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Feature writing

2022 Election: Securing the votes and how people safety elects their leaders

The month of April before the month of election, all of the aspirant candidates
had been so excited to share their platforms to the fellow Socorronhon people, especially in
the event of rally; there were two teams namely Rainbow Team and Mabungahong Socorro
Team, who were already fought their position for this election 2022, but the time came it’s
already the month of May. Although, being a local person the tradition before the election
day the each team has to do for the vote buying to each person here in the town of Socorro for
just to win to their position, and being a voter’s the helped with each other’s needs and you
will have been notice that they are happy to have received the money.

May 09, 2022, its time to vote! The voters are already came early at the school
facility (SOCES) just to vote their elect leader’s. And the voters had to wait patiently and
falling in line properly to vote even if the weather is bad they still falling in line even the
queue lasts for half a day. “Daog na una lagi pagka SB ,- tana man kaloy-an”. Those are the
words that I hear during election day because, one of the brother who was for the elect
candidate for Sanguniang Bayan (SB) is my fellow in queue voter’s.

The time is came, I’m in the near to the door of the classroom, near and near to
the assisting staff, and I saw the voter’s in their chair, and my ego thinking who’s leaders to
voted them for? who’s the won leader? So we all know that after election maybe at the night
and to make it sure the next day after election day. It’s my turn! The assisting staff asking me
of my precinct number and the officer staff giving to me of my ballot, while I’m in the near to
the vacant chair, there are the watcher who observed to me and to the other voter’s. And I am
enjoying shading my ballot and successfully accept my ballot to the Voter’s Counting
Machine (VCM). A day past, the people shock because, the Mabungahong Socorro team had
already safely elect their team for the support of the Socorronhon people.

-Maritchu G. Dulguime
BSED-English 3-A

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