What Is Life

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What is life?

Author: Diana Sánchez Cárdenas

What is life?, What it’s supose to be?, are questions that are
make to myself every single day; life seen from the side of
view of science is “the existence of an individual human being
or animal” but… life is more tan just breath. For me, the life is
something that we cant explain, its true that life has always
existed, However, it is not just living life and that's it, what is it,
for me life is not only to be able to live day after day, but also
to be able to feel emotions, to be able to express myself, to be
able to do things that you like, to be able to love, to feel loved,
to see how you are really doing something for other people.
That's what I call "life".
I can say that, although things do not always go as we plan,
there will always be something better for us; not because what
you longed for so much was not granted to you, does not
mean that life is being "bad" to you or that you will never have
it; it means that, simply maybe it was not for you or that you
have not worked hard enough to get it, life gives you tests that
you must face, since it is the key to prepare you so you can
overcome whatever you propose, one day a person told me:
"life is the hardest test to pass, everyone tries to copy from
others, but they don't realize that we all have a different test",
you can't copy the life of others as you will only waste your life
and we have to remember that life we can remember is only
one, we can not spend our lives overthinking things, in the
end we will have wasted our lives wishing to do things, but we
could never accomplish them, for being afraid, for thinking
about what people will say, that does not matter, what people
will say is something that should not stop you in your goals,
do not want to imitate being like someone else. Everyone has
their own essence and that is what makes us different from
each other.
Life is the most "lasting" thing we can have, so... you have to
live a life full of experiences and emotions. Be the best
version of you, life is something wonderful to waste, don't try
to do things perfect all the time, try to do them the best you
can but don't be so hard on yourself. The only person who will
always be with us, is ourselves, although it sounds unlikely
since we always have someone with us; We are not alone in
this life, we think we have to find love before we are 20 or 25
years old, and that is not true, life will give it to you when you
need it and you are ready, do not try to rush things that you
should not yet live or pass. I think that love is the best thing
you can feel followed by happiness, the fact of feeling loved
by someone makes you feel extremely happy, however,
everyone has to feel loved by themselves, and then give love
to other people; life has taught me not to cling to anything
because it will take it away at some point, personally, I lost
many people and experiences, to think so much and cling to
what I had already secured, which life was responsible for
telling me that not everything is forever.
With this essay I don't want to sound "classist" by saying
something like "value your life", "be happy", that seems to me
something completely absurd, I mean, it's not just like you are
going to decide that just today you will value your life or that
just today you will be happy, no, everything has a beginning
and an end, so just make sure you make of YOUR life what
you like, because when you think about everything you made
of it, you will want to remember it full of good moments, right?
So tell me... what is life for you?

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