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Table of Contents

Part 1: Comprehension.......................................... 2
A magic trick ..................................................................... 2

Round the world on skates............................................... 5

The empty pot .................................................................. 7

The Hook ........................................................................ 10

The Mantis ..................................................................... 13

Avalanche! (Part 1) ......................................................... 14

Avalanche! (Part 2) ......................................................... 17

Part 2: Conversation............................................ 20
Introducing yourself: Meeting at a party ....................... 20

Part 3: Vocabulary............................................... 21

Youssef A. Mohtemed

Part 1: Comprehension
A magic trick
Do you know the story of the parrot and the magician? The magician had a
job on a big ship. He gave a magic show for the ship's passengers every
evening. He did lots of clever magic tricks, and the passengers enjoyed the
‫ضا سحريًا لركاب‬
ً ‫ قدم عر‬.‫هل تعرف قصة الببغاء والساحر؟ كان الساحر يعمل في سفينة كبيرة‬
.‫ واستمتع الركاب بالعروض‬،‫ قام بالعديد من الحيل السحرية الذكية‬.‫السفينة كل مساء‬
There was also a parrot on the ship. Every night, the parrot was there at the
show, and it watched every trick carefully. One evening, the magician did a
card trick. First, he put a card in a box. Then the magician opened the box,
but the card was not there! Where was it?
‫ ويراقب كل‬،‫ كان الببغاء موجودًا في العرض‬،‫ كل ليلة‬.‫كان هناك أيضا ببغاء على متن السفينة‬
‫ ثم فتح‬.‫ وضع بطاقة في صندوق‬،ً‫ أوﻻ‬.‫ قام الساحر بخدعة ورق‬،‫ في إحدى اﻷمسيات‬.‫خدعة بعناية‬
‫ لكن البطاقة لم تكن موجودة! أين كانت؟‬،‫الساحر الصندوق‬
It's in his pocket!' the parrot said loudly. And the parrot was right. The card
was in his jacket pocket. 'Ha! Ha! That's no good!' the parrot said.
.‫ كانت البطاقة في جيب سترته‬.‫ وكان الببغاء على حق‬.‫"إنه في جيبه!" قال الببغاء بصوت عال‬
.‫"ها! ها! هذا ليس جيدا!' قال الببغاء‬
The magician did another trick with a ball, and the parrot watched
carefully. 'He hid it in his hat!' the parrot said loudly. And the parrot was
right again. 'Ha! Ha! That's no good!' the parrot said. After that, the parrot
did the same thing every evening. The magician was very angry with the
.‫ أخفاها في قبعته! قال الببغاء بصوت عال‬- .‫ وراقب الببغاء بحذر‬،‫قام الساحر بخدعة أخرى بالكرة‬
‫ كان الببغاء يفعل‬،‫ "ها! ها! هذا ليس جيدا!' قال الببغاء بعد ذلك‬.‫وكان الببغاء على حق مرة أخرى‬
.‫ الساحر كان غاضبا جدا من الببغاء‬.‫نفس الشيء كل مساء‬

But one night, in the middle of the magic show, the ship hit a rock. The ship
broke in two and went down to the bottom of the sea. Suddenly, the
magician was in the water. He was not a good swimmer, and, after a short
time, he was very tired. But then he saw a small boat in the water. He
climbed into the boat and fell down on the floor. There were no other
people in the boat.
‫ انقسمت السفينة إلى قسمين‬.‫ اصطدمت السفينة بحجر‬،‫ في منتصف العرض السحري‬،‫لكن ذات ليلة‬
‫ وبعد فترة قصيرة شعر‬،‫ لم يكن سبا ًحا جيدًا‬.‫ كان الساحر في الماء‬،‫ فجأة‬.‫ونزلت إلى قاع البحر‬
‫ لم‬.‫ صعد إلى القارب وسقط على اﻷرض‬.‫ لكنه رأى بعد ذلك قاربا ً صغيرا ً في الماء‬.‫بالتعب الشديد‬
.‫يكن هناك أشخاص آخرون في القارب‬
But the parrot was there.
!‫لكن الببغاء كان هناك‬
The parrot watched the magician. The magician lay on the floor for an hour
and did not move. All this time, the parrot watched him very carefully.
‫ كان‬،‫ طوال هذا الوقت‬.‫ استلقى الساحر على اﻷرض لمدة ساعة ولم يتحرك‬.‫راقب الببغاء الساحر‬
.‫الببغاء يراقبه بعناية شديدة‬
Finally, the magician moved and opened his eyes. Then the parrot said, 'OK.
That's a good trick. It's not in your pocket. It's not in your hat. So where did
you put it?'
‫ إنه‬.‫ إنه ليس في جيبك‬.‫ هذه خدعة جيدة‬.‫ حسنا‬:‫ ثم قال الببغاء‬.‫أخيرا تحرك الساحر وفتح عينيه‬
‫ فأين وضعتها؟‬.‫ليس في قبعتك‬
'What?' the magician asked.
.‫'ماذا؟' سأل الساحر‬
'The ship! Where did you hide the ship?'
‫'السفينة! اين اخفيت السفينة؟‬

