 Options ................................................................................................................78
5.2 Common FPL/ATS fields ..................................................................................... 78
5.3 The FPL - Flight Plan unit .................................................................................... 88
5.4 The DEP - Departure unit .................................................................................... 89
5.4.1 Fields ...................................................................................................................89
5.5 The DLA - Delay unit ........................................................................................... 89
5.6 The CHG - Change unit ....................................................................................... 90
5.6.1 Fields ...................................................................................................................91
5.7 The CNL - Cancel unit ......................................................................................... 91
5.7.1 Fields ...................................................................................................................92
5.8 The ARR - Arrival unit .......................................................................................... 92
5.8.1 Fields ...................................................................................................................92
5.9 The RQP - Request Flight Plan unit .................................................................... 92
5.10 The SPL - Supplementary Information unit .......................................................... 93
5.10.1 SPL fields.............................................................................................................93
5.11 The RQS - Request Supplementary Information unit .......................................... 96
5.12 The EST - Estimate message unit ....................................................................... 96
5.12.1 Fields ...................................................................................................................96
5.13 The CDN - Coordination message unit ................................................................ 97
5.13.1 Fields ...................................................................................................................98
5.14 The ACP - Acceptance message unit ................................................................ 106
5.15 The CPL - Current Flight Plan unit ..................................................................... 107

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User Manual

5.15.1 Fields .................................................................................................................108

5.16 The ALR - Alerting unit ...................................................................................... 109
5.16.1 Fields .................................................................................................................109
5.17 The RCF - Radio Communication Failure unit ................................................... 110
5.17.1 Fields .................................................................................................................111
6 ETFMS MENU ................................................................................................... 112
6.1 Common ETFMS functions ................................................................................ 112
6.1.1 File .....................................................................................................................112
6.1.2 Options ..............................................................................................................112
6.2 Common ETFMS fields ...................................................................................... 112
6.3 The FCM - Flight Confirmation unit .................................................................... 114
6.3.1 Fields .................................................................................................................115
6.4 The REA - Ready unit ........................................................................................ 115
6.4.1 Fields .................................................................................................................115
6.5 The RFI - Ready For Improvement unit ............................................................. 115
6.5.1 Fields .................................................................................................................116
6.6 The RJT - Rerouting Rejection unit ................................................................... 116
6.6.1 Fields .................................................................................................................116
6.7 The SMM - Slot Missed unit ............................................................................... 116
6.7.1 Fields .................................................................................................................117
6.8 The SPA - Slot Proposal Acceptance unit ......................................................... 117
6.8.1 Fields .................................................................................................................117
6.9 The SRJ - Slot Proposal Rejection unit ............................................................. 117
6.9.1 Fields .................................................................................................................118
6.10 SWM - SIP Wanted unit ..................................................................................... 118
6.10.1 Fields .................................................................................................................118
7 NOTAM MENU .................................................................................................. 119
7.1 Common Tam functions ..................................................................................... 119
7.1.1 File .....................................................................................................................119
7.1.2 Template ............................................................................................................120
7.1.3 Options ..............................................................................................................120
7.2 NOTAM unit .......................................................................................................120
7.2.1 Fields .................................................................................................................121
7.3 SNOWTAM unit ................................................................................................. 127
7.3.1 Fields .................................................................................................................129
7.4 BIRDTAM unit ....................................................................................................134
7.4.1 Fields .................................................................................................................134
7.5 ASHTAM unit .....................................................................................................135
7.5.1 Fields .................................................................................................................136
8 MET MENU ........................................................................................................ 139
8.1 Common MET functions .................................................................................... 139
8.1.1 File .....................................................................................................................139

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8.1.2 Template ............................................................................................................139 Options ..............................................................................................................140
8.2 Common MET fields .......................................................................................... 140
8.3 MET Bulletin unit ................................................................................................ 140
8.3.1 Fields .................................................................................................................140
8.4 AIRMET unit ......................................................................................................141
8.4.1 Fields .................................................................................................................141
8.5 AIREP unit .........................................................................................................144
8.5.1 Fields .................................................................................................................144
8.6 GAMET unit .......................................................................................................146
8.6.1 Fields .................................................................................................................146
8.7 METAR unit .......................................................................................................149
8.7.1 Fields .................................................................................................................149
8.8 PILOT unit ..........................................................................................................154
8.8.1 Fields .................................................................................................................154
8.9 RQM unit ............................................................................................................157
8.9.1 RQM line ............................................................................................................157 Fields of Bulletin section of the line ................................................................... 157 Fields of Report section of the line .................................................................... 157
8.10 SIGMET unit ......................................................................................................158
8.10.1 Fields .................................................................................................................158
8.11 SYNOP unit .......................................................................................................162
8.11.1 Fields .................................................................................................................163
8.12 TAF unit .............................................................................................................167
8.12.1 Functions ...........................................................................................................167
8.12.2 Fields .................................................................................................................167
8.13 TEMP unit ..........................................................................................................170
8.13.1 Fields .................................................................................................................170
9 TOOLS MENU ................................................................................................... 175
9.1 Template Browser .............................................................................................. 175
9.1.1 Functions ...........................................................................................................175 File .....................................................................................................................175 Options ..............................................................................................................175 Context menu ....................................................................................................176
9.2 Import Templates ............................................................................................... 177
9.2.1 Functions ...........................................................................................................177 File .....................................................................................................................177 Options ..............................................................................................................178
9.2.2 Fields .................................................................................................................178
9.2.3 Importing templates ........................................................................................... 178
9.3 Export Templates ............................................................................................... 180
9.3.1 Functions ...........................................................................................................180 File .....................................................................................................................180

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AviSuite - AMHS User Agent
User Manual Options ..............................................................................................................180

9.3.2 Fields .................................................................................................................181
9.3.3 Exporting templates ........................................................................................... 181
9.4 Change password .............................................................................................. 182
10 OPTIONS MENU ............................................................................................... 183
11 WINDOW MENU ............................................................................................... 184
12 HELP MENU ...................................................................................................... 185
ANNEX A ABBREVIATION ............................................................................................... 186
ANNEX B KEYBOARD MAPPING .................................................................................... 195
B.1 List of values ......................................................................................................195
B.2 Java shortcuts ....................................................................................................195
B.2.1 JApplet - Inside an Unit (Java L&F) ................................................................... 195
B.2.2 Standard components ........................................................................................ 196
B.2.2.1 JButton (Java L&F) ............................................................................................ 196
B.2.2.2 JCheckBox (Java L&F) ...................................................................................... 196
B.2.2.3 JRadioButton (Java L&F) ................................................................................... 196
B.2.2.4 JToggleButton (Java L&F) ................................................................................. 197
B.2.2.5 JComboBox (Java L&F) ..................................................................................... 197
B.2.2.6 JList (Java L&F) ................................................................................................. 198
B.2.2.7 JSlider (Java L&F) ............................................................................................. 199
B.2.3 Structured components ...................................................................................... 199
B.2.3.1 JTable (Java L&F) ............................................................................................. 199
B.2.3.2 JTree (Java L&F) ............................................................................................... 201
B.2.4 Menu, toolbar, and tooltip components .............................................................. 202
B.2.4.1 JMenuBar (Java L&F) ........................................................................................ 202
B.2.4.2 JMenu (Java L&F) ............................................................................................. 203
B.2.4.3 JMenuItem (Java L&F) ...................................................................................... 203
B.2.4.4 JCheckBoxMenuItem (Java L&F) ...................................................................... 204
B.2.4.5 JRadioButtonMenuItem (Java L&F) ................................................................... 204
B.2.4.6 JPopupMenu (Java L&F) ................................................................................... 205
B.2.4.7 JToolBar (Java L&F) .......................................................................................... 205
B.2.4.8 JToolTip (Java L&F) .......................................................................................... 206
B.2.5 Text components ............................................................................................... 206
B.2.5.1 JTextField (Java L&F) ........................................................................................ 206
B.2.5.2 JTextArea (Java L&F) ........................................................................................ 207
B.2.5.3 JTextPane (Java L&F) ....................................................................................... 209
B.2.5.4 JEditorPane (Java L&F) ..................................................................................... 211
B.2.6 Containers: frames, windows, panes, and icons ............................................... 212
B.2.6.1 JDesktopPane (Java L&F) ................................................................................. 212
B.2.6.2 JOptionPane (Java L&F) ................................................................................... 214
B.2.6.3 JDialog (Java L&F) ............................................................................................ 214
B.2.6.4 JScrollPane (Java L&F) ..................................................................................... 214

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B.2.6.5 JSplitPane (Java L&F) ....................................................................................... 215

B.2.6.6 JTabbedPane (Java L&F) .................................................................................. 216
B.2.6.7 JFrame (Java L&F) ............................................................................................ 217
B.2.6.8 JInternalFrame (Java L&F) ................................................................................ 217
B.2.6.9 JWindow (Java L&F) .......................................................................................... 218

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AviSuite - AMHS User Agent
User Manual

1.1 Purpose and scope
This manual is addressed to all users of the AMHS User Agent. It serves to become familiar
with the functions of the system and with existing possibilities of use. It provides information
for the daily operation.
Note: This manual shows all possible function the AMHS User Agent can handle.
According to the configuration of your system some functions may not be available
and some of the screenshots shown in the next sections and chapters may differ
from what your will see on your display.
1.2 Referenced documents
No referenced document.
1.3 Abbreviations
The list of abbreviations can be found in ANNEX A.

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User Manual

2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Starting the application / Web Start technology
The Java Web Start technology is used for the deployment of the AMHS User Agent. It works
with any browser and with any Web server. The main feature of this technology is the ability
to automatically download and install the application and / or the latest updates on the client
user machines.
A prerequisite to run the application is to have Java installed. Please contact the system
administrator for details on supported Java versions. The system administrator can also give
details on the information needed to connect to the web start server.
2.1.2 How to login
After having started AMHS User Agent, a login window is presented to the operator.

After a successful login a splash screen is displayed during start-up of the application and
then the connection history appears.

Then the AMHS User Agent main framework is displayed.

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After a successful initialization and start-up the available units are presented to the operator.
The icon bar gives a quick access to the most needed functions. The menu bar gives all
available functions (units).
AMHS User Agent is designed in MDI (Multiple Document Interface) concept. It is possible to
start several units within one main framework.
Each unit can only be started once within the framework. "Closing" a framework only ends
the displaying of the screen. Opening this unit again will display it as it was before it was
closed; if some parameters were already entered, they will be taken over by the next display
of the unit.
Each unit has its own menu bar and an icon bar for quick access to its main functions.
Shortcuts are only available in the framework.
2.1.3 Navigation
Each unit has a title line at its top.
The menu bars of the framework and of the units contain the topics that can be

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Screen navigation
Various elements such as lists, tabbed panes, combo boxes and single fields are
used in units. Please check the section: Keyboard mapping of this chapter for further
A popup is a display area that appears in a screen, overlaying the existing display. A
popup generally indicates which input is expected, provides navigation information
and, when necessary, indicates warnings / errors. A popup contains one of the
• A list of choices.
• An information message, a warning message or an error message.
2.2 Standard displayed elements
In the bottom row of the main AMHS User Agent window some standard information is
2.2.1 Time

The time in UTC is always displayed in rightmost part of this bottom row.
2.2.2 Login

Left from the time display the Login of the current operator is shown.
2.2.3 Connection status

Left from the login display possible connections to databases or channels according to the
type of application installed are displayed in form of a "traffic light".
Each "light" has its signification.
• Green light: all connection are ready
• Yellow light: some connections are broken
• Red light: all connections are broken

Clicking on the coloured light displays the name of the databases or channels and their
Note: For connections to databases of the legal recording, the operator shall first
start the legal recording function and execute a refresh before the system can show
the connection state. Connection states to channels are displayed immediately after
starting the AMHS User Agent window.

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2.3 Printing mechanism

The printing mechanism follows this philosophy:
• The data loaded or entered in the screen from which the print command is selected
will be printed out
In each application two different print functions are available. One prints data directly and
one shows a preview of the data that would be printed.
Using the print function will print the data currently displayed on the screen. e.g.:
• In case of a report retrieval the function will print the search criteria
• In case of a report result the function will print the report result itself
Clicking on the [Print]-button prints the data on the default printer.
Print Choice
Clicking on the Print Choice command in the File menu will open the printer dialogue
in order to choose the printer before the data is printed out.
Print Preview
The Preview command opens a new window which shows the current contents of the
form as it would appear if it were printed out. To use this functionality the form does
not need to be completely filled out.
The print out can be started directly from the print preview window. Clicking on the
[Print]-button or selecting Print in the File menu prints the form immediately to the
default printer. Selecting Print Choice in the File menu opens the printer dialogue.
After having selected the printer the current contents of the form will be printed out.
2.4 Template Finder
Clicking on the Template menu and selecting the function Load opens a new window called
Template Finder. If no template has been saved the template finder is empty.

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This window contains three parts:

The filter area
This is the upper line of the template chooser. It allows the operator to filter the
template list according to the characters typed in this area. e.g. If the operator types a
character in the second position the template area will only display the entries
containing this character as second character. To move from one position to the next
the operator can use the right and left arrow keys.
The template list
This is the main part of the template chooser. It displays the type of template and the
name of the template.
The preview area
This area shows a preview of the contents of the template.
Note: the NOTAM filter template chooser cannot display anything in this
2.5 Drop down menu
The main AMHS User Agent window contains following drop down menus.
2.5.1 The File menu

Closes the application.
2.5.2 The Messaging menu

Message Office
Opens the Message Office unit.
Opens the AMHS unit.

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2.5.3 The Flight Plan menu

FPL - Flight Plan

Opens the FPL - Flight Plan unit.
DEP - Departure
Opens the DEP - Departure unit.
DLA - Delay
Opens the DLA - Delay unit.
CHG - Change
Opens the CHG - Change unit.
CNL - Cancel
Opens the CNL - Cancel unit.
ARR - Arrival
Opens the ARR - Arrival unit.
RQP - Request Flight Plan
Opens the RQP - Request Flight Plan unit.
SPL - Supplementary Information
Opens the SPL - Supplementary Information unit.
RQS - Request supplementary Information
Opens the RQS - Request Supplementary Information unit.

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EST - Estimate message

Opens the EST - Estimate message unit.
CDN - Coordination message
Opens the CDN - Coordination message unit.
ACP - Acceptance message
Opens the ACP - Acceptance message unit.
CPL - Current Flight Plan
Opens the CPL - Current Flight Plan unit.
ALR - Alerting
Opens the ALR - Alerting unit.
RCF - Radio Communication Failure
Opens the RCF - Radio Communication Failure unit.
2.5.4 The ETFMS menu

FCM - Flight Confirmation Message

Opens the FCM - Flight Confirmation unit.
REA - Ready Message
Opens the REA - Ready unit.
RFI - Ready For Improvement Message
Opens the RFI - Ready For Improvement unit.
RJT - Rerouting Rejection Message
Opens the RJT - Rerouting Rejection unit.
SMM - Slot Missed Message
Opens the SMM - Slot Missed unit.
SPA - Slot Proposal Acceptance
Opens the SPA - Slot Proposal Acceptance unit.

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SRJ - Slot Proposal Rejection

Opens the The SRJ - Slot Proposal Rejection unit.
SWM - SIP Wanted Message
Opens the SWM - SIP Wanted unit.
2.5.5 The NOTAM menu

Opens the NOTAM unit.
Opens the SNOWTAM unit.
Opens the BIRDTAM unit.
Opens the ASHTAM unit.
2.5.6 The MET menu

MET Bulletin
Opens the MET Bulletin unit.
Opens the AIRMET unit.

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Opens the AIREP unit.
Opens the GAMET unit.
Opens the METAR unit.
Opens the PILOT unit.
Opens the RQM unit.
Opens the SIGMET unit.
Opens the SYNOP unit.
Opens the TAF unit.
Opens the TEMP unit.
2.5.7 The Tools menu

Template Browser
Opens the Template Browser.
Import Templates
Opens the Import Templates.
Export Templates
Opens the Export Templates.
Change Password
Opens the Change password window.

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2.5.8 The Options menu

Enable Tool Tips

Enables or disables the tool tips in the AMHS User Agent.
2.5.9 The Window menu

Close All
Closes automatically all units open in the AMHS User Agent.
Minimize All
Minimizes automatically all units open in the AMHS User Agent.
Restore All
Restores automatically all units open in the AMHS User Agent.
Pack All
Restores the original size of all units open in the AMHS User Agent.
2.5.10 The Help menu

Launch Help
Launches the general help file. For more detailed information please refer to the
chapter Help Menu.
Activates the context sensitive help function. For more detailed information please
refer to the chapter Help Menu.
Gives information about the copyright and the current version number of the

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Closes the application.

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4.1 The Message Office unit
The Message Office is used to monitor messages which have been sent and received by the
current operator.

It is divided in 3 parts:
• The channel tree of the Message Office.
• The message table of the Message Office.
• The message preview of the Message Office.
4.1.1 Message Office functions File

Refreshes the message list.

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Print Choice
Prints the current contents of the form. To use this functionality the form does not
need to be completely filled out. For more information about this function, please refer
to the section Printing mechanism of the chapter Basic skills.
Print Preview
Opens a new window which shows the current contents of the form as it would
appear if it were printed out. To use this functionality the form does not need to be
completely filled out. For more information about this function, please refer to the
section Printing mechanism of the chapter Basic skills.
Deletes messages selected. This can only be done in the User Area.
Reply to
Create a reply message with the address of the sender of the selected message.
Reply all
Create a reply message with the address of the sender and the addresses of all
recipients of the selected message.
Create a message with the contents of the Subject and of the body of the selected
Search Messages
Opens the search Unit in which parameters can be entered in order to search defined
Messages. For more information please refer to the section The search function of
this chapter.
Closes the Message Office Unit. Options

Show Toolbar
Hides or displays the toolbar.
Detailed printout
If this checkbox is ticked, the printout will contain details.

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Select Columns

Opens a window that allows the user to choose which columns are to be displayed in
the upper right pane of the selected node.
Note: The column selection applies to the selected folder and all its sub-
folders except for the search folder and the user Area.
For the search folder and the user Area the column selection applies to:
• Only the selected search results folder.
• Only the selected folder or sub-folder of the User Area
Show Connection History

Opens the following window that shows the history list of the connection.

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Allows configuring the channels of the Message Office as well as the auto process
profiles for each channel. For more information about these functions, please refer to
the sections AMHS Channel Configuration and Autoprocess Profiles of this chapter.
Online Message Monitor
Opens the Online Message Monitor. For more information about this function, please
refer to the section Online Message Monitor of this chapter. Context menus Context menu of the Search node

This context menu is only available in sub-folders of the Search node.

Opens the Search Unit with the last search settings used in the selected search

Deletes the selected folder and all the messages it contains.

Note: The Search Results folder cannot be deleted.
Clears the search results of the selected search folder.
Executes the search with the settings of the selected search folder.

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Adds a sub-folder to the selected user area node or folder.


Deletes the selected folder and all the messages it contains.


Renames the selected folder.

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View as Plain
Displays the message as plain text message in the AMHS viewer.
Displays the message in the corresponding mask.
View as...
Messages of type FPL can also be displayed in one of the ATS message masks.
Print Choice
Prints the current contents of the form. To use this functionality the form does not
need to be completely filled out. For more information about this function, please refer
to the section Printing mechanism of the chapter Basic skills.
Print Preview
Opens a new window which shows the current contents of the form as it would
appear if it were printed out. To use this functionality the form does not need to be
completely filled out. For more information about this function, please refer to the
section Printing mechanism of the chapter Basic skills.

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Create a message with the contents of the Subject and of the body of the selected
Reply to
Create a reply message with the address of the sender of the selected message.
Reply All
Create a reply message with the address of the sender and the addresses of all
recipients of the selected message.
Search for Related Messages
Searches the message office for messages related to the selected message. Related
messages can be:
• Reply messages connected to the selected message.
• Forward messages connected to the selected message.
• Notifications connected to the selected message.
• Reports connected to the selected message.
Move to processed
In the processed folder the selected message can thus be moved without being
displayed first in the corresponding viewer of mask. The search function

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Selecting the function Search Messages in the File menu or making a double click on the
Search Result node opens the Search Unit. This function allows the operator to search for
messages according to chosen criteria.
Note: If no criteria has been selected the search will be done over all messages. In
order for the search engine to work at its best capacity it is advised to select
nothing if the search has to be done over all possibilities of a criteria type.
Example: If the search has to be done in all messages of the Unprocessed node,
the Processed node and the Transmitted node, not selecting anything has the
same meaning in the search function than selecting each node but the search will
be slightly quicker. Functions File

Resets all the fields.
Search Messages
Starts the search according to the parameters set.
Next Search
Continues the search if more than 100 messages have been found.
Save Search Constraints
Saves the current search parameters as folder in the Search node.
Closes the search Unit. Options

Show Toolbar
Displays or hides the toolbar.

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User Manual Special Features

Wild cards
The operator can use the "%" character as a wild card in any text input field.
• Body text: %YX ---- The system will search for all messages
with the Body text ending with YX.
• Body text body: ETCC% ---- The system will search for all
messages with the Body text beginning with ETCC.
• Body text: %AFL% ---- The system will search for all messages
containing the string AFL in the Body text.
• Body text: %TEST%252% ---- The system will search for all
messages containing the string TEST and the string 252 in the
body text.
Selection lists
To select a block of successive entries in a selection list, the operator shall click on
the first entry to be selected, press the [Shift]-key and click on the last entry to be
To select entries that are not in a block the operator shall click on the first entry to be
selected, press the [Ctrl]-key, click on the next entry to be selected, keep the [Ctrl]-
key pressed, click on the next entry to be selected, and so on until the last entry. If
nothing has been selected, the search will occur in all possible entries of the selection
To deselect an entry in a list the operator shall press the [Ctrl]-key and click on the
entry to be deselected.
3 state checkbox
This special checkbox can have 3 different states:
• Plain - ignore: the criteria will be ignored during the search
• Not ticked - false: the search will be made for messages which do not
contain this criteria
• Ticked - true: the search will be made for messages which contain this

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User Manual Message Type

The search will be processed within the messages of the selected type and query. If no
message type has been selected the search will be processed within all message types.
It is possible to sort each column in ascending or descending order. Columns
A tick in the corresponding checkbox marks the message types to be used for the
search. If the checkbox is not ticked the message type will be excluded from the
Displays the icon of the different message types.
Displays the group to which the different message types belong.
Displays the name of the different message types.
Opens a new window for input of additional search criteria concerning this message

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User Manual Query

Clicking on the button in this column opens a new window for input of additional search
criteria. The fields contained in this window depend from the message type. The screenshot
above shows the query window for FPL.
If parameters have already been defined, clicking on the query button opens the window with
the existing parameters. These can be modified and accepted by clicking on the [OK]-button.
Note: In a Query form all fields are connected with "AND". This means that the
search function will search for messages containing all parameters set here.
Messages missing one or more parameters set will not be take into account.
Clears all fields.
Closes the window and displays a magnifying glass icon on the corresponding query
button, to show the operator some additional parameters have been entered.
Closes the window without taking the changes into account.

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AviSuite - AMHS User Agent
User Manual The AMHS tab

This is the general search tab. It allows the operator to set search criteria that apply to all
message types. To be able to make changes in the criteria of this tab the operator has to tick
the checkbox next to the tab name. If the checkbox next to the tab name is not ticked the
criteria set in this tab will not be taken into account during the search.
Message Status
The search will be processed within the messages held in the selected node(s)
Creation Time
The search will be processed within messages which delivery time is comprised
within the selected time range.
Last Changed Time
The search will be processed within messages which delivery time is comprised
within the selected time range.
Configured Channels
If more than one channel is configured, this field allows the operator to choose the
channel(s) in which the search will be executed.
Note: if only one channel is configured this field will not be displayed.

