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Pre - Colonial (300 yrs) longest colonial 9.

Narrative - poetic describing important events in

Literature? -Is stories of human life either real or imaginary
-ideas, thoughts and emotions of man 10. Theme - The central or dominating idea in a
-“belles-letter” which means beautiful writing. literary
11. Lyric Poetry - poems accompanied with any
Enumeration ata instrument
Lines of 12. Sonnet - This is a lyric poem of 14 lines dealing
type of poem with an emotion, a feeling, or an idea
Types of Poetry 13. We use SENSE to reveal meaning of words or
Kinds of Figurative Speech images
Types of Literature 14. Elegy - reflects death or lost
15. Elegy - it is keme poem which express the
Kinds of Poem meaning of death kineme
16. Point of View - It identifies the narrator of the
1. Non fiction - It tells the story of real people and story
events. 17. Epics - About heroic exploits and supernatural
2. Fiction - It is an imaginative recreation and controls
re-creation of life 18. Comedy - Form of literature in form of music and
3. Essay - It is a prose composition of moderate has happy ending
length usually expository in nature, which aims to 19. Awit/Song - Lyric Poem that have 12 syllabus and
explain or clear up an idea, a theory, an accompanied by musical instrument number 16
expression, or point of view. daw
4. Poetry - It is expressed in metrical, rhythmical and 20. Difference between free verse and blank verse -
figurative language free verse does not have metrics or measures,
5. Dran - it means to act or to do (Greek for drama) blank verse has a precise meter but does not
6. Drama - It is a story created specifically for a ryhme
stage performance 21. Difference between Simile and Metaphor - Simile
7. Poesis - to make (Greek for Poem) uses words like as to compare things,
8. Poem - metaphor does not
22. Duplo - usual in wakes 7. Couplet are has more than 3 lines False 2 (di ko
23. Tanaga - monorhyming haptic 7 syllables 4 lines sure kung sa t or f)
expressing lessons of life 8. Before the Philippines was colonized, it was
24. Pasyon - commemoration (something passion), already brimming with a rich tradition or oral
octo syllabic about resurrection of christ literature. True
25. RHYME imposes specific length and emphasis on 9. Riddles are also called salawikain - False
a given line of poetry BUGTONG
26. THEME - The central or dominating idea in a 10. Proverbs are stories of origin for certain places,
literary their names, and their creation. False
27. PLOT - A causally related sequence of events (myth/legend to)
28. SETTING - The place or time in which the action 11. Epics are long- winded poems about a hero and
of a short story takes place - his adventures and misadventures. True
29. CHARACTERS Persons involved in a conflict- 12. Proverbs- sayings w/lessons and not the story of
30. This is usually used in musical plays with the origin - True
opera. 13. Lyric poetry is accompanied by instrument - True
14. Corrido is a hexasyllabic - False
15. Church no longer hold monopoly -True
16. Printing press - True
True or False
1. Haiku has 17 syllabus True 5-7-5
2. Corido is hexasyllabic False 8
3. Legend are stories that are true False? BIAG NI LAM-ANG
4. The main bulb of colonial phil literature are about Translator/Author - Pedro Bukaneg
religion good manners Di kasama ang Lam-ang learned to TALK the moment he was born.
revolutionary, changes kineme NAMONGAN is the mother of Lam-Ang.
5. Lyric poetry are lyrics that accompanied with On his journey, Lamg-ang took with him his chicken and
musical instrument - True DOG
6. Proverbs are stories of origin - False Lam-ang got angry because the IGOROT killed his
Lam-Ang’s heart was captured by INES.
AWIYAO reached for the upper horizontal log which
served as the edge of the head high threshold.
The sound of the GANGSAS beat through the walls of
Main Genres of Literature
the dark house like muffled ROARS of falling water.
1. Fiction - imaginative recreation and re-creation of
The stove fire played with strange moving SHADOWS
and lights upon her face.
2. Non - Fiction - interplay of words and rhythm
Pliant is the BAMBOO; I am man of EARTH;
3. Essay
RHYME imposes specific length and emphasis on a
4. Drama
given line of poetry
5. Poetry -
Faith, Love, and Time
Elements of Fiction
Author -
1. Characters - represensentation of human being,
Dr. Lazaro had a view of stars, the country darkness, and
persons involved in conflict
the lights on the distant highway at the edge of town from
a. Round Character - dynamic character, fully
his UPSTAIRS VERANDA/VERANDA. ( roofed platform
along the outside of a house, level with the ground floor)
b. Flat Character - does not grow and
Dr. Lazaro remembered nothing, his mind lay untouched
by any conscious thought, he was scarcely aware of the
c. Others - Others
APRIL? heat. (month)
1. Protagonist – hero/ heroine
They could not take the baby to the POBLACION
2. Antagonist – a foil to the protagonist
because its body turned rigid at the slightest touch.
3. Deuteroganist – second in importance
4. Fringe – one who is destroyed by his
He added a vial of penstrep, an ampule of CAFFEINE to
inner conflict