Exercise - (D)
1. The passengers thought the magician's tricks were .........
2. In one trick, a card disappeared ...... (from a box)
3. The trick did not work well because the parrot told everyone
……... (where the card was)
4. The magician ...... the parrot. (Was angry with)
5. One night, the ship sank ....... (Very quickly)
6. After that, the magician was ...... with the parrot. (In a small
7. The parrot watched carefully because it thought, "The
magician…… (has hidden the ship)
8. It's not in your pocket' means …...... is not in your pocket.
(The ship)

Exercise - (F)
1. It was a big sailing boat with two tall masts. (spar)
2. We sailed the boat out of the harbor into the open sea.
3. At night, I slept in the small cabin and my brothers slept in
the larger cabin. (cabin)

Youssef A. Mohtemed

Round the world on skates
The first person to skate solo around the world arrived in San Francisco
yesterday. Fabrice Gropaiz of France began his journey in San Francisco
three years ago. Since then, he has skated more than 30,000 kilometers
through thirty-three countries.
‫ بدأ فابريس جروبايز رحلته‬.‫وصل أول شخص يتزلج بمفرده حول العالم إلى سان فرانسيسكو أمس‬
‫ كيلومتر‬30000 ‫ تزلج أكثر من‬،‫ منذ ذلك الحين‬.‫من فرنسا الي سان فرانسيسكو قبل ثﻼث سنوات‬
.‫ دولة‬33 ‫عبر‬
He skated across the USA and northern Mexico from west to east, then
across Europe, Russia, Mongolia, 10 China, and Australia before flying
across the Pacific Ocean to San Francisco again.
‫ ثم عبر أوروبا وروسيا‬،‫تزلج عبر الوﻻيات المتحدة وشمال المكسيك من الغرب إلى الشرق‬
.‫ومنغوليا والصين وأستراليا قبل أن يطير عبر المحيط الهادئ إلى سان فرانسيسكو مرة أخرى‬
He traveled with fifteen kilograms of equipment, which he pulled behind
him on a homemade trailer. His equipment included a tent, a change of
clothes, and a video camera.
‫ تضمنت‬.‫ كان يسحبها خلفه على مقطورة محلية الصنع‬،‫ كيلوغراما من المعدات‬15 ‫سافر مع‬
.‫ وكاميرا فيديو‬،‫ وغيار مﻼبس‬،‫معداته خيمة‬
A friend, David Lai, made a website (, and Fabrice
sent regular news to the site. He wrote in English so that people all over the
world could understand. Thousands of people sent e-mails to Fabrice
during his journey.
‫ وأرسل‬،( ‫ موق ًعا على شبكة اﻹنترنت‬،‫ ديفيد ﻻي‬،‫أنشأ صديق‬
.‫ لقد كتب باﻹنجليزية حتى يفهمه الناس في جميع أنحاء العالم‬.‫أخبارا منتظمة إلى الموقع‬
ً ‫فابريس‬
.‫أرسل آﻻف اﻷشخاص رسائل بريد إلكتروني إلى فابريس أثناء رحلته‬
He described the places that he visited and the people that he met.
Sometimes people skated or cycled with him. For example, 1,500 people
skated through Paris with him. Sometimes people invited him to stay in
their homes and gave him meals.