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User Manual The IPM tab

This tab allows the operator to set search criteria for message of the type PLAIN. To be able
to make changes in the criteria of this tab the operator has to tick the checkbox next to the
tab name. If the checkbox next to the tab name is not ticked the criteria set in this tab will not
be taken into account during the search.
The Ipm Tab is composed of four sub tabs:
• The IPM Details sub-tab
• The Deliv. Envelope sub-tab
• The Subm. Envelope sub-tab
• The Submission Result sub-tab

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User Manual The Ipn tab

This tab allows the operator to set search criteria for message of the type Ipn. To be able to
make changes in the criteria of this tab the operator has to tick the checkbox next to the tab
name. If the checkbox next to the tab name is not ticked the criteria set in this tab will not be
taken into account during the search.
The Ipn Tab is composed of four sub tabs:
• The Ipn Details sub-tab
• The Deliv. Envelope sub-tab
• The Subm. Envelope sub-tab
• The Submission Result sub-tab

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User Manual The Report tab

This tab allows the operator to set search criteria for message of the type Report. To be able
to make changes in the criteria of this tab the operator has to tick the checkbox next to the
tab name. If the checkbox next to the tab name is not ticked the criteria set in this tab will not
be taken into account during the search.
Subject MTS Identifier
The search will be processed within messages containing the given subject MTS
Content Identifier
The search will be processed within messages containing the given content identifier.
Original Encoded Information Types
The search will be processed within messages containing the given original encoded
information types.
Content Type
The search will be processed within messages containing the selected content
Reported Recipient Information
The search will look at the details set in the reported recipient information of the
Actual Recipient Name
The search will be processed within messages containing the given actual
recipient name.

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Delivery Time
The search will be processed within messages which delivery time is
comprised within the selected time range.
Type of MTS User
The search will be processed within messages containing the selected type of
MTS user.
Non-Delivery Reason Code
The search will be processed within messages containing the selected non-
delivery reason code. The Probe tab

This tab allows the operator to set search criteria for message of the type Probe. To be able
to make changes in the criteria of this tab the operator has to tick the checkbox next to the
tab name. If the checkbox next to the tab name is not ticked the criteria set in this tab will not
be taken into account during the search.
The Probe Tab is composed of two sub tabs:
• The Probe Detail sub-tab
• The Submission Result sub-tab

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User Manual Sub-tabs The IPM Details sub-tab

This tab allows the operator to set search criteria for IPM details of message of the type
PLAIN. To be able to make changes in the criteria of this tab the operator has to tick the
checkbox next to the tab name. If the checkbox next to the tab name is not ticked the criteria
set in this tab will not be taken into account during the search.
ATS Priority
The search will be processed within messages containing one of the selected ATS
Filing Time
The search will be processed within messages which filing time is comprised within
the selected time range.
The search will be processed within messages of one of the selected importance
The search will be processed within messages containing the given optional heading
IPM Originator
The search will be processed within the messages containing the given originator
address. No wild card can be used within this field
It is possible to enter the 8 letters of an AFTN address in this field when using wild
cards before and after the AFTN address string.
IPM Identifier
The search will be processed within messages containing the given IPM Identifier.

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The search will be processed within messages containing the given subject.
Body Text
The search will be processed within the messages containing the body text entered
Attachments (bytes)
The search will be processed within the messages containing attachments which size
is comprised in the range selected. Each attachment will be checked separately.
Ipm Recipients
The search will look at the details set for each recipient of the messages.
The search will be processed within the messages containing Ipm recipients
with the selected type(s)
• To
• CC
O/R Address
The search will be processed within the messages containing Ipm recipients
with the given OR address.
It is also possible to enter the 8 letters of an AFTN address in this field when
using wild cards before and after the AFTN address string.
Notification Request
The search will be processed within the messages containing Ipm recipients
with the selected notification report(s) The Ipn Details sub-tab

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This tab allows the operator to set search criteria for Ipn details of message of the type Ipn.
To be able to make changes in the criteria of this tab the operator has to tick the checkbox
next to the tab name. If the checkbox next to the tab name is not ticked the criteria set in this
tab will not be taken into account during the search.
Ipn Originator
The search will be processed within the messages containing the given Ipn originator
Ipn-Intended Recipient
The search will be processed within the messages containing the given Ipm-intended
recipient address.
Subject Ipm-Identifier
The search will be processed within messages containing the given subject Ipm-
Converted Encoded Information Types
The search will be processed within messages containing the given converted
encoded information types.
Receipt Information
The search will look at the details set in the receipt information of the message.
Receipt Time
The search will be processed within messages which receipt time is
comprised within the selected time range.
Acknowledge Mode
The search will be processed within the messages containing the selected
acknowledge mode. The Probe Detail sub-tab

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This tab allows the operator to set search criteria for details of message of the type Probe.
To be able to make changes in the criteria of this tab the operator has to tick the checkbox
next to the tab name. If the checkbox next to the tab name is not ticked the criteria set in this
tab will not be taken into account during the search.
Content Length
The search will be processed for probe messages with content length in the given
Original Encoded Information Types
The search will be processed within messages containing the given original encoded
information types.
Content Type
The search will be processed within messages containing the selected content
Content Identifier
The search will be processed within messages containing the given content identifier.
Envelope Originator
The search will be processed within messages containing the given envelope
Implicit Conv.
The search will be processed within messages containing or not containing "implicit
conversion prohibited".
Conv. w. loss
The search will be processed within messages containing or not containing
"conversion with loss prohibited".
The search will be processed within messages containing or not containing
"disclosure of other recipient Allowed".
Altn. Recip.
The search will be processed within messages containing or not containing "alternate
recipient allowed".
DL Exp.
The search will be processed within messages containing or not containing "delivery
list expansion prohibited".
Cont. Ret.
The search will be processed within messages containing or not containing "report
content return request".
The search will be processed within messages containing or not containing "recipient
reassignment prohibited".

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Latest delivery
The search will be processed within messages which latest delivery time is comprised
within the selected time range.
Envelope Recipients
The search will be processed within messages containing the given recipient
Originator Report Request
The search will be processed within messages containing the selected
originator report request. The Deliv. Envelope sub-tab

This tab allows the operator to set search criteria for the delivery envelope of message of the
type PLAIN. To be able to make changes in the criteria of this tab the operator has to tick the
checkbox next to the tab name. If the checkbox next to the tab name is not ticked the criteria
set in this tab will not be taken into account during the search.
X.400 Priority
The search will be processed within messages containing one of the selected X.400
Original Encoded Information Types
The search will be processed within messages containing the given original encoded
information types.
Content Type
The search will be processed within messages containing the selected content

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Content Identifier
The search will be processed within messages containing the given content identifier.
MTS Identifier
The search will be processed within messages containing the given MTS identifier.
Envelope Originator
The search will be processed within messages containing the given envelope
Envelope Recipients
The search will be processed within messages containing the given envelope
Delivery Time
The search will be processed within messages which delivery time is comprised
within the selected time range.
Implicit Conv.
The search will be processed within messages containing or not containing "implicit
conversion prohibited".
Conv. w. loss
The search will be processed within messages containing or not containing
"conversion with loss prohibited". The Subm. Envelope sub-tab

This tab allows the operator to set search criteria for the submission envelope of message of
the type PLAIN. To be able to make changes in the criteria of this tab the operator has to tick
the checkbox next to the tab name. If the checkbox next to the tab name is not ticked the
criteria set in this tab will not be taken into account during the search.

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X.400 Priority
The search will be processed within messages containing one of the selected X.400
Original Encoded Information Types
The search will be processed within messages containing the given original encoded
information types.
Content Type
The search will be processed within messages containing the selected content
Content Identifier
The search will be processed within messages containing the given content identifier.
Envelope Originator
The search will be processed within messages containing the given envelope
Implicit Conv.
The search will be processed within messages containing or not containing "implicit
conversion prohibited".
Conv. w. Loss
The search will be processed within messages containing or not containing
"conversion with loss prohibited".
The search will be processed within messages containing or not containing
"disclosure of other recipients".
Altn. Recip.
The search will be processed within messages containing or not containing "alternate
recipient allowed".
DL Exp.
The search will be processed within messages containing or not containing "delivery
list expansion prohibited".
Cont. Ret.
The search will be processed within messages containing or not containing "report
content return request".
The search will be processed within messages containing or not containing "recipient
reassignment prohibited".
Latest delivery
The search will be processed within messages which latest delivery time is comprised
within the selected time range.

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Envelope Recipients
Recipients Address
The search will be processed within messages containing the given recipient
Originator Report Request
The search will be processed within messages containing the selected
originator report request. The Submission Result sub-tab

This tab allows the operator to set search criteria for the submission results of message of
the type PLAIN. To be able to make changes in the criteria of this tab the operator has to tick
the checkbox next to the tab name. If the checkbox next to the tab name is not ticked the
criteria set in this tab will not be taken into account during the search.
Submission Time
The search will be processed within messages which submission time is comprised
within the selected time range.
MTS Identifier
The search will be processed within messages containing the given MTS identifier.

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AviSuite - AMHS User Agent
User Manual The AMHS Viewer unit

A double click on a PLAIN message in the Message Office opens the AMHS Viewer.

Some fields in the Details tab and the whole Traces tab depend on the kind of message
viewed: transmitted or received.
The AMHS Viewer is composed of three different tabs:
• The Message tab of the AMHS Viewer
• The Details tab of the AMHS Viewer
• The Traces tab of the AMHS Viewer
If a file has been attached to the message, a fourth tab is displayed: The File tab of the
AMHS Viewer

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Creates and sends a receipt notification. This function is only active for messages
with Priority SS for which no receipt notification has yet been sent.
Reply to
Create a reply message with the address of the sender of the selected message.
Reply all
Create a reply message with the address of the sender and the addresses of all
recipients of the selected message.
Create a message with the contents of the Subject and of the body of the selected
Print Choice
Prints the current contents of the form. To use this functionality the form does not
need to be completely filled out. For more information about this function, please refer
to the section Printing mechanism of the chapter Basic skills.
Print Preview
Opens a new window which shows the current contents of the form as it would
appear if it were printed out. To use this functionality the form does not need to be
completely filled out. For more information about this function, please refer to the
section Printing mechanism of the chapter Basic skills.
Closes the AMHS Viewer Options

Show Toolbar
Displays or hides the toolbar.
AFTN Style Address Display
Switches the view of addresses for AMHS to AFTN and vice versa.

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AviSuite - AMHS User Agent
User Manual The Message tab of the AMHS Viewer

All fields of the AMHS viewer are Display only.

ATS Prio
The ATS Priority Indicator of the AMHS message.
Filing Time
The Filing Time of the AMHS message. The format of the Filing Time is specified as
The Optional Heading Information of the AMHS message.
Address of the originator of the message.
The addressees of the AMHS message.
A right mouse click in this field makes the following context window appear:

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The operator can then choose to:

• Show the details for the selected address
• Translate all addresses from AMHS to AFTN and vice versa.
The subject of the AMHS message.
Message Text
The body of the AMHS message.
The Details window
The details window shows some detail settings for the selected address. The Details tab of the AMHS Viewer
All fields of the AMHS viewer are Display only.
Received messages

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Transmitted messages

IPM Identifier
The Interpersonal Message Identifier. It is a unique identifier automatically given by
the User Agent. This identifier is part of the Header of the message.
MTS identifier
The Message Transfer Service Identifier. It is automatically given by the MTA. It will
be used in Reports in order to refer to the subject message.
The transfer priority of the AMHS message. This indicator is on the envelope of the
message. It can have the following values:
• Non-urgent
• Normal
• Urgent

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This parameter is included in the header of the AMHS message. It shows the
recipient the importance the originator gives to the message. It can have the following
• Low
• Normal
• High
This parameter is for military use only. It can have the following values:
• Not sensitive
• Personal
• Private
• Company-confidential
Reception time
The timestamp the application has given to the message by the time of the reception.
Note: This field is only in the AMHS Viewer for received messages.
Delivery time
The date and time of the delivery of the message
Note: This field is only in the AMHS Viewer for received messages.
Transmission Time
The timestamp the application has given to the message by the time of the
Note: This field is only in the AMHS Viewer for transmitted messages.
Submission Time
The date and time at which the AMHS message was delivered.
Note: This field is only in the AMHS Viewer for transmitted messages.
Deferred Delivery Time
The date and time until when the MTS differs the delivery of the message.
Note: This field is only in the AMHS Viewer for transmitted messages.
Reply Time
The date and time until when the recipient can reply to the message.

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Latest Delivery Time

The date and time until when the message shall be delivered. If the message has not
been delivered until then, it will be erased.
Note: This field is only in the AMHS Viewer for transmitted messages.
Expiry Time
The date and a time until when the message is valid.
Envelope Originator Address
The address of the originator of the AMHS message envelope.
Originator Return Address
The originator return address.
Content Type
The content standard used.
Content Identifier
Identifier automatically given by the User Agent. It will be used in Reports.
Encoded Information Types
The code type of the information contained in the message.
Additional Mail Properties
Alternate Recipient Allowed
Determines whether or not the MTA can sent the message to the alternate
recipient if the addressee is not reachable.
Note: This field is only in the AMHS Viewer for transmitted messages.
Conversion With Loss Prohibited
Determines whether or not the MTA is allowed to convert the text in another
format without any loss of the contents.
Disclosure of Other Recipients Allowed
Determines whether or not the O/R addresses of other recipients are to be
indicated to each recipient at delivery.
Note: This field is only in the AMHS Viewer for transmitted
DL Expansion Prohibited
Determines whether or not the MTA is allowed to expand an address in a
delivery list and send the message to all of its subscribers if it recognizes one
as such and not as a unique address.
Note: This field is only in the AMHS Viewer for transmitted

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Implicit Conversion Prohibited

Determines whether or not the MTA is allowed to convert the text in another
Receipt Reassignment Prohibited
Determines whether or not the originator prohibits the intended recipients from
redirecting the submitted message.
Note: This field is only in the AMHS Viewer for transmitted
messages. The File tab of the AMHS Viewer
All fields of the AMHS viewer are Display only.
The File tab is only displayed in the AMHS Viewer if the viewed message has an attached
A double click on an attached file opens it.

Name of the file.
Size of the file.

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AviSuite - AMHS User Agent
User Manual The Traces tab of the AMHS Viewer

All fields of the AMHS viewer are Display only.
The Traces tab is only displayed in the AMHS Viewer for received messages.

Trace Information
Information about the own domain.
Internal trace Information
Information about each MTA through which the message was transmitted.

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AviSuite - AMHS User Agent
User Manual Online Message Monitor

The Online allows the operator to monitor when messages are sent or received by his / her
Message Office. Functions File

Clears the Message Monitoring.
Start monitoring
Starts the monitoring.
Stop monitoring
Stops the monitoring.
Closes the Online Message Monitor.

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User Manual Options

Show Toolbar
Displays or hides the toolbar.
Opens the filter chooser.
Filters are stored search parameters. The filter names and parameters therefore
correspond to the folders that can be found under the Search node.
To change the parameters of the message monitoring filter, the operator shall change
the parameters of the corresponding search folder.
Clear Filter
Clears the display filter.
Enlarge Font (Ctrl +)
Enlarges the font of the Message Monitoring. This will occur at the next message
received or sent.
Shrink Font (Ctrl -)
Shrinks the font of the Message Monitoring. This will occur at the next message
received or sent.
If this checkbox is ticked the messages displayed on the online message monitor will
automatically be printed out.
Note: To enable the autoprint function the printer has to be a matrix
printer with endless paper and has to be defined as the standard printer
of the PC. The message monitoring
This is the main part of the Online Message Monitor, it displays the following parameters
concerning the message:
• The direction: transmitted or received
• The type of message: PLAIN, NOTAM, FPL, DEP...
• The date and time
• The priority
• The date time group

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• The AFTN address of the originator

• The addressees
• The subject, if any
• The text The AMHS Channel Configuration

The AMHS channel configuration allows the administrator to modify AMHS the channel.
Note: Always restart the client on which a channel is running after modification.
The AMHS channel configuration is divided in two tabs:
• The General Settings tab
• The MTA Device tab Functions File

Reloads the last saved channel data
Saves the current AMHS channel. This is only possible if the AMHS channel has
already been named with the Save As function.

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Prints the current contents of the form. To use this functionality the form does not
need to be completely filled out. For more information about this function, please refer
to the section Printing mechanism of the chapter Basic skills.
Print Choice
Opens the print function to enable the choice of the printer on which the printout will
be done.
Closes the Unit. The General Settings tab

Channel Name
The name of the channel. This is a read only field.
Activation Date
The date and time when the Channel was last used from a client. This is a read only
Session Type
Type of connection to the MTA.
• P3: MTS (message transfer system) access protocol. The user agent is
directly connected to the MTA
• P7: MS (message store) access protocol. The user agent is connected to the
MTA via a message store.
O/R Address
The O/R Address of the channel. According to the addressing scheme chosen the
syntax used for the O/R address is different.
Message Quota [kB]
The maximum volume (in kB) of the message texts sent within the retention time.
Used Message Quota [kB]
Volume (in kB) the files attached message texts sent within the retention time already

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The contents of the alignment function to be used with this channel.
Retention Time
The number of days messages will be retained before automatic deletion.
Attachment Quota [kB]
The maximum volume (in kB) of the files attached sent within the retention time.
Used Attachment Quota [kB]
Volume (in kB) of the files attached sent within the retention time already used.
Initial State
The initial connection state of the channel.
• CONN_BY_HOST: The connection is automatically initiated by the host
• DISCONNECTED: The channel is disconnected.
Current State
The current state of the channel. This is a read only field.
• INACTIVE The MTA Device tab

The name of the MTA device used with this channel. This is a read only field.
The direction of the MTA device
• IN

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Server /MTA
The network address of the MTA Server.
Opens the following dialog to configure the presentation address.

The presentation selector (PSEL)
The session selector (SSEL)
The transport selector (TSEL)
The server IP address of symbolic name.
The TCP port number
The password to authenticate towards the MTA.
Connection Check Settings
If this checkbox is ticked, cyclic connection checks will be used.
The interval in milliseconds between two connection checks.

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User Manual Autoprocess Profiles

The Autoprocess Profiles function enables the operator to process automatically messages
after they have spent a given time in the unprocessed folder of the Message Office. Functions File

Clears the fields.
Loads a route part.
Saves the current route part.
Save As
Saves the current route part under a new name.
Deletes the current route part.
Closes this Unit.

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Name of the profile
States if the profile is the active one or not.
Note: only one profile can be active at a given time.
Last changed
The date and time when the profile was last modified.
Name of the channel on which the autoprocess rule applies.
Lifetime (min)
Recurrence in minutes for the autoprocess rule.
Filter applied to the autoprocess rule. The filter has to be a stored search constraint. If
nothing is set in this field, all unprocessed messages will be transferred to the
processed folder after the time set in the Lifetime field.
4.1.2 The channel tree of the Message Office The ID node

At the top of the left hand pane a node with the ICAO address assigned to the operator
logged in is displayed.

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An icon on this node shows if the connection is up or down:

Connection up

The icon is green.

Connection down

The icon is red.

Note: the icon remains red until the Message Office receives a new
message, or the operator goes online.

A left mouse click on the connection icon opens a context menu that allows the operator to
switch the channel connection to online or to offline.
From this pane it is possible to see all messages sent and received by this ICAO address.
The messages received are sorted in 3 folders within the node with the operator's ICAO
address. These folders are the status of the message: Unprocessed, Processed and
Transmitted. In the Processed and in the Transmitted folders the messages are sorted in
new sub-folders, the name of which is a date in the format Year, Month and Day. The newest
date always situated at the top of the list. The number of days displayed is configurable by
the administrator.

Clicking on the latch symbol of a folder will expand it to show all dates for that status.

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All messages received appear at first in the Unprocessed folder. Once they have been read
they will be moved automatically into the Processed folder.
Messages sent by this ICAO address will be placed in the Transmitted folder. Next to each
of these folder names is a number showing how many messages are contained in each
folder. The Search node
Below the ID node is the Search node. It has a folder in which the search results of an
unsaved search will be displayed. Further folder will be displayed if the user saves the
settings of a search with the Save Search Constraints button or action in the Search File
Selecting a folder in the Search node and clicking on the right mouse button opens the
context menu in which the user can:
• Edit the search parameters.
• Delete the folder.
• Clear the search results in the selected folder.
• Execute the search with the existing parameters.
Note: the Search Result folder cannot be deleted.
For more information about the search function, please refer to the section The search
function of this chapter. The User Area node
Below the Search node is the User Area node. This node is where the operator can create
folders and organize messages as it best suits his / her needs. Messages received and
stored in the ID node cannot be deleted nor moved but they can be copied into the User Area
node using the drag and drop function. Here the copies can be organized into useful groups
and deleted when they are no longer needed.
Selecting the Display Area node or a folder of the Display Area and clicking on the right
mouse button opens the context menu in which it is possible to add, delete or rename a
Note: The node User Area cannot be renamed nor removed.

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To delete one message in the message Area the user has to select the message and click
on the [Delete]-button or select the Delete function in the File menu.
4.1.3 The message table of the Message Office

Selecting a folder in the channel tree of the Message Office will display the contents of that
folder in the message table.
The items in this table can be ordered by any of the column headers simply by clicking on
that header with the mouse.
The order in which the columns are displayed can be changed by changing the column order
in the Select Columns window of the Options menu. In this menu it is also possible to add or
remove some columns.
Messages in this table can be opened in different ways:
• A single click on a message displays the contents in the message preview of the
Message Office.
• A double click on a message displays the message in the AMHS Viewer unit if it is a
PLAIN text message and in the corresponding form when the message format has
been recognised.
• A right mouse click on a message will produce a list of forms appropriate for the
display of that message.
The columns in this table are the following:
AFTN Priority.
Changed by
Name of the operator who changed the message.
Changed on
Date when the message was changed.
Date and time when the message was created.
Address of the originator.
Internal identifier of the message.

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Information symbols concerning the message:
• Reply to
• Reply All
• Forward
• Attachment
Message text
Text of the message.
Subject of the message if any.
The status of the message.

Status Meaning

O Transmitted: The message has been transmitted successfully.

P Processed: The received message has been processed.

U Unprocessed: The received message is still unprocessed.

X Unsent: The message has not yet been transmitted. This status exist in the short
period of time between the moment the operator has clicked on the [Send]-button
and the moment the message has been totally processed by the system.

delivered time.
Address of the first recipient.
Message type such as PLAIN, FPL, DEP, NT, SW...
4.1.4 The message preview of the Message Office

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This pane displays the message selected in the message table of the Message Office.
A set of headings appear here, they are described below:
Message type such as PLAIN, FPL, DEP, NT, SW...
The date and time the message was received.
ATS Prio.
The ATS priority assigned to the message.
Filing Time
The time at which the message was received by the AFTN handler, expressed as
Day Hour Minute.
The Optional Header Information attached to the message.
X.400 Prio.
The X.400 priority assigned to the message.
The X.400 importance assigned to the message.
The X.400 Sensitivity assigned to the message.
The date and time of the message delivery.
Reply until
Maximum date and time of a needed reply.
Expiration date and time of the message.
Subject of the message.
The addresses of the recipient to whom this message was addressed.
The message contents.