the satchel’s contents. (a crystalline compound that is
5. Typical or minor characters
found especially in tea and coffee plants and is a
stimulant of the central nervous system.)
2. Setting - locale (place) or period (time)
Dr. Lazaro asked Ben, “What must I do to gain
3. Conflict - struggles or complication
ETERNAL life?” (lasting or existing forever)
a. Internal Conflict - protagonist in struggles a. Exciting – it should be more exciting
within himself than the everyday reality that surrounds us.
b. Interpersonal Conflict - against someone
else b. Good Structure – the episodes must be
c. External Conflict - in conflict with values of arranged effectively, but the most important
his or her society element of plot structure is tying all the
4. Plot - sequence of event incidents together, so that one leads
a. Exposition (beginning) introduces the time, naturally to another.
place, setting and the main characters.
b. Complication (rising action) unfolds the
problems and struggles that would be Plot Devices
encountered by the main characters leading
to the crisis. a. Flashback- something out of
c. Climax (result of the crisis) part where the chronological order; to reveal information,
problem or the conflict is the highest peak to understand a character’s nature.
of interest; the highest point of the story for
the reader, frequently, is the highest b. Foreshadowing- a device to give a sign
moment of interest and greatest emotion; of something to come, its purpose is to
also known as the crisis or the point of no create suspense, to keep the readers
return. guessing what will happen when.
d. Denouement is the untying of the
c. Suspense – this is the feeling of
entangled knots, or the part that shows a
excitement or tension in the reader’s
conflict or a problem is solved, leading to its
experiences as the action of the plot
downwards movement or end.
e. Resolution (end) contains the last
statements about the story. d. Suspense Ending – this is an ending
that catches the reader off guard with an
Qualities of the Plot
unexpected turn of events.
e. In Media Res- the technique of paradox, litotes, oxymoron, onomatopoeia
beginning a story in the middle of the etc.
action, with background information given
later in the flashbacks. 2. Sound - result of combination of elements
a. Tone color- alliteration, assonance,
consonance, rhyme, repetition, anaphora
b. Rhythm- ordered recurrent alteration of
strong and weak elements in the flow of the
5. Point of View - writer’s feeling and attitude toward
sound and silence: duple, triple, running or
his subject
common rhyme.
Classification of POV
c. Meter- stress. Duration, or number of
First Person - I, me, mine, we, us, our (s)
syllables per line, fixed metrical pattern, or
Third Person - He, Him, His, she, her (s), they,
a verse form: quantitative, syllabic, and
them, theirs
accentual syllabic.
Omniscient - He, him, his, she, her (s), they,
d. Rhyme scheme- formal arrangement of
them, theirs
rhymes in stanza or the whole poem.
6. Mood - atmosphere or emotion
7. Tone - attitude or approach
3. Structure- refers to (1) arrangement of words, and
8. Symbolisms - to paint colorful scenes
lines to fit together, and (2) the organization of the
9. Images - any vivid or picturesque phrase
parts to form a whole.
10. Theme - central or dominating idea
Types of Poetry
Elements of Poetry 1. Narrative Poetry - important events in life either
1. Sense real or imaginary
a. Diction a. Epic - extended narrative about heroic
b. Images exploits often under supernatural control
c. Figure of Speech - simile, metaphor, b. Metrical Tale - written in verse and can be
personification, apostrophe, metonymy, classified either as ballad or metrical
synecdoche, hyperbole, irony, allusion, romance
c. Ballads - song accompanying a dance 3. Tragedy- This involves the hero struggling mightily
2. Lyric Poem - expresses emotions and feelings of against dynamic forces; he meets death or ruin without
the poet. expresses emotions and feelings of the success and satisfaction obtained by the protagonist in a
poet. comedy.
a. Folksongs - intended to be sung, love,
despair, grief, doubt, joy, hope and sorrow 4. Farce- This is an exaggerated comedy. It seeks to
b. Sonnets - 14 lines dealing with an emotion, arouse mirth by laughable lines; situations are too
a feeling, or an idea ridiculous to be true; the characters seem to be
c. Elegy - feelings of grief and melancholy, caricatures and the motives undignified and absurd.
and whose theme is death
5. Social Poems- This form is either purely comic or
d. Ode - Noble feeling
tragic and it pictures the life of today. It may aim to bring
e. Psalms (Dalit) - praising God
about changes in the social conditions.
f. Song (Awit) - 12 syllabics slowly sung
● Verse – line of metrical writing and used in
g. Corridos (Kuridos) - 8 syllabics martial
a. Couplet – 2 lines verse
3. Dramatic Poetry
b. Tercet – 3 lines of verse
1. Comedy- The word comedy comes from the Greek
term “komos” meaning festivity or revelry. This form c. Haiku – form of Japanese poetry w/ 17 syllables 5-7-5
usually is light and written with the purpose of amusing,
and usually has a happy ending. d. Quatrain – 4 lines