‫ووصف اﻷماكن التي زارها واﻷشخاص الذين التقى بهم‪ .‬في بعض اﻷحيان كان الناس يتزلجون أو‬
‫يركبون الدراجات معه‪ .‬على سبيل المثال‪ ،‬تزلج ‪ 1500‬شخص معه في باريس‪ .‬في بعض اﻷحيان‬
‫كان الناس يدعونه للبقاء في منازلهم ويقدمون له وجبات الطعام‪.‬‬
‫‪I love travelling. I love meeting people and discovering countries, Fabrice‬‬
‫‪wrote. "My world tour gave me the opportunity to meet people from‬‬
‫‪different countries and also different social classes (from the richest to the‬‬
‫"‪poorest), and I am proud to have friends from different backgrounds.‬‬
‫أحب السفر‪ .‬كتب فابريس أنني أحب مقابلة الناس واكتشاف البلدان‪" .‬لقد منحتني جولتي العالمية‬
‫الفرصة لمقابلة أشخاص من بلدان مختلفة وكذلك طبقات اجتماعية مختلفة )من اﻷغنى إلى اﻷفقر(‪،‬‬
‫وأنا فخور بأن يكون لدي أصدقاء من خلفيات مختلفة‪".‬‬
‫‪In all the big cities, television and newspaper reporters interviewed him.‬‬
‫في جميع المدن الكبرى‪ ،‬أجرى مراسلو التلفزيون والصحف مقابلة معه‪.‬‬
‫‪People saw him on television and read about him, and many readers and‬‬
‫‪listeners offered to help him. Fabrice asked them to send money to a‬‬
‫‪medical 30 research organization. In this way, he raised a lot of money for‬‬
‫‪important medical research.‬‬
‫شاهده الناس على التلفاز وقرأوا عنه‪ ،‬وعرض عليه كثير من القراء والمستمعين مساعدته‪ .‬طلب‬
‫منهم فابريس إرسال اﻷموال إلى منظمة أبحاث طبية‪ .‬بهذه الطريقة‪ ،‬جمع الكثير من المال ﻷبحاث‬
‫طبية مهمة‪.‬‬
‫‪Between stops, he travelled 100 kilometers on good days. But there 35‬‬
‫‪were also bad days and problems: bad weather, broken skates, dangerous‬‬
‫‪drivers, snakes on the roads in Mexico, an earthquake in China, and a wolf‬‬
‫‪attack in Mongolia. However, none of 40 these problems stopped him, and‬‬
‫‪now he wants to do another trip.‬‬
‫ضا ‪ 35‬يو ًما سيئًا ومشاكل‪:‬‬
‫بين المحطات‪ ،‬سافر ‪ 100‬كيلومتر في اﻷيام الجيدة‪ .‬ولكن كان هناك أي ً‬
‫الطقس السيئ‪ ،‬والزﻻجات المحطمة‪ ،‬والسائقون الخطيرون‪ ،‬والثعابين على الطرق في المكسيك‪،‬‬
‫وزلزال في الصين‪ ،‬وهجوم الذئاب في منغوليا‪ .‬ومع ذلك‪ ،‬لم يوقفه أي من هذه المشاكل اﻷربعين‪،‬‬
‫وهو اﻵن يريد القيام برحلة أخرى‪.‬‬

Exercise - (C) complete
1. He skated through more than thirty countries
2. Sometimes he slept in a tent and sometimes he slept in people's
3. People could follow his journey on a web site.
4. Many people sent e-mails to him or skated or cycled with him.
5. He enjoyed meeting people from different countries and social
6. When he visited big cities, he was on television.
7. He used these opportunities to raise money for medical research.
8. He sometimes had problems with bad weather and dangerous

The empty pot

There was once a rich old man who had no wife or children. So, he asked
himself, 'Who should have my money when I die?' He had forty-seven
nephews and nieces, but he did not know them very well. How could he
find the right one?
‫ "من الذي يملك نقودي‬:‫ لذلك سأل نفسه‬.‫كان هناك رجل عجوز ثري ليس لديه زوجة أو أطفال‬
‫ كيف يمكن أن‬.‫ لكنه لم يعرفهم جيدًا‬،‫عندما أموت؟" كان لديه سبعة وأربعون من أبناء وبنات أخته‬
‫يجد الشخص المناسب؟‬
He thought long and hard, and he made a plan. He sent an envelope to all
his young relatives. In each envelope was a letter and a little seed. The
letter said
‫ كان في كل مغلف‬.‫ أرسل مظروفًا إلى جميع أقاربه الصغار‬.‫ ووضع خطة‬،‫لقد فكر طويﻼ وبجد‬
:‫ قال الخطاب‬.‫رسالة وبذرة صغيرة‬
"Plant this seed in a pot. Do your best to grow a beautiful plant. After three
months, bring it to me".
‫ أحضرها‬،‫ بعد ثﻼثة أشهر‬.‫ ابذل قصارى جهدك لزراعة نبتة جميلة‬.‫"ازرع هذه البذرة في أصيص‬

