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LSF House Rules for Mordheim Harbour

All the water in the Mordheim Harbour is considered Deep Water with no current. This is Difficult Ground, and all
models, except Aquatic models, will move in it at ½ Movement Rate. In the Harbour there are several items of flotsam
and two sharks.

Assume all warriors in Mordheim, except Aquatic warriors, do not know how to swim.

When a warrior finds itself in the water, without the aide of flotsam or a jetty, at the beginning of its turn, it needs to
take an Initiative Test. If this is failed the warrior drowns and is taken Out of Action (OOA). If the test is passed, he may
“doggy paddle” to the nearest jetty or item of flotsam at ½ Movement rate. If he reaches the jetty or item of flotsam he
grabs hold of it automatically at the end of the Movement phase. Any warrior clinging to a jetty or item of flotsam no
longer needs to take Initiative Tests while in the water.

Any warrior clinging to an item of flotsam at the beginning of his turn moves at ½ Movement Rate.

Any model clinging to a jetty at the beginning of his turn may attempt to climb out of the water. First, he must take a
Strength Test. If this is passed, he succeeds and climbs out of the water and may make a full move but may not run,
charge or shoot ranged weapons. If he fails the test, he stays in the water but may try again next turn. This action still
Attracts Sharks. See later.

When a warrior falls into the water, he will take the usual “Fall Test” (P.28) and apply the result immediately. Any
model in the water at any stage who is Knocked Down or Stunned is drowned and taken Out of Action.

Any warrior wearing any kind of physical armour (except natural scaley skin etc..), who enters the water immediately
drowns and is taken OOA.

Any warrior carrying a shield or buckler or wearing a helmet who falls into the water, loses these items which are not
recoverable at the end of the battle. Weapons are more dearly valued and are therefore clung onto.

Black powder weapons that have been in the water will get water-logged. They will only fire on a 4+ for the rest of the
battle when the warrior reaches dry land.

Attracting Sharks

Any movement in the water will attract a shark. Any warrior moving in the water, in the Movement Phase, even
treading water clinging to a jetty, will attract the nearest unengaged shark in the harbour. The shark immediately
moves in a straight line D6” towards the struggling warrior. (2xD6 if the warrior has already lost a wound). When the
shark reaches the warrior, it will attack. Resolve this in the Combat Phase and this will interrupt the warrior’s exit from
the water if clinging to a jetty. The shark has the following stats:

Harbour Shark M WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

D6” 4 0 5 3 2 1 2 10 -
Aquatic, Animal

A warrior may only strike the shark with fists (S as user -1, +1 to shark’s save) or a dagger (+1 to shark’s save) if he has
one (or two).

Any result of Knocked Down, Stunned or OOA on the shark is treated as OOA (Removes a wound). Any Hero who
manages to take a sharks last wound in close combat, gains +2 Experience if he survives the battle.

Wizards may use magic normally whilst in the water although spells requiring fire, flames or lightning bolts are
ineffective against sharks.

Shooting into the Water

Warriors may shoot ranged weapons at targets (enemy warriors or sharks) in the water without additional penalty.
Aquatic animals including sharks receive cover when in water, as per Aquatic rules.

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