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Some people think that schools have to be more entertaining,

while others think that their sole purpose is to educate.

Which do you agree with?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

There has been widespread public debate over the incorporation

of alternative exciting activities entertainment in children
education rather than only work for exams. I believe that
schools should be more amusing as this is likely to boost the
learning process. This essay will discuss both sides of this debate
and uses examples from psychology and pedagogical studies to
demonstrate points and prove arguments.
Supporters of more joyful, challenging, and stimulating ways of
education often point to the fact that this might improve the
outcome of the teaching process. This is because entertainment
in the form of sport , art or drama would could might may
make children more interested in learning and perhaps diminishes
the likelihood of boredom and truancy. Furthermore, happiness
( a wider range of activities or extracurricular lessons)
extracurricular could probably sharpen senses, ripen allow or
encourage the brain to acquire new information, and consolidate
memory as well. Data from psychology demonstrate that people with elevated mood, even in
pathological conditions such as mania, are often hypervigilant and have sharp memory, whereas
decreased concentration and poor memory and loss of interest are among cardinal feature of sad and
. Stay with school in ur example Therefore, it seems
depressed people
logic that elevating children mood with entertaining classes may
improve their attention, memory, and commitment.

Conversely, many pedagogical experts dissent from this view, highlighting that
entertaining ways of teaching are not always practical or attainable. ‫التزم بالسؤال‬Must be
sole purpose to educate !! For one reason, teachers are trained to
educate rather than to entertain because they believe that
success in exams should be the key focus during school
time.This means that they may probably lack the experience to
merge amusement with education without jeopardising the latter.
Moreover, entertainment often inspires playfulness, which could
easily slide into anarchy and mischief. Needless to say that
disorder is the foe of scholastic achievement. In a recent
university study, pupils were distracted and more difficult to
control when recreation-based methods such as plays and songs
were used in classroom, compared to more structured ways of
learning. Accordingly, there may be some merits in maintaining
order in school even at the expense of entertainment.

In conclusion, in my opinion, it appears that the benefit of a

more joyful approach to education is undeniable, provided that
proper training of the academic staff is carried out to help them
making lessons more interesting without compromising the
classroom discipline. It is therefore anticipated that our schools
could apply these new technique to enhance learning and

 Doing an enjoyable activity with a child can develop better skills

and more creativity than reading. To what extent do you agree?
Use reasons and specific examples to explain your answer.

Child development and upbringing can be very challenging.

Whether children benefit more from enjoyable activities such as
than reading is a contentious issue. This essay agrees (my
opinion) that well structured joyful activities are probably more
effective than reading alone in growing children skills and
creativity, employing examples from advertisement and university
studies to demonstrate points and prove arguments.
Playful and entertaining events such as games and handicrafts
could possibly help developing develop and expanding expand
the growing juvenile brain in many ways. In one way, it creates
happiness and laughter and these in turn improve attention,
concentration and memory as shown in many animal and human
studies. In addition, play and other enjoyable activities use
more than one sense to acquire information. In other words,
data reach the brain via visual, auditory, tactile and motor
pathways. This would probably results in stronger imprinting
of the acquired skills and data in the developing nervous
circuits, leading to faster improvement in manual and verbal
dexterity. The evidence for this assumption comes from
advertising studies, where it has been found that addressing
more than one sense in advertisement, such as combined
flickering coloured lights and sounds, attracts people
attention more efficiently. talk about learning games , wining
Admittedly, reading is an invaluable basic elementary skill that
every child should be accustomed to as early as possible. This is
because reading opens the horizon for acquiring new data and
skills throughout life. But while reading is so vital, it might be at
time boring and less desirable for many youngsters. It seems
therefore imperative to make it more joyful by combining it with
entertaining activities such as interactive reading, using incentives
and starting with books that utilise a lively combination of colour to
attract young children. Plays and other various motor activities
could possibly be inspired and devices from the content of the
books. This was best shown in bookstores that utilised funny
costumes and animal characters to attract children’s attention to
listen to the reading materials. Accordingly, reading became more
attractive and possibly more efficient when combined with other
amusing things.
The comparison is whether to read or play football, not how to
make reading more fun.
To conclude, there are compelling evidence that the joyful
activities may be more beneficial to the developing children’s
brain than reading alone, and that the latter can be boosted by
combining it with various forms of recreation. In the future, it may
be feasible to apply this knowledge to the process of education in
schools and kindergartens.

In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by fast

food. This has a negative impact on families, individuals and
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Experts throughout the developing and the developed world

have debated whether the wide-spread consumption of fast food
known to contain high level of fats has deleterious rather than
favourable effects on persons and community, weakening
family bonds. OPINION ?! This essay will discuss both sides
using example from the UK government and Oxford university
to demonstrate points and prove arguments.