2. Melodrama- This is usually used in musical plays with e. Limerick – five-line humorous poem
the opera. Today, this is related to tragedy just as the
f. Sestet – consists of six lines,
farce to comedy. It arouses immediate and intense
emotion and is usually sad but there is a happy ending g. Sonnet – short poem with 14 lines, usually ten-syllable
for the principal character. rhyming lines, divided into two, three or four sections.
Pre colonial Pasyon – it is an octosyllabic quintillas that became
300 yrs entrenched in the Filipino’s commemoration of
The most significant and the longest form of pre-colonial Christ’s agony and resurrection at Calvary.
poetry was the folk epic
Riddles – gives an enigma or puzzle
Proverbs- wise saying or “salawikain” Categories of Philippine folk literature
Folk songs are beautiful songs that are
Folk narratives can either be in prose - the alamat
informal expressions of our ancestors’
(myth), the legend, and the kuwentong bayan (folktale) -
experiences in life. These range from
or in verse, as in the case of the folk narrative.
courtship (which they sing in a harana or
a serenade for a girl), to lullabies, Folk speech includes the bugtong (riddle) and the
harvests, funerals, and others. salawikain (proverbs).
Mimetic dances often accompanied these
songs and rituals and were the Folk songs can be sub-classified into those that tell a
precursor of the drama form. story (folk ballads), which are rare in Philippine folk
Tanaga - a mono-rhyming heptasyllabic literature, and those that do not, which form the bulk of
quatrain expressing insights and the Philippines' rich heritage of folk songs.
lessons on life
Epics – They revolves around supernatural
Six Elements Of The Epic:
events or heroic deeds
1. Plot. It enters around a hero of unbelievable
In prose, pre- colonial literature had
stature. The epic hero completes what everyone
myths, tales, fables, legends, and
only attempts. In ancient epics, the hero often is
fantastic stories.
either partially divine or at least protected by a god
Spanish Colonial
or God.
Dalit – It is a meditative verses appended to novenas
and catechisms. It has no fixed meter no rhyme 2. Superhuman strength and valor. It involves deeds
scheme although a number are written in octosyllabic that no real human could.
quatrains and have a solemn tone and spiritual
subject matter.
3. Vast Setting. The action spans not only geographical traits. The gods are superheroes who may appear in
but also often cosmological space: across land, sea, into human form, but maintain immortality and supernatural
the underworld, or thru space or time etc. abilities. Legends typically take place in the past, and the
setting is somehow relevant to the culture from which it
4. Supernatural and-or otherworldly forces. Gods, derives.
demons, angels, time/space travel, cheating death etc.
B. Plot and Theme
5. Sustained elevation of style. Overwritten. Overly
formal, highly stylized (poetry, lyricism (singing), A legend's plot will include a lot of action, suspense and
exaggeration) conflict. The characters of a legend are often faced with
6. Poet remains objective and omniscient. The difficult obstacles to overcome, and struggle with their
narrator sees and knows all and presents all fate or destiny. Legends often explain natural
perspectives. phenomena, religious practices and human nature. They
usually offer a straightforward moral, or a lesson for life.

LEGEND C. Point of View and Style

A legend is a genre of folklore that consists of a Legends are written from the third person point of view. A
narrative featuring human actions perceived or believed legend will reflect upon a society's culture, values and
both by teller and listeners to have taken place within beliefs and the frail nature, or weakness, of human
human history. Narratives in this genre may demonstrate beings. Readers of the legend will believe that the main
human values, and possess certain qualities that give the character is capable of overcoming any obstacles in his
tale verisimilitude. path, and root for him to succeed.
D. Generations

Elements of a Legend Legends are usually passed down through generations.

