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Date of preparation: 21/9/2021 Unit 4.


Group 4.3 LESSON 1. GETTING STARTED (Who needs our help?)

I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- Get to know and use some of the words and phrases related to volunteer and volunteer works.
- Understand the topic of the whole unit.
- Grammar: Make simple dialogues using the given expressions
2. Quality:
- Have a positive attitude about volunteer work.
- Develop Ss’ competences such as autonomy and self-study, teamwork, cooperation, collaboration, communication…
3. Skills:
- Main skills: reading & speaking
- Sub-skills: Speaking
3. Competences:
- Make simple dialogues using the given expressions;
- Develop reading skills through exercises on comprehension.
II. Teacher and Students’ preparations
1. Teaching equipment and learning materials: Projector, posters, pictures, textbook, speakers
2. Students: Books, notebooks, pictures
III. Procedures
1. Warm- up Activity 1. Warm-up
(5mins) - Show some pictures about voluntary - Do as directed. Unit 4. FOR A BETTER COMMUNITY
Aims: To get Ss activities and ask Ss to tell the activities in E.A
involved in the lesson these pictures. Picture 1: Helping the elderly. LESSON 1. GETTING STARTED
and be familiar with - Call on some Ss to give the answers. Picture 2: Teaching children to read
the topic of - Give feedback. and write. Picture 1: Helping the elderly.
volunteers. - Lead in the new lesson: Picture 3: Cleaning the nursing home. Picture 2: Teaching children to read and write.
Unit 4. FOR A BETTER COMMUNITY Picture 4: Cleaning the environment. Picture 3: Cleaning the nursing home.
Picture 4: Cleaning the environment.
LESSON 1. GETTING STARTED *Outcome: Students can express the activities
in the picture
2. Pre- practice Activity 2. Task 1: Listen and read Activity 2. Task 1: Listen and read
T-Ss - T asks Ss to listen to the dialogue, Content. (
To know about underline the new words and find out the Expected answers:
words or expressions meaning of the words - Listen and read along silently. * Vocabulary:
about volunteer - Underline the new words, guess the - volunteer [,vɒlən'tiə] (n): (pic+exp)
work. - T gives the new words. meaning. - volunteer to do st/for st (v): (pic+example)
- T encourages Ss to guess the meaning by - Take notes. - voluntary ['vɔləntri] (adj)
giving explanation of the picture. - voluntarily [vɔlənt(ə)rili] (adv)
- Ask Ss to listen and repeat the new words. - disadvantaged [,disəd'vɑ:ntidʒd] (adj): (exp)
- Ask them to take notes. . - Really?
- It sounds interesting!
- Just by chance!
- Not really!
- That sounds great!
*Outcome: Students can understand the
dialogue and get to know some vocabulary
related to volunteers.

3. While- practice Activity 3. Task 2: Read the Activity 3. Task 2:

(15 mins) conversation again and answer the Expected answers:
T-Ss questions. 1. At about 2 p.m yesterday afternoon.
Ss can know how to 2. Hieu was working at the Happy Mind Charity
read some words - T asks Ss to work individually in 2 - Do the task Center.
and their meanings minutes - Work in pairs. 3. Yes, he was.
about voluntary - T goes around class to provide help. - Find out the answers and write on 4. His job is meaningful because he can help
activities - T asks Ss to work in pairs to discuss and sub-boards. the children to read and write.
write the answer on the sub-boards. - Present the answers. 5. The answer may vary.
- T provides final feedback and correction. *Outcome: Students can understand the
topic of the lesson and develop reading skill
by answering the questions.

4. Post- practice Activity 4. Task 3: With a partner, make Activity 4. Task 3:

( 7 mins) dialogues using the expressions in the A: Hi Trang. I've received a leaflet advertising
T-Ss box - Work in pairs. the Green Sunday Movement. Have you by
Students can make - T divides the class into 4 groups : - Do the task. chance heard of it?
dialogues using the Pairs of group 1: make dialogue using - Present to the class. B: Yes. Many of my classmates are taking part
expressions in the “That sounds great”. in this movement.
box Pairs of group 2: make dialogue using A: You are joining it, aren't you?
“ Not really” B: Not really. I took part in one of its meeting
Pairs of group 3: make dialogue using but I haven't become its member yet.
“ By chance” A: What is the Green Sunday Movement for?
Pairs of group 4: make the dialogue using B: Its members help to protect the environment
“ Well, …” from pollution.
- Guide Ss to make dialogues. A: That sounds great. What exactly do they do?
- T goes around the class to provide help. B: Well, they plan more trees, collect the
- T asks some pairs to make their rubbish, and raise people's awareness of the
dialogues. importance of protecting environment.
- T gives feedbacks. *Outcome: Students can develop teamwork
and communication skills by working in
pairs and develop speaking skill. Students
can make a simple dialogue using the phrases

5. Consolidation Activity 5. Consolidation Answer T’s questions

(2 min) Show some pictures about voluntary
Students can tell activities and ask Ss to tell which voluntary *Outcome: Ss can use new vocab related to
which voluntary activities they like to do most and give the volunteer work and develop speaking skill
activities they like to reasons
do most and give the

6. Homework Learn the words and expression by making

assignment(1min) sentences using them.


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