There is ample evidence that takeaway food is one of the major

contributors to the epidemic of obesity affecting children and
adult alike throughout the world. The central reason behind this
is twofold. Firstly, takeaway and fast foods invariably contain
excessive amounts of simple carbohydrates, saturated fats and
sodium salts, adding to weight gain ‫الزم تربطها بالموضوع اللي في‬
‫ السؤال‬Secondly, they are often linked to poor dietary pattern
such as consumption of more sugary carbonated beverages and
less vegetables and fruits. Also, it must not be forgotten that there has been progressive
increase in the portion size offered by these outlets over the l ast few decades. For
example, a recent empirical study carried out by Oxford
university demonstrated that sandwiches, pizza, and cola cups in
three widely-distributed fast food chains in the UK has grown 
in size by 35% in the last 30 years. Therefore, it is conclusively
clear that these foods have increased adiposity that paves the
way to various health hazards such as cardiac disease, diabetes
and strokes.

Although (no yes part) however, there is a case for fast foods,
presenting a practical, inexpensive, and readily available
solution for people with busy lifestyles, ……... This is largely
because they typically require no time for processing and
preparation, not to mention the remarkable variety of food types,
flavours and additives and the obvious accessibility of these
catering outlets. For example, an extensive study by the UK
government showed that over 28% of Britons use fast food
outlets at least once a week and this percentage soared to 39% in
school children. However, these social changes in dietary habits
has also impacted negatively the family bonds and the local
cuisine in many parts of the world. In other words, the
traditional regular family dinner has been replaced by eating on
the run at various locations throughout the day. Additionally, on the
community level, many of the indigenous food restaurants were forced to close down owing to the fierce
competition from the fast food mega companies.

From the arguments and examples given I firmly believe that

although fast foods might have some merits in fulfilling the need
of our fast-paced life, their negative impacts on the individuals,
family and local community is overwhelming. 
The bar chart compares trading data for brown and black leather
shoes in different European markets in 2018.
To start with, ‫ الحاجة للبدء بذلك‬Hungary ( Hungarian shoppers
purchased) had the biggest sales with nearly 140,000 black and
130,000 brown shoes sold. Similar patterns were disclosed in
Italy and the UK, although their total sales lagged behind that of
Hungary by a margin of 20,000 and 40,0000 shoes respectively.
In contrast, Belgians bought almost exclusively black shoes
(more than 100,000), while brown shoes represented less than
one tenth of this number.
On the other handin contrast , brown shoes dominated the
markets of Poland, Germany, Holland, Ireland and France. In
Poland and France people bought brown leather shoes twice as
many as the black ones, with with the former registering almost
140,000 brown shoes sold and the latter showing half this figure.
Finally no need, the sales Germany, Ireland and France were in
between that of Poland and Belgium with brown shoes sales
higher by 20 to 30%.
Overall, the greatest numbers of shoes were sold in Hungary,
whereas the least was in France. More black shoes were
disposed off purchased in Hungary, Italy, Belgium and the UK,
while the reverse held true for the other countries.
Proportion, while, whereas , in contrast

The pie chart provides data about the relative popularity of
seven different study syllabuses (PE, history, maths, physics,
biology, geography, and IT) among German school students in

It can be easily noticed that physical education and history were

the most popular curricular lessons amounting to almost half of
all popularity indications as they had the biggest share of
students (22.9% and 22.4% respectively). Meanwhile,
mathematics was preferred by less than one fifth of German
learners, whereas just above 18% of  pupils were attracted to
physics. Do not mix fractions and percentages , while physics
also registered a similar proportion, though slightly less.
These four subject totalled over 80% of all the votes from
students in the given year.
By contrast, considerably less students favoured biology and
geography (7.1% and 6.4% respectively), since they were less
than one third of those who chose gymnastics sport. The least
preferred subject, however, was information technology which
was selected by merely 3.7% of German undergraduate learners
in 1997, which was around7 times less than the votes/ popularity
indications/ preferences for history.

Overall, physical education and history had the greatest

popularity in German schools at that time, whereas only small
fractions of students were inclined to enjoy biology, geography,
and information technology.

Her dominion
In many workplaces, online communication is now more
common than face-to-face meetings. Do the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages?

Experts throughout the developing and developed world have debated

whether internet-based telecommunication such as email, WhatsApp, and
video conference has added to the efficiency or has decreased the
productiveness of the workplace. I firmly believe that the benefits
including working across time zonesof these methods outweigh their
drawbacks such as possible poor connection problems ‫ جملة فارغة‬.This essay
will discuss both side of the debate using example from the British
government and business companies to demonstrate points and prove

On the one hand, there is ample evidence that online communications

boost productivity in the office. The central reason behind this is twofold, firstly this is
because it tends to augment the amount of work achieved by the workers
since less time and energy are required to convey data such as
discussions, documents and even images between the colleagues.
Meanwhile /moreover , superfluous interactions between office-mates are
significantly curbed. Not only do these modern ways of communication
increase workplace output but they also often diminish the costs by
minimising workspace and logistics. In other words, the money for
transportation, furniture, and paper works could be drastically curtailed. For
example, recent (online report in India, or recent academics, newspapers
has reported thatin ) empirical research by the UK government showed that, in
ten leading commercial company ies , were traditional in-person meetings
replaced by video conference, it would result in 20% reduction in logistic
costs in a six month period. Therefore, it is conclusively clear that online
communication leads to less expenditure and higher revenue.

