Pakistan Affairs

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Pakistan Affairs

1. Who was the first Muslim king of India:

(a) Qutub-ud-din Aibak (b) Muhammad bin Qasim
(c) Zaheer-ud-din Babur (d) Mehmud Ghazanvi
2. Liaquat Ali Khan joined all India Muslim League as a member in:
(a) 1916 (b) 1919 (c) 1921 (d) 1923
3. The Government of India Act 1935, divided the country into:
(a) Seven provinces (b) Nine provinces (c) Eleven provinces (d) Thirteen provinces
4. In the Provincial Elections of 1937, all India Muslim League won largest number of seats
in the:
(a) United Province (U P) (b) Sindh province
(c) Punjab Province (d) Central Province
5. Identify the Secretary of State for India who led the Cabinet Mission in 1946:
(a) Sir Stafford Cripps (b) A. V. Alexander
(c) Lord Pethick Lawrence (d) Sir Anthony McDonald
6. Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah joined all India Muslim league in:
(a) 1937 (b) 1938 (c) 1939 (d) 1940
7. Congress launched "Quit India Movement" against the British Government in:
(a) 1940 (b) 1941 (c) 1942 (d) 1944
8. In the interim government of 1946, the health minister was:
(a) Abdur Rab Nishtar (b) Jag Jivan Ram
(c) Asif Ali (d) Ghazanfar Ali Khan
9. After Sir Aga Khan, the next president of All India Muslim League was:
(a) Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk (b) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
(c) Raja Sahib of Mahmoodabad (d) Mian Muhammad Shafi
10. The Hindus had launched "Swadeshi Movement" (to boycott English made goods) in the
wake of:
(a) The Urdu-Hindi controversy 1867 (b) Partition of Bengal 1905
(c) Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy 1919 (d) All of the above
11. The British parliament passed Indian independence Act on:
(a) 3 June 1947 (b) 14 June 1947 (c) 18 July 1947 (d) 24 July 1947
12. Inspector General Prisons Punjab is:
(a) Abdul Basit (b) Shahid Farooq (c) Farooq Nazeer (d) None of these
13. The first jails reforms in Islamic history were introduced by:
(a) Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) (b) Hazrat Umar (RA)
(c) Hazrat Ali (RA) (d) Hazrat Umer bin Abdul Aziz
14. Name the Mughal emperor who died in 1707?
(a) Jahangir (b) Aurangzeb (c) Shah Jahan (d) Akbar
15. Who is Interior Minister of Pakistan?
(a) Ahsan Iqbal (b) Nayyar Hussain Bukhari
(c) Dr Abdul Malik Baloch (d) Nawaz Sharif
16. Keenjhar Lake is situated in the district of:
(a) Karachi (b) Dadu (c) Badin (d) Thatta
17. Who is the Current Chairman of Senate?
(a) Ch. Nisar Ali Khan (b) Raza Rabbani
(c) Dr Abdul Malik Baloch (d) Nawaz Sharif
18. Who is the Chief Minister of Balochistan?
(a) Ch. Nisar Ali Khan (b) Nayyar Hussain Bukhari
(c) Sanaullah Zahri (d) Nawaz Sharif
19. Total seats of national assembly of Pakistan are:
(a) 332 (b) 272 (c) 372 (d) 342
20. Women seats in National Assembly are:
(a) 40 (b) 50 (c) 60 (d) 70
21. Which Muslim ruler ransacked Delhi in 1739?
(a) Akbar (b) Ibrahim Lodhi (c) Sher Shah Suri (d) Nadir Shah
22. Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim League in:
(a) 1911 (b) 1912 (c) 1913 (d) 1914
23. When Quaid-e-Azam presented his 14 points?
(a) 1925 (b) 1928 (c) 1929 (d) 1930
24. Present constitution assembly of Pakistan is:
(a) 11th (b) 12th (c) 13th (d) 14th
25. Pakistan joined NAM in:
(a) 1977 (b) 1976 (c) 1978 (d) 1979
26. Nawaz Sharif's first tenure was started from:
(a) 1991 (b) 1988 (c) 1990 (d) 1993
27. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto remained Prime Minister of Pakistan from:
(a) 1971-1975 (b) 1972-1978 (c) 1973-1977 (d) 1974-1979
28. Ghazi Ilm-ud-Din killed Rajpal on:
(a) 24th March, 1929 (b) 27th March, 1929 (c) 28th March, 1929 (d) April 6, 1929
29. The Khaksar Tehrik was established by Allama Inayatullah Khan Mashriqi in:
(a) 1931 (b) 1930 (c) 1932 (d) 1933
30. Which Viceroy convened the 'Simla Conference' in 1945?
(a) Lord Mountbatten (b) Lord Wavell (c) Lord Linlithgow (d) Lord Willingdon
31. The 2nd Constituent Assembly passed the 'First Constitution' (1956) on 2nd March, 1956
which was enforced on:
