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Video Project #2 - English Sec.


Task --> Record three parts of a video (or one video on FLIP) on a
Attach it to your assignment or put it on FLIP.

Part 1 - 1st conditional (real)

When high school is over, I will…

Part 2 - 2nd conditional ( )

If you had the chance to sit all the sec.5 teachers in front of you and talk to
them without having to face the repercussions of what you tell them, what
would you say ? Give me details and don’t hold back :)

Part 3 - 3rd conditional (past hypothetical) and Past Wishes

Something that you REGRET doing (or regret not doing) from your 5 years in
high school (that, of course, you cannot change anymore).

Make sure the sound quality is good (no friend/angry NPC in the background)
The three parts (ALL TOGETHER) of your video should be a minimum of 2 min 30
sec and a maximum of 5 minutes.

Don’t READ A TEXT. Talk to me.

Brainstorming & Ideas

Part 1
When high School is over I will go to Cegep St-Foy in graphic
design, i hope i will be even happier than I am right now, make
After high school new friends and go to a lot of parties. Maybe encounter the
love of my life ! I will start new routines and get muscular and

Part 2
Hypothetical Situation
I really, truly respect you guys for the work you do, it must be
really difficult to handle us all year long so thank you for your
patience. BUT, if you may listen to me, I’d tell you something
important : Stop with those thousands of homework, if you
made more examples in class, me and my friends would have
more time to have fun during the best years of our lives. And I
don't want to lose any of these moments because of a stupid
homework assignment that is taking me way too long to
Part 3
I really regret that I haven't been better in math, physics and
chemistry lessons, because if I did, I could have become a
physician later, and it was one of my dreams. Though if I had
studied more, I wouldn’t have been as happy as I am right
now, I just would have been exhausted and tired of not doing
anything interesting for one year straight. Because pure
science isn’t really attractive to me anymore.

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