On thother hand ‫ الزم‬However, there is also a strong case for the

conventional, long-established, person-to-person meetings that cannot be
overstated. For one reason, they strengthen the social relations and skills,
encourage team working, and promote identification identity with the
corporation. This could be reflected in more enthusiasm, dedication, and
eventually a higher rate of work. Besides, it should not be forgotten that not
all employees are cyber-proficient. So, while millennials may be quite skilful
with applications such as WhatsApp, Zoom, and LinkedIn, their senior
colleague could be not b‫فكرة جديدة مش حتعرف توسعها‬. Obviously these recent
technolog ies could possibly eventually have detrimental effects in terms
of security and miscommunication if used erroneously. Therefore, it is
possible to state beyond doubt that online communications are not entirety
devoid of complications ‫مالهاش الزمة الستمائة‬.

From the arguments and example given, I strongly agree that the potential
drawbacks of cyber communications pale in comparison to its huge
advantages. It is therefore expected that they will be increasingly smoothly
incorporated in workplaces around the world.

The line graph demonstrates the amounts of rainfall in millilitre (ml) in

different parts of Great Britain throughout 2018.
In January, England had just below 120 ml of rainfall which fluctuated over
next three months with with a downward trend till it levelled off at almost
75ml in May and June. Following that, there was a dramatic surge of
rainfall in June reaching a peak of approximately 130 ml, which ended in
December at nearly the same level of June after few oscillations. The
Welsh rainfall pattern saw a similar trend initially, starting at less than half
of England in January, it seesawed also, though the trend was upward
culminating in a similar and equal peak in June. This upward trend was
suddenly broken with a deep slump in July and August to nearly as low as
its original level in January, which then levelled off till October when it rose
once more before it finally returns to a little pit above 50 ml in December.
By comparison, Scotland saw the wildest fluctuation in rain during this year.
Beginning with a rate as high as that of England in January, it
steeply /sharply plummeted to 25 ml before it soared suddenly in February
and March to a peak of 130 ml. These oscillations continued throughout the
rest of the year, though less wildly in the second half to reach around
100ml at the beginning of winter. 
Overall, there were wild fluctuations in the rainfall pattern across Great
Britain, being wildest in Scotland. England and Wales shared a relatively
similar pattern with heavy rains in summer and least rain in spring, whereas
the heaviest Scottish downpour was in March and October and the lowest
in February. 
Overall there was no clear trend in the given year’s rainfall analysis ,
although the most consistent rainfall was registered in England while
Wales had a very dry three month period in the Autumn.

These days more fathers stay at home and take care of

their children while mothers go out to work.
What could be the reasons for this? Is it a positive or
negative development?
Nowadays the phenomenon of househusbands has become
more common than ever. This could be attributed in part to
the increased prevalence of women education. Whether this
situation represents a favourable advance is a matter of
fierce /hot debate that might be largely dependent on social
culture and norms. In my opinion, however, I consider it as a
negative evolution that may undermine the stability of the

Women education has greatly evolved in the last few

decades, both in content and prevalence accessibility .
Since early childhood, girls imbibe the feminist ideology with
values of independence, superiority, and dominance
becoming highly acknowledged recognised than the
traditional girly immature dreams of marriage and family
formation motherhood. This results has resulted in more
females joining the no article university and even pursuing
postgraduate education before entering the work force. In a
recent observational study of Harvard university, 55% of
college graduates in the US were women, compared to only
45% in 1970. The outcome of this phenomenon is twofold,
first women are frequently more gainfully employed than
men. Secondly, as females become more educated and
wealthier their odds of marriage might paradoxically dwindle.
Pressured from parents, society, and even from their feminine
instincts, they eventually accept to marry less qualified males,
which inexorably lead to the situation of the husband wives??
Women earning substantially more than their husbands
whose wages are several times higher than their menfolks.
Admittedly many societies, particularly in the West, may
espouse this new social dogma and even promote it as a
favourable evolutionary step. Nevertheless, it appears
sometimes that family bonds have tended to weaken with the
dissatisfaction resulting from gender role reversal. This is
because men, by virtue of their hormonal, physical and
psychological constitution, often consider domestic chores as
a mundane, poorly-rewarded, and self-esteem sapping job. In
contrast, some women, primed by their maternal instincts,
normally perceive domesticity as an art and passion rather
than a trap. Alternatively, they may voice their discontent due
to exhaustion from the stress of family sustenance. In a
German survey of families with the female being the bread
winner, 30% of women and 45% of men were unsatisfied with
their daily life, with the former scoring surprisingly lower in the
quality of life questionnaire. Indicating that this role
reversal is not always successful.