(a) 23 June 1956 (b) 23 July 1956 (c) 14 August 1956 (d) 23 March 1956
32. Pakistan became Islamic Republic in:
(a) 1953 (b) 1954 (c) 1955 (d) 1956
33. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan died on:
(a) 27th November 1953 (b) 27th November 1954
(c) 27 November 1955 (d) 27th November 1956
34. Iskander Mirza abrogated the 1956 Constitution and dissolved assemblies on:
(a) 7th October 1958 (b) 7th October 1959 (c) 7th October 1960 (d) 7th October 1961
35. Lahore is situated on the bank of:
(a) Ravi River (b) Indus River (c) Chenab River (d) None of these
36. Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum (1863-1937) had rendered great services for the educational uplift of the
Muslims of:
(a) Punjab (b) Sindh (c) NWFP (d) Balochistan
37. The Central Muhammadan Association was founded in 1877 by:
(a) Chaudhri Rehmat Ali (b) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(c) Syed Ameer Ali (d) Mohsin-ul-Mulk
38. Under which Act, the Muslim demand of 'Separate Electorate' was first conceded by the British
(a) The Indian Council Act 1892 (b) The Indian Councils Act 1909
(c) The Government of India Act 1919 (d) The Government of India Act 1935
39. The Constitution of the All India Muslim League was drafted by a Committee in 1907 headed by:
(a) Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk (b) Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk
(c) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar (d) Justice Shah Din
40. Which of the following amendments were proposed by Quaid-e-Azam to the Nehru Report 1928,
to make it acceptable to the Indian Muslims:
(a) The Muslims should be given 1/3 representation in the central legislature.
(b) For ten years, the Muslims should be represented in Punjab and Bengal according to their population
(c) Residuary powers should be given to the provinces.
(d) All of the above
41. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar started publishing his famous English Newspaper "Comrade"'
in 1911 from:
(a) Delhi (b) Bombay (c) Calcutta (d) Lahore
42. What was the significances of 21st annual session of All India Muslim League:
(a) Quaid-e-Azam presented Fourteen Points.
(b) Allama lqbal delivered Allahabad Address.
(c) Lahore Resolution was passed.
(d) Quaid-e-Azam was elected as permanent President of All India Muslim League.
43. Which of the following leaders helped Quaid-i-Azam in the preparation of his Fourteen Points in
(a) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar (b) Maulana Shaukat Ali
(c) Liaqat Ali Khan (d) Maulana Hasrat Mohani
44. Under Gandhi-Irwin Pact of 5th March 1931, it was decided that
(a) The System of Dyarchy will be abolished.
(b) The System of Separate Electorates will be retained for the Muslims.
(c) Congress will represent the low-caste Hindus in the elected bodies.
(d) The Congress will call off its Civil Disobedience Movement.
45. The Government of India Act 1935, divided the country into:
(a) Seven provinces (b) Nine provinces (c) Eleven provinces (d) Thirteen provinces
46. In the Provincial Elections of 1937, All India Muslim League won largest number of seats in the:
(a) United Provinces (UP) (b) Sindh Province
(c) Punjab Province (d) Central Provinces (CP)
47. The Indian Muslims observed ‘Day of Deliverance’ after the resignation of Congress ministries on:
(a) 12 September 1939 (b) 22 September 1939
(c) 12 December 1939 (d) 22 December 1939
48. Chaudhry Rehmat Ali first used the word `Pakistan' in his pamphlet 'Now or Never' in:
(a) 1933 (b) 1935 (c) 1937 (d) 1938
49. When did Quaid-e-Azam utter that "Hindu India and Muslim India parted and parted forever"?
(a) When Congress launched Non-Cooperation Movement in 1920.
(b) When Congress rejected his proposed modification in the Nehru Report 1928.
(c) After failure of Third Round Table Conference in 1932
(d) When the Lahore Resolution was passed on 23rd March 1940.
50. By "Satyagraha", Gandhi appealed for:
(a) Boycotting English / foreign goods (b) Hunger strike till death
(c) Civil disobedience (d) Social ostracism

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