Delivery of The Final Project Evaluated by Pairs4

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The purpose of the product is a system for automating the

management of travel cost zones and providing information on transport

routes, consisting of software and hardware solutions that will help
automate the system of dividing public transport routes into zones and
managing these zones, calculating the cost of passenger trips based on the
analysis of passenger traffic in the zones and travel duration to update the
fare, increase the revenue of the transport system and ensure price
equality for passengers and will make it easier for passengers to navigate
the route, transport premises and nearby facilities, find the shortest route
using the metro.
The system provides:
– obtaining the shortest route to the required object by its name and
GPS coordinates of the passenger, detailed information about the route
with the display of the color of branches and transitions on the website
and in the mobile application with the additional possibility of searching
for stations near the objects and coordination with the subway premises;
- automatic fare calculation. Depending on the fare class of the route
and the number of stations passed, the fare will be set. Upon entry, the
maximum possible amount for travel is withdrawn, upon exit, the real
cost is calculated taking into account the indicators and the rest is
returned to the card;
- management of tariff classes. The ability to manage zoning in
manual and automatic mode by an employee on the website is provided.
Automatic distribution of stations by zone is carried out on the basis of
the following indicators: passenger flow and distance of placement to the
- ensuring payment and access system. If there is a lack of sufficient
funds on the passenger's card, entry will be unavailable;
- keeping records of the flow of people and providing statistics for the
day, month and year.

1. Does your company support those individuals who want to be

Yes. Intrapreneurs play a critical role in our companie because we’re
always looking to create something new and different that pushes the
boundaries of existing thought.

2. Does your company offer facilities so that intrapreneurs can work on

their projects?

3. Are people allowed to do their jobs “in their own way”, or do they
constantly have to explain their actions and request “permission” to do
They can do their jobs in their own way, the most important is the result.

4. Has your company developed quick and informal ways to access

resources related to new ideas?

5. Has your company developed administration systems to manage

several products and small experimental businesses?
6. Is your company not against facing and assuming risks, and tolerating
Yes, Our company is ready for risks and not against the mistakes
7. Can your company  decide to attempt a project or experiment, though
this may take a long time or create some type of uncertainty?
8. Are individuals in your company more involved in new ideas, or are
they only trying to defend their current position?

They’re involved in new ideas and always improving themselves

9. Is it easy to make autonomous and interdisciplinary teams in your

corporate environment?

It’s always easy.

10. Do intrapreneurs tend to create “monopolies”, or are they free to use

resources from other divisions and make external alliances?
They are free to use resources from other divisions and make external

Results of the colleagues:

Does your company support those individuals who want to be
1. Yes 7
2. Yes 7
3. Yes 7
Does your company offer facilities so that intrapreneurs can work on their
1. Yes 7
2. Yes 7
3. Yes 6

Are people allowed to do their jobs “in their own way”, or do they
constantly have to explain their actions and request “permission” to do
1. 50/50 4
2. Yes 7
3. Yes 7

Has your company developed quick and informal ways to access

resources related to new ideas?
1. Yes 6
2. Not sure 4
3. Yes 7

Has your company developed administration systems to manage several

products and small experimental businesses?
1. No 1
2. No 2
3. No 2

Is your company not against facing and assuming risks, and tolerating
1. Yes 7
2. Yes 7
3. Yes 7

Can your company  decide to attempt a project or experiment, though this

may take a long time or create some type of uncertainty?
1. Yes 7
2. Yes 7
3. Yes 7

Are individuals in your company more involved in new ideas, or are they
only trying to defend their current position?
1. New ideas 7
2. New ideas 7
3. New ideas 7

Is it easy to make autonomous and interdisciplinary teams in your

corporate environment?
1. Yes 7
2. 50/50 5
3. Yes 7
Do intrapreneurs tend to create “monopolies”, or are they free to use
resources from other divisions and make external alliances?
1. Free to use 6
2. Free to use 6
3. Free to use 6

According to the results, we can see that colleagues have almost the
same answers to the questions posed, this shows the clarity and openness
of the company to employees. Based on the answers, it can be concluded
that the company follows the key aspects to achieve the success of
corporate entrepreneurship:
 Decentralised management structures. Corporations that wish to harness a
culture of corporate entrepreneurship should have flat management
structures. ...
 Formal project processes.
 Open communication.
 Risk taking opportunities.

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