To conclude, from the arguments and examples given, I firmly

believe that the phenomena of house husband and husband
wife, which may be largely engendered by the modern female
educational and vocational changes is fraught with social
problems and may often lead to dissatisfaction of both
Avoid strong language!
The maps demonstrate an island in two stages of development, prior to
construction, and afterwards. 
The island dimensions is about 250 meters by 100 meters, which
were maintained over the period. Prior to development, sparse trees
could be seen throughout the island. In addition, a beach area
exists on the left-hand shore.
Three complex/ reception buildings were established near the centre of
the island, connected by a vehicle road to the newly installed
pier,located in the central part of the downward coast.  To the right and
left of this area, trees were chopped down, giving  way
to two clusters of small houses. The ones to the right were build in a
circular fashion around a footpath , while the others had a design the left
/ the west of the map. Finally, an artificial lake was made on the right
side shore. 
Overall, with almost no changes in the surface area, the island's
vegetation has largely replaced by new residential and service areas.
Furthermore, a pier and an man-made lake were added to the island.

Nowadays most green energy is becoming ever more

prevalent in both developed and developing countries. Some
argue they greatly reduce costs and are better for the
environment, others believe they are a serious threat to
energy security. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Experts throughout the developing and developed worlds
environmentalists and businesses ( collocation do/conudct business)
have debated the utility and validity of green energy such as solar, wind
and hydroelectric powers. Some believe that the efficiency and
reliability of these sources are seemingly limited, personally I strongly
disagree. This essay will argue that green energy is a promising
economical and ecofriendly development, using examples from
the government of Costa Rica and the nuclear technology to demonstrate
points and prove arguments.
On one hand, there is ample evidence that the renewable sources
of energy could circumvent most of the problems associated with fossil
fuel. The central reason behind this is twofold no need, firstly they are
naturally accessible, being powered by the sun or wind
and are indefinitely replenished . This means that they are not /may be
less prone to price hikes, political instability and trade disputes, which is
reflected positively on their cost and security. Secondly, they do not
typically emit greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and
methane which are greatly responsible for global warming, climate
change, and degradation of air quality. One prime example comes from
Costa Rica where shifting to geothermal energy, which currently
supplies over half of the national grid, resulted in 10% reduction in
carbon dioxide emission as well as a 1.5% rise in the economic growth
rate probably due to drastic curtailment of the cost of fossil fuel that
used to stifle the local need
On the other hand, opponents of green energy highlight the fact that
these sources often have a lower efficiency  than conventional sources
such as oil, natural gas, and nuclear plants. In other words, they
mostly /often require enormous initial budget for landscape allocation,
infrastructure installation, and energy storage. Compared to the standard
methods of energy production, they may appear less reliable and less
secure, which could result in power cut or shortages. For instance, a
recent report by the IMF mentioned that while an average nuclear
implant produces 1000 megawatts using 250 hectares, a
solar photovoltaic station that occupies 50 hectares typically produces 20
megawatts.  However, there are a plethora of ongoing researches in this
field aiming at refining these technologies so that they might be able to
replace fossil fuel in the near future.
From the arguments and example given I firmly believe that the
environmental and economic benefits of green energy is breathtaking/
significant with massive potentials. Even if they have currently some
efficiency problems, they are still bursting with potentials due to the
rigorous researches in the field. Hence, it is expected that green energy
will increasingly grow in importance/ usage and prevalence in the next
few decades.
High-stakes industry
The pie chart provides data about the relative popularity of seven different study syllabuses (PE, history, maths, physics, biology,
geography, and IT) among German school students in 2017.

It can be easily noticed that physical education and history were the most popular curricular lessons as they had the biggest share of
students (22.9% and 22.4% respectively), amounting to almost of half of all popularity indications. Meanwhile, mathematics were was
preferred by less than one fifth of German learners, whereas just above 18% of  pupils were attracted to physics. While physics also
registered a similar proportion, though slightly less. These four key subjects added up /totaled almost /over 80% of all votes from
students in the given year.
Don’t mix % with fraction in one sentence

By contrast, considerably less students favoured Biology and Geography (7.1% and 6.4% respectively), since they were less than one
third of those who chose sports. The least preferred subject, however, was information technology which was selected by merely 3.7%
of German undergraduate learners in 1997, which was around 7 times less than the votes/ popularity indications/ preferences for
History. Refer back

Overall, physical education and history had the greatest popularity in German schools at that time, whereas only small fractions of
students were inclined to/ enjoyed biology, geography, and information technology.