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4.2 The AMHS unit

The AMHS input/output form, also called User Agent, is used to create and display AMHS
AMHS messages can only be created by using the AMHS input/output mask or by creating a
message in a template mask (e.g. FPL for Flight plan, SNOWTAM...).
If a template mask has been uses the compiled message is copied into the message text
field of the AMHS form by clicking on the [Send via AMHS]-button of this form. At least
Priority and Destination address(es) have to be filled in before sending the AMHS message.
4.2.1 AMHS functions
The Menu Bar contains all the pull-down menus, which are available in the window. If here is
an underlined letter in the menu bar or its pull-down menu it is possible to invoke the function
by using the [Alt]-key in conjunction with the letter key. An opened pull-down menu can be
closed by hitting the [ESC]-key.

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Clears the form fields.
Print Choice
Prints the current contents of the form. To use this functionality the form does not
need to be completely filled out. For more information about this function, please refer
to the section Printing mechanism of the chapter Basic skills.
Print Preview
Opens a new window which shows the current contents of the form as it would
appear if it were printed out. To use this functionality the form does not need to be
completely filled out. For more information about this function, please refer to the
section Printing mechanism of the chapter Basic skills.
Sends the data.
Send as Probe
Sends the data as a probe massage.
Attaches a document to the message.
Closes the frame. Template

Load an existing template.

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Save the current template.
Save As
Save the data in the current window as a template.
Delete the current template. Options

Show Toolbar
Hides or displays the toolbar.
AFTN Style Text Field
Displays the message field in the AFTN style or in the AMHS style. In the AFTN style
a Text size field is displayed in the Message Text Part.
Address View Style
Opens a sub-menu in which the operator can select the view of address style.
AFTN Address Auto-Jump
If this checkbox is ticked the cursor jumps automatically to the next address field after
the 8th character had been typed.
Default ATS Priority
Opens a sub-menu in which the operator can select the default ATS priority of any
new AFTN message.

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4.2.2 The Message tab of the AMHS unit

ATS Prio
The ATS Priority Indicator. This a combo-box that offers all valid ATS priorities for
• SS: Distress messages
• DD: Urgency messages
• FF: Flight safety message
• GG: Meteorological, flight regularity and AIS messages
• KK: Aeronautical administrative messages
Filing Time
The Filing Time is automatically updated by the system when the message is sent,
the current time will then be inserted by the system. The format of the Filing Time is
specified as 'ddHHmm'
The Optional Heading Information according to ICAO, Annex 10, amendment 71, is
specified as information that can be added to fill up the remainder of the Origin Line.
This means that it can carry up to 48 characters for messages of priority 'SS' and up
to 53 characters for all other messages. The allowed character set is the same as for
the message body.

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This line shows the Address of the originator of the message. It is not possible to
change it.
This is the list of addressees of a message. Like in an e-mail they can be assigned
• TO
• CC
A right mouse click in this field makes the following context window appear:

The operator can then choose to:

• Show the details for the selected address
• Delete the selected address from the list of recipients
• Clear the list of recipients
• Translate all addresses from AMHS to AFTN and vice versa. The background
of addresses that can be translated will turn green, whereas the background
of addresses that cannot be translated will turn red.
Like in an e-mail it is possible to give a subject to an AMHS message.
Message Text
The text field displays the body of the AMHS message. The Details window

The details window shows some detail settings for the selected address. Here it is possible
to set particular settings for a given recipient for their message. By sending the AMHS
message these settings will be used by the system instead of the global settings (of the
same nature) of the Details tab.

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4.2.3 The Details tab of the AMHS unit

This parameter defines the transfer priority of the message. It will have an influence
on the place the message will take in the outgoing queue. This indicator is on the
envelope of the AMHS message. It can have the following values:
• Non-urgent
• Normal
• Urgent
This parameter is included in the header of the AMHS message. It shows the
recipient the importance the originator gives to the message. It can have the following
• Low
• Normal
• High

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This parameter is for military use only. It can have the following values:
• Not sensitive
• Personal
• Private
• Company-confidential
Originator Report Request
This parameter has the same action as the parameter of the same name in the
details pop up window of the Recipients line. Setting or changing this parameter will
change the values for all recipients. This parameter is noted on the envelope of the
AMHS message. It can have the following values:
• Always
• Never
• Only if delivery fails
The Content Type Drop Down Menu
This menu shows the different standards that can be used. The following values are
• interpersonal-messaging-1984 (2)
• interpersonal-messaging-1988 (22)
Deferred Delivery Time
This is an X.400 standard. If this check box is selected a date and a time can be
chosen. With this parameter the originator can differ the delivery of the message; in
this case the recipient system will only give the message over on the chosen date
and time. This parameter is noted on the envelope of the AMHS message.
Reply Time
If this check box is selected a date and a time can be chosen. The recipient can reply
to the message until the chosen date and time. After this given time the Reply
Request parameter is no longer valid. This parameter is noted in the header of the
AMHS message.
Latest Delivery Time
If this check box is selected a date and a time can be chosen. With this parameter the
message will only be delivered until the chosen date and time. If the message has not
been delivered until then, it will be erased. In this case, if the Originator Report
Request is set to Always, or Only if delivery fails, the originator of the message will
receive a non-delivery report. This parameter is noted on the envelope of the AMHS

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Expiry Time
If this check box is selected a date and a time can be chosen. The message is only
valid until the chosen date and time. After this given time the content of the message
is no longer valid. This parameter is noted in the header of the AMHS message.
Note: The Deferred Delivery Time, the Reply Time, the Latest Delivery
Time and the Expiry Time check boxes cannot be set in the templates.
They have to be set by each new message if they are needed.
Alternate Recipient Allowed
This option determines whether or not the MTA can sent the message to the alternate
recipient if the addressee is not reachable. If this check box is not selected the
originator will receive a non-delivery report with the cause alternate recipient not
Conversion With Loss Prohibited
This option determines whether or not the MTA is allowed to convert the text in
another format without any loss of the contents. If there is some loss of the contents
and this option is activated, the message will not be sent and the originator will
receive a non-delivery report with the cause conversion with loss.
Disclosure of Other Recipients Allowed
This option determines whether or not the O/R addresses of other recipients are to be
indicated to each recipient at delivery.
DL Expansion Prohibited
This option determines whether or not the MTA is allowed to expand an address in a
delivery list and send the message to all of its subscribers if it recognizes one as such
and not as a unique address. If the MTA recognizes an address as a delivery list and
this option is activated the list will not be expanded and the message will not be
delivered. The Originator of the message will receive a non-delivery report with cause
Delivery list not expanded.
Implicit Conversion Prohibited
This option determines whether or not the MTA is allowed to convert the text in
another format. If the format of the text sent is not recognized by the recipient's
system and this option is activated, the originator of the message will receive a non-
delivery report with the cause unknown text format.
Receipt Reassignment Prohibited
This option determines whether or not the originator prohibits the intended recipients
from redirecting the submitted message.

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4.2.4 The File tab of the AMHS unit

The file tab is only displayed in the AMHS Unit if the AMHS message contains a file
attached. It shows a list which displays the attached file.
Name of the file.
Size of the file.

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5.1 Common FPL/ATS functions
5.1.1 File

Clears the form fields.
Print Choice
Prints the current contents of the form. To use this functionality the form does not
need to be completely filled out. For more information about this function, please refer
to the section Printing mechanism of the chapter Basic skills.
Print Preview
Opens a new window which shows the current contents of the form as it would
appear if it were printed out. To use this functionality the form does not need to be
completely filled out. For more information about this function, please refer to the
section Printing mechanism of the chapter Basic skills.
Send Over AMHS
Transfers the data contained in the template to the AMHS window. Once in the
AMHS window the FPL AMHS message has to be completed by defining the priority,
adding heading information, subject (optional) and recipient(s), then the message can
be send externally.
Closes this window.
5.1.2 Template
Templates are used to store messages for reuse. Every user has the ability to store and
open their own private templates. In addition global templates may be used to form the basis
of a new FPL message. Templates can be loaded, saved (local) or saved (global) or deleted.
Template areas (local/global) can be organized by using subfolders.

Loads an existing template.

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Saves the current template.
Save As
Saves the data in the current window as a template or saves the loaded template
under a new name.
Delete the current template.
5.1.3 Options

Show Toolbar
Hides or displays the toolbar.
5.2 Common FPL/ATS fields
Aircraft ID or call sign
This is the aircraft identification. The maximum size is seven characters containing
the registration marking of the aircraft (e.g. EDHOK) or the ICAO designator of the
aircraft operating agency followed by the flight identification (e.g. KLM520).
This field is mandatory.
Example: AC878
SSR Code
Ticking the SSR Code mode "A" check box will enable the user to enter an SSR
This field is optional.
Flight Rules
This is the category of the flight rules with which the pilot intends to comply:

Code Description



Y IFR first

Z VFR first

In case of Y or Z a point or some points must be specified in item 15 where a change

of the flight rules will occur.
This field is mandatory.

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Flight Type
This is the type of flight. This can be set to one of the following values:

Code Description

G General aviation

M Military

N Non-scheduled air transport

S Scheduled air transport

X Other flights

This field is mandatory.

Aircraft Number
This field identifies the total number of aircrafts covered by this flight plan. Normally
this value is set to 1 however for formation flights the total number of aircrafts should
be stated here.
This field is mandatory if there is more than 1 aircraft. It can be omitted if the
number of aircraft is 1.
Aircraft Type
This is the aircraft type as specified in ICAO Doc 8643, Aircraft Type Designators. If
no such designator has been assigned, or in case of formation flights comprising
more than one type use ZZZZ and the numbers and types in item 18 by 'TYP/' (e.g.
"TYP/3TOR 14A319").
This field is mandatory.
Aircraft Wake
The wake turbulence is assigned to each aircraft type and can also be found in ICAO
Doc 8643, Aircraft Type Designators.
The following definitions are to be used to assign the wake turbulence category of the

Code Description

J Unclassified

H HEAVY: maximum certificated take-off mass of 136 000 kg or more

M MEDIUM: maximum certificated take-off mass less than 136 000 kg but more than 7
000 kg

L LIGHT: maximum certificated take-off mass of 7 000 kg or less

This field is mandatory.

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Aircraft Equipment

This field identifies the radio communication, navigation and approach aid equipment
used by the aircraft.
Pressing the [F4]-key displays a window in which the operator can select the aircraft
equipment to be entered in this field. The aircraft equipment can also be entered


N No COM/NAV/approach aid equipment carried or equipment is unserviceable

S COM/NAV/approach aid equipment (VHF, RTF, VOR and ILS) is available and

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M3 ATC RTF (Iridium)



Y VHF with 8.33 kHz channel spacing capability

Data Link












R PBN approved

W RVSM approved

X MNPS approved

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conv. NAV




I Inertial Navigation






A GBAS landing system


G External GNSS augmentation


P1 Reserved for RCP

P2 Reserved for RCP

P3 Reserved for RCP

P4 Reserved for RCP

P5 Reserved for RCP

P6 Reserved for RCP

P7 Reserved for RCP

P8 Reserved for RCP

P8 Reserved for RCP

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Z Other equipment carried or other capabilities (to be specified in item 18)

This field is mandatory.

Surveillance Equipment

This field indicates which surveillance equipment is carried.

Pressing the [F4]-key displays a window in which the operator can select the
surveillance equipment to be entered in this field. The surveillance equipment can
also be entered manually.


N No surveillance equipment available or equipment is unserviceable


A Transponder - Mode A (4 digits - 4 096 codes)

C Transponder - Mode A (4 digits - 4 096 codes) and Mode C

SSR Mode S

E Transponder - Mode S, including aircraft identification, pressure-altitude and extended

squitter (ADS-B) capability

H Transponder - Mode S, including aircraft identification, pressure-altitude and enhanced

surveillance capability

I Transponder - Mode S, including aircraft identification, but no pressure-altitude


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SSR Mode S

L Transponder - Mode S, including aircraft identification, pressure-altitude, extended

squitter (ADS-B) and enhanced surveillance capability

P Transponder - Mode S, including pressure-altitude, but no aircraft identification


S Mode S, including both pressure altitude and aircraft identification capability

X Transponder - Mode S with neither aircraft identification nor pressure-altitude capability


B1 ADS-B with dedicated 1090 MHz ADS-B "out" capability

B2 ADS-B with dedicated 1090 MHz ADS-B "out" and "in" capability

U1 ADS-B "out" capability using UAT

U2 ADS-B "out" and "in" capability using UAT

V1 ADS-B "out" capability using VDL Mode 4

V2 ADS-B "out" and "in" capability using VDL Mode 4


D1 ADS-C with FANS 1/A capabilities

G1 ADS-C with ATN capabilities

This field is mandatory.

This is the four-letter ICAO location indicator to identify the departure aerodrome e.g.
EDNY for Friedrichshafen/Germany. If the aircraft departs from a non-ICAO location
indicator use ZZZZ and specify the name of the aerodrome in the "Other" field (item
18) by 'DEP/', e.g. 'DEP/Friedrichshafen am Bodensee'.
This field is mandatory.
This field indicates the estimated or the actual time of departure submitted in a flight
plan in the format HHMM.
This field is mandatory.

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This field indicates the date of flight in format YYMMDD. It is prefilled with the actual
Usually this field is optional but if the DOF is not today than is this field
mandatory. Item 18 DOF/ is automatically synchronized with the entry in DOF.
Example: DOF/040906
This is the four-letter ICAO location indicator to identify the destination aerodrome
e.g. EDDM for Munich/Germany. If the aircraft destination is a non-ICAO location
indicator use ZZZZ and specify the name of the aerodrome in the "Other" field (item
18) by 'DEST/', e.g. 'DEST/Friedrichshafen am Bodensee'.
This field is mandatory.
This field indicates the estimated elapsed time for the flight in format HHMM.
This field is mandatory.
Alternate 1 and 2
This is the four-letter ICAO location indicator to identify alternate destinations. Like in
DEP and DEST, ZZZZ is used to indicate a non-ICAO location. Specify the name of
the aerodrome in the "Other" field (item 18) by 'ALTN/'.
Two alternate aerodromes are supported, however if both are required to be shown in
the "Other" field only one ALTN/ flag can be used so both alternate aerodromes need
to be listed under it. E.g. "ALTN/FIRST CHOICE OR SECOND CHOICE".
This field is mandatory for IFR flights. This field is optional for VFR flights.
Note: only one ZZZZ input is allowed.
The field Route is Item 15 of the ICAO FPL. The item 15 always starts with the first
cruising speed and the first cruising level.
Cruising speed:
Indicates the speed of the flight in terms of the following:
• K - (kilometres per hour) followed by 4 digits, e.g. K0250
• N - (knots) followed by 4 figures, e.g. N0420
• M - (Mach number) followed by 3 figures giving the nearest hundredth of unit
Mach, e.g. M075 is 0.75 Mach
Cruising Level:
Indicates the planned cruising level in terms of the following:
• F - (flight level in hundreds of feet) followed by 3 figures, e.g. F200
• A - (altitude in hundreds of feet) followed by 3 figures, e.g. A060
• M - (altitude in tens of meters:) followed by 4 figures, e.g. M0840
• S - (standard metric level in tens of meters:) followed by 4 figures, e.g. S0840
• VFR - (uncontrolled)

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Route description:
A route-description is always a mixture between points and legs. The syntax of a
route looks like the following:
<SID> <Route-segment> <STAR>
SID and STAR are definitions assigned to aerodromes how to start or land on the
aerodrome. If SID/STAR are not available DCT for direct can be used instead.
SID/DCT is followed by a navaid or a waypoint used as an entry point of an airway
and then by the airway designator. This combination is followed by each point at
which either a change of speed of level, or a change of airway and or change of flight
rules is planned. If no valid airway or track is between two points a DCT can be used
to connect them. At the end of the route description a STAR/DCT ends the route.
For a detailed description on how to define a route please see ICAO DOC 4444
Appendix 2.
Below is an example of a route section of a flight plan together with an explanation:
In this example from Liverpool to Bodrum the initial part of the route is
shown as STOCK L975 OTR UY70 BLUFA UL603 PAM UL620 NARKA.
The aircraft will fly out of EGGP and end up at STOCK to take up airway
L975 to OTR. Although it will fly over fixes at UPTON and GOLES these
do not have to be put in the plan because the aircraft is known to be on
L975 - and will stay on it to OTR. OTR appears on the plan because the
aircraft changes its airway here - on to UY70 - and routes to BLUFA and
again changes its airway here on to UL603 to PAM VOR. Quite
straightforward but watch the next part.
From PAM the aircraft takes up UL620 to the next fix at NARKA. A nice
brief entry on the plan but this leg is over 700nm! Because the aircraft
remains on UL620 all the way to NARKA the plan does not have to show
the points between PAM and NARKA - even though the full route is PAM
This field is mandatory.
This field is item 18 of the ICAO FPL. It gives additional information / details on the
flight plan. The following tags are supported by item 18:

Code Description

0 if no other information is available

EET/ Significant points or FIR boundary designators and accumulated estimated elapsed
times to such points or FIR boundaries

RIF/ The route details to the revised destination aerodrome, followed by the ICAO four-
letter location indicator of the aerodrome. The revised route is subject to re-
clearance in flight

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Code Description

REG/ The registration markings of the aircraft, if different from the aircraft identification in
Item 7

SEL/ SELCAL Code, if so prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority

OPR/ Name of the operator, if not obvious from the aircraft identification in Item 7

STS/ Reason for special handling by ATS, e.g. hospital aircraft, one engine inoperative,
example 'ONE ENG INOP'

TYP/ Type(s) of aircraft, preceded if necessary by number(s) of aircraft, if ZZZZ is inserted

in Item 9

PER/ Aircraft performance data, if so prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority

COM/ Significant data related to communication equipment as required by the appropriate

ATS authority, e.g. COM/UHF only

DAT/ Significant data related to data link capability, using one or more of the letters S, H,
V and M

NAV/ Significant data related to navigation equipment as required by the appropriate ATS

DEP/ Name of departure aerodrome, if ZZZZ is inserted in Item 13

DEST/ Name of destination aerodrome, if ZZZZ is inserted in Item 16

ALTN/ Name of destination alternate aerodrome(s), if ZZZZ is inserted in Item 16

RALT/ Name of en-route alternate aerodrome(s)

CODE/ Aircraft address

RMK/ Any other plain language remarks

DOF/ Date of Flight

ORGN/ Origin

PBN/ Performance based navigation capability

DLE/ Delay at a fix

TALT/ Take-off alternate airport

SUR/ Additional surveillance capability

For more details please see ICAO DOC 4444 Appendix 2.

This field is mandatory.

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5.3 The FPL - Flight Plan unit

This application is used to edit, display, print, save flight plans as templates and to send
Create a flight plan
The creation of a flight plan is based on ICAO DOC 4444 Appendix 2.
Clicking on the [View Flight Plan]-button of the main window or selecting Flight Plan
in the flight plan menu opens the flight plan form.
If the flight plan form is already filled up clicking on the [Create new Message]-button
or selecting New in the File menu of the flight plan form clears the fields of the form.
Display a flight plan Message
A previously sent flight plan can be displayed in this form by either a double click on
the a flight plan message in the "Message Office" window or by a right click on it and
choosing the context sensitive option "View". A message can only be displayed in this
form, if the message has been recognized as valid flight plan message. Otherwise the
message is marked as PLAIN message and displayed in the standard AMHS view.
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common FPL/ATS fields and Common FPL/ATS
functions of this chapter.

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5.4 The DEP - Departure unit

As all ATS messages must follow a sequence for sending the current status of the aircraft a
DEP message is not allowed to be sent after a cancellation or an arrival. The departure
message indicates to other stations, that the aircraft has now left his departure aerodrome.
Data from the original flight plan must be used here to allow other stations to assign the DEP
message to a FPL.
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common FPL/ATS fields and Common FPL/ATS
functions of this chapter.
5.4.1 Fields
Actual time of departure, when the aircraft has left the aerodrome.
This field is mandatory.
5.5 The DLA - Delay unit

As all ATS messages must follow a sequence for sending the current status of the aircraft a
DLA message is only allowed if the aircraft has not departed so far. It indicates to other
stations, that the aircraft will depart later. It is created and sent if a delay is assumed. Data
from the original flight plan must be used here to allow other stations to assign the DLA
message to a specific FPL.
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common FPL/ATS fields and Common FPL/ATS
functions of this chapter.

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5.6 The CHG - Change unit

This window is used to modify an existing flight plan. The first part of the form "Referenced
FPL" must contain data from the original flight plan to allow other stations to assign this
change message to a specific FPL. These data are "Read only". Once the reference FPL
data has been filled in, only data which has changed is required to be added. In case the
change template has been opened in reference to an existing flight plan the second part of
the window is pre-filled with the CFL (current flight plan). Only data that has changed has to
be modified.
A previously sent flight plan change can be displayed in this form by either double clicking on
the a CHG message in the message office window or by right clicking on it and choosing the
context sensitive option "View". A message can only be displayed in this form, if the
message has been recognized as valid flight plan change message. Otherwise the message
is marked as PLAIN message and displayed in the standard AMHS view.
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common FPL/ATS fields and Common FPL/ATS
functions of this chapter.

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5.6.1 Fields
Referenced Flight Plan
Data from the original flight plan must be used here to allow other stations to assign
the CHG message to a specific FPL.
Aircraft ID
The aircraft identification is a mandatory field. The maximum size is seven
characters containing the registration marking of the aircraft (e.g. EDHOK) or
the ICAO designator of the aircraft operating agency followed by the flight
identification (e.g. KLM520).
This field is mandatory.
SSR Mode
Ticking the SSR Code mode "A" check box will enable an SSR code to be
This field is optional.
Four-letter ICAO location indicator to identify the departure aerodrome e.g.
EDNY for Friedrichshafen/Germany. If the aircraft departs from a non-ICAO
location indicator use ZZZZ.
This field is mandatory.
Four-letter ICAO location indicator to identify the destination aerodrome e.g.
EDDM for Munich/Germany. If the aircraft destination is a non-ICAO location
indicator use ZZZZ.
This field is mandatory.
This field indicates the estimated or the actual time of departure for the flight in
format HHMM.
This field is mandatory.
5.7 The CNL - Cancel unit

The Cancel Message - CNL - is the only ATS message which can be sent at any time but not
after arrival. The cancel message indicates to other stations, that this flight is no longer
planned. In the worst case it could also be sent after departure. This would mean after a
search and rescue action the plane was found crashed. So the flight plan would be "closed"
by the CNL. Data from the original flight plan must be used here to allow other stations to
assign the CNL message to a FPL.

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This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common FPL/ATS fields and Common FPL/ATS
functions of this chapter.
5.7.1 Fields
Estimated Off Block Time. The field indicates the planned estimated off-block time of
the aerodrome. The format is HHMM.
5.8 The ARR - Arrival unit

As all ATS messages must follow a sequence for sending the actual current status of the
aircraft an ARR message is only allowed for already departed aircrafts. The arrival message
indicates to other stations, that the aircraft has reached its destination. It is created and sent
on actual arrival of the aircraft. Data from the original flight plan must be used here to allow
other stations to assign the ARR message to a FPL.
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common FPL/ATS fields and Common FPL/ATS
functions of this chapter.
5.8.1 Fields
Arrival Aerodrome Name
Name of arrival aerodrome in plain text.
This field is mandatory if Arrival Aerodrome is set to ZZZZ.
5.9 The RQP - Request Flight Plan unit

A Request Flight Plan message is allowed as soon as any ATS message has been received
but no flight plan can be found for this flight. Data from the received ATS message must be
used here to allow other stations to assign the Request FPL message to a specific FPL.
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common FPL/ATS fields and Common FPL/ATS
functions of this chapter.

