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Masonry refers to constructing buildings of bricks and blocks. The following is an example
of the calculating Unit Rate of the Blockwork.

Note: What is the unit weight of cement?

Cement weighs about: 1,400 kg per m3.

Volume of a 50 kg cement bag

Density = mass/volume (ρ=m/V)
So, V = m/ρ
V = 50 kg ÷ 1440 kg/m3
V = 0.0347 m3

Volume of a 40kg cement bag

Density = mass/volume (ρ = m/V)
So, V= m/ρ
V = 40 kg ÷ 1440 kg/m3
V = 0.0277 m3

Example of Unit Rate analysis

Example 16 Masonry Works

8. Blockwork in 400 x 200 mm standard hollow concrete blocks in cement
mortar (1: 4)
8.1 200mm walls including pointing to both faces.........................................M2

Area (in elevation) of a block (400 x 200mm block) is 0.4 x 0.2 that is 0.08m2
1 1
Therefore 1m2 wall requires that is 12 blocks
0.08 2
Standard 400 x 200 x 200mm thick hollow blocks cost K188.00 per pallet of 100 blocks
Purchase price of 100 blocks ------------------------ K188.00
Delivery to site say ----------------------------------- K20.00
Offloading and stacking say ------------------------ K5.00
Price per 100 delivered and offloaded ------------ K213.00
Therefore price per block, = K2.13
For 1m2 of wall, 12 blocks @K2.13 ---------------------------------------- K24.75

Waste on blocks, 7.5% ---------------------------------------------------------- K1.86

See Table 3 in Concrete Works handout
0.40 tonnes of cement required, therefore No. of 40kg bags = (400/40) = 10 bags
1.12m3 of concreting sand is required

Price of 40kg cement per tonne cost K300.00

Cost per bag is K300.00/25 bags = K12.00

Cost of 10 cement bags @ K12.00------------------ K120.00

Stockpile waste on cement, 2.5%-------------------- K3.00
1.12m3 of sand @ K45.00/m3------------------------ K50.40
Stockpile waste on sand, 5%------------------------- K2.52
Cost of mortar per M3 K175.92

Note: Based on Block & Brick Manual, 64m2 of wall will require 1m3 of mortar. Therefore
1m2 of wall will require 0.015625m3 of mortar.

Cost of mortar per M2 required is (0.016m3/m2 x K175.92/m3)------------ K2.81

Cost of materials per M2 -------------------------------------------------------- K29.42

Gang of 1 blocklayers: 2 labourers
That is 1 blocklayer: 2 labourer
In every hour, 1 blocklayer @ K4.50 = K4.50
2 labourer @ K3.60 = K7.20
Gang cost per hour-------------------- -K11.70

Output: Laying of blocks is 0.80m2/hr

Pointing of of block wall is 2.5m2/hr

Cost of laying 0.8m2 is (K11.70/hr ÷ 0.8m2/hr)------------------------------ K14.63

Cost of pointing 2.5m2 is (K11.70/hr ÷ 2.5m2/hr----------------------------- K4.68
Net Unit Rate per m2 -------------------------------------------------------------K48.73
Profit + on-cost, 10%--------------------------------------------------------------K4.87
Unit Rate per M2------------------------------------------------------------------ K53.60

Example 17 Masonry Works
8. Blockwork in 400 x 200 mm standard hollow concrete blocks in cement
mortar (1: 4)
8.2 Rough raking cutting to 200mm hollow----------------------------------------M

Waste of blocks due to raking cutting 1 metre, say 2 blocks @ K2.13 -- K4.26

Gang cost per hour (as before) K11.70
Output is 3m of cutting per hour
Cost of raking cutting 1m is (K11.70/3)--------------------------------------- K3.90
Net Unit Rate per M ------------------------------------------------------------ K8.16
Profit + on-cost, 10%----------------------------------------------------------- K0.82
Unit Rate per M------------------------------------------------------------------ K8.98

Example 18 Masonry Works

8. Blockwork in 400 x 200 mm standard hollow concrete blocks in cement
mortar (1: 4)
8.2 20mPa concrete filling to 200mm hollow block wall (1:2:4)---------------M2

NOTE: Calculation is based on 100m2 of block wall

Consider 100m2 of 200mm wall to be filled with concrete corefilling

1 block (0.08m2) requires 0.01m3 of filling (practical approach)
Total No. of blocks = (100/0.08) = 1250 blocks
Volume of concrete filling = (1250 x 0.01) = 12.5m3 = 13m3

Volume of wall is 100m2 x 200mm thick = 20m3

About 65% of wall is hollow (to be filled)
Therefore Volume of concrete filling, 65% of 20m3 =13m3