In many workplaces, online communication is now more common than

face-to-face meetings. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Experts throughout the developing and developed world have debated whether internet-based
telecommunication such as email, WhatsApp, and video conference HAVE added to the efficiency or
decreased the productiveness of the workplace. I firmly believe that the benefits, including working
across time zones of these methods outweigh their drawbacks----- possible connection
problems empty phrase. This essay will discuss both side of the debate using example from the
British government and business companies to demonstrate points and prove arguments.

On the one hand, there is ample evidence that online communications boost productivity in the
office. The central reason behind this is twofold,no need firstly it tends to augment the amount of
work achieved by the ‫غلط‬workers since less time and energy are required to convey data such as
discussions, documents and even images between the ‫ غلط‬colleagues. Meanwhile,/ or moreover
superfluous interactions between office-mates are significantly curbed. Not only do these modern
ways of communication increase workplace output but they also ‫ال حاجة لتكرار الضمير ممكن بدلهم تحط‬
‫دي‬often diminish the costs by minimising workspace and logistics. In other words, the ‫مفيش ال‬money
for transportation, furniture, and paper works could be drastically curtailed. For example, recent
empirical research by the UK government recent online reports showed that, if in ten leading
commercial company ies, were traditional in-person meetings replaced by video conference, it would
result in 20% reduction in logistic costs in a six month period. Therefore, it is conclusively clear that
online communication usually leads to less expenditure and higher revenue.

On the other hand ‫ الزم‬However, there is also a strong case for the conventional, long-established,
person-to-person meetings that cannot be overstated. For one reason, they strengthen the social
relations and skills, encourage team working, and promote identification identity with the
corporation. This could be reflected in more enthusiasm, dedication, and eventually a higher rate of
work. Besides, it should not be forgotten that not all employees are cyber-proficient. So, while
millennials may be quite skilful with applications such as WhatsApp, Zoom, and LinkedIn, their
senior colleague could be not. Obviously these recent technology ies could possibly ultimately have
detrimental effects in terms of security and miscommunication if used erroneously. Therefore, it is
possible to state beyond doubt that online communications are not entirety devoid of complications.
No need

From the arguments and example given, I strongly agree that the potential drawbacks of cyber
communications pale in comparison to its huge advantages. It is therefore expected that they will be
increasingly smoothly incorporated in workplaces around the world.

Local governments are pushing companies to move from large cities to

regional locations.
What are the benefits and drawbacks of this?

Business experts throughout the world have debated whether encouraging enterprises to
relocate to rural and distant landscapes outside the metropolitan areas is a positive or negative
development. Although shifting outside the city may reduce costs and pollution, a host of logistic
problems may negate these benefits.

Displacing large firms from big conurbations could be beneficial for the municipal authorities as
well as for the companies. For the cities, it could ameliorate the problems of urban sprawling,
overcrowding, and pollution. This is due to the reduction of number of workers, employees, and
customers flowing into the city every day, which would be reflected, at least theoretically, in a
cleaner environment on the long run. From the business prospective, however, there may be a
startling reduction in the overheads since lands are significantly cheaper in the hinterlands. Not
only could factories profit from moving close to the production sites of raw materials, but they
might also curb their expenses thanks to the abundance of cheap workers in the underdeveloped
locations. The craftsmen city outside Cairo is a prime example, where dozens of medium and
small industrial plants were transferred outside the megacity in 1990s, giving way to new parks
and garden that ultimately improved the air quality and noise in that area.

Although the idea seems ingenious on the face of it, yet there are many
limitations to be considered. Moving to remote location, often devoid
of infrastructure, is perhaps a risky situation, where firms have to contend with poor logistics
such as lack of amenities, poor road networks, and underdeveloped telecommunication systems,
all of which leading to more expenditure and plummeting profits. Furthermore, industrial plants
may cause disruption to the local communities particularly if cultural, environmental, and
health factors are not taken in account. This was best exemplified by
the so-called Ford-land, which was a huge industrial city established by
Ford Automobiles in Brazil rainforest in the 1930s to take advantage of
the natural rubber resources. Unfortunately, the combined effects of
poor logistics, different cultures and tropical diseases resulted in the
demise of the project shortly after its inception.

In conclusion, moving enterprises to provincial locations may have

some positive effects on the environment and on the business revenue,
nevertheless, it can have deleterious outcomes if not adequately studied.

The flowchart below presents the steps in producing tea. 

Summarise the information by selecting and report in the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant. 

Write at least 150 words. 

Error! Filename not specified.

The figure depicts how tea leaves are transformed into different types of tea. Overall, it
is a semi-synthetic linear process that involves three to eight steps, with white tea is the
simplest, whereas the most elaborate is scented tea.
Once tea leaves are harvested, they are sorted and cleansed before shifting to a
steamer to produce white tea after dehydration. Alternatively, they are withered in case
of black, oolong, and frequently green tea. The latter is further processed by means of
heating, before it is either rolled and shaped,  or dried with Jasmine flavour to produce
pure green and jasmine green teas respectively. 