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5.10 The SPL - Supplementary Information unit

An SPL message can be sent at any time form the outbound station after the corresponding
FPL has been sent. The supplementary information message indicates to other stations,
supplementary information about the aircraft. Data from the original flight plan must be used
here to allow other stations to assign the SPL message to a FPL.
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common FPL/ATS fields and Common FPL/ATS
functions of this chapter.
5.10.1 SPL fields
Note: Contrary to ICAO Doc 4444 selecting the fields will set the according
equipment as available on the aircraft.
These fields are optional.
Fuel endurance in hours and minutes.
Total number of persons on board.

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To be notified. This checkbox shall be ticked if the fuel endurance and / or the
total number of persons on board are unknown.
Emergency Radio
These fields are optional.
Selecting this box automatically selects all Emergency Radio Equipment.
Deselecting this box automatically deselects all Emergency Radio Equipment.
It is also possible to select or unselect Emergency Radio Equipment manually
disregarding the state of this check box.
UHF on frequency 243.0 MHz.
VHF on frequency 121.5 MHz.
ELT Emergency location Transmitter.
Survival Equipment
These fields are optional.
Selecting this box automatically selects all Survival Equipment. Deselecting
this box automatically deselects all Survival Equipment. It is also possible to
select or unselect Survival Equipment manually disregarding the state of this
check box.
Polar survival equipment.
Desert survival equipment.
Maritime survival equipment.
Jungle survival equipment.
Life Jackets
These fields are optional.
Selecting this box automatically selects all Life Jackets Equipment.
Deselecting this box automatically deselects all Life Jackets Equipment. It is
also possible to select or unselect Life Jackets Equipment manually
disregarding the state of this check box.

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Life jackets equipped with lights.
Life jackets with fluorescent colour.
Life jackets with UHF radio capability.
Life jackets with VHF radio capability.
Dinghies are carried.
These fields are optional.
Selecting this box automatically selects the "covered" check box of the
Dinghies Equipment. Deselecting this box automatically deselects the
"covered" check box. It is also possible to select or unselect the "covered"
check box manually disregarding the state of this check box.
Number of dinghies.
Total capacity, in persons, of all dinghies.
Dinghies are covered.
Colour of dinghies.
These fields are optional.
The name of the pilot in command.
Colour of aircraft and significant markings and markings.
Field for comments.
This field is optional.

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5.11 The RQS - Request Supplementary Information unit

A Request SPL message is allowed as soon as a flight plan has been received. Usually it is
needed in case of a Search and Rescue action. Data from the original flight plan must be
used here to allow other stations to assign the Request SPL message to a specific FPL.
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common FPL/ATS fields and Common FPL/ATS
functions of this chapter.
5.12 The EST - Estimate message unit

When basic flight plan data for a flight has been provided, an EST message shall be
transmitted by each ACC or flight information centre to the next ACC or flight information
centre along the route of flight.
An EST message shall be transmitted in sufficient time to permit the ATS unit concerned to
receive the information at least 20 minutes before the time at which the aircraft is estimated
to pass the transfer of control point or boundary point at which it comes under the control of
such unit, unless another period of time has been prescribed by the appropriate ATS
authority. This procedure shall apply whether or not the ACC or flight information centre
responsible for origination of the message has assumed control of, or established contact
with, the aircraft by the time the transmission is to be effected.
When an EST message is transmitted to a centre which is not using automatic data-
processing equipment, the period of time specified in the above paragraph may be
insufficient, in which case an increased lead-time shall be agreed.
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common FPL/ATS fields and Common FPL/ATS
functions of this chapter.
5.12.1 Fields
Boundary Point
The boundary point is expressed either by a designator consisting of 2 to 5
characters, in geographical coordinates, in abbreviated geographical coordinates, or
by bearing and distance from a designated point (e.g. a VOR).

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The time at boundary point is expressed in 4 digits giving the estimated time at the
boundary point.
Cleared Level
The cleared level at which the aircraft will cross the boundary point. The format of this
field can be one of the following:
• F - (flight level in hundreds of feet) followed by 3 figures, e.g. F200
• A - (altitude in hundreds of feet) followed by 3 figures, e.g. A060
• M - (altitude in tens of meters:) followed by 4 figures, e.g. M0840
• S - (standard metric level in tens of meters:) followed by 4 figures, e.g. S0840
Suppl. Level
A level, expressed as in Cleared Level, at or above which or at or below which (see
Crossing Cond.) the aircraft will cross the boundary point.
Crossing Cond.
• A: The aircraft will cross the boundary point at or above the level in Suppl.
• B: The aircraft will cross the boundary point at or below the level in Suppl.
5.13 The CDN - Coordination message unit

A CDN message shall be transmitted during the coordination dialogue by an accepting unit to
the transferring unit when the former wishes to propose a change to coordination data as
contained in a previously received CPL or EST message.

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If the transferring unit wishes to propose a change to the data contained in a CDN message
received from the accepting unit, a CDN message shall be transmitted to the accepting unit.
The dialogue described above is repeated until the coordination dialogue is completed by the
transmission of an acceptance (ACP) message by one of the two units concerned. Normally,
however, when a change is proposed to a CDN message, direct-speech circuits shall be
used to resolve this issue.
After the coordination dialogue has been completed, if one of the two ATS units concerned
wishes to propose or notify any change in basic flight plan data or conditions of transfer, a
CDN message shall be transmitted to the other unit. This requires that the coordination
dialogue be repeated.
A repeated coordination dialogue is completed by the transmission of an ACP message.
Normally, in a repeated coordination dialogue, direct-speech circuits shall be used.
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common FPL/ATS fields and Common FPL/ATS
functions of this chapter.
5.13.1 Fields
Each tab shows a special type of field as described in doc 4444, Appendix 3.
Field Type 5 - Description of emergency

Phase of emergency
• INCERFA if an uncertainty phase has been declared in respect of the
aircraft concerned.
• ALERFA if an alert phase has been declared in respect of the aircraft
• DETRESFA if a distress phase has been declared in respect of the
aircraft concerned.
Originator of message
8 letters, being the 4-letter ICAO location indicator plus the 3-letter designator
of the ATS unit originating the message followed by the letter X or, if
applicable, the one-letter designator identifying the division of the ATS unit
originating the message.

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Nature of emergency
Short plain language text, (as short as necessary to explain) the nature of the
emergency, with natural spaces between the words.
Field Type 7 - Aircraft identification and SSR mode and code

A description of these fields can be found in paragraphs Aircraft ID and SSR Mode
of the section Common FPL/ATS fields of this chapter.
Field Type 8 - Flight rules and type of flight

A description of these fields can be found in paragraphs Flight Rules and Flight
Type of the section Common FPL/ATS fields of this chapter.

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Field Type 9 - Number and type of aircraft and wake turbulence category

A description of these fields can be found in paragraphs Aircraft Number, Aircraft

Type and Aircraft Wake of the section Common FPL/ATS fields of this chapter.
Field Type 10 - Equipment

A description of these fields can be found in paragraphs Equipment and

Surveillance Equipment of the section Common FPL/ATS fields of this chapter.

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Field Type 13 - Departure aerodrome and time

A description of these fields can be found in paragraphs Departure and ETD of the
section Common FPL/ATS fields of this chapter.
Field Type 14 - Estimate data

Boundary Point
The boundary point is expressed either by a designator consisting of 2 to 5
characters, in geographical coordinates, in abbreviated geographical
coordinates, or by bearing and distance from a designated point (e.g. a VOR).
The time at boundary point is expressed in 4 digits giving the estimated time
at the boundary point.
Cleared Level
The cleared level at which the aircraft will cross the boundary point. The
format of this field can be one of the following:
• F - (flight level in hundreds of feet) followed by 3 figures, e.g. F200
• A - (altitude in hundreds of feet) followed by 3 figures, e.g. A060

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• M - (altitude in tens of meters:) followed by 4 figures, e.g. M0840

• S - (standard metric level in tens of meters:) followed by 4 figures, e.g.
Suppl. Level
A level, expressed as in Cleared Level, at or above which or at or below
which (see Crossing Cond.) the aircraft will cross the boundary point.
Crossing Cond.
• A: The aircraft will cross the boundary point at or above the level in
Suppl. Level.
• B: The aircraft will cross the boundary point at or below the level in
Suppl. Level.
Field Type 15 - Route

A description of these fields can be found in paragraph Route of the section Common
FPL/ATS fields of this chapter.
Field Type 16 - Destination aerodrome and total estimated elapsed time, alternate

A description of these fields can be found in paragraphs Destination, EET, and

Alternate 1 and 2 of the section Common FPL/ATS fields of this chapter.

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Field Type 17 - Arrival aerodrome and time

This is the four-letter ICAO location indicator to identify the arrival aerodrome
e.g. EDNY for Friedrichshafen/Germany. If the aircraft arrives in a non-ICAO
location indicator use ZZZZ and specify the name of the aerodrome in the
Arrival Aerodrome Name field, e.g. 'Friedrichshafen am Bodensee'.
This field indicates the actual time of arrival in the format HHMM.
Arrival Aerodrome Name
Name of arrival aerodrome, if ZZZZ is inserted in Arrival
Field Type 18 - Other information

A description of these fields can be found in paragraph Other of the section Common
FPL/ATS fields of this chapter.

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Field Type 19 - Supplementary information

A description of these fields can be found in the paragraph SPL fields of the section
SPL - Supplementary Information of this chapter.
Field Type 20 - Alerting search and rescue information

The ICAO two-letter designator of the aircraft operating agency or, if this has
not been assigned, the name of the operator.
6 letters consisting of the 4-letter ICAO location indicator followed by the 2-
letter designator which together identify the ATS unit which made the last two-
way contact or, if these are not available, some other description of the unit.
4 digits giving the time of the last two-way contact.
Digits as necessary giving the transmitting/receiving frequency of the last

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Last Reported Position

The last reported position.
The type of reporting:
The designator of the navaid identifier.
The navaid bearing.
The navaid distance.
The coordinates
The time of the last reported position.
Method of determining the last known position, action taken by the reporting
unit and other pertinent information expressed in plain text.
Field Type 21 -Radio failure information

4 digits giving the time of the last two-way contact.
Digits as necessary giving the transmitting/receiving frequency of the last

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The last reported position expressed in one of the format listed in ICAO Doc
4444, appendix 3, paragraph 1.6.
The time over the last reported position.
Letters identifying the remaining COM capability of the aircraft, if known, using
the convention of Field Type 10, or in plain text and any necessary remarks.
5.14 The ACP - Acceptance message unit

Unless special arrangements have been made between the air traffic control units concerned
in accordance with Doc 4444, Chapter 10,, an ACP message shall be transmitted
by an accepting unit to the transferring unit to indicate that data in a CPL or an EST message
is accepted.
Either the accepting unit or the transferring unit shall transmit an ACP message to indicate
that data received in a CDN message is accepted and that the coordination dialogue is
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common FPL/ATS fields and Common FPL/ATS
functions of this chapter.

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5.15 The CPL - Current Flight Plan unit

The CPL - Current Flight Plan message is the flight plan, including changes, if any, brought
about by subsequent clearances.
Unless basic flight plan data have already been distributed (FPL or RPL) which will be
supplemented by coordination data in the estimate message, a CPL message shall be
transmitted by each area control centre to the next area control centre and from the last area
control centre to the aerodrome control tower at the destination aerodrome, for each
controlled flight, and for each flight provided with air traffic advisory service along routes or
portions of routes where it has been determined by the appropriate ATS authority that
adequate point-to-point communications exist and that conditions are otherwise suitable for
forwarding current flight plan information.
When an aircraft traverses a very limited portion of a control area where, by agreement
between the appropriate ATS authorities concerned, coordination of air traffic through that
portion of the control area has been delegated to and is effected directly by the two centres
whose control areas are separated by that portion, CPLs shall be transmitted directly
between such units.

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A CPL message shall be transmitted in sufficient time to permit each air traffic services unit
concerned to receive the information at least 20 minutes before the time at which the aircraft
is estimated to pass the transfer of control point or boundary point at which it comes under
the control of such unit, unless another period of time has been prescribed by the appropriate
ATS authority. This procedure shall apply whether or not the ATS unit responsible for
origination of the message has assumed control of, or established contact with, the aircraft
by the time the transmission is to be effected.
When a CPL message is transmitted to a centre which is not using automatic data
processing equipment, the period of time specified above may be insufficient, in which case
an increased lead-time shall be agreed.
A CPL message shall include only information concerning the flight from the point of entry
into the next control area or advisory airspace to the destination aerodrome.
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common FPL/ATS fields and Common FPL/ATS
functions of this chapter.
5.15.1 Fields
Boundary point
The name of the point on which the aircraft will cross the area border.
The time at which the aircraft will cross the area border.
Cleared Level
The flight level the aircraft will be on when crossing the area border.
Suppl. Level
The supplementary crossing level the aircraft can be on when crossing the area
Crossing cond
The flight level conditions the aircraft shall meet when crossing the area border.
• A: above the supplementary crossing level
• B: below the supplementary crossing level

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5.16 The ALR - Alerting unit

The ALR - Alerting message is an emergency message. When an air traffic services unit
considers that an aircraft is in a state of emergency an alerting message shall be transmitted
to any air traffic services unit that may be concerned with the flight and to the associated
rescue coordination centres.
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common FPL/ATS fields and Common FPL/ATS
functions of this chapter.
5.16.1 Fields
Phase of emergency
• INCERFA if an uncertainty phase has been declared in respect of the aircraft
• ALERFA if an alert phase has been declared in respect of the aircraft
• DETRESFA if a distress phase has been declared in respect of the aircraft

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Originator of message
8 letters, being the 4-letter ICAO location indicator plus the 3-letter designator of the
ATS unit originating the message followed by the letter X or, if applicable, the one-
letter designator identifying the division of the ATS unit originating the message.
Nature of emergency
Short plain language text, (as short as necessary) to explain the nature of the
emergency, with natural spaces between the words.
Item 20 tab
The ICAO two-letter designator of the aircraft operating agency or, if this has
not been assigned, the name of the operator.
6 letters consisting of the 4-letter ICAO location indicator followed by the 2-
letter designator which together identify the ATS unit which made the last two-
way contact or, if these are not available, some other description of the unit.
4 digits giving the time of the last two-way contact.
Digits as necessary giving the transmitting/receiving frequency of the last
Last Reported position/Time
The last reported position expressed in one of the format listed in ICAO Doc
4444, appendix 3, paragraph 1.6 followed by the time over that position.
Method of determining the last known position, action taken by the reporting
unit and other pertinent information expressed in plain text.
5.17 The RCF - Radio Communication Failure unit

The RCF - Radio Communication Failure message is an emergency message. When an air
traffic services unit is aware that an aircraft in its area is experiencing radio communication
failure, an RCF message shall be transmitted to all subsequent ATS units along the route of
flight which have already received basic flight plan data (FPL or RPL) and to the aerodrome
control tower at the destination aerodrome, if basic flight plan data has been previously sent.

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If the next ATS unit has not yet received basic flight plan data because it would receive a
current flight plan message in the coordination process, then an RCF message and a current
flight plan (CPL) message shall be transmitted to this ATS unit. In turn, this ATS unit shall
transmit an RCF message and a CPL message to the next ATS unit. The above process
shall be repeated progressively from centre to centre up to the first ATS unit along the
remaining route of flight to which basic flight plan data has already been sent.
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common FPL/ATS fields and Common FPL/ATS
functions of this chapter.
5.17.1 Fields
Time of the last two-ways contact.
Last reported position.
Time of the last reported position.
Remaining communication capabilities and any necessary remarks.

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6.1 Common ETFMS functions
6.1.1 File

Clears the form allowing the user to enter a new set of data.
Print Choice
Prints the current contents of the form. To use this functionality the form does not
need to be completely filled out. For more information about this function, please refer
to the section Printing mechanism of the chapter Basic skills.
Print Preview
Opens a new window which shows the current contents of the form as it would
appear if it were printed out. To use this functionality the form does not need to be
completely filled out. For more information about this function, please refer to the
section Printing mechanism of the chapter Basic skills.
Send over AMHS
Sends the message over the AMHS.
Closes the form.
6.1.2 Options

Show Toolbar
Hides or displays the toolbar.
6.2 Common ETFMS fields
This section only describes the fields' common to all ETFMS messages.
The aerodrome identification, i.e. ICAO location indication of the airfield.
Aircraft Identification. May be the registration marking of the aircraft or the ICAO
designator of the aircraft operator followed by the flight identifier.
This field is optional for ERR messages. This field is mandatory for all other

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ICAO location indicator of the aerodrome of departure or the indication 'AFIL'
meaning an air-filed flight plan or 'ZZZZ' when no ICAO location indicator is assigned
to the aerodrome of departure.
This field is optional for ERR messages. This field is mandatory for all other
The ICAO location indicator of the aerodrome of destination or 'ZZZZ' when no ICAO
location indicator is assigned to the aerodrome of destination.
This field is mandatory for SWM, RFI and REA messages.
Estimated Off-Block Date. A date indication in the format, YYMMDD. e.g. 930424 =
24th. April 1993.
This field is mandatory for SAM, SRM, SLC, SIP, FLS, DES, RRP and RRN
messages. This field is optional for all other messages.
Estimated Off-Block Time (EOBT). Time, expressed in hours (2 digits, possible
entries: all numbers from 00 to 23) and minutes (2 digits, possible entries: all
numbers from 00 to 59). This may be the time of day or duration.
This field is optional for ERR messages. This field is mandatory for all other
For Aerodromes, this field shall (if present) contain the air field elevation and for route
points, this field contains the actual flight level over the point.
A unique flight plan identifier, assigned by the IFPS.
This field is mandatory for SAM, SRM, SLC, SIP, FLS, DES, RRP and RRN
messages. This field is optional for all other messages.
The 'Initial' Off Block Date - the 'off-block date' as given in the FPL and updated by
flight plan associated messages (DLA, CHG, etc.). This is the reference date used for
accessing the flight plan in the database and is the only 'off-block date' known by the
concerned ATS units. Note: The IOBD is not affected by changes requested or
notified through the exchange of ATFM messages.
This field is optional.

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The 'Initial' Off Block Time - the 'off-block time' as given in the FPL and updated by
flight plan associated messages (DLA, CHG, etc.). This is the reference time used for
accessing the flight plan in the database and is the only 'off-block time' known by the
concerned ATS units.
This field is optional.
Note: The IOBT is not affected by changes requested or notified through the
exchange of ATFM messages.
The point identification, i.e. the name of the route point.
For Aerodromes, this field contains the Actual-Take-Off time and for route points, this
field contains the actual Time-Over the point.
Beginning of the validity of the take-off time validity period in the format
End of the validity of the take-off time validity period in the format yyyyMMddHHmm.
6.3 The FCM - Flight Confirmation unit

A detailed description of the sequence for sending CFMU messages can be found in the
document: "Sequence of Message Exchange for Dialogue Purpose Air Traffic Flow &
Capacity Management Operations ATFCM Users Manual", Annex 5. This document can
be downloaded on the CFMU page of Eurocontrol: www.cfmu.eurocontrol.int.

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6.3.1 Fields
A description of the single fields can be found in the section Common ETFMS fields of this
The following fields are specific to the FCM message:
Runway Visual Range (RVR). Operating minima when special meteorological
conditions exist. Expressed in meters.
This field is optional.
Identifier of a Regulation concerning a flight.
This field is optional.
6.4 The REA - Ready unit

A detailed description of the sequence for sending CFMU messages can be found in the
document: "Sequence of Message Exchange for Dialogue Purpose Air Traffic Flow &
Capacity Management Operations ATFCM Users Manual", Annex 5. This document can
be downloaded on the CFMU page of Eurocontrol: www.cfmu.eurocontrol.int.
6.4.1 Fields
A description of the single fields can be found in the section Common ETFMS fields of this
The following fields are specific to the REA message:
The minimum time required for a flight, which has declared itself ready to depart, to
get from its present holding position to airborne.
This field is optional.
6.5 The RFI - Ready For Improvement unit

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A detailed description of the sequence for sending CFMU messages can be found in the
document: "Sequence of Message Exchange for Dialogue Purpose Air Traffic Flow &
Capacity Management Operations ATFCM Users Manual", Annex 5. This document can
be downloaded on the CFMU page of Eurocontrol: www.cfmu.eurocontrol.int.
6.5.1 Fields
A description of the single fields can be found in the section Common ETFMS fields of this
6.6 The RJT - Rerouting Rejection unit

A detailed description of the sequence for sending CFMU messages can be found in the
document: "Sequence of Message Exchange for Dialogue Purpose Air Traffic Flow &
Capacity Management Operations ATFCM Users Manual", Annex 5. This document can
be downloaded on the CFMU page of Eurocontrol: www.cfmu.eurocontrol.int.
6.6.1 Fields
A description of the single fields can be found in the section Common ETFMS fields of this
The following fields are specific to the RJT message:
Re-Route Reference.
This field is optional.
6.7 The SMM - Slot Missed unit

A detailed description of the sequence for sending CFMU messages can be found in the
document: "Sequence of Message Exchange for Dialogue Purpose Air Traffic Flow &
Capacity Management Operations ATFCM Users Manual", Annex 5. This document can
be downloaded on the CFMU page of Eurocontrol: www.cfmu.eurocontrol.int.

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6.7.1 Fields
A description of the single fields can be found in the section Common ETFMS fields of this
The following fields are specific to the SMM message:
Calculated Take-Off Time (CTOT): reference time of an ATFM Slot.
This field is mandatory.
6.8 The SPA - Slot Proposal Acceptance unit

A detailed description of the sequence for sending CFMU messages can be found in the
document: "Sequence of Message Exchange for Dialogue Purpose Air Traffic Flow &
Capacity Management Operations ATFCM Users Manual", Annex 5. This document can
be downloaded on the CFMU page of Eurocontrol: www.cfmu.eurocontrol.int.
6.8.1 Fields
A description of the single fields can be found in the section Common ETFMS fields of this
The following fields are specific to the SPA message:
A new Calculated Take-Off Time, as updated by TACT.
This field is mandatory.
6.9 The SRJ - Slot Proposal Rejection unit

A detailed description of the sequence for sending CFMU messages can be found in the
document: "Sequence of Message Exchange for Dialogue Purpose Air Traffic Flow &
Capacity Management Operations ATFCM Users Manual", Annex 5. This document can
be downloaded on the CFMU page of Eurocontrol: www.cfmu.eurocontrol.int.

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6.9.1 Fields
A description of the single fields can be found in the section Common ETFMS fields of this
The following fields are specific to the SRJ message:
Rejected Calculated Take-Off Time: negative response to a Slot Improvement
This field is mandatory.
6.10 SWM - SIP Wanted unit

A detailed description of the sequence for sending CFMU messages can be found in the
document: "Sequence of Message Exchange for Dialogue Purpose Air Traffic Flow &
Capacity Management Operations ATFCM Users Manual", Annex 5. This document can
be downloaded on the CFMU page of Eurocontrol: www.cfmu.eurocontrol.int.
6.10.1 Fields
A description of the single fields can be found in the section Common ETFMS fields of this

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7.1 Common Tam functions
7.1.1 File

Clears the form fields.
Display a NOTAM
A NOTAM can be displayed in this form by choosing the option "View" for a selected
NOTAM message in the Message Office window. A message can only be displayed
in the NOTAM form if the message has been recognized as valid NOTAM. Otherwise
the message is marked as PLAIN message and displayed in the standard AMHS
Print Choice
Prints the current contents of the form. To use this functionality the form does not
need to be completely filled out. For more information about this function, please refer
to the section Printing mechanism of the chapter Basic skills.
Print Preview
Opens a new window which shows the current contents of the form as it would
appear if it were printed out. To use this functionality the form does not need to be
completely filled out. For more information about this function, please refer to the
section Printing mechanism of the chapter Basic skills.
Send over AMHS
Loads the NOTAM into the AMHS screen. In the AMHS screen the NOTAM AMHS
message has to be completed by defining the Priority, adding Optional Heading
Information, Subject(optional) and Recipient(s).
Closes the TAM form.

