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(Because aTb = bTa)
= ||a||2-||b||2

||a+b||2 + ||a-b||2
= ||a||2+2aTb+||b||2+||a||2-2aTb+||b||2

The nearest neighbor of ‘Veterans Days’ is the
‘Memorial Day’ Article, which makes sense
because these two topics have so many thing
in common.
3.22) We can get the coordinates of Palo and
Beijing by using the vales from the table and
applying them to the given formula
a -> Palo’s coordinates
b -> Beijing’s coordinates
a = (4374.9, -2171, 4085.6)
b = (-4281.7, -2689.8, 3870)
we can use the dist(a,b) to calculate the
distance between those two coordinates
dist(a,b) = ||b-a|| = 8674.8 km
to find the angel we use this formula:
ø = cos-1(aTb/||a|| ||b||)
we get that ø = 1.4987 radians

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