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Republic of the Philippines

Don Honorio Ventura State University


A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 3

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:
A. identify degrees of adjectives in making comparison ( positive,
comparative, superlative);
B. illustrate the rules in forming the degrees of comparison by answering the
given exercise correctly;
C. point out the importance of degrees of comparison in their daily lives.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic- Degrees of Adjectives
B. Materials- Slide deck presentation, laptop, real objects, visual aid
C. References – Degrees of Adjectives
D. Values Integration- Cooperation, self-confidence,
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preparation
1. Prayer
Ok class. May I request
everyone to please stand
for our opening prayer.
*Name of student, may you
lead the prayer.

Angel of God, my guardian dear, to

whom God's love commits me here. Ever
this day, be at my side, to light and
guard, to rule, and guide. Amen
2. Greetings
Good morning class. How
are you today?
Good morning ma’am. Were okay
Before you seat let’s have ma’am.
an energizer first.
Will have an energizer.

3. Checking of the
Ok class monitor, do we
have an absentee/s for
today? None ma’am ( If none )

That’s great, give yourself

a three claps. ( Clap, Clap , Clap )

4. Reviewing the
Class? What was our lesson
yesterday all about?
Parts of the Dictionary
Yes correct, may you enumerate
the parts of the dictionary.
The parts of dictionary are:
guide words, entry words, parts of
speech, word forms, definitions, and

Amazing, you really listen to our

lesson yesterday.
5. Drill lesson
Reading of words with long a
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sounds (ay).
play Tray pray
day say gay
spray relay today
(Will read the words)

B. Motivation
Ok Class, teacher is going to play
a video song. Your task class is
you have to listen well, ok?
Yes, ma’am.

Ok class, what did you observed

while I am playing the video
song? *Possible answer of the pupil’s
Ma’am? The dinosaur is being compared
to one another?
Ok great observation, can you tell
me what word is used to describe
the dinosaurs, yes Marcus?

Exactly, another word please. The word bigger ma’am.

Yes the another word is prettier, The another word ma’am is prettier.
let proceed now to the last word
that is used to describe the
dinosaurs, yes Zach?
The last word ma’am is cleaner.
Very good, you really listen to the
video song I played.

C. Lesson Proper/ Discussion

Before we start to our lesson,
what do you observe on the three
words that is used to describe the
Ma’am, the word is all about adjectives
Excellent answer. To better
understand our lesson I’ve
prepared a video song. You may
sing along to the video song I’ve

Did you have fun singing it class? The student will sing along.
That’s great, so what is the title of Yes ma’am.
the video song?

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Wow you really listen to the song Degrees of Adjectives
I’ve played.
Give yourself an excellent clap.

So there are three degrees of The student will do the excellent clap.
adjectives namely;
1. Postive degree
2. Comparative degree
3. Superlative degree
Can you repeat the three
degrees of adjectives? Jacob?

The first one is positive degree, second

is comparative degree and lastly or the
Yes correct, who wants to read third is superlative degree.
the meaning of positive degree?
Yes Precious?

Positive degree is an ordinary form of

Thank you for reading it. Positive adjectives.
degree is an ordinary form of
adjectives meaning we is used it
when we are describing one
person or one thing without
comparing it.

Just like this;

The ruler is long.
Who can give an example of
positive degree sentence?

Very Good example, who else My pencil is short.

can share a sentence of positive
My bag is heavy.
Yes correct. Do you understand
what is positive degree?

Let’s proceed now to the second Yes ma'am

degree which is comparative.
Who wants to read the meaning
of comparative degree?

Comparative degree shows when two

Thank you for reading it, in person or objects being compared.
forming comparative degree we
have to remember the rule
number one, who can read it
loudy class?
Rule number one;
Add “er” to the adjectives word that has
one or two syllable that ends with
That is rule number one, do you consonant.
know the consonant letter class?

Very Good.
Example; B,C,D,F,…

Long+er= longer
If we used it in a sentence.
Belt is longer than ruler.
If we will use the example on
positive form. It will become like
My pencil is shorter than yours.
See the difference?
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Great. Yes ma'am

But if the word ends with letter “Y”

change letter y to I, the add “er”.
For example,
Pretty = Prettier
Ana is prettier than Julie.
Who wants read the rule number
Rule number two;
Add more or less to the adjective words
Who can give adjective words that that has two or more syllables.
has two or more syllable?

Very Good, the word beautiful Beautiful

how many syllables?
Correct, so it will become more
beautiful. Do you understand
Yes ma’am.
Lastly, superlative degree, who
wants to read?

Superlative degree indicates the quality

Thank you, meaning we used or quantity as its highest or more
superlative degree when we intense.
describing two or more people or
things that has two or more
Who wants to read the basic rules
in superlative degree?

Example Add “est” to the adjectives word that has

Watermelon is the sweetest two or more syllable that ends with
among the three fruits. consonant.
What is the adjective here?

Very Good, try to observe this

example; Sweetest
My pencil is the shortest among
my classmates.

Another rules is;

Thank you for reading it.

The word responsible is a good Add more or least to the adjective word
example so how many syllables that has more than syllables.
the word responsible?

Yes you’ve got right.

Before anything else when you It has four syllables ma’am.

encounter word that has one
vowel and one single end
consonant all you need to do is to
copy the last consonant and add
er for comparative degree while
add est for superlative degree.

Who can give example?

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Very Good, what is comparative
degree of big?
The word big ma’am.
Correct, how about the
superlative degree of big? Bigger

Excellent, you really listen to our

Give yourself an excellent clap. Biggest

D. Application
I will group you to five groups. All
you need to do is to fill out the The student will do the excellent clap.
table. Keep in mind that when
working as a group you will have
to cooperate, work quietly and
after five minutes please paste
your table at the board. The
assigned group will read their
completed word table.
If you got the missing 10 words
you will have a 20 points. Each
word is equal to 2 points. So you
have to cooperate and do your
best. Do you understand class?

*Will distribute the table to the five


Time’s Up, please paste your

table on the board after pasting it
read it clearly. *Will work out quietly on their activity.

Unlocking of difficulties
Unlock the words by filling up
correct words in the table. *Will paste the table and read it clearly.

E. Generalization
Class, what have you learned for
today’s lesson?

Very good, can you enumerate

the three degree of adjectives? I have learned the degree of adjectives

Very Good, so what do you think The three degree of adjectives

is the importance of studying comparison namely, positive,
adjectives in our live? comparative and superlative degree.

Excellent answer, give yourself an It is important for us to know proper

excellent clap. ways on how to describe a person or
object and how to compare different

*Will do the excellent clap.

IV. Evaluation

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Read the sentences carefully. Choose the correct degree of adjectives from
the box to complete sentence.

1. Karen ran _____ than I did.

2. Miss Santos is the _____ teacher in our school.
3. The elephant is the _____ animal in the zoo.
4. I was sad because I got a _______ score in the Mathematics test.
5. My grandpa is the _____ member in the family.

V. Heaviest
Additional Low
activity Faster at
Home Most famous

Compose one paragraph with five sentences about “ Family” using degrees of
adjectives. Then underlined the adjectives that is used.

Prepared by:
Merry Jean S. Baraquiel

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