One of the old man's nephews was a fourteen-year-old boy, called Ping. He
was good at growing plants, so he was very excited about this competition.
He put his seed into a pot and filled it with good earth. He watered it
carefully every day and he waited for the seed to grow into a beautiful
‫ لقد كان جيدًا‬.‫ يُدعى بينغ‬،‫كان أحد أبناء إخوة الرجل العجوز صبيًا يبلغ من العمر أربعة عشر عا ًما‬
ً ‫ وضع نسله في إناء ومﻸها أرضا‬.‫سا جدًا لهذه المنافسة‬ ً ‫ لذلك كان متحم‬،‫في زراعة النباتات‬
.‫جميﻼ‬ ‫ كان يسقيها بعناية كل يوم وانتظر حتى تنمو البذرة لتصبح نباتًا‬.‫صالحة‬
Days passed, but the seed did not grow. Ping put the seed into a bigger pot
and added richer earth. Still, nothing happened. Ping continued to care for
the seed. He gave it plenty of water and sunlight. Months passed, but still
nothing grew.
،‫ ومع ذلك‬.‫ضا أكثر ثرا ًء‬
ً ‫ وضع بينغ البذرة في قدر أكبر وأضاف أر‬.‫ لكن البذرة لم تن ُم‬،‫مرت اﻷيام‬
،‫ مرت اﻷشهر‬.‫ أعطاها الكثير من الماء وضوء الشمس‬.‫ واصل بينغ رعاية البذور‬.‫لم يحدث شيء‬
.‫لكن لم ين ُم شيء‬
After three months, everyone took their plants to the old man's house. As
Ping walked in with his empty pot, Ping's cousins arrived with beautiful
plants of every kind. They laughed at Ping's empty pot. Ping felt foolish and
sad. Why didn't my seed grow?" he wondered
،‫ بينما كان بينغ يدخل بوعائه الفارغ‬.‫ أخذ الجميع نباتاتهم إلى منزل الرجل العجوز‬،‫بعد ثﻼثة أشهر‬
‫ شعر بينغ‬.‫ ضحكوا على وعاء بينغ الفارغ‬.‫وصل أبناء عمومته ومعهم نباتات جميلة من كل نوع‬
‫ تساءل لماذا لم تنمو بذري؟‬.‫بالحماقة والحزن‬
When the old man saw Ping, he asked, why did you come here with an
empty pot?
‫ لماذا أتيت إلى هنا بوعاء فارغ؟‬،‫ سأل‬،‫عندما رأى الرجل العجوز بينغ‬
Ping answered I planted the seed. I did my best, but the seed didn't grow.
The old man smiled and said, I've found the night person!
:‫ ابتسم العجوز وقال‬.‫ لكن البذرة لم تنمو‬،‫ لقد بذلت قصارى جهدي‬.‫أجاب بينغ أنني زرعت البذرة‬
!‫لقد وجدت الشخص الليلي‬

Then he explained to the others, 'Before I gave you the seeds, I cooked
them, so they couldn't grow. I don't know where your plants came from!
Ping is the only truthful person here. He has courage and honesty, so I will
give everything to him.
‫ ﻻ أعرف من‬.‫ حتى ﻻ يتمكنوا من النمو‬،‫ قمت بطهيها‬،‫ 'قبل أن أعطيك البذور‬،‫ثم شرح لﻶخرين‬
‫ لذا سأقدم له كل‬،‫ لديه الشجاعة والصدق‬.‫أين أتت نباتاتك! بينغ هو الشخص الوحيد الصادق هنا‬
Exercise - (C) choose
1. The old man did not really know his young relatives.
2. He told them to try to grow a beautiful plant.
3. Ping thought he could grow the best plant.
4. The old man's relatives laughed at Ping's empty pot.
5. Ping could not understand why he had no plant.
6. The old man was pleased when he met Ping.
7. The old man explained that the seeds in the envelope were dead.
8. Everyone could see that the other relatives were not honest.

Exercise - (D)
1. How did Ping feel when he received the letter and the seed?
 He felt excited.
2. How do you think he felt on the way to his uncle's house?
 He felt foolish and sad.
3. Where do you think the beautiful plants came from?
 They came from shops or gardens.
4. The old man said that Ping had courage. Why did he say this?
 He was not afraid to tell the truth.

Youssef A. Mohtemed

The Hook
A story to scare you.
Don't read this story alone!
Anna was in a car with her mother one evening. They were about ten
kilometers from home. The road was a small country road, and there were
no other cars on it.
.‫قصة لتخيفك‬
!‫ﻻ تقرأ هذه القصة بمفردك‬
‫ كان‬.‫ كيلومترات من المنزل‬10 ‫ كانوا على بعد حوالي‬.‫كانت آنا في سيارة مع والدتها ذات مساء‬
.‫ ولم تكن عليه سيارات أخرى‬،‫الطريق عبارة عن طريق ريفي صغير‬
It was nearly dark, so Anna's mother turned on the car's headlights. Anna
turned on the radio and listened to music. Then the music stopped, and the
news started. It was not very interesting. But suddenly. Anna heard the
name of her hometown, and she listened carefully:
‫ شغلت آنا الراديو واستمعت‬.‫ لذا قامت والدة آنا بتشغيل المصابيح اﻷمامية للسيارة‬،‫كان مظلم تقريبًا‬
‫ سمعت آنا‬.‫ ولكن فجأة‬.‫ لم يكن مثيرا لﻼهتمام‬.‫ ثم توقفت الموسيقى وبدأت اﻷخبار‬.‫إلى الموسيقى‬
:‫ واستمعت باهتمام‬،‫اسم مسقط رأسها‬
... escaped from prison this afternoon. This man is a killer, and he is very
dangerous. He is a big man, and he has a hook instead of a right hand." 'A
killer with a hook! Ugh!" Anna said. Suddenly the car's engine made a
strange noise, the radio stopped, and the headlights went off. The car
slowed down and stopped.
‫ إنه رجل ضخم ولديه خطاف‬.‫ هذا الرجل قاتل وهو خطير جدا‬.‫ هرب من السجن بعد ظهر اليوم‬...
،‫ وفجأة أحدث محرك السيارة ضجي ًجا غريبًا‬.‫بدﻻً من يده اليمنى "" قاتل بخطاف! آه! " قالت آنا‬
.‫ تباطأت السيارة وتوقفت‬.‫وتوقف الراديو وانطفأت المصابيح اﻷمامية‬
Anna's mother tried to start the car. She turned the key four times, but
nothing happened.