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7.1.2 Template

Loads an existing template for reuse or modification.
Overwrites an existing template after modification.
Save As
Stores a new template or overwrite a specific one.
Deletes an existing template.
7.1.3 Options

Show Toolbar
Hides or displays the toolbar.
7.2 NOTAM unit
A NOTAM is originated and issued whenever the information to be distributed is of a
temporary nature and of short duration or when operationally significant permanent changes
or temporary changes of long duration are made at short notice.
For detailed information on the international standard NOTAM format refer to the document
Aeronautical Information Services - Annex 15.
The following three types of NOTAM exist:
• NOTAMR (Replacement NOTAM)

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7.2.1 Fields
Originating NOTAM Office. In the case of NOTAM Proposals, this field is pre-filled
with the entry according to the pool definition.
This field is a display only field.
Unique identifier of a NOTAM per NOF.
Single character A-Z identifying the NOF Series.
Continues numbering of NOTAM.
Year of issuance.
These fields are mandatory.
Note: The numbering is done automatically by a system service.

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Identifier to classify if the NOTAM is a new NOTAM, a replacing NOTAM or a
cancellation NOTAM. The Possibilities are:

Identifier Description


R Replace NOTAM, replacing another N or R NOTAM

C Cancel NOTAM, cancelling another N or R NOTAM

Note: A general rule for NOTAMR/C is that item B shall not be set in the
future. The system will warn the operator in this case but finally allow
replacement in the future. The operational procedure to avoid future a
valid NOTAMR/C is to publish immediately a NOTAMR for the changed
validity period and publish additionally a new NOTAM for the changed
This field is mandatory.
R/C Series/Num/Year
Reference identifier of a NOTAM to be replaced or cancelled. For details see the
description of the Series/Num/Year field.
This field is mandatory if the type of NOTAM is set to R or C.
Note: This item can only be filled out, when the type of NOTAM is set to
R or C.
Qualifier FIR
The ICAO location indicator of the affected FIR or, if applicable to more than one FIR
within a state, the first two letters of the ICAO location indicator of the state plus "XX".
The ICAO location ARO indicators of the FIRs concerned shall then be listed in Item
A up to 7.
If one state issues a NOTAM affecting FIRs in a group of states, the first two letters of
the ICAO location indicator of the issuing State plus "XX" shall be included. The
location indicators of the FIRs concerned shall then be listed in Item A.
This field is mandatory.
Example: EDMM
Qualifier NOTAM Code 2/3 and 4/5
The contents of the NOTAM are decoded within the NOTAM Q-Code. The Q-Code is
a 5 letter field always starting with Q (not changeable by operator). The letters Q2/3
(to be entered in the first field) decode the subject. The letters Q4/5 describes (to be
entered in the second field) decode the condition of the subject.
The Q-Code combinations and there resulting Traffic, Purpose, Scope are described
in ICAO Doc 8126 as NOTAM Selection Criteria (NSC).
If a subject is not listed in the NSC, insert "XX" as Q2/3, if a condition is not listed in
the NSC; insert "XX" as Q4/5. If there is no other choice use it for all 4 characters.
A special Q-Code exists for issuing NOTAM checklist: "KKKK".

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The NOTAM code should always describe the most important information.
The following characters for code 4/5 shall be used in NOTAM cancellations:

Qualifier Description

AK Resumed Normal Operations

AL Operative or Re-operative

AO Operational

CC Completed

XX Plain Language

This field is mandatory.

Example: FALC
Qualifier Traffic
The Traffic Qualifier links the NOTAM to a type of traffic. Appropriate type of traffic
based on the NOTAM Code shall be taken from NOTAM Selection Criteria.
Valid Traffic qualifiers are:

Qualifier Description

I IFR Traffic

IV IFR and VFR Traffic

K NOTAM is checklist

V VFR Traffic

This field is mandatory.

Example: IV
Qualifier Purpose
The Purpose Qualifier links the NOTAM to certain purposes. Appropriate type of
purpose based on the NOTAM Code shall be taken from NOTAM Selection Criteria.
Valid Purpose qualifiers are:

Qualifier Description

N Notification: NOTAM selected for immediate attention of aircraft operators

B NOTAM selected for PIB entry

O NOTAM concerning flight operations

M Miscellaneous: NOTAM will by default not appear on briefing

K NOTAM is checklist

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Valid combinations are contained in the pick list.

This field is mandatory.
Example: NBO
Qualifier Scope
The Scope qualifier links the NOTAM subject (2/3 characters) to a specific scope.
The scope information is used to determine under which category a NOTAM is
presented in a PIB. Appropriate type of scope based on the NOTAM Code shall be
taken from NOTAM Selection Criteria. Valid Scope qualifiers are:

Qualifier Description

A- Aerodrome. NOTAM is linked to an aerodrome; entry of an aerodrome in item

Aerodrome A) is compulsory. Geographical reference in item Q are the aerodrome

E - EnRoute NOTAM is linked to an FIR or FIRs; entry of one or more FIR in item A) is
compulsory. Geographical reference in item Q is based on NOTAM contents
(E) field)

W - Warning NOTAM is linked to a 'Navigation Warning'; entry of one or more FIR in item A)
is compulsory. Geographical reference in item Q is based on NOTAM contents
(E) field)

AE NOTAM is linked to 'A' and 'E'; entry of an aerodrome in item A) is compulsory.

Geographical reference in item Q is based on NOTAM contents (E) field)

AW NOTAM is linked to 'A' and 'W'; entry of an aerodrome in item A) is compulsory.

Geographical reference in item Q is based on NOTAM contents (E) field)

K NOTAM is a checklist; entry of FIR(s) in item A) is compulsory

This field is mandatory.

Example: AE
Qualifier Flight Level (Lower/Upper)
The Upper and Lower limits shall always be filled in and shall only ever be expressed
as a Flight Level. In the case of navigation warnings and airspace restrictions, values
entered shall be consistent with those provided under items F) and G).
If the subject does not contain specific height information "000" and "999" should be
used for the Lower and Upper values respectively.
This field is mandatory.
Example: Lower: 120 Upper: 500
Qualifier Coordinate
The Geographical Reference qualifier links the NOTAM to a geographical location it
refers to. Coordinates are given in 15 characters; latitude NORTH/SOUTH in 7
characters; longitude EAST/WEST in 8 characters. The coordinates are to be
specified in Degrees, Minutes and Seconds.
For distribution only the short format is used, for internal usage, e.g. Briefing the long
format us used.

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For NOTAM with SCOPE A the coordinates of the Aerodrome Reference Point shall
be used.
• For NOTAM with SCOPE AE or AW the appropriate coordinates shall be
used, and they may differ from the Aerodrome Reference Point
• For NOTAM with SCOPE E or W, which are linked to a given point these
coordinates shall be used
• For NOTAM with SCOPE A or W, which are linked to an area the coordinates,
representing the centre of a circle shall be used. Radius of the centre shall be
filled in into field RADIUS
This field is optional.
Example: 530000N0123000E
Qualifier Radius
The RADIUS qualifier shall be used in such a way, that it encompasses the whole
area of influence. If a NOTAM affects a whole FIR, "999" shall be inserted.
Minimum value: 005
OPADD Recommended default values for RADIUS:

NOTAM Plain Language Radius (NM)


Q---- All Aerodrome-related NOTAM and Navigation Aids with 005

'Scope A' only 005 if no appropriate value
The default value shall also be used for 'Scope' 'AE'/'AW', but can be found
only if appropriate values cannot be defined

QN--- All Navigation Aids (VOR/DME, NDB ...) Except for Long 025
Range Navigation Systems

QOB-- OBST 005


QPH-- Holding Procedure 025

QPX-- Minimum Holding Altitude 025

QAP-- Reporting Point 005

QAX-- Intersection 005

This field is optional.
Example: 020

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Item A - Location FIR/AD

Insert the location indicator of the aerodrome or FIR in which the facility or airspace,
or condition being reported upon is located. More than one FIR/UIR may be indicated
where appropriate. If there is no available ICAO location indicator, use the ICAO
nationality letters and "XX". Follow this up with the location name in plain language in
Item E.
This field is mandatory.
Example: EDDM
Item B - Begin of Validity
Date-time group (year, month, day, hour and minutes) at which the NOTAM comes
into force. In case of NOTAMR and C the B-time has to be the current date and time.
Pressing the [CTRL] and the [+]-keys increases the time by 2 hours. Pressing the
[CTRL] and the [-]-keys decreases the time by 2 hours. Pressing the [CTRL] and the
[Enter]-keys sets the date and time to now.
Note: these key combinations do not work with the numeric keypad.
This field is mandatory.
Example: B) 0503011200 (1st of March 2005, 12:00 UTC)
Item C - End of Validity
Date-time group (year, month, day, hour and minutes) at which the NOTAM expires.
For NOTAM with an uncertain end time 'EST' shall be appended to the date-time
group. Such NOTAM shall be replaced or cancelled before the estimated end time
has reached.
For NOTAM with permanent information 'PERM' shall be used.
Pressing the [CTRL] and the [+]-keys increases the time by 2 hours. Pressing the
[CTRL] and the [-]-keys decreases the time by 2 hours. Pressing the [CTRL] and the
[Enter]-keys sets the date and time to now.
Note: these key combinations do not work with the numeric keypad.
This field is mandatory.
Example: C) 0503021200 (2nd of March 2005, 12:00 UTC)
For NOTAMC, ITEM C) must not be used.
Item D
Item D) is a free text area used to explain in more time specific details of the validity
periods of this NOTAM. In general it should not exceed 200 characters in length.
This field is optional.
Example: Daily from 1200 - 1400

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Item E
Item E) uses decoded NOTAM Code, complimented where necessary by ICAO
abbreviations, indicators, identifiers, designators, call signs, frequencies, figures and
plain language. When NOTAM is selected for international distribution, English text
shall be included for those parts expressed in plain language.
This field is mandatory.
Example: Any text
Item F - Lower Limit
Whenever appropriate lower limit shall be inserted in item F for Navigation Warnings
and for Airspace Organization.
Valid values:
This field is optional. / This field is mandatory for specific Q-Codes.
Example: FL120
Item G - Upper Limit
Whenever appropriate lower limit shall be inserted in item F for Navigation Warnings
and for Airspace Organization.
Valid values:
This field is optional. / This field is mandatory for specific Q-Codes.
Example: FL200
7.3 SNOWTAM unit
SNOWTAM are used to notify the presence or removal of hazardous conditions due to snow,
ice or standing water associated with snow, slush and ice on the movement area of an
aerodrome. The maximum validity period of SNOWTAM is 24 hours. New SNOWTAM have
to be issued whenever there is a significant change in snow, ice or standing water conditions.

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Significant changes are:

1. a change in the coefficient of friction of about 0.05
2. changes in depth of deposit greater than the following: 20 mm for dry snow, 10 mm
for wet snow, 3 mm for slush
3. a change in the available length or width of a runway of 10 per cent or more
4. any change in the type of deposit or extent of coverage which requires reclassification
in Items F or T of the SNOWTAM
5. when critical snow banks exist on one or both sides of the runway, any change in the
height or distance from centre line
6. any change in the visibility of runway lighting caused by obscuring/covering of the
7. any other conditions known to be significant
General information for issuing a SNOWTAM:
• When reporting on more than one runway, Items C to P are repeated for each runway
• Items together with their indicator must be dropped completely, where no information
is to be included
• Metric units must be used (unit of measurement is not reported)
Definitions of the various types of snow (taken from ICAO):
Water-saturated snow which with a heel-and-toe slap down motion against the
ground will be displaced with a splatter; specific gravity: 0.5 up to 0.8.
Note: Combinations of ice, snow and/or standing water may, especially
when rain, rain and snow, or snow is falling, produce substances with
specific gravities in excess of 0.8. These substances, due to their high
water/ice content, will have a transparent rather than a cloudy
appearance and, at the higher specific gravities, will be readily
distinguishable from slush.
Snow (on the ground)
Dry snow
Snow which can be blown if loose or, if compacted by hand, will fall apart
again upon release; specific gravity: up to but not including 0.35.
Wet snow
Snow which, if compacted by hand, will stick together and tend to or form a
snowball; specific gravity: 0.35 up to but not including 0.5.
Compacted snow
Snow which has been compressed into a solid mass that resists further
compression and will hold together or break up into lumps if picked up;
specific gravity: 0.5 and over.
For issuing a SNOWTAM or to display an existing received or transmitted SNOWTAM the
following form is used:

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7.3.1 Fields
The designator for the nationality letter and the SNOWTAM serial number.
These fields are mandatory.
Example: EG 0002
Item A
Aerodrome location indicator (four-letter location indicator).
This field is mandatory.
Example: EGAA
Observation Time
The general observation time.

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Optional group for correction of SNOWTAM message previously disseminated with
the same serial number.
This field is optional.
Example: COR (only allowed value)
Item C
Lower RWY designator number. To be able to make some input in this field the Item
A has to be filled out.
Example: 6L
Insert runway

After having entered a runway number in the Item C field, the operator shall press this
button to insert the runway tab in the SNOWTAM form and enable the fields Item D to
Item P.
Delete runway

Clicking on this button deletes the selected runway tab.

This field is mandatory.
Item B
Date/time group - Time of observation/completion of measurement for the runway -
as month; day, hour and minute in UTC.
This field is mandatory.
Example: 01191955
Item D
Cleared RWY length (meters). Only required if less than published length (use Item T
on reporting on part of runway not cleared).
This field is optional.
Example: 1000
Item E
Cleared RWY width (meters). Only required if less than published width; if offset left
or right of centre line, add "L" or "R", as viewed from the threshold having the lower
runway designation number.
This field is optional.
Example: 20

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Item F
Describes the deposit over RWY length. The length of the runway is split into three
equal lengths and each segment is described separately, i.e. a set of values for each
third of RWY segment.
If more than one type of deposit is present on the same portion of runway then
deposit should be described from the top down.
Other significant characteristics of deposits may be reported under Item T in plain

No. Meaning

NIL Clear and Dry

1 Damp

2 Wet or water patches

3 Rime or frost covered

4 Dry snow

5 Wet snow

6 Slush

7 Ice

8 Compacted or rolled snow

9 Frozen ruts or ridges

This field is mandatory (default value is NIL/NIL/NIL - notation in bulletin).

Example: 7 8 NIL
Item G
Mean depth of deposits in millimetres for each third of a runway length. If not
measurable or if operationally not significant the corresponding field shall be left
empty. In this case the value "XX" will be entered for this field in the corresponding
Required accuracy:
• Dry snow: 20 mm
• Wet Snow: 10 mm
• Slush: 3 mm
This field is mandatory.
Example: 4 4 5

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Item H
Records the Friction values on each third of the runway length and whether the
values stated are estimated or measured. If the values are estimated tick the
"Estimated" checkbox and choose the values from the drop down list. If the values
are measured tick the "Measured" checkbox and enter the measures values. Each
measures value shall have two digits. For measured values the measuring device
should also be recorded.
Insert a code 9 when surface conditions or available friction measuring device do not
permit a reliable surface friction measurement to be made.
Abbreviations for friction measuring device:

Abbreviation Meaning

BRD Brakemeter-Dynometer

GRT Grip tester

MUM Mu-meter

RFT Runway friction tester

SFH Surface friction tester (high-pressure tyre)

SFL Surface friction tester (low-pressure tyre)

SKH Skiddometer (high-pressure tyre)

SKL Skiddometer (low-pressure tyre)

TAP Tapley meter

Other equipment not listed above to be specified in plain language.

This field is optional.
Example: 63/62/34 SKH
Item J
Critical snow banks. If present insert height in centimetres and distance from edge of
runway in meters, followed by left ("L") or right ("R") side or both sides ("LR"), as
viewed from the threshold having the lower runway designation number.
This field is optional.
Example: 20 4 LR
Item K
If runway lights are obscured, tick "Obscured" followed by "L" (Left), "R" (Right) or
both "LR", as viewed from the threshold having the lower runway designation number.
This field is optional.
Example: YES LR

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Item L
When further clearance will be undertaken, enter length and width of runway or tick
"TOTAL" if runway will be cleared to full dimensions.
This field is optional.
Example: TOTAL
Item M
Anticipated time of completion in GMT.
This field is optional.
Example: 01192030
Item N
Taxiway conditions. Tick "Available" if taxiway serving the associated runway is
This field is optional.
Example: 37/MEDIUM
Item P
Taxiway Snow banks. If applicable, select "Applicable" followed by the lateral
distance in meters.
This field is optional.
Example: 12
Item R
Apron condition. Same codes as for Item F may be used. Tick "Unusable" if apron is
This field is optional.
Example: 27
Item S
Anticipated time of next observation/measurement in GMT.
This field is optional.
Example: 01192200
Item T
Describe in plain language any operationally significant information but always report
on length of unclear runway (Item D) and extent of runway contamination (Item F) for
each third of the runway (if appropriate) in accordance with the following scale:

Runway contamination in % Meaning

10% if less than 10% of runway contaminated

25% if 11-25% of runway contaminated

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Runway contamination in % Meaning

50% if 26-50% of runway contaminated

100% if 50-100% of runway contaminated

This field is optional.

7.4 BIRDTAM unit
BIRDTAM are used to notify the presence of birds on the area of an aerodrome / heliport.
The validity period of a BIRDTAM is defined by item B) (Begin Date) and item C (End Date).
New BIRDTAM must be issued whenever there is a significant change in conditions.
The BIRDTAM application is used to edit, display, print and send BIRDTAM and BIRDTAM
Proposal as well as to maintain BIRDTAM templates.

7.4.1 Fields
BIRDTAM number, 4 digits
This field is mandatory for BIRDTAM, not used for BIRDTAM Proposal.
For BIRDTAM Proposals the final number is assigned in the centre.
Example: 0011
Item A)
Aerodrome location indicator (four-letter location indicator)
This field is mandatory.
Example: EGLL
Item B)
Validity Begin time as year, month, day, hour and minute in UTC.
This field is mandatory.
Example: 05-01-19 19:55

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Item C)
Validity End Time as year, month, day, hour and minute in UTC.
This field is mandatory.
Example: 05-01-20 18:55
Describe in plain language any operationally significant information.
This field is mandatory.
7.5 ASHTAM unit

ASHTAM provide information on the status of activity using a "volcano level of alert colour
code". ASHTAM also provide information on the location, extent and movement of the ash
cloud and on the air routes and flight levels affected.
This application is used to edit, display, print and send ASHTAM and to maintain ASHTAM
templates. ASHTAM can be displayed in this form by choosing the option "Show message in
ASHTAM view" for a selected ASHTAM message in a list of messages. A message can only
be displayed in the ASHTAM form, if it has been recognised as valid ASHTAM. Otherwise
the message is marked as PLAIN message and displayed in the standard view.

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7.5.1 Fields
Geographical designator of the country.
Serial Number
ASHTAM serial number.
Example: LI0021
Issued by
Identification of the issuing officer.
Issuing date and time.
Optional group for correction to an ASHTAM message previously disseminated with
the same serial number. Only two values are possible for this field:
• "blank": this is a new ASHTAM.
• COR: this is the correction of an already issued ASHTAM.
Item A
Flight information region affected, in plain text. This is the equivalent of the VA.
Example: ROMA FIR
Item B
Date and Time of first eruption (in UTC).
Example: 01091350
Item C
Name and number of the volcano as listed in the ICAO "Manual on Volcanic Ash,
Radioactive Material and Toxic Chemical Clouds" (Doc 9691), Appendix H, and on
the World Map of Volcanoes and Principal Aeronautical Features.
Example: ETNA 0101-06
Item D
Latitude/Longitude of the volcano in whole degrees or radial and distance of volcano
from NAVAID (as listed in the "ICAO Manual on Volcanic Ash, Radioactive Material
and Toxic Chemical Clouds" (Doc 9691), Appendix H, and on the World Map of
Volcanoes and Principal Aeronautical Features).
Example: 3744N01500E

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Item E
Colour code for level of alert indicating volcanic activity, including any previous level
of alert colour code as follows:

Level of alert Volcano status of activity

Green alert Volcanic activity is normal, non-eruptive state.

or, after a change from a higher alert level:
Volcanic activity is considered to have ceased and volcano reverted to its
normal state.

Yellow alert Volcano is experiencing signs of elevated unrest above known background
levels. or, after a change from a higher alert level:
Volcanic activity has decreased significantly but continues to be closely
monitored for possible renewed increase.

Orange alert Volcano is exhibiting heightened unrest with increased likelihood of eruption.
Volcano eruption is underway with no or minor ash emission (ash-plume to
be specified if possible).

Red alert Eruption is forecasted to be imminent with significant emission of ash into the
atmosphere likely. OR
Eruption is underway with significant emission of ash into the atmosphere
(ash-plume to be specified if possible).

Note: The colour code for the level of alert indicating the status of
activity of the volcano and any change from a previous status of activity
should be provided to the area control centre by the responsible volcano
logical agency in the State concerned, e.g. "RED ALERT FOLLOWING
Item F
If volcanic ash cloud of operational significance is reported, indicates the horizontal
extent and base/top of the ash cloud using latitude/longitude (in whole degrees) and
altitudes in thousands of metres (feet) and/or radial and distance from source
volcano. This information may initially only be based on special air-report, but
subsequent information may be more detailed based on advice from the responsible
meteorological watch office and/or volcanic ash advisory centre.
Example: AREA AFFECTED 3700N01500E 3900N01600E
3800N001700W SFC/35000FT
Item G
Indicates forecast direction of movement of the ash cloud at selected levels based on
advice from the responsible meteorological watch office and/or volcanic ash advisory
Example: NE

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Item H
Indicates air routes and portions of air routes and flight levels affected, or expected to
become affected.
Item I
Indicates closure of airspace, air routes or portions of air routes, and availability of
alternative routes.
Item J
Source of the information, e.g. "special air-report" or "volcano logical agency", etc.
The source of information should always be indicated, whether an eruption has
actually occurred or ash cloud has been reported or not.
Item K
Include in plain language any operationally significant information additional to the

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8.1 Common MET functions
8.1.1 File

Resets all field values.
Print Choice
Prints the current contents of the form. To use this functionality the form does not
need to be completely filled out. For more information about this function, please refer
to the section Printing mechanism of the chapter Basic Skills.
Print Preview
Opens a new window which shows the current contents of the form as it would
appear if it were printed out. To use this functionality the form does not need to be
completely filled out. For more information about this function, please refer to the
section Printing mechanism of the chapter Basic Skills.
Send over AMHS
Sends the MET message over the AMHS.
Closes the Unit.
8.1.2 Template

Loads an existing template.
Saves the current template.
Save As
Saves the data in the current window as a template or saves the loaded template
under a new name.

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Delete the current template. Options

Show Toolbar
Hides or displays the toolbar.
8.2 Common MET fields
The national letters of the country.
Bulletin Number
The number of the bulletin.
The WMO number of the station.
Issue Time
The day and time of the issue of the bulletin in the format DDHHmm.
The optional remark group.
8.3 MET Bulletin unit

This function allows the operator to request meteorological bulletins of a given type.
8.3.1 Fields
The type of meteorological bulletin to search for.