By contrast, oolong and black tea demand fermentation prior to desiccation. Leaf edges
bruised, oolong tea is then partially fermented before pan-frying, followed by drying. Full
fermentation is necessary for black tea production, and is usually carried out after
having the leaves rolled into stripes in case of Gongfu tea or simply cut to give broken
black tea, both of which are ultimately heated to remove moisture. Finally, scented tea
is manufactured from dried green, black or oolong teas when they are flavoured with
fruits and flowers and eventually cooled down.
The pie chart demonstrates data about the relative percentages of different agricultural produce
harvested in France in 2017.

It can be easily noted that Cotton had the biggest share among the provided crops as it accounted
for slightly more than one third. The percentages for sugar and wheat were nearly similar as they
represented 21.9% and 20.4% of the country's crop production respectively. In contrast
comparison, the proportion for barley was approximately 2% smaller than that of wheat. These
four crops accounted for x% of the total production in the given year.

On the other hand, In contrast, the least shares amounts, quantity, proportion were
seen/registered/ recorded for rice and cotton. While the former represented nearly one tenth of
the percentage of cotton, the former even recorded less than half of this proportion at 3 which
was x% less that the highest amount of sugar…….

Overall, there were wide variations in the proportions of the French agricultural products in 2017
with cotton was by far the dominant crop, whereas with sugar, wheat and barley came next to it
in a slightly lower quantity.The least shares amounts quantities, proportions were seen in that
year for the grains rice and corn.

Some people believe that employees should stay in the same job for the rest of their lives.
Others think they should switch jobs at least once during their career. 
To what extent do you agree / disagree? 
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.

Worldwide, Business experts throughout both the developing and developed

world have debated whether switching jobs, either within the same institution
,often called secondment, or between different companies, is a positive or
negative development. Some believe it may be prudent to maintain the same
career for a long time, personally I strongly disagree. This essay will argue that
changing jobs can offer many technical, financial and promotion benefits.

Admittedly, practicing ( spelling, writing, piano) following or pursuing the same

career for extended period of time may create a sense of security. as well as
often For one reason, it provides a stable salary with a well-developed
retirement benefit. Furthermore, the longer the employee holds their position, the
more expertise, favourable workplace atmosphere and perhaps leadership skills
he develops. For instance, a recent article by CNN Money noted that workers
who maintained one job for a long time had 15% higher wages than those who
hopped through infml tried several jobs in a 10-year period. Nevertheless, the
work market has been a subject of violent swings during the last few decades,
causing many long-standing employees to become redundant, and thus annulling
the alleged benefits of  job security and stability. Jobless with experience and
have experience limited to a certain field, redundant employees are perhaps less
likely to be reemployed less likely to find a second chance. Therefore, it is
established beyond doubt could be suggested that it is not always cogent to
confine oneself to a certain job.

Alternatively, switching jobs could provide a myriad of outstanding benefits. First

and foremost, obtaining a different job, even in the same enterprise, may help
acquire new expertise, learn recent technologies and better understand
organisational structures. This often leads to improving career prospects by
developing one's curriculum vitae. For example, an IT technician could master
new technical and executive skills if he joins (by joining/ joined) a bigger larger
company that applies applied technologies that has had not been used in the
former one. In addition, switching moving, redeployment might provide more
profitable opportunities. The reason behind this originates from the fact that long-
standing workers tend to have restricted chance for promotion, pay rises minor
increments in their salaries and even be liable at times to salary freeze.
Therefore, joining a new institution may often result in a more gainful payment.
From the arguments and examples given I firmly believe that trying a new job is
probably ‫ متآكد‬٪١٠٠ ‫ما ينفعش مع‬a positive
vocational development because it tends to offer new skills, experience, and
probably better pay.

waste disposal
extremely harmful
changing patterns
widespread flooding
hectic pace
to safeguard interests
to allocate resources
to address issues
to make a plea
draconian measures
to foster development
a torrential downpour
an acute shortage
lightning-fast change
to replenish resources
widespread skepticism
a (financial) rescue package 

severely disrupted
heavy traffic
lengthy delays
arduous journey
intrepid explorer
sense of adventure
sunny spell
severe conditions
unmitigated disaster
indelible impression
The bar chart compares data about the sales of three vehicles companies (Ford, BMW, and Audi)
across Europe in 2018.
Overall, there were wide variations in sales among the given countries, with Hungary in the lead
and Belgium having the smallest numbers. Moreover,BMW was the preferred automobiles in
Italy, whereas the Belgian market was highly dominated by Ford .