Prior to printing, legends were passed orally to teach the
younger generation a certain set of values.
A. Characters and Setting
Characters in a legend are limited to a small cast. They Short Story
may be inanimate objects, gods, or humans with super
A short story is a condensed prose fiction, usually only open-ended readings and suggests a more
focusing on a single incident that can be read in one complex understanding of reality and human
sitting and a few characters at most. A short story is behavior.
self-contained, not part of a series and is much shorter 5. Literary devices - The short story genre is well
than a novel. suited to experimentation in prose writing style and
When a number of stories are written as a series it's form, but most short story authors still work to
called a story sequence. They are commonly published in create a distinct mood using classic literary
magazines and anthologies, or as collections by an devices (point of view, imagery, foreshadowing,
individual author. metaphor, diction/word choice, tone, and sentence
Elements of a short story structure).

1. Setting - A short story is often simplified one time

and place Popular types of short stories:
2. Characters - One or two main characters may be A. Fable: A tale that provides a moral lesson, often
introduced without full backstories. using animals, mythical creatures, forces of nature, or
3. Plot - Short stories typically focus on a single plot inanimate objects come to life
instead of multiple subplots. Some stories follow a
traditional narrative arc, with exposition B. Flash fiction: A story between 5 to 2,000 words that
(description) at the beginning, rising action, a lacks traditional plot structure or character
climax (peak moment of conflict or action), and a development, and is often characterized by a surprise
resolution at the end. However, contemporary or twist of fate
short fiction is more likely to begin in the middle of
C. Mini saga: A type of micro-fiction using exactly 50
the action (in medias res), drawing readers right
words to tell a story
into a dramatic scene.
4. Theme - While short stories of the past often D. Vignette: A descriptive scene or defining moment
revolved around a central theme or moral lesson, that does not contain a complete plot or narrative, but
today it is common to find stories with ambiguous reveals an important detail about a character or idea
endings. This type of unresolved story invites
E. Modernism: Experimenting with narrative form, style, as the meter. Some poems incorporate rhyme schemes,
and chronology (inner monologues, stream of with two or more lines that end in like-sounding words.
consciousness) to capture the experience of an

F. Postmodernism: Using fragmentation, paradox, or Meter in Poetry

unreliable narrators to explore the relationship
A poem can contain many elements to give it structure.
between the author, reader, and text
Rhyme is perhaps the most common of these elements:
G. Magical realism: Combining realistic narrative or
setting with elements of surrealism, dreams, or
fantasy In poetry, a stanza is used to describe the main building
block of a poem.
H. Minimalism: Writing characterized by brevity,
straightforward language, and a lack of plot Rhyme Scheme
One of the most common ways to write a rhyming poem
is to use a rhyme scheme composed of shared vowel
Poem sounds or consonants.
It is a composition written in verse, that is characterized
by a highly developed artistic form and by the use of
intensified language and rhythm to convey an extremely 15 Types of Poetic Forms
imaginative interpretation of the subject.

1. Blank verse. Blank verse is poetry written with a

precise meter—almost always iambic
Poetry is written to share ideas, express emotions, and pentameter—that does not rhyme.
create imagery. Poets choose words for their meaning 2. Rhymed poetry. In contrast to blank verse,
and acoustics, arranging them to create a tempo known rhymed poems rhyme by definition, although their
scheme varies.
3. Free verse. Free verse poetry is poetry that lacks 14. Soliloquy. monologue in which a character
a consistent rhyme scheme, metrical pattern, or speaks to him or herself, expressing inner
musical form. thoughts that an audience might not otherwise
4. Epics. An epic poem is a lengthy, narrative work know.
of poetry. 15. Villanelle. A nineteen-line poem consisting of five
5. Narrative poetry. Similar to an epic, a narrative tercets and a quatrain, with a highly specified
poem tells a story. internal rhyme scheme.
6. Haiku. A haiku is a three-line poetic form
originating in Japan. 575
7. Pastoral poetry. A pastoral poem is one that
concerns the natural world, rural life, and Enumeration ata
landscapes. Lines of
8. Sonnet. A sonnet is a 14 line poem, typically (but type of poem
not exclusively) concerning the topic of love. Types of Poetry
9. Elegies. An elegy is a poem that reflects upon Kinds of Figurative Speech
death or loss. Types of Literature
10. Ode. Much like an elegy, an ode is a tribute to its
subject, although the subject need not be Kinds of Poem
dead—or even sentient, Types of Literature during pre? colonial times
11. Limerick. A limerick is a five-line poem that 1. Tanaga
consists of a single stanza, an AABBA rhyme 2. Pasyon
scheme, and whose subject is a short, pithy tale or 3. Fable
description. 4. Bugtong
12. Lyric poetry. Lyric poetry refers to the broad 5. Salawikain
category of poetry that concerns feelings and
13. Ballad. A ballad (or ballade) is a form of narrative
verse that can be either poetic or musical.

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