Igital Riefing

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DIGITAL distance is very much longer. A computed

flying plan on Victor airways comes up
with a total distance of 351.8 nautical
Consideration for Oxygen
The MORAs are so high that oxygen

BRIEFING miles - only17 miles farther.

A whole discussion emerges. What will
would be required for most of the
route. By computing a flight plan using
the airways, lower MEAs can be found
air traffic control allow on direct flights? that will allow for lower altitudes for
What will they do if they lose you from portions of the flight. In FliteStar, the
radar coverage? What altitudes will they computed flight plan produces both a
allow when they can’t see you on radar? plan view and a profile view of the
Do they have altitudes for direct routes? computed route.

o now that you have the ability to Refer to the illustration of the profile
The easy answer to all this is to file the
display an enroute chart electronically, view of the computed flight plan on airways
airways, then all the airway minimum
you also have the ability to modify from KSLC to KAPA. You can see the
altitudes become usable. But with GPS,
what gets displayed and what does not yellow horizontal lines that represent the
why zig zag across the country when a
get turned on. How much freedom do MEAs on the selected airways. When
straight line is more efficient? Even
you want to create your own image? responding to the queries on the flight
though the 17-mile difference is negligible,
How much freedom should you have to plan wizard, an altitude of 13,000 feet
there are many other cases where the
create your own chart? was selected. The black line shows the
difference in distance is significant.
These are questions that you have requested 13,000-foot altitude, and that it
All Air Route Traffic Control Centers is a satisfactory altitude until passing
obviously asked. And they are questions
(ARTCCs) have minimum IFR altitudes Meeker (EKR). After EKR, a higher altitude
that many have asked.
(MIAs) for their areas of coverage. These must be used because of the higher
The electronic enroute chart that is altitudes are known only to the Centers MEAs. After passing Table Mountain
available in FliteStar® and FliteMap® has and are not published anywhere. But, (DBL), an even higher altitude should be
many options. But there are some they are available after you are airborne requested for crossing the Continental
fundamental rules that should never be and ask for the minimum IFR altitudes in Divide just in front of you.
violated. As an example of rules not to
be broken, you as a pilot don’t have the
ability to change a VOR frequency, its
name or its location. One of the basic
rules is that you have the ability to
change what is displayed and what is not
displayed, but you don’t have the ability
to change information. their sectors while flying direct. That By looking at the yellow horizontal line,
doesn’t do much good, however, for you can see that the MEA between
Determining Minimum IFR Myton (MTU) and EKR is down to 10,000
planning purposes.
Altitudes feet, so a lower altitude could be requested
Determining the minimum altitudes for for that 101.2-nautical mile segment
One of the first questions you might want
an IFR direct route is relatively easy. On if it is more comfortable without
to ask yourself is, “Should I fly airways or
the low altitude paper charts, the MORAs wearing oxygen equipment.
should I fly direct since I have an IFR GPS
(Minimum Off Route Altitudes) are After DBL, the MEA becomes even higher
in my airplane?” One of the considerations,
depicted in one-degree blocks inside of after the FUNDS intersection, but by that
of course, is the determination of the
minimum altitude. If you are flying in each degree of latitude and longitude. time you would normally want to start a
most places in the world at FL180, In FliteStar, the MORAs are included in descent into the Denver area. The black
consideration for the minimum altitude the navigation log after the flight plan is line in the profile view cuts through the
computed. For the route from KSLC to brown terrain near Denver. This indicates
is not a big deal since you are well
KAPA, the MORAs are 14,100 feet, 16,800 that if you start a normal descent into
above any terrain or obstacles. But if
feet, and 16,600 feet. Mighty high. The KAPA from your cruising altitude, your
you wish fly a direct route at 8,000 from descent route would be below the terrain
Salt Lake City, Utah to Denver, Colorado, MORAs in the United States are the same
west of Denver.
terrain and obstacles are very important. figures as the OROCAs (Off Route
Obstacle Clearance Altitudes) provided by From a practical standpoint, Denver Center
With FliteStar, there are many ways to would most likely have you in radar contact
the FAA. The MORAs and OROCAs provide
determine the minimum altitude for an near the FUNDS intersection. Once you are
1,000 feet of obstacle clearance everywhere
IFR (or VFR) flight across the Rocky in radar contact, Center would then be
except in the designated mountainous
Mountains. For starters, a flight plan can able to give you vectors with the minimum
terrain areas where 2,000 feet of altitudes to start your descent and avoid
be computed between Salt Lake City
obstacle clearance is provided. the mountains.
(KSLC) and Centennial Airport (KAPA)
using the option of favored route type. ATC still hasn’t decided if the MORAs are In the next article, we will continue to
By selecting an RNAV direct route using considered IFR minimum altitudes. As of look at the electronic enroute chart.
GPS, the distance is 334.8 nautical miles - now, they still believe the MORAs should Jim Terpstra is senior
but radar coverage over the Rockies at be used only for consideration of obstacles corporate vice president, flight
lower altitudes is pretty spotty so it is but not minimum IFR altitudes since information technology at
Jeppesen. His ratings include
probably better to try a computer flight MORAs do not necessarily provide for ATP, single and multi-engine,
plan on airways to see if the flying communications coverage. airplane and instrument flight
instructor. His 6,000+ hours
include 3,200 instructing.
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