The highest sales were recorded in Hungary (approximately 400,000 cars), followed by France,
which reported nearly 100,000 cars less than Hungary. In both countries, the sales were almost
evenly distributed between the three brands. By comparison, Holland, Ireland, and Germany sold
around 250,000 each with no distinctive pattern of preference could be seen.

In contrast, the Uk and Poland, each registered half the numbers of cars purchased in Hungary.
But while the former’s residents purchased had a minimal proportion of Audi cars compare to
the other companies, the three brands were more or less equal in the latter. Finally, the least
numbers were seen in Italy and Belgium (around 25% of that of Hungary), but while the Italian
buyers preferred BMW, Ford was almost the exclusive brand in Belgium.


These days, problems with pollution are becoming worse, particularly in large cities. What are the
reasons for this and how can this be solved?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

Nowadays, pollution has increased in many cities worldwide on unprecedented

scale. Although a whole host of reasons such as industry, construction, and natural dust
might in part be responsible, it seems that heavy traffic and domestic wastes are
pararnount the key causes. This essay will discuss the
harmful effects of these factors and propose highlight possible remedies.

Traffic-related pollution, in most cities, appears to be foremost among other factors. This
is because it runs the gamut of contributes to all forms of pollution, namely air, noise,
and possibly light pollution. The ever-increasing numbers of private vehicles in our
metropolitan areas, caused by the hectic pace of our modern life, has resulted in traffic
stagnation and massive emissions of hazardous fumes. The latter are thought to be
the main culprit for air quality degradation, acid rains and more viciously global
warming. For example, a recent report by the WHO showed that the levels of greenhouse
gases have doubled in the last three decades due to cars and lorries. Besides, the noise
and excessive lights produced by heavy traffics have negatively affected the quality of
life in large cities around the world.

Domestic refuse is another source for urban pollution, where tons of rubbish, ranging
from foodstuffs to metal, and plastic are disposed of everyday. Dumped in landfills or
incinerated, they have detrimental effects on the environment, causing air pollution,
ground, and more seriously groundwater
contamination, which has been shown by an empirical study carried out by Cairo
University in 2010, inspecting the quality of groundwater in five major cities in lower
Egypt. No need

Turning to possible solutions, it might be logic to launch public awareness campaigns to

educate people to use more ecofriendly transportation in a variety of ways and reduce
their household refuse. Improving public transport through resource allocation through
improved networkswhich reach further into the suburbs, subsidizing prices, is another
possible remedy, where a rescue package could be pushed through to foster the
development of this vital sector before resorting to more draconian measures such as
excise duty on private cars. For domestic waste, it may be tempting to reappraise the
current strategies, encouraging more recycling, but the costs are prohibitively
discouraging for most governments at the moment. However, short term contracts with
private firms could be used as interim measures before the private sector would pick up
the slack and full-scale privatization ensues.

In conclusion, traffic congestion and domestic waste appear to be the main culprits for
urban pollution; public education as well as governmental and private sector green
measures are therefore necessary to address this situation.

severely disrupted
heavy traffic
lengthy delays
arduous journey
intrepid explorer
sense of adventure
sunny spell
severe conditions
unmitigated disaster
indelible impression
he graph below presents the movie preferences of young adults (worldwide). 

Summarise the information by selecting and report in the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

The bar chart depicts data about the different types of movies
preferred by young adults across the world, with reference to gender
Comedy is by far the most favorite genre chosen by just over 280 young
adults with little gender difference. Action movies are the second
popular ones, with almost one quarter less, followed by Romance
which have almost half as many watchers as Comedy. But while the
former attract 30% more males, the latter’s preference is are markedly dominated by
young ladies.
By contrast, Drama, Horror and Animation are rather comparable in the
number of fans, with no significant disparity between both sexes.
Drama films has been selected by just below 150, with 25 more girls
than boys, whereas Horror and Animated movies have 137 and 117
votes respectively, with fairly balanced gender patterns.
Overall, Comedy is the most attractive genre for young men and
women alike. There is apparent male predilection for Action
films, while Romantic pictures are more highly rated preponderated by girls.

These days more and more people are travelling domestically or internationally.  There are clearly
many benefits to it but there are some who argue that it has also some drawbacks. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of travelling?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

Nowadays, traveling has become easier than ever, thanks to the

astonishing development in transportation, which represents one of
the most influential advances that globalization has spawned in our life.
Undeniably, the benefits of travelling, whether domestically or
internationally whether home or abroad are courntless, ranging from sunny spells
escapes, indelible unforgettable adventures and most importantly spectacular
challenging work opportunities. However, drawbacks such as high cost, unmitigated
disasters, and more
commonly arduous journeys, do also exist.

