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Darkness –

Trees – Forest
Heavy water droplets poured down frantically onto the wet
soft grass. Thunder boomed in the sky warning of a nearby
storm. Gloomy grey clouds overlapped in the sky, lighting up
with every strike of lightening. The moon shone down
powerfully, gleaming like the brightest lightbulb in the sky.
Animals – Noise
Crow + Bats
A crow came and sat on a branch while watching all the bats fly  to the nearest
cave. The crows cawed, trying to get under some shelter frantically,
all except one, who stopped and sat on a branch. Looking at the full moon that
shone brightly looking down at everyone and everything. Bats are squeaking
and flapping in the distance, attempting to enter the caves. The rain got
harder, but there was one that sat patiently on a branch cawing at me. I told
him I didn't like the rain, and he looked at me with the brightest eyes I have
ever seen. and said, "It's alright, the rain will stop soon!" I stared at him and
stood up and said, "What?" He jumped up, looked me straight in the eyes, and
said, "You and me! If we go inside that cave, I will protect you and keep you
safe! " Until this storm goes away! I blinked, stared, and then blinked again
with the deepest gaze. When I looked back at him, his wings opened fully to
the bright moonlight and he flew off into the night. I turned around with my
backpack and ran into the cave behind me. As I sat there with the warmth of
my backpack next to me and the crow circling around the cave, it finally came
inside and sat in front of me, eyes wide open. I estimated it was about
midnight now as I was slowly drifting off to sleep while the crow flew closer,
eyes wide open. To be honest, it was kind of creepy. I saw two huge wide eyes
staring at me, and then my eyes closed. It could have been because I was so
Introduction – Self-driving cars have became a major part of today’s
advanced transportation vehicles and their smart technology has made
driving easier. Self-driving cars should not be banned as their advantages
outweigh their disadvantages. They have allowed driving to be safer, more
efficient as well as flexible for everyone to utilise. Due to this technology,
many people who couldn’t drive before can drive as well as these self-
driving cars have made our lives must easier and allowed us to save time,
money and energy.

1st Argument: Less car crashes - Facts/Stastics – more safety – Why? –

Human error or – human problems e.g.s – that is eliminated with self-
driving cars – technology which doesn’t make human errors – So less
accidents or errors – AI technology – sensors – concluding sentence

2nd Argument: Flexible for anyone to drive e.g. disabilities etc – how this
helps in their life – saves money, save time – allows many people – solves
these problems – Facts/stastics – Emotive language + rhetorical questions
– concluding sentence

3rd Argument: Easier lifestyle – people less tired, save time and energy –
long trips etc – driving at night – Emotive language + rhetorical questions –
concluding sentence


No, I don't think self-driving cars should be banned in order to save us from car
accidents. Autonomous vehicles would not eliminate all car accidents, just some of
them. If autonomous cars were much safer, fewer people would die from car
accidents, so people might be less anxious about being in self-driving cars. There's
no guarantee it would be better to drive the car yourself, or something similar would
be very different than driving a regular car. If car accidents were reduced by a
significant amount, more people would be insured, resulting in insurance costs going
down. People would actually be more insurable in a self-driving car scenario,
especially people who are disabled or old. More people would be able to get into
cars and go places. Yes, they would still be in accidents, but they would be very rare
since they would not be in cars being driven by others. The insurance system would
do a good job of compensating the people who are injured in car accidents. Self-
driving cars would be safer for the people in cars with self-driving cars around them
and other people on the roads. Self-driving cars would also make it safer for the
elderly and people with disabilities since their movements are restricted. Self-driving
cars could actually reduce congestion and traffic jams. People in cars would be able
to communicate and interact with each other, and travel to their destinations in the
way they feel is most efficient. More people would be able to get to their jobs on
time. More people would be able to get to where they need to go. Congestion on the
roads would lessen. There would be less traffic in general. They could actually add
capacity to the road system. Traffic would not stop due to accidents. As self-driving
cars became more widespread, people would be able to travel more efficiently. So
more cars would be able to go to a location than there are cars right now, so traffic
would not be as bad. It would be preferable and less prone to accidents. More cars
on the road would have a wider variety of people in them. They would be able to
move from city to city. They would be able to be closer to their jobs. Less traffic could
make driving less frustrating. Would you want to kick back and relax on a 3-hour
road trip?

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