A Job I Would Really Like To Have

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A Job I would really like to have…

​A job I would really like to have a banker. Banker is a person
who manages and runs a bank. He is usually an owner of the bank which he
runs. Bankers must be kind and honest for clients. They must be helpful and
be able to do negotiations for credit terms, profitable for both clients and a
bank. They also must be smart to predict exchange rates. It is your bank, you
work when you want and nobody can tell you what you should do. Banker is
a profession which is not exhausting. It is typical white collar work. Bankers
only fill the documents and meet important people who can increase their
profits or influences. I find this work profitable, easy and quite safe. I hope
that after graduating and years of practice I will be able to become a real
banker. That's why A job I would really like to have a Banker.

Financial Analyst
A job I would really like to have a financial analyst. I wish
to work at an international investment bank. The reason for this is my
proficiency in English that has motivated me to live and work abroad. A
financial analyst's educational background requires a Bachelor's degree in
Business Administration. The reason why I would like to choose a career in
the finance/banking world is because I always like to be involved in
investing. My interest in stocks, dividends, banking and investing grew and
took me to this field. I have always been interested in “making money with
money”. In addition to that, I am very interested in entrepreneurship as my
ultimate goal is to own my own enterprise. That's why I would really like to
have a Financial Analyst.
Marketing Manager
​A job I would really like to have a Marketing Manager.
Marketing managers use their marketing experience to design marketing
campaigns and offer pricing strategies so that their company can compete
better in the marketplace. They are in charge of the whole Marketing
department in which they supervise everyone. Marketing managers work in
close connection to the Advertising, Sales and PR managers. I think this is
the right job for me because I’ve always been interested in how the market
works and the job will bring me personal satisfaction. I’m also interested in
the way a product reaches more customers by the means of advertising in
order to generate more sales. It may seem boring for some people but I think
that if you are lucky enough to work in a dynamic international company
with a great team, there’s nothing better. Keeping in touch with all sorts of
customers and exploring new markets overseas is exciting. Becoming a
marketing manager isn’t easy but I think it’s worth it. That's why I would
really like to have a Marketing Manager.

A job I would really like to be a Photographer. I love
taking photos of landscapes, people, animals, nature and cities. Photographers
meet amazing people and celebrities, he or she cooperates with famous
actors, models, musicians etc. I like travelling and the photographers often
visit beautiful places. They stay in five-star hotels with wonderful views.
What’s more, in this job you have a well-equipped studio where you take
clear photos. The photographer earns a lot of money and has good contact
with famous people. I would be very busy but not getting bored all the time
working long hours and sometimes at night. Taking photos is my hobby, I do
it all the time. That's why I would really like to be a Photographer.

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