‫ لكن لم يحدث شيء‬،‫ أدارت المفتاح أربع مرات‬.‫حاولت والدة آنا تشغيل السيارة‬

We can stop another car and ask for help: Anna's mother said.
.‫ 'يمكننا إيقاف سيارة أخرى وطلب المساعدة‬:‫قالت والدة آنا‬
So, they waited. But no car came. It was dark now. They looked for a light
from a house.
.‫ بحثوا عن ضوء من المنزل‬.‫ كان الظﻼم اﻵن‬.‫ لكن لم تأت أي سيارة‬.‫لذلك انتظروا‬
but there were no lights. Anna thought about the man with the hook hand,
and she began to feel afraid.
.‫ وبدأت تشعر بالخوف‬،‫ فكرت آنا في الرجل ذو اليد الخطافية‬.‫لكن لم تكن هناك أضواء‬
"What's that noise?' she said suddenly.
"I heard a noise outside! Mum, try the car again! Please!"
'I don't think...
‫"ما هذا الضجيج؟" قالت فجأة‬
"!‫ جرب السيارة مرة أخرى! من فضلك‬،‫"سمعت ضوضاء بالخارج! أمي‬
... ‫ﻻ أعتقد‬
Her mother turned the key again, and the engine started. She put her foot
down, and the car moved away fast. There must be an electrical problem,
she said.
‫ قالت ﻻ بد‬.‫ أنزلت قدمها وابتعدت السيارة بسرعة‬.‫ وبدأ المحرك‬،‫أدارت والدتها المفتاح مرة أخرى‬
.‫أن هناك مشكلة كهربائية‬
Fifteen minutes later, they were home.
Anna said to her mother, I'm sorry I shouted at you, Mum. I was scared
after that story on the news. "It's OK, said her mother. "We're home now!
She got out of the car, and Anna got out, too. Then Anna put her hand on
the door handle to close the door. She looked down at the handle and she
screamed! Her eyes were big with horror. Something was on the door
handle. It was a hook.

.‫ عادوا إلى المنزل‬،‫بعد خمسة عشر دقيقة‬
.‫ كنت خائفة بعد تلك القصة في اﻷخبار‬.‫ أنا آسف ﻷنني صرخت عليك يا أمي‬،‫قالت آنا لوالدتها‬
‫ ثم وضعت‬.‫ضا‬ً ‫ لقد عدنا إلى المنزل اﻵن! نزلت من السيارة وخرجت آنا أي‬،‫ "ﻻ بأس‬:‫قالت والدتها‬
‫ نظرت إلى أسفل في المقبض وصرخت! كانت عيناها‬.‫آنا يدها على مقبض الباب لتغلق الباب‬
.‫ لقد كان خطاف‬.‫ كان هناك شيء ما على مقبض الباب‬.‫كبيرتين بالرعب‬

Exercise - (C) choose

1. Anna and her mother were on a quiet road in the evening.
2. The killer had one hand and a hook.
3. The car stopped because of an electrical problem.
4. Anna's mother could not start the engine, so they waited for help.
5. Anna's mother turned the key four times.
6. The engine started, and the car moved quickly.
7. Anna said 'I'm sorry' because she felt sorry about shouting.
8. Anna screamed because she saw the killer's hook.

Exercise - (D) Complete this summary.

Anna and (her mother) were in a car on a small (country road) one evening.
They heard some news on (the radio) about a dangerous killer.
He was a big man with a hook (instead of a) hand. Suddenly, the car’s
engine (stopped). Anna’s mother tried to start it, but (she couldn’t). they
waited for (help). But (no car came).
It was dark and Anna began (to feel afraid). Then she (heard a noise).

Youssef A. Mohtemed

The Mantis

Exercise - (B) skimming

1. How many different types of Mantises are there?
 1300
2. How do mantises kill quickly or slowly?
 Quickly
3. Can you name one thing that a large mantis eats?
 Snakes
 Small lizards
 Frogs
 Other mantises
4. What do mantises do well?
 Hide
5. What activity is named after the mantis?
 A style of Kung-Fu fighting

Exercise - (C) choose

1. The mantis isn't …… (a criminal).
2. Mantises use their ...... to catch other insects. (Front legs).
3. Some types of mantises eat …… (another insect while it is alive).
4. A large mantis can eat ....... (Small animals).
5. One type of mantis is good at ...... to hide. (Changing colour).
6. A long time ago, a kung fu teacher. ..... a mantis. (Learned from).
7. some kung fu fighters ...... like the mantis. (fight).
Mantises don't eat ....... (people). .8

