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Script for English Week .


1 A very good morning to Make sure our

Madam Azlina binti Haji Yang, Headmistress of SK Kampung Headmaster and all
Tun Razak, the Senior
Mister Salleh bin Yaakob; Senior Assistant of Curriculum, Assistants have
Madam Noraini binti Othman; Senior Assistant of Students’ taken their seats.
Madam Azila binti Hamzah ; Senior Assistant of Co-
teachers and all my dear friends.

2 First of all, to begin our assembly today, I would like to invite

to lead the recitation of prayer.

3 Thank you to __________________________

for the prayer. It is hoped that our ceremony will be in His
blessing. InsyaAllah..

Our assembly will proceed with singing our National Anthem,

Negaraku,,state song, Melaka Maju Jaya, and our school song.
For that, please stand firm and ready to sing.

4 Next, our assembly will be continued with recitation of Rukun

Negara Oath. For that, I would like to invite
______________________ to lead the recitation of Rukun
Negara Oath.

Thank you to ______________________ for the oath.

5 Now, I would like to invite the Head of teachers on duty this

week to deliver his/her speech. Please welcome
_______________________ .

6 Thank you to _________________________ for his/her speech.

Hopefully, all of us here could learn something from the
beneficial speech.

7 Next, I would like to invite  *** *change the name

of the teacher if
(   ) Madam Azlina binti Haji Yang, Headmistress of SK there is another
Kampung Tun Razak , teacher who would
(   ) Mister Salleh bin Yaakob; Senior Assistant of Curriculum, like to deliver the
(   ) Mdm. Nooraini binti Othman; Senior Assistant of speech.
Students’ Affairs,
(   ) Mdm. Azila binti Hamzah; Senior Assistant of Co-

to deliver his / her speech and at the same time officiate the
opening ceremony of English Week. Please welcome.

8 Thank you to our ………………………………… for

his/ her speech.

9 As we know, today is the beginning of the English Week for our

school. For your information, this program will be held for three
days, starting from today until Friday.

During this programme, many interesting activities will be held

10 such as Treasure Hunt, Spelling Bee, Musical Chair and many
more. We really hope that all of the students will gain a lot of
benefits from these activities.
Now, in conjunction with English Week, let us listen to our
friends’ presentations. Therefore, I would like to invite Year
_____________________ pupils to presents their performance.
Please welcome.

11 Next, please welcome ____________________

to ……………………..
12 Thank you Year ______________ for the lovely performance.

Before we end our ceremony today, I would like to take this
opportunity to appeal to all of you to speak English at all times.
Let’s promise ourselves to start talking to one another in English
as often as we can.

With the concerted effort of both teachers and students, we are

sure that we can enrich the English speaking environment in our
school. Hence, I wish the ENGLISH WEEK EVERY

With that, we end our assembly. Thank you

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