Although admittedly people gain many benefits from travelling, career

development seems to be one of the most salient advantage no need. The central
reason behind this is twofold, firstly moving to another country enables many people to
master new languages first-hand. Secondly, travellers often have the privilege to study,
learn new technology, and develop their vocational experience. These could eventually
lead to promising career opportunities that itinerant workers would unlikely obtain, were
they to stay in their original countries. Moreover, foreign experience may at times
ultimately predispose them to become more successful business leaders in their
homeland. For example, a recent survey published in the Lancet showed that medical
staffs in Sub-Saharan Africa who had experience in Europe and North America had
25% higher annual income than their colleagues thanks to their overseas experience.

But However, while some people may consider that travelling is always a
pleasurable activity, nothing could be further from the truth this unfortunately \not
always the case. Costs aside, voyagers often have to contend with problems of
airways airline disruption, resulting for example, from severe weather, technical
glitches or more viciously, terror attacks, all resulting in lengthy delays,
flight cancellation, and even aviation catastrophes if not properly
sorted. Even more aggravated by the recent quarantine measures for
the COVID-19 pandemic, many international trips have become
prohibitively protracted for most people. This was best highlighted by the 2020 bulletin
of the Federal Aviation Administration of the US that reported that airport processing of
international flights in America has increased by 25 minutes on average, compared to
To conclude, although the merits of traveling may be substantial
particularly on the educational, technical, and vocational levels, international trips  still
appears to be fraught with problems and dangers. Hence, it is advisable to weigh the
risk-benefit ratio before one embarks on departure.

to meet targets
to meet demands
fierce competition
to maintain quality
clear objectives
value for money
prompt service
full refund
poor quality
to present a finding
opening gambit
rush promise
tentative suggestion
plummeting profits

The flowchart below presents the steps in producing tea. 

Summarise the information by selecting and report in the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant. 

Write at least 150 words. 

The figure depicts how tea leaves are transformed into different types of tea. Overall, it
is a semi-synthetic linear process that involves three to eight steps, with white tea is as
the simplest, whereas the most elaborate is scented tea.

Once tea leaves are harvested, they are sorted and cleansed before shifting
transported to a steamer to produce white tea after dehydration. Alternatively, they are
withered in case of black, oolong, and frequently green tea. The latter is further
processed by means of heating, before it is either rolled and shaped,  or dried with
Jasmine flavour to produce pure green and jasmine green teas respectively. 

By contrast, oolong and black tea demand fermentation prior to desiccation. Once Leaf
edges bruised, oolong tea is then partially fermented before pan-frying, followed by
drying. Full fermentation is necessary for black tea production, and is usually carried out
after having the leaves rolled into stripes in case of Gongfu tea or simply cut to give
broken black tea, both of which are ultimately heated to remove moisture. Finally,
scented tea is manufactured from dried green, black or oolong teas when they are
flavoured with fruits and flowers and eventually cooled down.

Local governments are pushing companies to move from large cities to

regional locations.
What are the benefits and drawbacks of this?

Business experts throughout the world have debated whether encouraging enterprises to
relocate to rural and distant landscapes outside the metropolitan areas is a positive or negative
development. Although shifting moving outside the city may reduce costs and pollution, a host
of logistical problems may negate these benefits. This essay will explore some of these key
themes using examples from ------

The policy of encouraging these moves Displacing large firms from big conurbations could be
beneficial for the municipal authorities as well as for the companies themselves. For the cities, it
could ameliorate the problems of urban sprawling, overcrowding, and pollution. This is due to
the reduction of number of workers, employees, and customers flowing into the city every day,
which would be reflected, at least theoretically, in a cleaner environment on the long run. From
the business prospective, however, there may be a startling reduction in the overheads since
lands are is significantly cheaper in the hinterlands. Not only could factories profit from moving
close to the production sites of raw materials, but they might also curb their expenses, thanks to
the abundance of cheap workers in the underdeveloped locations. The craftsmen city outside
Cairo is a prime example, where dozens of medium and small industrial plants were transferred
outside the megacity in 1990s, giving way to new parks and garden that ultimately improved the
air quality and noise in that area.

Although the idea this development (trend) seems ingenious on the face of it, yet there are many
limitations to be considered. Moving to a remote location, often devoid
of infrastructure, is perhaps a risky situation, where firms have to contend with poor logistics
such as lack of amenities, poor road networks, and underdeveloped telecommunication systems,
all of which leading to more expenditure and possibly plummeting profits. Furthermore,
industrial plants may cause disruption to the local communities, particularly if cultural,
environmental, and sometimes health factors are not taken in account. This was best exemplified
by the so-called Ford-land, which was a huge industrial city established by
Ford Automobiles in the Brazil rainforest in the 1930s to take advantage of
the natural rubber resources. Unfortunately, the combined effects of
poor logistics, different cultures and tropical diseases resulted in the
demise of the project shortly after its inception.

In conclusion, moving enterprises to provincial locations may have

some positive effects on the environment and on the business revenue,
nevertheless, it can could have deleterious outcomes if not adequately studied.

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