Youssef A. Mohtemed

Avalanche! (Part 1)
'Let's race!' said Jack.
'OK!' Sally said. And she started to ski down the mountain as quickly as she
could. Sally and Jack were brother and sister. They were also good friends.
Jack was older. He was the kindest boy that Sally knew.
.‫'لنتسابق!' قال جاك‬
‫ كانوا‬.‫ كانت سالي وجاك أ ًخا وأختًا‬.‫ وبدأت في التزلج على الجبل بأسرع ما يمكن‬.‫'نعم!' قالت سالي‬
.‫ كان ألطف فتى عرفته سالي‬.‫ كان جاك أكبر سنًا‬.‫أيضا أصدقاء حميمين‬
It was a cold, clear day - perfect weather for skiing. Jack and Sally were
excellent skiers. Every winter, their family visited the mountains in Canada
for a skiing holiday.
ً ‫ طق‬- ‫كان يو ًما باردًا وصافًا‬
،‫ في كل شتاء‬.‫ كان جاك وسالي متزلجين ممتازين‬.‫سا مثاليًا للتزلج‬
.‫كانت عائﻼتهم تزور الجبال في كندا لقضاء عطلة تزلج‬
Sally felt happy. Her skis went swish, swish. She went faster and faster
down the mountain. Usually, Jack was the faster skier, but today Sally was
in front. But she knew that Jack was close behind her.
‫ كان‬،‫ عادة‬.‫ ذهبت أسرع وأسرع أسفل الجبل‬.‫ سارت زﻻجاتها حفيفًا وحفيفًا‬.‫شعرت سالي بالسعادة‬
.‫ لكنها عرفت أن جاك كان قريبًا منها‬.‫ لكن اليوم كانت سالي في المقدمة‬،‫جاك هو المتزلج اﻷسرع‬
Then Sally thought she heard a low noise. It sounded far away at first.
That's strange. Sally thought. That noise sounds like a train. But there's no
train in this valley. The sound grew louder. Sally looked back, and her heart
almost stopped. An avalanche! A great wall of snow was coming down the
mountain toward her. Big trees were breaking in front of the powerful
‫ اعتقدت‬.‫ هذا غريب‬.‫ بدا اﻷمر بعيدًا في البداية‬.‫ثم اعتقدت سالي أنها سمعت ضوضاء منخفضة‬
.ً‫ ارتفع الصوت عاليا‬.‫ لكن ﻻ يوجد قطار في هذا الوادي‬.‫ هذا الضجيج يبدو وكأنه قطار‬.‫سالي‬
‫ انهيار جليدي! كان سور عظيم من الثلج ينزل من الجبل‬.‫نظرت سالي إلى الوراء وكاد قلبها يتوقف‬
.‫ كانت اﻷشجار الكبيرة تتكسر أمام اﻻنهيار الجليدي القوي‬.‫نحوها‬

Sally pointed her skis straight down the mountain. 'If we go fast, maybe we
can escape, she thought. 'Let's go, Jack!' she called out loudly to her
brother. Sally skied as fast as she could. It was dangerously fast, but she
could hear the avalanche behind her. Her heart went thump, thump, thump
in her chest. She skied all the way to the bottom of the mountain. She was
exhausted. Her legs felt weak, but she was safe.
.‫ ربما يمكننا الهروب‬،‫ وفكرت إذا ذهبنا بسرعة‬.‫وجهت سالي زﻻجاتها مباشرة إلى أسفل الجبل‬
‫ كانت سريعة بشكل‬.‫ سالي تزلجت بأسرع ما يمكن‬.‫ جاك!" نادت بصوت عال ﻷخيها‬،‫"لنذهب‬
.‫ رطم( في صدرها‬،‫ رطم‬،‫ ذهب قلبها( رطم‬.‫ لكنها كانت تسمع اﻻنهيار الجليدي خلفها‬،‫خطير‬
.‫ لكنها كانت آمنة‬،‫ شعرت بضعف ساقيها‬.‫ كانت منهكة‬.‫تزلجت على طول الطريق إلى أسفل الجبل‬
That was close, Jack!' she said, turning to speak to her brother. But where
was Jack? Jack? Jack?!'
'!‫ لكن أين كان جاك؟ جاك؟ جاك؟‬.‫ والتفت لتتحدث إلى أخيها‬،‫"كان ذلك قريبًا يا جاك!" قالت‬
Bob Logan was sitting at his desk in his warm office. Bob was a ranger - like
a police officer in the mountains. Bang, bang, bang! There was a loud
knocking at Bob's door. 'Open the door, please! Help!'
‫ مثل ضابط شرطة في‬- ‫سا‬ ً ‫ كان بوب حار‬.‫سا على مكتبه في مكتبه الدافئ‬
ً ‫كان بوب لوجان جال‬
'!‫ 'افتح الباب رجاء! مساعدة‬.‫ فرقعة! كان هناك طرق عالية على باب بوب‬،‫ فرقعة‬،‫ فرقعة‬.‫الجبال‬
Bob went to the door and opened it. It was Sally. 'Hi, Sally..., he began.
Then he noticed that Sally looked very frightened.
‫ ثم ﻻحظ أن سالي بدت خائفة‬.‫ بدأ‬،... ‫ سالي‬،‫ "مرحبا‬.‫ كانت سالي‬.‫ذهب بوب إلى الباب وفتحه‬
Sally spoke, 'Bob, help! There's been an avalanche! I think my brother is
buried under the snow!'
!‫ ساعدني! كان هناك انهيار جليدي! أعتقد أن أخي مدفون تحت الثلج‬،‫ بوب‬،‫سالي تحدثت‬

