Competency Management - Jim Broome

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Competency Management

What are Competencies? Why competency Analysis? How do we use Competency Analysis? What are Competencies?
Competencies are characteristics that are shown by research to be related to superior performance. They are what superior performers are most likely to do more often and more completely for better results. They may be motives, traits, aptitudes, self image, knowledge or skills. Skills and knowledge are most easily observable in action, and can be developed over time.

Why Competency Analysis?

Job Person Fit



Requirement Competency Requirements

Task Mastery Competency Mastery




Uses of Competency Analysis

Developing Competency Models The technique helps determine specifically which kinds of knowledge, abilities and other performance characteristics are critical for job success. Performance Management The interviewer is trained to listen for evidence of a persons competence (or lack of it), for coaching and appraisal purposes.

Developing Learning Materials With information gained form the Behavioural Event Interview, real-life cases, role plays and behavioural simulations can be developed that are directly relevant to the job and have the greatest impact on learning. Developing Selection Guides Using the success factors identified by a competency model, detailed selection questions and scoring of responses may be developed for target jobs. Competency-based selection procedures typically give very high validities in selecting people who will be successful in a particular job.

How do we use Competency Analysis?

Competency Interview We explore in detail how managers have tackled specific situations and events Overview of the event When and Where? What led up to the situation? Who else was involved? What did you do, say, feel? What was your intention? How did it turn out? The Behavioral Event Interview (BEI) Our major intervention in Competency Analysis is the BEI which we use in individual interviews and focus groups. The BEI employs a structured and focused probe strategy rather than a standard sequence of questions which elicits the most critical job experiences as seen by the interviewee. The BEI is investigative rather than reflective, as are consulting and counselling interviews: the BEIs objective is to gather the most accurate data possible about what the interviewee did, not what he/she might have done under similar circumstances. In the BEI, interviewees are not allowed to draw conclusions about what it takes to do the job. The interviewer is trained to press for descriptions of actual behaviour both actions and thoughts of the interviewee. Advantages The BEI gets behind of what the interviewee thinks he/she does, compared with what the interviewee actually does: the motives, abilities and knowledge these people really have and use.

The BEI focuses on what the interviewee does that is most important for job success. By asking about critical incidents in the interviewees job experience, the technique gets at the ten per cent of behaviours that make the ninety per cent of the difference. The BEI uncovers interpersonal as well as technical skills that are important for job performance. The BEI produces behaviourally specific performance data, which allow the manager to make solidly based human-resource decisions.

Competency Framework

Technologies Methods Technical know-how Markets Sales market Procurement m. Products Business processes Production process Bid/order processing Customer support

Professional experience Project experience Leadership experience Intercultural experience

17 capabilities
DRIVE Initiative
Results orientation Creativity Change orientation Decision making

FOCUS Ability to learn

Ability to analyze Strategic thinking Planning and organizing skills

IMPACT Assertiveness
Communication skills Networking skills Customer focus

GUIDE Motivation and inspiration

Coaching and mentoring Team skills Situational sensitivity

This competency framework was developed by us for a major international companys top management by conducting 45 individual BEIs and 12 focus groups around the world. For further question contact jim.broome(at)

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