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Jackie Jay E. Encarnacion




In the unit an attempt is being made to succinctly discuss the relationship that transpire
between Jesus Christ and His Church whom he laid down his precious life on the cross of Calvary.
When the Church is being referred to as the body of Christ, then there is the need to understand the
relationship that exists between the two. By proper examination of the Church, then we can
understand the reason why Christ is referred to as the head of the Church, His body. Hence, the
dare need to understudy the Church, the word Ecclesiology‘ is inevitable. The Church also has a
relationship with Jesus who is both the founder of and the bridegroom of the Church, which is
discussed extensively.


After going through this topic, you should be able to:

1. Describe the relationship between the Church and Christ.

2. Give the acronym used by a theologian to explain the relationship that exists between the
Church and Christ.
3. Highlight the four-folds relationship between the Church and Christ.


1. Discuss the four – fold relationship between Christ and the Church
2. Compare and contrast any two definitions of the Church by two authorities.
3. Give the full meaning of the acronym of the word ‗W – I – F – E‘

3.1 The Church as a distinctive place of worship

Although in the previous unit, a lot of definitions have been discussed to describe the Church.
However, an erudite theologian utilized the acronym below to further explain what the Church is. He
refers to the Church as WIFE

W = Worship
I = Instruction
F = Fellowship
E = Evangelism. According to Oyinloye (2001)

This agrees with the Pauline description of Christ as the husband while He (Paul) refers to the
Church as WIFE. Apostle Paul in one of his Epistles (Eph.5:22-29) agrees with Oyinloye and thus
advised that the women are to submit to their own husbands as the Church does to Christ who gave
his life for the Church.
One can arrive at the following conclusions that the Church is the body of Christ and physically a
distinctive place of worship:
a. That the Church is the togetherness of the called out ones from the Pagan worship, idol
worship and from Judaism and who have accepted our Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
They have become regenerated and spiritually renewed. It is necessary to add that ‗Regeneration‘ is
the work of the Holy Spirit that brings new life to the inner being of believers, and adopts them into the
family of God, making them become God‘s children. Furthermore, it is a turning to God in repentance
and faith.
b. The Church is a body of Christians.
c. The Church also is the Body of Christ (Eph. 1:22/23)

The Church is Christ's body and, as with any other body, each member has his own significant role to
play in the growth and well-being of the whole:

However, Dresselhaus (1999) who is quoted by Ajewole (2011) has this conclusion that the
Church is never a place but always a people. It is never a scared building nor a fold but always a
flock and a believing Assembly. The Church is you who pray. A structure of a marble can no more be
a church than your clothes of serge or satin can be you.
There is in this world nothing so sacred but man, no sanctuary of man but the soul. A
consideration of the above revealed that Church is more than the physical structure but that the
individuals are the Church, the body of Christ.

3.2 The four-fold relationship between Christ and the Church

a. Christ is the head of the Church (Colossians 1: 18) while the Church is the Body of Christ.
b. Christ is the vine (John 15: 1-2)
c. Christ is the Bridegroom (Husband) while the Church is the Bride (II Corinthians, 11 : 2-3)
d. Christ is the Cornerstone of the Building (II Corinthians 6:16, Mathew 16:18).
Having gone thus far, it is however worthy to state that the exact date of founding the church is
difficult to determine. But its founding place is believed to be Palestine, the historical land of Israel.

While some theologians are of the view that the Church came into being on the day of Pentecost,
others say that it is at the expansion of the Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ, since Pentecost
came after the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus, and the descent of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2-14)


1. What are the responsibilities of Christ that made him to be referred to as the head of the
2. Define Regeneration.

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