Youssef A. Mohtemed

Exercise - (B)
1. What were Sally and Jack doing at the beginning?
 Skiing
 Having a race
2. What did Sally hear that sounded like a train?
 An avalanche!
3. When Sally got to the bottom of the mountain, where was Jack?
 Buried under the snow
4. Who did Sally ask for help?
 Bob Logan
Exercise - (C)
1. Jack was Sally's older brother.
2. Sally thought Jack was very kind.
3. Jack and Sally decided to have a race to the bottom of the mountain.
4. At first, Sally thought the noise she heard was a train.
5. The sound she heard was a huge wall of snow falling down the
6. Sally skied quickly to escape the avalanche.
7. When Sally got to the bottom of the mountain, she realized that Jack
was not there with her.
8. Sally went to Bob to ask for his help.
9. Sally told Bob that Jack was
Exercise - (D) X
How do you think Sally felt... Youssef A. Mohtemed

1. when she realised the

avalanche was coming?
 She felt Scared – Frightened.
2. as soon as she arrived at the bottom of the mountain?
 She felt happy – tired.
3. when she realised that Jack was not with her?
 She felt Scared – Frightened.

Avalanche! (Part 2)
Come on, Jess!' Bob said to his dog.
Bob and Sally traveled quickly across the snow on Bob's snowmobile. Jess
ran along with them. Sally said, 'Stop here, Bob. This is where we skied
down the mountain.
.‫"تعال يا جيس!" قال بوب لكلبه‬
‫ قالت‬.‫ ركض جيس معهم‬.‫سافر بوب وسالي بسرعة عبر الثلج على عربة الجليد التي يملكها بوب‬
.‫ هذا هو المكان الذي تزلجنا فيه أسفل الجبل‬.‫ بوب‬،‫ "توقف هنا‬،‫سالي‬
Bob stopped the snowmobile. 'Jack must be near here,' said Sally.
Bob spoke to his dog. 'Search, Jess! Where's Jack? Find Jack! Where's Jack?
Search!' Jess knew what to do. She put her nose to the snow. She searched
for the smell of a person buried in the snow.
."‫ "ﻻبد أن جاك قريب من هنا‬:‫ قالت سالي‬.‫أوقف بوب عربة الثلج‬
‫ 'ابحث يا جيس! أين جاك؟ ابحث عن جاك! أين جاك؟ يبحث!' عرف جيس ما‬.‫تحدث بوب إلى كلبه‬
.‫ بحثت عن رائحة شخص مدفون في الثلج‬.‫ وضعت أنفها على الثلج‬.‫يجب فعله‬
'Some people have lived twenty-four hours under the snow, Bob thought.
But that doesn't happen often. People can die easily from the cold. They
had to work quickly. 'We'll find him,' Bob said. 'A well-trained rescue dog
can do the work of twenty people and can search more quickly!
‫ يمكن‬.‫كثيرا‬
ً ‫ لكن هذا ﻻ يحدث‬.‫يعتقد بوب أن بعض الناس عاشوا أربع وعشرين ساعة تحت الثلج‬
‫ يمكن لكلب‬."‫ "سنجده‬:‫ قال بوب‬.‫ كان عليهم العمل بسرعة‬.‫للناس أن يموتوا بسهولة من البرد‬
!‫صا ويمكنه البحث بسرعة أكبر‬
ً ‫اﻹنقاذ المدرب جيدًا القيام بعمل عشرين شخ‬
Bob! I think Jess has found something. Sally was running towards Jess, who
was digging in the snow. 'It's Jack's glove!' Jess dug some more. 'It's Jack's
hat! But where was Jack? Then she saw Jack's hair. She began to dig with
her hands. Aaaah!' Jack coughed. 'Sally ...
‫ "إنه‬.‫ الذي كان يحفر في الثلج‬،‫ كانت سالي تجري نحو جيس‬.‫"بوب! أعتقد أن جيس قد وجد شيئًا‬
‫ بدأت في‬.‫ 'إنها قبعة جاك! لكن أين كان جاك؟ ثم رأت شعر جاك‬.‫قفاز جاك!" حفر جيس أكثر‬
.‫الحفر بيديها‬
... ‫ سالي‬.‫آآآآه! سعل جاك‬