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The body of the bulletin.
8.4 AIRMET unit

This function allows the operator to issue information concerning the occurrence or expected
occurrence of specified en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of low-
level aircraft operations and which was not already included in the forecast issued for low-
level flights in the flight information region concerned or sub-area thereof.
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common MET fields and Common MET functions of
this chapter.
8.4.1 Fields
The ICAO location indicator of the ATS unit serving the FIR or CTA which the
AIRMET refers to.
Sequence number and validity period
1st field
The sequence number. It consists in up to three characters and may be a
combination of letters and numbers.
2nd field
The validity start time in the form DDHHMM.
3rd field
The validity end time in the form DDHHMM.

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The ICAO location indicator of the issuing MWO.
Information Region
The location indicator and name of the FIR/CTA which the SIGMET is issued for
1st field
The location indicator of the region in four upper case letters
2nd field
The name of the FIR/CTA in up to 10 upper case letters
3rd field
The type of the region
If the CNL checkbox is ticked the current AIRMET message is a cancellation of one of
the previous AIRMET. The sequence number and validity period of the original
AIRMET message have to be provided and all remaining fields must be skipped.
Phenomenon tab
Description of the phenomenon causing the issuance of the AIRMET. Only one of the
following phenomena shall be included in an AIRMET message, using the
abbreviations as indicated below:
• SFC WSPD (+ wind speed and units): Surface wind speed
• SFC VIS (+ visibility) (+ one of the following weather phenomena or
combinations thereof: BR, DS, DU, DZ, FC, FG, FU, GR, GS, HZ, IC, PL,
PO, RA, SA, SG, SN, SQ, SS or VA): Surface visibility
• ISOL TS: isolated thunderstorms without hail
• OCNL TS: occasional thunderstorms without hail
• ISOL TSGR: isolated thunderstorms with hail
• OCNL TSGR: occasional thunderstorms with hail
• MT OBSC: mountains obscured
• BKN CLD (+height of the base and top and units): Widespread areas of
broken cloud with height of base less than 300m above ground level
• OVC CLD (+height of the base and top and units): Widespread areas of
overcast cloud with height of base less than 300m above ground level
• ISOL CB: isolated cumulonimbus clouds
• OCNL CB: occasional cumulonimbus clouds
• FRQ CB: frequent cumulonimbus clouds
• ISOL TCU: isolated towering cumulus clouds

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• OCNL TCU: occasional towering cumulus clouds

• FRQ TCU: frequent towering cumulus clouds
• MOD ICE: moderate icing
• MOD TURB (): moderate turbulence
• MOD MTW (): moderate mountain wave
Location tab
The location. It presented in the following formats
• Point in coordinates <LATITUDE LONGITUDE>
• One or more direction from latitude or longitude [N or S] OF <LATITUDE> or
• Combination of directions from latitude and longitude [N or S] OF
• Direction from line [N or NE or E or SE or S or SW or W or NW] OF LINE
• Direction from known FIR location N OF or NE OF or E OF or SE OF or S OF
or SW OF or W OF or NW OF or AT <LOCATION>
• Within polygon WI <POLYGON>. (Polygon defined with up to five point
delimited with hyphen, i.e. <LATITUDE LONGITUDE> - <LATITUDE
Level tab
Flight level or altitude and extent. The entry in this field shall have the following
• FL<3 digits>
• TOP FL<3 digits>
• ABV FL<3 digits>
• TOP ABV FL<3 digits>
• SFC/FL<3 digits>
• FL<3 digits>/<3 digits>
• <4 digits>>M
• <4 digits>FT
• SFC/<4 digits>M
• SFC/<4 digits>FT
Indication whether the information is observed and expected to continue or forecast.
Possible choices:
• OBS: observed and expected to continue
• FCST: forecast

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Movement or expected movement.
If the STNR checkbox is ticked no phenomenon movement is expected.
1st field
The movement speed.
2nd field
The movement direction. Choose between one of the sixteen points of
3rd field
The unit of the movement speed.
Expected changes in intensity. The following values are possible:
• INTSF: increasing.
• WKN: decreasing.
• NC: no changes.
8.5 AIREP unit

This function allows the operator to issue a report prepared in conformity with requirements
for position, and operational and/or meteorological reporting.
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common MET fields and Common MET functions of
this chapter.
8.5.1 Fields
ICAO identifier of the transmitting unit.

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• ARS: Special AIREP
• ARP: Routine AIREP
Aircraft call sign.
Coordinates in short format: Four figures indicating the latitude to the nearest minute
followed by the letter N (North) or S (South) and five figures indicating the longitude to
the nearest minute followed by the letter E (East) or W (West).
Time in UTC.
Flight Level
A four-character group (the letter F followed by three figures), representing the
altitude in hundreds of feet.
Two figures indicating the temperature in whole degrees Celsius preceded by "PS"
(plus) or "MS" (minus).
Five or 6 figures indicating the wind direction and the wind speed: the first three
figures indicate true wind direction in degrees, the last two figures indicate wind
speed to the nearest knot. If the wind is above 99 knots use three figures.
Observed phenomenon:
• TURB SEV: severe turbulence, this phenomenon requires an ARS
• TURB MOD: moderate turbulence
• INC: turbulence in cloud, this phenomenon is added to TURB SEV or TURB
• ICE SEV: severe aircraft icing, this phenomenon requires an ARS
• ICE MOD: moderate aircraft icing
• BASE + height indication [F(number) or (number)M or (number)FT]: cloud
• TOP + height indication [F(number) or (number)M or (number)FT]: cloud
• TS TOP + by the flight level: thunderstorm top
• RA: rain
• SN: snow
• FZRA: freezing rain
• FC: funnel cloud

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• TS: thunderstorm
• FRONT: front
• SCT: clouds scattered
• BKN: clouds broken
• CNS: clouds continuous
• CB: cumulonimbus
• COR + 1 minute to the initial time : AIREP correction
8.6 GAMET unit

This function allows the operator to issue an area forecast in abbreviated plain language for
low-level flights for a flight information region or sub-area thereof.
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common MET fields and Common MET functions of
this chapter.
8.6.1 Fields
Location indicator of the air traffic services unit serving the flight information region(s)
to which the GAMET refers.

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Validity period
The period of validity in UTC.
1st field
The validity start time in the form DDHHMM.
2nd field
The validity end time in the form DDHHMM.
Location indicator of the meteorological office originating the message.
Information Region
The flight information region, or a sub-area thereof, for which the GAMET is issued.
1st field
The location indicator of the region in four upper case letters.
2nd field
The name of the FIR/CTA in up to 10 upper case letters.
3rd field
The type of the region.
4th field
The flight information region sub-area number.
Flight level concerned.
Section related to information on en-route weather phenomena hazardous to low-
level flights, prepared in support of the issuance of AIRMET information.
Hazardous WX NIL
Tick the checkbox if there are no hazardous phenomena projected.
Widespread mean surface wind speed exceeding 60 km/h (30 kt).
Widespread areas of surface visibility below 5 000 m including the weather
phenomena causing the reduction of visibility.

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Significant weather conditions encompassing thunderstorms and heavy sand-
and dust storm (except for phenomena for which a SIGMET message has
already been issued.
Mountain obscuration.
Widespread areas of broken or overcast cloud with height of base less than
300 m (1 000 ft) above ground level (AGL) or above mean sea level (AMSL)
and/or any occurrence of Cumulonimbus (CB) or towering Cumulus (TCU)
clouds, giving height indications of their bases and tops.
Icing (except for that occurring in convective clouds and for severe icing for
which a SIGMET message has already been issued).
Turbulence (except for that occurring in convective clouds and for severe
turbulence for which a SIGMET message has already been issued.
Mountain wave (except for severe mountain wave for which a SIGMET
message has already been issued).
SIGMET messages applicable to the FIR concerned or the sub-area thereof,
for which the area forecast is valid.
Section related to additional information required by low-level flights.
Pressure centres and fronts and their expected movements and
Upper winds and upper-air temperatures for at least the following altitudes:
600, 1 500 and 3 000 m (2 000, 5 000 and 10 000 ft).
Cloud information not included under (k), giving cloud amount, type and height
indications of the bases and tops above ground level (AGL) or above mean
sea level (AMSL).
Height indication of 0°C level(s) above ground level (AGL) or above mean sea
level (AMSL), if lower than the top of the airspace for which the forecast is

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Forecast lowest QNH during the period of validity.
Sea-surface temperature and state of the sea if required by regional air
navigation agreement.
Location of volcanic eruptions which are producing ash clouds of significance
to aircraft operations, name of volcano and time of first eruption, if known.
8.7 METAR unit

This function allows the operator to issue an aerodrome routine meteorological report.
METAR are generated once an hour or half-hour, but if conditions change significantly, a
report known as a special (SPECI) may be issued.
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common MET fields and Common MET functions of
this chapter.
8.7.1 Fields
Identification of the type of report. The following values are possible:
• METAR: aerodrome routine meteorological report
• METAR COR: corrected aerodrome routine meteorological report
• SPECI: aerodrome special meteorological report
• SPECI COR: corrected aerodrome special meteorological report

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ICAO location indicator of the reporting station.
Observation time
The day of the month and the time of observation in the format DDHHMM
Report identifier
Identification of an automated or missing report. The following values are possible:
• AUTO: the report contains fully automated observations without human
• NIL: if NIL is selected then all remaining fields have to be skipped.
The mean true direction in degrees rounded off to the nearest 10 degrees from which
the wind is blowing and the mean speed of the wind over the 10-minute period
immediately preceding the observation. It shall be written as follows:
• <3 digits> or VRB for the wind direction expressed in degrees. Values of wind
direction less than 100° shall be preceded by 0 and a wind from true north
shall be reported as 360. In the case of variable wind direction, VRB shall be
entered when the mean wind speed is less than 3 knots (2 m/s or 6 km/h). A
variable wind at higher speeds shall be reported only when the variation of
wind direction is 180° or more or when it is impossible to determine a single
wind direction.
• <2 digits> or <3 digits>for the speed of the wind over the 10-minute period
immediately preceding the observation. Values of wind speed less than 10
units shall be preceded by 0.
• G immediately followed by <2 digits> if wind gusts are observed. If no digits>
if wind gusts are observed, this part is omitted.
• KMH, MPS or KT (kilometres per hour, metres per second, knots): for the
speed unit.
• <3 digits>V<3 digits>: if, during the 10-minute period preceding the
observation, the total variation in wind direction is 60° or more but less than
180° and the mean wind speed is 3 knots (2 m/s or 6 km/h) or more, the
observed two extreme directions between which the wind has varied shall be
given in clockwise order. Otherwise this group shall not be included. The
format shall be the following
Air temperature rounded to the nearest whole degree Celsius. Rounded whole
degree values of air temperature and dew-point temperature of -9°C to +9°C shall be
preceded by 0.
Dew point
Dew point rounded to the nearest whole degree Celsius. Rounded whole degree
values of air temperature and dew-point temperature of -9°C to +9°C shall be
preceded by 0.

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The observed QNH value rounded down to the nearest whole hectopascal. If the
value of QNH is less than 1000 hPa, it shall be preceded by 0.
Clouds and visibility tab

Cloud and visibility are OK. If this checkbox is ticked the fields Visibility and
Present Weather are disabled and the fields runway visual Range and
Clouds are emptied.
The prevailing or the minimum visibility. The units used is metre.
Present weather
The present weather phenomena observed. The entries in this field shall be
ordered as follows:
1. if appropriate, the qualifier for intensity or for proximity
2. if appropriate, the abbreviation for the descriptor
3. the abbreviation for the observed weather phenomenon or
combinations thereof.
Note: a maximum of 3 weather phenomena can be entered here.
Runway visual range
The mean value and tendency of runway visual range. The runway designator
shall be entered first followed by "/", the visual conditions in metre and the
visual range tendency as follows:
• U: upward
• D: downward
• N: no distinct change
If there are significant variations of runway visual range the runway designator
shall be entered first followed by "/", the visual conditions in metre and in the
format lower rangeVupper range and the visual range tendency.
Note: a maximum of 4 runways can be entered here.

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The cloud amount, cloud type and height of cloud base:

• The cloud amount shall be entered as follows:
o NSC: no clouds below 1 500 m (5 000 ft) or below the highest
minimum sector altitude, whichever is greater, no
cumulonimbus and no towering cumulus and no restriction on
vertical visibility
o FEW: 3 to 2 oktas
o SCT: 3 to 4 oktas
o BKN: 5 to 7 oktas
o OVC: 8 oktas
• The height of cloud base shall be reported in steps of 30 m (100 ft) up
to 3 000 m (10 000 ft).
• Types of cloud other than significant convective clouds shall not be
identified. Significant convective clouds, when observed, shall be
identified by appending the following abbreviations:
o CB: cumulonimbus
o TCU: cumulus congestus of great vertical extent
Supplementary information tab

Recent Weather
Up to three groups of information on recent weather shall be entered here if
the following weather phenomena were observed during the period since the
last routine report, or last hour, whichever is shorter, but not at the time of
• Freezing precipitation
• Moderate or heavy drizzle, rain or snow
• Moderate or heavy: ice pellets, hail, small hail and/or snow pellets
• Blowing snow
• Sandstorm or dust storm
• Thunderstorm
• Funnel cloud(s) (tornado or water-spout)
• Volcanic ash
No intensity of the recent weather phenomena shall be indicated.

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Wind Shear
Information on the existence of wind shear along the take-off path or approach
path between one runway level and 500 metres.
Sea-surface Temperature and state of the Sea
The sea-surface temperature according to the regional ICAO Regulation
Runway State
Information on the state of the runway:
• Runway deposits
• Extent of runway contamination
• Depth of deposit
• Friction coefficient/braking action
Note: SNOCLO shall be inserted here when the aerodrome is closed
due to extreme deposit of snow. If contaminations on a single
runway or on all runways have ceased to exist the last six digits of
the group shall be replaced by CLRD//.
Trend forecast tab

Trend forecasts shall be in coded form.

When a change is expected for one or several of the observed elements of the
following change indicators shall be used:.
• BECMG: describes expected changes to meteorological conditions which
reach or pass specified threshold criteria at either a regular or irregular rate
• TEMPO: describes expected temporary fluctuations to meteorological
conditions which reach or pass specified threshold criteria and last for a
period of less than one hour in each instance and in the aggregate cover less
than half of the forecast period during which the fluctuations are expected to
The beginning, the end of a forecast change, or the time at which specific forecast
condition(s) is (are) expected is to enter immediately after BECMG or TEMPO.

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8.8 PILOT unit

This function allows the operator to issue an upper-wind report.

This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common MET fields and Common MET functions of
this chapter.
8.8.1 Fields
The type of the PILOT message
• PP: PILOT report from a fixed land station.
• QQ: PILOT report from a sea station.
• EE: PILOT report from a mobile land station.
Call Sign
This field is disabled for PILOT type PP.
The aircraft call sign.
Day of the month in two digits, actual time of observation, to the nearest whole hour
UTC in two digits and Type of measuring equipment.
Station ID
This field is disabled for PILOT types QQ and EE.
The identification and position of a fixed land station

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This field is disabled for PILOT type PP.
The position of the observing station for a sea station, an aircraft or a carrier balloon,
or a mobile land station:
• Latitude, in tenths of a degree.
• Quadrant of the globe
• Longitude, in tenths of a degree.
Location 2
This field is disabled for PILOT type PP.
The position of the observing station for a sea station, an aircraft or a carrier balloon,
or a mobile land station:
• Number of Marsden square in which the station is situated at the time of the
• Unit digit in the reported latitude
• Unit digit in the reported longitude (1 symbol).
This field is disabled for PILOT types PP and QQ.
Elevation of a mobile land station
Isobaric Surfaces Wind
This tab is available in Part A and C.
• 1st column: This checkbox shall be ticked if standard isobaric surfaces are
located by means of pressure equipment.
• 2nd column: Number of consecutive isobaric surfaces for which wind data
are reported.
• 3rd column: Pressure of the standard isobaric surface for which wind data
are reported.
• 4th column: Wind true direction (rounded off to the nearest 5°)and wind
speed, in metres per second or knots, at specified levels.
• 5th column: Wind true direction (rounded off to the nearest 5°), and wind
speed, in metres per second or knots, at specified levels.
• 6th column: Wind true direction (rounded off to the nearest 5°), and wind
speed, in metres per second or knots, at specified levels.
Max Wind Data
This tab is available in Part A and C.
• 1st column: This checkbox shall be ticked if maximum reported wind data
coincides with the top of the wind sounding.
• 2nd column: Pressure at the maximum wind level.
• 3rd column: Wind level expressed in tens of standard geopotential metres.

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• 4th column: True wind direction (rounded off to the nearest 5°), and
maximum wind speed, in metres per second or knots.
• 5th column: Absolute value of the vector difference between the maximum
wind and the wind blowing at 1 km below the level of maximum wind and
absolute value of the vector difference between the maximum wind and the
wind blowing at 1 km above the level of maximum wind.
Sig. Level Wind by metres
This tab is available in Part B and D.
• 1st column: Wind True direction (rounded off to the nearest 5°) and Wind
speed, in metres per second or knots, at specified levels.
• 2nd column: Wind True direction (rounded off to the nearest 5°) and Wind
speed, in metres per second or knots, at specified levels.
• 3rd column: Wind True direction (rounded off to the nearest 5°) and Wind
speed, in metres per second or knots, at specified levels.
• 4th column: Tens digit of the altitude, expressed in units of 300 metres or 500
metres, which applies to the following data groups.
• 5th column: Units digit of the altitude, expressed in units of 300 metres or
500 metres, for three data group following.
• 6th column: Indicator Figure of the altitude
o When altitude is given in units of 300 metres, the indicator figure 9
shall be used up to and including the height of 29 700 metres. Above
that level, the indicator figure 1 shall be used to specify that 30 000
metres be added to the heights indicated.
o When altitude is given in units of 500 metres, the indicator figure 8
shall be used.
Sig. Level Wind by pressure
This tab is available in Part B and D.
• 1st column: Wind True direction (rounded off to the nearest 5°) and Wind
• 1st column: Number of level, starting with station level. Significant levels shall
be numbered 00 (station level), the first level 11, the second level 22, . . . etc. .
. . 99, 11, 22, . . . etc..
• 2nd column: Pressure at specified levels (3 symbols).
• 3rd column: Air temperature, in whole degrees Celsius, at specified levels (2
symbols), approximate tenths value and sign (plus or minus) of the air
temperature at specified levels. (1 symbol) and dew-point depression at
specified levels (2 symbols).
Regional Data
This tab is available all Parts.
The Regional data.
National Data
This tab is available in all Parts.
The National data.

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8.9 RQM unit

8.9.1 RQM line

Each message could contain up to 10 lines and each line represents requested data
description. Bulletin and individual reports (METAR, SIGMET, etc.) could be requested. Each
line could contain only one bulletin request and any number of report requests, but with a
limitation of size of AFTN line (69 characters).
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common MET fields and Common MET functions of
this chapter.
Each line represented as a tab. Use button from toolbar to insert and remove lines from RQM
message. Fields of Bulletin section of the line
Type of requested bulletin (WMO data type identifier).
The country the Bulletin is originating from
Bulletin number
The number of the bulletin. Fields of Report section of the line
Each row of the table represents data for one type of requested reports.
First column represents type of requested report (WMO data type identifier).
Second column represents comma separated list of ICAO locations.

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8.10 SIGMET unit

SIGMET information shall be issued by a meteorological watch office and shall give a
concise description in abbreviated plain language concerning the occurrence and/or
expected occurrence of specified en-route weather phenomena, which may affect the safety
of aircraft operations, and of the development of those phenomena in time and space.
There are three 'types' of information SIGMET message could contain:
• Weather phenomenon (TS, CB, TURB, ICE, MTW, DS ? SS)
• Tropical cyclones (TC)
• Volcanic ashes (VA).
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common MET fields and Common MET functions of
this chapter.
8.10.1 Fields
The ICAO location indicator of the ATS unit serving the FIR or CTA which the
SIGMET refers to.
Sequence number and validity period
1st field
The sequence number. It consists in up to three characters and may be a
combination of letters and numbers.
2nd field
The validity start time in the form DDHHMM.

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3rd field
The validity end time in the form DDHHMM.
The ICAO location indicator of the issuing MWO.
Information Region
The location indicator and name of the FIR/CTA which the SIGMET is issued for
1st field
The location indicator of the region in four upper case letters
2nd field
The name of the FIR/CTA in up to 10 upper case letters
3rd field
The type of the region
If the CNL checkbox is ticked the current SIGMET message is a cancellation of one
of the previous SIGMET. The sequence number and validity period of the original
SIGMET message have to be provided and all remaining fields must be skipped. The
cancellation comment should include information about future movement of volcanic
Description of the phenomenon causing the issuance of the SIGMET. Only one of the
following phenomena shall be included in a SIGMET message, using the
abbreviations as indicated below:
• OBSC TS: obscured thunderstorm
• EMBD TS: embedded thunderstorm
• FRQ TS: frequent thunderstorm
• SQL TS: squall line thunderstorm
• OBSC TSGR: obscured thunderstorm, with hail
• EMBD TSGR: embedded thunderstorm, with hail
• FRQ TSGR: frequent thunderstorm, with hail
• SQL TSGR: squall line thunderstorm, with hail
• TC (+ cyclone name or NN (for unknown)): Tropical cyclone
• SEV TURB: severe turbulence
• SEV ICE: severe icing
• SEV ICE (FZRA): severe icing due to freezing rain

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• SEV MTW: severe mountain wave

• HVY DS: heavy dust storm
• HVY SS: heavy sandstorm
LONGITUDE> VA CLD: Volcanic ash
• RDOACT CLD: Radioactive cloud
The location. It presented in the following formats
• Point in coordinates <LATITUDE LONGITUDE>
• One or more direction from latitude or longitude [N or S] OF <LATITUDE> or
• Combination of directions from latitude and longitude [N or S] OF
• Direction from line [N or NE or E or SE or S or SW or W or NW] OF LINE
• Direction from known FIR location N OF or NE OF or E OF or SE OF or S OF
or SW OF or W OF or NW OF or AT <LOCATION>
• Within polygon WI <POLYGON>. (Polygon defined with up to five point
delimited with hyphen, i.e. <LATITUDE LONGITUDE> - <LATITUDE
Flight level or altitude and extent. The entry in this field shall have the following
• FL<3 digits>
• TOP FL<3 digits>
• ABV FL<3 digits>
• TOP ABV FL<3 digits>
• SFC/FL<3 digits>
• FL<3 digits>/<3 digits>
• <4 digits>>M
• <4 digits>FT
• SFC/<4 digits>M
• SFC/<4 digits>FT
• CB TOP FL<3 digits> WI <3 digits>[KM or NM] OF CENTRE
• CB TOP ABV FL<3 digits> WI <3 digits>[KM or NM] OF CENTRE
• CB TOP BLW FL<3 digits> WI <3 digits>[KM or NM] OF CENTRE

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• FL<3 digits> APRX [KM or NM] BY [KM or NM]
• FL<3 digits> APRX <3 digits>[KM or NM] BY <3 digits>[KM or NM]
• FL<3 digits>/<3 digits> APRX [KM or NM] BY [KM or NM]
• FL<3 digits>/<3 digits> APRX <3 digits>[KM or NM] BY <3 digits>[KM
or NM]
• FL<3 digits> APRX [KM or NM] BY [KM or NM] [KM or NM] WID LINE
• FL<3 digits> APRX <3 digits>[KM or NM] BY <3 digits>[KM or NM] [KM
• FL<3 digits>/<3 digits> APRX [KM or NM] BY [KM or NM] [KM or NM]
• FL<3 digits>/<3 digits> APRX <3 digits>[KM or NM] BY <3 digits>[KM
• FL<3 digits> APRX [KM or NM] BY [KM or NM]
• FL<3 digits> APRX <3 digits>[KM or NM] BY <3 digits>[KM or NM]
• FL<3 digits>/<3 digits> APRX [KM or NM] BY [KM or NM]
• FL<3 digits>/<3 digits> APRX <3 digits>[KM or NM] BY <3 digits>[KM
or NM]
Forecast position of volcanic ash cloud or the centre of the TC at the end of the
validity period of the SIGMET message. The entry in this field shall have the following
• FCST <4 digits>Z VA CLD APRX <2 digits>[KM or NM] WID LINE BTN
Indication whether the information is observed and expected to continue or forecast.
Possible choices:
• OBS: observed and expected to continue
• FCST: forecast
Movement or expected movement.
If the STNR checkbox is ticked no phenomenon movement is expected.
1st field
The movement speed.