'Don't talk, Jack, Sally said. "You're going to be all right.
I thought you wouldn't find me,' said Jack. They were now sitting by a warm
fire in Bob's office. 'How did Jess know what to do?'
.‫ "ستكون بخير‬."‫قالت سالي "ﻻ تتكلم يا جاك‬
‫ "كيف عرفت‬.‫ كانوا جالسين اﻵن بجوار نار دافئة في مكتب بوب‬.‫قال جاك أعتقد أنك لن تجدني‬
"‫جيس ماذا تفعل؟‬
Bob explained, 'I started training Jess when she was small. At first, I hid
little pieces of food for her to find. She learnt to use her nose to search for
things. She learnt the meaning of the word "Search!" Next, I went outside
with her, and I hid myself. She learnt to find me, and when she did, I gave
her a special toy - like a red ball - to play with or a little food. Then I started
to hide under the snow. Now she knows what to do. It's like a game for
Jess. Now, when Jess finds a person in the snow, I give her the red ball to
play with. She loves to play with the red ball. But I only give it to her when
she finds someone in the snow.
‫ قمت بإخفاء قطع صغيرة من‬،‫ في البداية‬.‫ "لقد بدأت تدريب جيس عندما كانت صغيرة‬،‫أوضح بوب‬
،‫ تعلمت معنى كلمة "بحث"! بعد ذلك‬.‫ تعلمت استخدام أنفها للبحث عن اﻷشياء‬.‫الطعام لتجدها‬
‫ مثل‬- ‫ أعطيتها لعبة خاصة‬،‫ وعندما فعلت ذلك‬،‫ تعلمت أن تجدني‬.‫ وأخفيت نفسي‬،‫خرجت معها‬
‫ اﻵن هي تعرف ماذا‬.‫ ثم بدأت باﻻختباء تحت الثلج‬.‫ لتلعب بها أو بقليل من الطعام‬- ‫كرة حمراء‬
‫ أعطيها الكرة الحمراء لتلعب‬،‫صا في الثلج‬
ً ‫ عندما تجد جيس شخ‬،‫ اﻵن‬.‫ إنها مثل لعبة جيس‬.‫تفعل‬
.‫صا ما في الثلج‬
ً ‫ لكنني أعطيها لها فقط عندما تجد شخ‬.‫ تحب اللعب بالكرة الحمراء‬.‫بها‬
'I'm glad she knows what to do, too!' Jack said. 'You and your dog saved my
life today!'
"!‫ "أنت وكلبك أنقذت حياتي اليوم‬.‫ضا!" قال جاك‬
ً ‫"أنا سعيد ﻷنها تعرف ماذا تفعل أي‬

Youssef A. Mohtemed

Exercise - (B)
1. What did Bob tell Jess to do?
 Search for Jack.
2. Why did they need to work quickly?
 Cause Jack could die in the cold.
3. Why does Bob use Jess in his job?
 Cause Jess can search very quickly.

Exercise - (C) Choose:

1. Jess used her ...... to search for Jack. (nose).
2. People ...... live for twenty-four hours under the snow
3. Jess could search as quickly as.... people. (twenty)
4. ……….. first found Jack's glove. (Jess)
5. After Sally saw Jack's hat, she saw his ....... (hair)
6. After Jack was rescued, Bob. Sally, and Jess....... (Went to
Bob's office)
7. When Jess was small, she first learnt to search for...... (food)
8. Now, Bob …... after she finds someone in the snow. (Gives
Jess a toy)

Youssef A. Mohtemed

Part 2: Conversation

Introducing yourself: Meeting at a party

1. Is Larry coming tomorrow?
 Yes, he is
2. Do you like chocolate ice cream?
 No, I don’t
3. Are we leaving at six?
 Yes, we are
4. Is she a lawyer?
 Yes, she is
5. Are they here yet?
 No, they’re not
1. Are you Sam's brother?
 That’s correct.
2. I'm the president's brother.
 Yeah, right!
3. We're leaving at six tomorrow morning.
 Awesome.
4. I work all the time.
 Yes, you’re busy twenty-four-seven.
5. Are you coming to my party?
 I'm looking forward to it.

Youssef A. Mohtemed

Part 3: Vocabulary
1) Outmoded = out-of-date
2) Covert = hidden
3) Spiteful = vindictive 48) Philosophy = principles
4) Obdurately = stubbornly
5) Superficial = petty
6) Blatant = obvious
7) Flamboyant = showy
9) Prerequisite = required
11) Ambiguous = unclear
12) Animated = lively
13) Intermittent = periodic
17) Crux = crucial point
18) Incredulous = disbelieving
19) Proficient = skilled
20) Tentative = provisional
21) Euphemism = substituted word
23) Evokes = calls up
25) Plausible = credible
28) Meticulous = painstaking
37) Pensive = thoughtful
41) Edify = instruct
42) Dormant = inactive
43) Banished = exiled X
44) Relinquished = yielded Youssef A. Mohtemed

47) Hostel = in


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