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2nd field
The movement direction. Choose between one of the sixteen points of
3rd field
The unit of the movement speed.
Expected changes in intensity. The following values are possible:
• INTSF: increasing.
• WKN: decreasing.
• NC: no changes.
8.11 SYNOP unit

This function allows the operator to report surface a fixed land station, a sea station or a
mobile land station.
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common MET fields and Common MET functions of
this chapter.

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8.11.1 Fields
The type of SYNOP.
• AAXX: SYNOP from a land station
• BBXX: SYNOP from a sea station
• OOXX: SYNOP from a mobile land station
Call Sign
This field is disabled for SYNOP of type AAXX.
The aircraft call sign.
WMO Area
This field is disabled for SYNOP of types AAXX and OOXX.
The WMO Regional Association area.
The day of the month in two digits and the actual time of observation, to the nearest
whole hour UTC in two digits.
Wind Units And Source
The indicator for source and units of wind speed.
Station ID
This field is disabled for SYNOP of types BBXX and OOXX.
The identification and position of a fixed land station.
This field is disabled for SYNOP of type AAXX.
The position of the observing station for a sea station, an aircraft or a carrier balloon,
or a mobile land station:
• Latitude, in tenths of a degree.
• Quadrant of the globe.
• Longitude, in tenths of a degree.
Location 2
This field is disabled for SYNOP of types AAXX and BBXX.
The position of the observing station for a sea station, an aircraft or a carrier balloon,
or a mobile land station:
• Number of Marsden square in which the station is situated at the time of the
• Unit digit in the reported latitude
• Unit digit in the reported longitude (1 symbol).

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This field is disabled for SYNOP of typed AAXX and BBXX.
Elevation of a mobile land station.
Precip. Ind.
The indicator for inclusion or omission of precipitation data.
Station Type
The indicator for the type of station operation (manned or automatic) and for the
present and past weather data.
The height above the surface of the base of the lowest cloud seen and the horizontal
visibility at the surface.
The total cloud cover, the true direction, in tens of degrees, from which wind is
blowing, the wind speed, in units
The sign of the data, and the relative humidity indicator followed by the air
temperature, in tenths of a degree Celsius.
Dew Point
The dew point rounded to the nearest whole degree Celsius. Rounded whole degree
values of air temperature and dew-point temperature of -9°C to +9°C shall be
preceded by 0.
Station Lvl. Pres.
The pressure at station level, in tenths of a hectopascal, omitting thousands digit of
hectopascal of the pressure value.
Sea Lvl. Pres.
The pressure at mean sea level, in tenths of a hectopascal, omitting the thousands
digit of hectopascal of the pressure value; or the standard isobaric surface for which
the geopotential is reported; and the geopotential of an agreed standard isobaric
surface given by above, in standard geopotential metres, omitting the thousands digit.
Pres. Tend.
The characteristic of the pressure tendency during the three hours preceding the time
of observation and the amount of pressure tendency at station level during the three
hours preceding the time of observation, expressed in tenths of a hectopascal.
The amount of precipitation which has fallen during the period preceding the time of
observation and the duration of the period of reference for the amount of precipitation,
ending at the time of the report.
The present weather as well as the past weather reported from a weather station.

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The total cloud cover, and clouds of the genera Stratocumulus, Stratus, Cumulus and
Cumulonimbus, and Clouds of the genera Altocumulus, Altostratus and Nimbostratus,
and Clouds of the genera Cirrus, Cirrocumulus and Cirrostratus.
Obs. Time
The actual time of observation, in hours and minutes UTC. This group shall be
• When the actual time of observation differs by more than 10 minutes from the
standard time GG reported in Section 0.
• When additionally specified by regional decision.
Ship Displ.
The ship displacement
This field shall always be included in reports from stations which have observed
maritime conditions and in reports from ships as a routine procedure.
This field shall be encoded as:
• 00 for a stationary sea station;
• // for:
o A coastal land station which reports maritime conditions;
o A supplementary or auxiliary ship, except when reporting from an area
for which the ship report collecting centre, in order to meet a
requirement of a search and rescue centre, has requested inclusion of
the true direction of resultant displacement of the ship during the three
hours preceding the time of observation and the visibility seawards as
a routine procedure.
For other stations the following information should be provided:
The true direction of resultant displacement of the ship during the three hours
preceding the time of observation and the ship's average speed made good during
the three hours preceding the time of observation (CODE TABLE 4451, 1 symbol).
Sea Surf. Temp
The sea-surface temperature in tenths of a degree Celsius.
Wave ind.
If the checkbox is ticked waves data has been obtained by instrumental methods.
The wave data in units of 0.5 metre.:
• Period of waves in seconds
• Height of waves in units of 0.5 metre
The direction of swell data only when swell can be distinguished from wind waves.
• True direction, in tens of degrees, from which swell waves are coming.
• Period and height of the first system of swell.

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• Period of swell waves, in seconds.

• Height of swell waves, in units of 0.5 metre.
• Period and height of the second system of swell.
• Period of swell waves, in seconds.
• Height of swell waves, in units of 0.5 metre.
Note: If only one system of swell is observed the second shall be omitted.
Ship ice Accr.
The ice accretion on ships, the thickness of ice accretion on ships, in centimetres and
the rate of ice accretion on ships.
Wave Height
This shall be reported in addition to wave Data when the following conditions have
been met:
• The sea is not calm.
• The height of waves has not been reported as none
• The station has the capability of accurately measuring instrumental wave
height in units of 0.1 metre.
Wet Bulb temp
When the wet bulb is used to derive dew-point value in a SHIP report, this group shall
be included to report the wet-bulb temperature measurement.
Sea Ice
This shall be reported whenever sea ice and/or ice of land origin are observed from
the ship's position at the time of observation, unless the ship is required to report ice
conditions by means of a special sea-ice code.
Low Clouds
the amount of cloud whose base is below the level of the station, the altitude of the
upper surface of clouds reported, in hundreds of metres and the description of the top
of cloud whose base is below the level of the station.
Regional Data
The regional data.
National Data
The national data.

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8.12 TAF unit

This function allows the operator to issue an aerodrome forecast.

This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common MET fields and Common MET functions of
this chapter.
8.12.1 Functions
8.12.2 Fields
Type of TAF
• TAF: new TAF
• TAF AMD: amended TAF
• TAF COR: corrected TAF
ICAO location indicator of the reporting station.
Issue Time
The day of the month and the time the TAF was issued on.
Missing forecast
Validity period
The period covered by the forecast:
• First field: beginning time of the validity period

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• Second field: validity duration in hours

cancelled TAF
Mean wind direction and mean speed.
• The wind direction is expressed in degrees. The format is the following: <3
digits>. Values of wind direction less than 100° shall be preceded by 0 and a
wind from true north shall be reported as 360.
Note: In the case of variable wind direction, VRB shall be entered when the
mean wind speed is less than 3 knots (2 m/s or 6 km/h). A variable wind at
higher speeds shall be reported only when the variation of wind direction is
180° or more or when it is impossible to determine a single wind direction.
• The speed of the wind shall be followed, without a space, by one of the
following abbreviations:
o KMH: kilometres per hour
o MPS: metres per second
o KT: knots
Note: Values of wind speed less than 10 units shall be preceded by 0.
Temperature 1 and 2
Forecast maximum and minimum temperatures. The entry shall begin with TX or TN
to indicate if the temperature is the maximum or the minimum temperature.
• TX: maximum forecast temperature
• TN: minimum forecast temperature
Temperatures between -9°C and +9°C shall be preceded by 0; temperatures below
0°C shall be preceded by the letter M,
Clouds an visibility tab
Cloud and visibility are OK. If this checkbox is ticked the fields Visibility and
Present Weather are disabled and the field Clouds is emptied.
The prevailing or the minimum visibility. The units used is metre.
Present weather
Inclusion of significant forecast weather using the appropriate abbreviations
shall be restricted to indicate the occurrence of the following weather
• Freezing precipitation
• Freezing fog
• Moderate or heavy precipitation (including shower)
• Low drifting dust, sand or snow
• Blowing dust, sand or snow

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• Dust storm
• Sandstorm
• Thunderstorm (with or without precipitation)
• Squall
• Funnel cloud (tornado or water-spout)
• Other weather phenomena which are expected to cause a significant
change in visibility.
Note: To indicate the end of significant weather phenomena the
abbreviation NSW (Nil Significant Weather) shall be entered.
The cloud amount, cloud type and height of cloud base:
• The cloud amount shall be entered as follows:
o NSC: no clouds below 1 500 m (5 000 ft) or below the highest
minimum sector altitude, whichever is greater, no
cumulonimbus and no towering cumulus and no restriction on
vertical visibility
o FEW: 3 to 2 oktas
o SCT: 3 to 4 oktas
o BKN: 5 to 7 oktas
o OVC: 8 oktas
• The height of cloud base shall be reported in steps of 30 m (100 ft) up
to 3 000 m (10 000 ft).
• Types of cloud other than significant convective clouds shall not be
identified. Significant convective clouds, when observed, shall be
identified by appending the following abbreviations:
o CB: cumulonimbus
o TCU: cumulus congestus of great vertical extent
Note: When clear sky is forecast, the abbreviation SKC shall be entered.
Trend Forecast tab
Trend forecasts in coded form.

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8.13 TEMP unit

This function allows the operator to report upper-level pressure, temperature, humidity and
This section gives only specific information on the subject. Details on other fields and
functions can be found in the sections Common MET fields and Common MET functions of
this chapter.
8.13.1 Fields
The type of the TEMP report
• TT: TEMP report from a fixed land station.
• UU: TEMP report from a sea station.
• XX: TEMP report from a sonde released by carrier balloons or aircraft.
• II: TEMP report from a mobile land station.
Call Sign
This field is disabled for TEMP of types TT and XX.
The aircraft call sign.

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The day of the month in two digits and the actual time of observation, to the nearest
whole hour UTC in two digits.
Station ID
This field is disabled for TEMP of types UU, XX and II.
The identification and position of a fixed land station.
This field is disabled for TEMP of type TT.
The position of the observing station for a sea station, an aircraft or a carrier balloon,
or a mobile land station:
• Latitude, in tenths of a degree.
• Quadrant of the globe.
• Longitude, in tenths of a degree.
This field is disabled for TEMP of type TT.
The position of the observing station for a sea station, an aircraft or a carrier balloon,
or a mobile land station:
• Number of Marsden square in which the station is situated at the time of the
• Unit digit in the reported latitude
• Unit digit in the reported longitude (1 symbol).
This field is disabled for TEMP of types TT, UU and XX.
Elevation of a mobile land station.
Station Level data
This field is available in Part A.
The data group for the surface
• The pressure at station level (The pressure of surfaces up to and including the
100-hPa surface shall be reported in whole hectopascal)
• The air temperature, in whole degrees Celsius, at the station level.
• The approximate tenths value and sign (plus or minus) of the air temperature
at the station level.
• The dew-point depression at the station level.
• The true direction (rounded off to the nearest 5°), in tens of degrees, from
which wind is blowing at the station level.
• The wind speed, in metres per second or knots, at the station level.

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Sounding data
This field is available in all parts.
The solar and infrared radiation correction, radiosonde/sounding system used,
tracking technique/status of system used and Time of observation, in hours and
minutes UTC.
Sea surf temp
This field is available in all parts.
The sign of the data, relative humidity indicator and sea-surface temperature, in
tenths of a degree Celsius.
This field is available Part B.
The amount of all the cloud present:
• Clouds of the genera Stratocumulus, Stratus, Cumulus and Cumulonimbus.
• Height above surface of the base of the lowest cloud seen.
• Clouds of the genera Altocumulus, Altostratus and Nimbostratus.
• Clouds of the genera Cirrus, Cirrocumulus and Cirrostratus.
Isobaric Surfaces Data
This tab is available in Part A and C.
• 1st column: Pressure of standard isobaric surfaces (level).
Possible values for Part A: 00,92,85,70,50,40,30,25,20,15 or 10
Possible values for Part C: 07,05,03,02 or 01
• 2nd column: Geopotential of the standard isobaric surfaces in standard
geopotential metres and tens of standard geopotential metres (3 digits or ///).
• 3rd column: Temperature group (5 digits or solidi):
o Air temperature at the standard isobaric surfaces (2 digits or //).
o Approximate tenths value and sign (plus or minus) of the air
temperature at specified levels (1 digit or /).(CODE TABLE 3931)
o Dew-point depression at standard isobaric surfaces (2 digits or //).
• 4th column: Wind group (5 digits or solidi):
o True direction from which wind is blowing (2 digits or //).(CODE TABLE
o Wind speed, in metres per second or knots (3 digits or ///).
Troppopause Level Data
This tab is available in Part A and C.
Data for tropopause level(s)
• 1st column: The pressure at the tropopause level. This entry cannot be 999,
as this is reserved for empty group.
• 2nd column: The air temperature, in whole degrees Celsius, the approximate
tenths value and sign (plus or minus) of the air temperature and the dew-point
depression at the tropopause level.

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• 3rd column: The true direction (rounded off to the nearest 5°), in tens of
degrees, from which wind is blowing and the wind speed, in metres per
second or knots at the tropopause level.
Max Wind Data
This tab is available in Part A and C.
• 1st column: This checkbox shall be ticked if maximum reported wind data
coincides with the top of the wind sounding.
• 2nd column: Pressure at the maximum wind level.
• 3rd column: Wind level expressed in tens of standard geopotential metres.
• 4th column: True wind direction (rounded off to the nearest 5°), and
maximum wind speed, in metres per second or knots.
• 5th column: Absolute value of the vector difference between the maximum
wind and the wind blowing at 1 km below the level of maximum wind and
absolute value of the vector difference between the maximum wind and the
wind blowing at 1 km above the level of maximum wind.
Sig. Level Temperature
This tab is available in Part B and D.
this is the temperature on significant level indicated by pressure.
• 1st column: The number of level, starting with station level. The significant
levels shall be numbered 00 (station level), the first level 11, the second level
22, . . . etc. . . . 99, 11, 22, . . . etc..
• 2nd column: The pressure at specified levels .
• 3rd column: The air temperature, in whole degrees Celsius, the approximate
tenths value and sign (plus or minus) of the air temperature ant the dew-point
depression at specified levels.
Sig. Level Wind by pressure
This tab is available in Part B and D.
• 1st column: Wind True direction (rounded off to the nearest 5°) and Wind
• 1st column: Number of level, starting with station level. Significant levels shall
be numbered 00 (station level), the first level 11, the second level 22, . . . etc. .
. . 99, 11, 22, . . . etc..
• 2nd column: Pressure at specified levels (3 symbols).
• 3rd column: Air temperature, in whole degrees Celsius, at specified levels (2
symbols), approximate tenths value and sign (plus or minus) of the air
temperature at specified levels. (1 symbol) and dew-point depression at
specified levels (2 symbols).
Regional Data
This tab is available all Parts.
The Regional data.

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National Data
This tab is available in all Parts.
The National data.

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9.1 Template Browser
This function shows all stored templates. If for a form type no template has been stored, this
form type is not displayed.

Depending on the system configuration a sub-node may be displayed showing the name of
the pool from which the template was created.
A double click on the name of a template opens it in the Unit it was created with.
9.1.1 Functions File

Refreshes the template browser view.
Closes the template browser. Options

Show Toolbar
Hides or displays the toolbar.

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Opens the selected template in the form corresponding to the template type.
Note: For AMHS templates the template is opened in the AMHS viewer.
View as...
Opens the selected template in the selected form.
Note: This option is not available for all types of template.
Note: Depending on the system configuration further forms may be
available in this menu.
Save As
Saves the selected template under a new name.
Deletes the selected template.

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9.2 Import Templates

This function is used to load templates. They are loaded within the local file system of the
9.2.1 Functions File

Clears all fields.
Loads stored templates.
Saves the selected templates.
Closes the Import Templates.

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Show Toolbar
Tick this check box to enable or disable the display of the Tool Bar of the Import
9.2.2 Fields
If this check box is ticked the template is selected, if this check box is not ticked the
template is not selected.
Icon showing the type of the template.
Name of the template.
Reason for which the template will not be imported.
9.2.3 Importing templates
The Import Template function is used to select the templates to be imported.

To import a template first use the icon Load from files or use the appropriate menu. A
popup opens to select the directory from which the templates will be imported. Choose the
directory and press the [Open]-button.
All templates stored within the defined directory are presented in a list. They are separated
two categories:
• The valid templates that can be selected to be imported
• The invalid templates that cannot be selected to be imported

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After having loaded the templates the operator can select one or more (or all at a once) valid
templates to be stored in the database. After this selection pressing the [Save]-button stores
the templates in the database.

After the import a pop-up tells the operator the number of templates imported.

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9.3 Export Templates

This function is used to store templates. They are stored within the local file system of the
9.3.1 Functions File

Clears all fields.
Show Templates
Displays all available templates.
Exports the selected templates.
Closes the Export Templates. Options

Show Toolbar
Tick this check box to enable or disable the display of the Tool Bar of the Export

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9.3.2 Fields
If this check box is ticked the template is selected, if this check box is not ticked the
template is not selected.
Icon showing the type of the template.
Name of the template.
Displays if the export has been successful or not for this template.
9.3.3 Exporting templates
The Export Template function is used to select the templates to be exported. It is divided in
two parts:
• The Mime Types part which allows the operator to select the types of templates to be
exported. E.g. only NOTAM templates
• The Templates part which allows the operator to select the individual templates to be

To export templates first use the icon Show/filer templates or use the appropriate menu,
and select the templates to be exported; then use the icon Export or use the appropriate
menu. A popup opens to select the directory where the templates will be exported to. Choose
the directory and press the [Save]-button.

After the export a pop-up tells the operator that the export is finished.

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9.4 Change password

This function opens a new window in which the user can change the password for his/her
profile. The fields are case sensitive. Clicking on the [OK]-button saves the password.

If the entries in the two fields are not identical a hint appears and the password is not saved.
Note: If no login is required at the start of the AviTerm application, this function is
not available.

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The Options menu allows the user to enable or disable of the tool tips as well as to show or
hide the menu icons of all frames.

Enable Tool Tips

Ticking this check box enables the display of the tool tips in all frames.

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The Window menu helps the user to control all open windows at once.

Close All
Closes automatically all Units open.
Minimize All
Minimizes automatically all Units open.
Restore All
Restores automatically all Units minimized.
Pack All
Restores the original size of all Units open.

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The Help menu provides a general help file and a context sensitive help.

Launch Help
Launches the general help file. The help is not displayed in the MDI schema. The
help frame can be moved out of the AviTerm framework. So it is possible to work with
the system and have in parallel the help file open.
'?' - Context sensitive help
Changes the mouse cursor into a question mark. Clicking then in the HMI will open
the general help file next to the topic of the item that was clicked on.
Note: the context sensitive help shall only be used on active fields in
active windows.
Gives information about the copyright and the current version number of the

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Abbreviation Description
AAXX SYNOP from a land station
ABV Above
ACARS Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System
ACC Area Control Centre
ACP Acceptance Message
AD Aerodrome
ADEP Aerodrome of Departure
ADES Aerodrome of Destination
ADF Automatic Direction Finder
ADID Aerodrome identifier
ADS pressure-altitude and extended squitter
AE NOTAM is linked to 'A' and 'E'
AFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network
AGL Above Ground Level
AIREP Aircraft Report
AIRMET En-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of low-level aircraft
AIS Aeronautical Information Service
AK Qualifier for Resumed Normal Operations
AL Qualifier for Operative or Re-operative
ALERFA alert phase
ALR Alerting Message
ALTN Alternate
AMD amended
AMHS ATS Message Handling System
AMSL Above Mean Sea Level
AO Qualifier for Operational
APRX approximate
APV Approach Procedure with Vertical Guidance
ARCID Aircraft Identification
ARO ATS Reporting Office
Aerodrome Office
ARR Arrival Message

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Abbreviation Description
ASHTAM Volcanic Ash Information
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATD Actual time of Departure
ATFCM Air Traffic Flow And Capacity Management
ATFM Air Traffic Flow Management
ATN Aeronautical Telecommunication network
ATS Air Traffic Services
AW NOTAM is linked to 'A' and 'W'
BBB Optional remark group
BBXX SYNOP from a sea station
BCC Blind Carbon Copy
BECMG Expected changes to meteorological conditions
BIRDTAM NOTAM publishing bird strike information
BKN Broken
BLW Below
BRD Brakemeter-Dynometer
BTN Between
CAVOK Cloud and visibility OG
CB Cumulonimbus
CC Qualifier for Completed
Carbon Copy
CDN Coordination Message
CFL current flight plan
CFMU Central Flow Management Unit
CHG Change Message
CLD Cloud
CLRD Cleared
CNL Cancel Message
CNS Communication, Navigation, Surveillance
COM Communication
CONN Connected
COR Correction
CPDLC Controller–Pilot Data Link Communications
CPL Current Flight Plan
CR Change Request
CTOT Calculated Take-Off Time

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Abbreviation Description
CTRL Control
DAT Digital Audio Tape, here: used for computer use
DCT Direct
DD AFTN priority for Urgency messages.
DDHHMM 2 digits for day, 2 digits for hour and 2 digits for minute
DEP Departure
DES De-Suspension
DEST Destination
DL Distribution list
DLA Delay Message
DLE Delay at a fix
DME Distance Measuring Equipment
DOF Date Of Flight
EDDM ICAO code for Munich International airport
EDMM ICAO code for Munich ACC/FIC
EDNY ICAO code for Lake Constance airport
EE PILOT report from a mobile land station
EET Estimated Elapsed Time
EG ICAO code for Great Britain
EGAA ICAO code for Belfast International airport
EGGP ICAO code for Liverpool John Lennon airport
EGLL ICAO code for London Heathrow airport
ELT Emergency Location Transmitter
EMBD Embedded
EOBD Estimated Off-Block Date
EOBT Estimated Off-Block Time
ERR Error
ESC Escape
EST Estimate Message
ETCC ICAO code for Goch military airport
ETD Estimated Time of Departure
ETFMS Enhanced Tactical Flow Management System
ETNA ICAO code for Ahlhorn Royal Air Force Base airport
FCM Flight Confirmation
FCST Forecast
FF AFTN priority for Flight safety message

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Abbreviation Description
FIR Flight Information Region
FIS Flight Information Service
FL Flight Level
FLS Flight Suspension
FMC Flight Management Computer
FPL Flight Plan
FRQ Frequent
FT Feet
FZLVL Height indication of 0°C level(s) above ground level
FZRA Freezing rain
GAMET Area forecast for low-level flights
GBAS Ground-Based Augmentation System
GG AFTN priority for Meteorological, flight regularity and AIS messages
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GND Ground
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GRT Grip Tester
HF High Frequency
HFDL High Frequency Data Link
HHMM 2 digits for Hours, 2 digits for Minutes
HMI Human-Machine Interface
HTML Hyper Text Mark-up language
HVY Heavy
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
ID Identification
IFPLID Flight Plan Identifier, assigned by the IFPS
IFPS Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
ILS Instrument Landing System
INC In cloud
INCERFA Uncertainty phase
INTSF Increasing
IOBD Initial Off Block Date
IOBT Initial Off Block Time
IP Internet Protocol

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Abbreviation Description
IPM Inter-Personal Message
ISOL Isolated
KK AFTN priority for Aeronautical administrative messages
KM Kilometre
KMH Kilometre/hour
KT Knot
LF Line Feed
LORAN Long Range Navigation
LPV Localizer Performance With Vertical Guidance
LR Left and Right
MDI Multiple Document Interface
MET Meteorological Services
METAR Meteorological Aviation Routine Weather Report.
MLS Microwave Landing System
MOD Moderate
MPS Metres per second
MS Message Store
MT Mountains
MTA Message Transfer Agent
MTS Message Transfer System (X.400)
MTSAT Multifunctional Transport Satellites
MTW Mountain wave
MUM Mu-meter
MWO Location indicator of the meteorological office
MWT Mountain wave
NAV Navigational
NAVAID Navigational Aids
NC Non-Conformance
NDB Non-Directional Radio Beacon
NE North East
NEWCTOT New Calculated Take-Off Time
NIL Nothing / Zero
NM Nautical Miles
NN Unknown
NOTAM Notice to Airman

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Abbreviation Description
NOTAMC NOTAM to cancel
NOTAMR NOTAM to replace
NSC NOTAM Selection Criteria
NSW Nil Significant Weather
NT Windows NT Operation System
NW North-West
OBS Observed
OBSC Obscured
OBST Obstacle
OCNL Occasional
OG Optional group
OHI Optional Heading Line
OOXX SYNOP from a mobile land station
OPADD Operating Procedures for AIS Dynamic Data
OPR Operator
ORGN Origin
OVC Overcast cloud
PBN Performance Based Navigation Capability
PC Personal Computer
PER Aircraft Performance Data
PIB Pre-Flight Information Bulletin
PP PILOT report from a fixed land station
PS Plus
PSEL presentation selector
PSN Packet Switching Network
PSYS Pressure centres and fronts and their expected movements and developments
PTID Point Identification
QAP Reporting Point
QAX Intersection
QM Quality Management or Quality Manager,
QN Qualifier for All Navigation Aids
QNH Barometric Pressure Adjusted To Sea Level
QOB Qualifier Obstacle
QOL Qualifier Obstacle Light
QPH Holding Procedure

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Abbreviation Description
QPX Minimum Holding Altitude
QQ PILOT report from a sea station
RA Registration Authority
RALT En-Route Alternate Aerodrome
RCF Radio Communication Failure Message
RCP Required Communication Performance
RDOACT Radioactive
REA Ready
REG Aircraft Registration Markings
REGUL Regulation
REJCTOT Rejected Calculated Take-Off Time
RFI Ready For Improvement
RFT Runway Friction Tester
RIF Route Details to the Revised Destination Aerodrome
RJT Rerouting Rejection
RMK Remarks
RPL Repetitive Flight Plan
RQM Request weather data (METAR; SIGMET...)
RQP Request Flight Plan
RQS Request supplementary Information
RRN Rerouting Notification
RRP Rerouting Proposal
RRTEREF Re-Route Reference
RTF Radiotelephone
RVR Runway Visual Range
RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minima
RWY Runway
SA Security Architecture
SAM Slot Allocation Message
SAT Site Acceptance Test or System Architecture
SATCOM Satellite Communications
SBAS Satellite-Based Augmentation System
SCT Scattered
SE System Engineering or System Engineer
SEL Selective-Calling Radio System
SELCAL Selective-Calling Radio System

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Abbreviation Description
SEV Severe
SFC Surface
SFH Surface Friction Tester (High-Pressure Tyre)
SFL Surface Friction Tester (Low-Pressure Tyre)
SID Standard Instrument Departure
SIG Significant
SIGMET Significant Meteorological Information
SIGWIX Significant weather conditions
SIP Slot Improvement Proposal
SKC Clear sky
SKH Skiddometer (High-Pressure Tyre)
SKL Skiddometer (Low-Pressure Tyre)
SLC Slot Cancellation Message
SMM Slot Missed Message
SNOCLO Aerodrome closed due to extreme deposit of snow
SNOWTAM NOTAM publishing information about snow, ice and standing water on aerodrome
movement areas
SPA Slot Proposal Acceptation Message
SPECI Unscheduled report taken when certain criteria have been met
SPL Supplementary Information
SQL Standard Query Language
SRJ Slot Proposal Rejection Message
SRM Slot Revision Message
SS AFTN priority for Distress messages
SSEL Session selector
SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar
STAR Standard Terminal Arrival Route
STS Reason for Special Handling By ATS
SUR Additional Surveillance Capability
SW Software
SWM SIP Wanted Message
SYNOP report surface a fixed land station, a sea station or a mobile land station
TACAN Tactical Air Navigation System
TAF Terminal Aerodrome Forecast
TALT Take-Off Alternate
TAM Umbrella term for NOTAM, SNOWTAM, ASHTAM

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Abbreviation Description
TAP Tapley Meter
TBN To be Notified
TC Tropical cyclones
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TCU Cumulus congestus
TEMP Report upper-level pressure, temperature, humidity and wind
TEMPO Temporary
TN Minimum forecast temperature
TS Thunderstorms
TSEL Transport selector
TSGR Thunderstorms with hail
TT TEMP report from a fixed land station
TU Transmitting unit
TURB Turbulence
TX Maximum forecast temperature
TYP Type
UAT Universal Access Transceiver
UHF Ultra-High Frequency
UIR Upper Information Region
UNL Unlimited
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
UU TEMP report from a sea station
VALFROM Valid From
VALTO End of the validity
VDL VHF Data Link
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VHF Very High Frequency
VIS Visibility
VOR Very High Frequency Omni Directional Range
VRB Variable
WKN Decreasing
WMO World meteorological organisation
WPR Waypoint Reporting
WSPD Wind speed
YYMMDD 2 digits for Years, 2 digits for Month, 2 digits for Day

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Except for the list of values, the keyboard shortcuts used in the AviTerm application are the
shortcuts used within Java.

B.1 List of values

Some fields are linked to a list of value. They can react in two different manners:
Open a list of value chooser

Fields having a blue square in the upper left corner will open a list of value chooser
when the operator places the cursor in one of these fields and presses the [F4]-key.
After having chosen a value the operator has to leave the field so that the system
can fill out the related fields.
Open a finder

Fields having a grey triangle in the upper left corner when the cursor is in them will
open a finder when the operator presses the [F4]-key.
It is possible to start filling up the field and then pressing on the [F4]-key. This will
result in opening a finder with a reduced list of possible entries. The use of the "%"
character as a wildcard is also allowed.
After having chosen a value the operator has to leave the field so that the system
can fill out the related fields.

B.2 Java shortcuts

B.2.1 JApplet - Inside an Unit (Java L&F)

Action Key sequence

Navigate out forward Tab, Ctrl + Tab

Navigate out backward Shift + Tab, Shift + Ctrl + Tab

Activate the default button (if Enter


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B.2.2 Standard components

B.2.2.1 JButton (Java L&F)

This button comes to its original position after having been clicked on or having been
selected. All the Icons under the menu bar are JButtons.

Action Key sequence

Navigate forward Tab

Navigate backward Shift + Tab

Activate Default Enter

Activate Any Space bar, Alt + Char accelerator key (if defined)

Activate Cancel or Close Esc

B.2.2.2 JCheckBox (Java L&F)

This square box can be ticked or not ticked. All check boxes can be selected at the same

Action Key sequence

Navigate forward Tab

Navigate backward Shift + Tab

Navigate within group Arrow keys

Check / Uncheck Space bar

B.2.2.3 JRadioButton (Java L&F)

Square or round box that can be ticked or not ticked. Only one radio button can be selected
at the same time.

Action Key sequence

Navigate forward Tab

Navigate backward Shift + Tab

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Action Key sequence

Navigate within group Arrow keys (Note: Navigating to a radio button selects it.)

Check / Uncheck Space bar

B.2.2.4 JToggleButton (Java L&F)

Button that stays in the position it was set.

Action Key sequence

Navigate forward Tab

Navigate backward Shift + Tab

Navigate within group Arrow keys

Check / Uncheck Space bar

B.2.2.5 JComboBox (Java L&F)

Drop down list in a field. Only one item can be selected in this list and only the selected item
can be seen in the field when the drop down list is closed.

Action Key sequence

Navigate out forward Tab

Navigate out backward Shift + Tab

Post menu Alt + Down

Retract menu Esc, Alt + Up

Toggle menu up Alt + Up

Toggle menu down Alt + Down

Activate menu item Enter

Jump to menu item without selecting Initial Char of Item (Only if the field is empty)

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Action Key sequence

Move up Up (Note: For other navigation keys, please see JList. For
more information on Edit Field, please see JTextField.)

Move down Down (Note: For other navigation keys, please see JList. For
more information on Edit Field, please see JTextField.)

B.2.2.6 JList (Java L&F)

List in which more than one item can be seen and in which the selected item is marked

Action Key sequence

Navigate out forward Tab

Navigate out backward Shift + Tab

Activate selection Enter

Move within list Up, Down

Move to beginning of list Ctrl + Home

Move to end of list Ctrl + End

Select all entries Ctrl + A

Make a selection Space bar (Note: This will deselect previous selection)

Select an additional item Ctrl + Space bar

Range select Shift + Space bar

Extend selection up Shift + Up

Extend selection down Shift + Down

Extend selection to top Shift + Home

Extend selection to end Shift + End

Block extend up Shift + PgUp

Block extend down Shift + PgDn

Block move PgUp, PgDn

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B.2.2.7 JSlider (Java L&F)

Slide Bar such as the picture below

Action Key sequence

Navigate out forward Tab

Navigate out backward Shift + Tab

Minimum value Home

Maximum value End

Block increase or increase value PgUp

Block decrease or decrease value PgDn

B.2.3 Structured components

B.2.3.1 JTable (Java L&F)


Action Key sequence

Navigate out forward Tab

Navigate out forward Ctrl + Tab

Navigate out backward Shift + Tab

Navigate out backward Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Move to next cell Tab

Move to next cell Right Arrow

Move to previous cell Shift + Tab

Move to previous cell Left Arrow

Wrap to next row Tab

Wrap to next row Right Arrow

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Action Key sequence

Wrap to previous row Shift + Tab or Left

Block move vertical PgUp, PgDn

Block move left Ctrl + PgUp

Block move right Ctrl + PgDn

Block extend vertical Shift + PgUp, Shift + PgDn

Block extend left Ctrl + Shift + PgUp

Block extend right Ctrl + Shift + PgDn

Move to first cell in row Home

Move to last cell in row End

Move to first cell in table Ctrl + Home

Move to last cell in table Ctrl + End

Select all cells Ctrl + A

Deselect current selection Up, Down

Deselect current selection Ctrl + Up, Ctrl + Down

Deselect current selection PgUp, PgDn

Deselect current selection Ctrl + PgUp, Ctrl + PgDn

Deselect current selection Home, End

Deselect current selection Ctrl + Home, Ctrl + End

Extend selection one row Shift + Up, Shift + Down

Extend selection one column Shift + Left, Shift + Right

Extend selection to beginning of row Shift + Home

Extend selection to end of row Shift + End

Extend selection to beginning of Ctrl + Shift + Home


Extend selection to end of column Ctrl + Shift + End

Edit cell without overriding current F2


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Action Key sequence

Reset cell content prior to editing Esc

B.2.3.2 JTree (Java L&F)

This is a hierarchy tree. It is usually located on the left part of the frame or of the window.

Action Key sequence

Navigate out forward Tab

Navigate out backward Shift + Tab

Expand entry Right

Collapse entry Left

Toggle expand / collapse for entry Enter

Move up one entry Up

Move down one entry Down

Move to first entry Home

Move to last visible entry End

Block move vertical PgUp, PgDn

Block move left Ctrl + PgUp

Block move right Ctrl + PgDn

Block extend vertical Shift + PgUp, Shift + PgDn

Select all Ctrl + A

Select all Ctrl + /

Deselect all Ctrl + \

Single select Ctrl + Space bar

Range-select Shift + Space bar

Extend selection up Shift + Up

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Action Key sequence

Extend selection down Shift + Down

Extend selection to start of data Shift + Home

Extend selection to end of data Shift + End

B.2.4 Menu, toolbar, and tooltip components

B.2.4.1 JMenuBar (Java L&F)

The whole menu line

Action Key sequence

Jump to menu bar Alt

Navigate out Esc, Alt

Navigate between items within Arrow keys


Select first item (if no item selected) F10

Select next item Right

Select previous item Left

Select default or selected item Enter

Post menu Up, Down, Enter, Space bar, Alt + Char accelerator key (if

Un-post menu Esc, Alt

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B.2.4.2 JMenu (Java L&F)

The different selectable menus

Action Key sequence

Post menu Enter, F10

Post submenu Right

Move to next item (wrap to top) Down

Move to previous item (wrap to Up


Retract menu Esc

Retract submenu Left

Activate default or selected item Enter

B.2.4.3 JMenuItem (Java L&F)

The item of a menu

Action Key sequence

Navigate in / out Arrow keys

Activate item Enter, Space bar, Alt + Char accelerator key (if defined)

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Action Key sequence

Post submenu Right

Retract submenu Left, Esc

B.2.4.4 JCheckBoxMenuItem (Java L&F)

A check box as menu item

Action Key sequence

Navigate in / out Arrow keys

Check / Uncheck item and retract Enter


B.2.4.5 JRadioButtonMenuItem (Java L&F)

A radio button as menu item

Action Key sequence

Navigate in / out Arrow keys

Check / Uncheck item and retract Enter


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B.2.4.6 JPopupMenu (Java L&F)

Context menu

Action Key sequence

Post menu Shift + F10

Post submenu Right

Close submenu Left

Retract menu Esc

Move within menu Up, Down

Activate entry Enter, Space bar

B.2.4.7 JToolBar (Java L&F)

Icons placed under the menu bar and that show the main functions of the different menus

Action Key sequence

Navigate out forward Tab

Navigate out backward Shift + Tab

Navigate within Arrow Keys

Activate item Space

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B.2.4.8 JToolTip (Java L&F)

This is a small description window that appears when the mouse is placed on an icon, a field,
a button... without clicking on it. It cannot be selected.

Action Key sequence

Post tip Ctrl + F1

Retract tip Esc, Ctrl + F1

B.2.5 Text components

B.2.5.1 JTextField (Java L&F)

Blank text field with only one line

Action Key sequence

Navigate in Alt + Char accelerator key (if defined)

Navigate out forward Tab

Navigate out backward Shift + Tab

Move to previous char Left

Move to next char Right

Move to previous word Ctrl + Left

Move to next word Ctrl + Right

Move to start of field Home

Move to end of field End

Submit entry Enter

Select all Ctrl + A

Deselect all Arrow keys

Extend selection left Shift + Left

Extend selection right Shift + Right

Extend selection to start Shift + Home

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Action Key sequence

Extend selection to end Shift + End

Extend selection to previous word Ctrl + Shift + Left

Extend selection to next word Ctrl + Shift + Right

Copy selection Ctrl + C

Cut selection Ctrl + X

Paste from clipboard Ctrl + V

Delete next character Delete

Delete previous character Backspace

B.2.5.2 JTextArea (Java L&F)

Blank text field with more than one line

Action Key sequence

Navigate in Tab, Alt + Char Accelerator Key (if defined)

Navigate out forward Ctrl + Tab

Navigate out backward Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Move up one line Up

Move down one line Down

Move left one char Left

Move right one char Right

Move to start of line Home

Move to end of line End

Move to previous word Ctrl + Left

Move to next word Ctrl + Right

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Action Key sequence

Move to start of text area Ctrl + Home

Move to end of text area Ctrl + End

Block move up PgUp

Block move down PgDn

Block move left Ctrl + PgUp

Block move right Ctrl + PgDn

Block extend up Shift + PgUp

Block extend down Shift + PgDn

Block extend left Ctrl + Shift + PgUp

Block extend right Ctrl + Shift + PgDn

Select all Ctrl + A

Deselect all Arrow keys

Extend selection up Shift + Up

Extend selection down Shift + Down

Extend selection left Shift + Left

Extend selection right Shift + Right

Extend selection to start of line Shift + Home

Extend selection to end of line Shift + End

Extend selection to start of text area Ctrl + Shift + Home

Extend selection to end of text area Ctrl + Shift + End

Extend selection to previous word Ctrl + Shift + Left

Extend selection to next word Ctrl + Shift + Right

Copy selection Ctrl + C

Cut selection Ctrl + X

Paste Selected Text Ctrl + V

Delete next character Delete

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Action Key sequence

Delete previous character Backspace

Insert line break Enter

Insert tab Tab

B.2.5.3 JTextPane (Java L&F)

Field in with formatted texts as well as graphics can be edited

Action Key sequence

Navigate in Tab

Navigate out Ctrl + Tab

Navigate out backwards Shift +Ctrl + Tab

Move up a line Up

Move down a line Down

Move left a component or char Left

Move right a component or char Right

Move up one vertical block PgUp

Move down one vertical block PgDn

Move to start of line End

Move to end of line End

Move to previous word Ctrl + Left

Move to next word Ctrl + Right

Move to start of data Ctrl + Home

Move to end of data Ctrl + End

Move left one block Ctrl + PgUp

Move right one block Ctrl + PgDn

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Action Key sequence

Select All Ctrl + A

Extend selection up one line Shift + Up

Extend selection down one line Shift + Down

Extend selection to beginning of line Shift + Home

Extend selection to end of line Shift + End

Extend selection to beginning of Ctrl + Shift + Home


Extend selection to end of data Ctrl + Shift + End

Extend selection left Shift + Right

Extend selection right Shift + Right

Extend selection up one vertical Shift + PgUp


Extend selection down one vertical Shift + PgDn


Extend selection left one block Ctrl + Shift + PgUp

Extend selection right one block Ctrl + Shift + PgDn

Extend selection left one word Ctrl + Shift + Left

Extend selection right one word Ctrl + Shift + Right

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B.2.5.4 JEditorPane (Java L&F)

Field in with formatted texts can be edited

Note: For more information on how to navigate/move and make selections, please
see JTextArea.

Action Key sequence

Move to next HTML link or other Tab, Shift + Tab

focusable element

Move out of focusable elements that Ctrl + Tab, Ctrl + Shift + Tab
accept a tab

Activate an HTML link Enter

Navigate in / out Tab

Navigate out backwards Shift + Tab

Move up one line Up

Move down one line Down

Move left one component or char Left

Move right one component or char Right

Move up one vertical block PgUp

Move down one vertical block PgDn

Move to beginning of line Home

Move to end of line End

Move to previous word Ctrl + Left

Move to next word Ctrl + Right

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Action Key sequence

Move to beginning of data Ctrl + Home

Move to end of data Ctrl + End

Move left one block Ctrl + PgUp

Move right one block Ctrl + PgDn

Select All Ctrl + A

Extend selection up one line Shift + Up

Extend selection down one line Shift + Down

Extend selection left one component Shift + Left

or char

Extend selection right one Shift + Right

component or char

Extend selection to start of line Shift + Home

Extend selection to end of line Shift + End

Extend selection to start of data Ctrl + Shift + Home

Extend selection to end of data Ctrl + Shift + End

Extend selection up one vertical Shift + PgUp


Extend selection down one vertical Shift + PgDn


Extend selection to previous word Ctrl + Shift + Left

Extend selection to next word Ctrl + Shift + Right

Extend selection left one block Ctrl + Shift + PgUp

Extend selection right one block Ctrl + Shift + PgDn

B.2.6 Containers: frames, windows, panes, and icons

B.2.6.1 JDesktopPane (Java L&F)

Main application window, that allows the use of Multiple Document Interface (MDI).

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Action Key sequence

Navigate forward among open Ctrl + Alt + F6, Alt + Tab, Alt + Esc, Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F6, Alt +
application windows, then desktop Shift + Tab

Navigate forward among open Ctrl + F6, Alt + F6, Ctrl + Shift + F6
associated windows

Navigate backward among open Alt + Shift + F6

associated windows

Post menu of window-options Shift + Esc, Ctrl + Space bar, Alt + Space bar

Open window (when set as an icon) Enter

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B.2.6.2 JOptionPane (Java L&F)

Pop up window to asks for a confirmation or to inform the user

Action Key sequence

Navigate in/out Alt + F6

Navigate within Tab, Shift + Tab

Retract dialog Esc

Activate the default button (if Enter


Activate the current button Space

B.2.6.3 JDialog (Java L&F)

Sub window with a title but without menu bar

Action Key sequence

Navigate out Alt + F6

Navigate within Tab, Shift + Tab

Retract dialog Esc

Activate the default button (if Enter


Activate the current button Space

B.2.6.4 JScrollPane (Java L&F)

Scroll bar

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Action Key sequence

Navigate out forward Tab

Navigate out backward Shift + Tab

Move up Up

Move down Down

Move left Left

Move right Right

Move to start of data Ctrl + Home

Move to end of data Ctrl + End

Block move up PgUp

Block move down PgDn

Block move right Ctrl + PgDn

Block move left Ctrl + PgUp

B.2.6.5 JSplitPane (Java L&F)

This is a window in which elements are separated by a division bar and act independently
from one another.

Action Key sequence

Navigate out forward Tab, Ctrl + Tab

Navigate out backward Shift + Tab, Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Move between panes Tab, F6

Move to division bar F8

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Action Key sequence

Resize pane vertical Up, Down

Resize pane horizontal Left, Right

Resize to min Home

Resize to max End

B.2.6.6 JTabbedPane (Java L&F)

This is a window in which card boxes can be seen.

Action Key sequence

Navigate in Tab

Navigate out Ctrl + Tab

Move to tab left Left

Move to tab right Right

Move to tab above Up

Move to tab below Down

Move from tab to page Enter, Ctrl + Down

Move from page to tab Ctrl + Up

Move from page to previous page Ctrl + PgUp

Move from page to next page Ctrl + PgDn

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B.2.6.7 JFrame (Java L&F)

This is a window that has a title and a menu bar.

Action Key sequence

Navigate out Alt + Esc

Display window menu Alt + Space bar

Activate the default button (if Enter


B.2.6.8 JInternalFrame (Java L&F)

This is a window that has a title and a menu bar and is inside a JDesktop.

Action Key sequence

Open (Restore) Ctrl + F5, Alt + F5, Enter

Close Ctrl + F4, Alt + F5

Move Ctrl + F7, Alt + F7

Resize Ctrl + F8, Alt + F8

Minimize Ctrl + F9, Alt + F9

Display window menu Alt + Space bar

Activate the default button (if Enter


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B.2.6.9 JWindow (Java L&F)

This is a window without any title or menu bar.

Action Key sequence

Activate the default button (if Enter


End of document

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