NOTE: From these two calculations, it can be concluded that 100m2 of block wall will
require 13m3 of concrete filling (corefilling)

Price of 40kg cement per tonne cost K300.00 (ii) Delivery to site cost K10.00 (iii) Unloading
and storing i.e. 1.5 hours labourer @ K3.61 (iv) Stockpile waste, - Cement (2.5%), Sand
(10%) (v) Sand cost K45.00 per m3 (vi) Aggregates cost K50.00 per m3 (vii) Blocklayer @
K4.50/hr and Labourer @ K3.00/hr

Price of cement per tonne of 25 bags ------------------------ K300.00
Delivery to site ------------------------------------------------- K10.00
Off loading and storing, 1.5 hrs labourer @ K3.61 -------- K5.42
Price per tonne, off loaded and stored ----------------------- K315.42

Therefore price per bag, K315.42 / 25 = K12.62

Refer to Table 4 in Concrete Works handout

0.32 tonnes of cement required, therefore No. of bags = (320/40) = 8 bags
0.43m3 of sand and 0.86m3 of aggregates are required

Cement, 0.32 tonne i.e., 8 bags @ K12.62 ----------------------------------- K100.96

Stockpile waste, 2.5% ----------------------------------------------------------- K2.52
Concreting sand, 0.43m3 @ K45.00/m3 --------------------------------------- K19.35
Stockpile waste, 10 % ---------------------------------------------------------- K1.94
Aggregates, 0.86m3 @ K50.00/m3----------------------------------------------K43.00
Stockpile waste, 5 % ------------------------------------------------------------ K2.15
Cost of Materials per m3 -------------------------------------------------------- K169.92

Placing 1m3 of concrete in hollow blocks
1 Blocklayer @ K4.50/hr
1 labourer @ K3.60/hr
Total labour/hr = (4.50 + 3.60) = K8.10
Assume Output is 1.2m2 per hour
Cost of laying (K8.10/hr ÷ 1.2m2/hr) ------------------------------------------ K6.75

Total cost per m3 concrete in hollow walls ----------------------------------- K176.67

Filling 100m2 of block wall will require 13m3 of concrete @ K176.67--- K2296.71

Net Unit Rate per m2 is (K2296.71 / 100m2)-----------------------------------K22.97

Profit + on-cost, 10%--------------------------------------------------------------K2.30
Unit Rate per M2-------------------------------------------------------------------K25.27

Example 19 Masonry Works
8. Blockwork in 400 x 200 mm standard hollow concrete blocks in cement
mortar (1: 4)
8.3 200mm lintel blocks including pointing to both faces................................M

Overall length of lintel block of 400mm x 200mm
Standard 400 x 200 x 200mm thick hollow lintel blocks cost K280.00 per pallet of 100 blocks

Purchase price of 100 blocks ------------------------ K280.00

Delivery to site say ----------------------------------- K20.00
Offloading and stacking say ------------------------ K5.00
Price per 100 delivered and offloaded ------------ K305.00

Therefore price per block = K305.00 / 100 ------- K3.05

1m length of wall, i.e:, 5 blocks @ K3.05--------------------------------- K15.25
Waste on blocks, 7.5% ------------------------------------------------------ K1.14

1m2 (12.5blocks) of block wall = 0.015625m3 of mortar
1 block = (0.015625m3 / 12.5 blocks) = 0.00125m3 of mortar

Mortar, for 1m, ie, 5 blocks x 0.00125m3 @ K175.92/m3 --------------- K1.10

Waste on mortar, 10% -------------------------------------------------------- K0.11
Cost of materials per M ------------------------------------------------------- K17.60

Gang of 1 blocklayers: 1 labourers
That is 1 blocklayer: 1 labourer
In every hour, 1 blocklayer @ K4.50 = K4.50
1 labourer @ K3.60 = K3.60
Gang cost per hour-------------------- -K8.10

Assume Output is 1.20m per hour

Cost of laying (K8.10 / 1.2m)---------------------------------------------- K6.75

Pointing both faces

Assume Output is 2.5m of wall per hour
Cost of pointing (K8.10 / 2.5m)------------------------------------------- K3.24
Profit and on-cost, 10%------------------------------------------------------ K2.76
Unit Rate per M -------------------------------------------------------------- K30.35

Class Activity 1: Calculate the unit cost of the following and allow for 20% as profit

For Data, refer to Examples

(a) Block in 200 x 200mm standard hollow concrete blocks in cement mortar (1:4) to
200mm walls including pointing to both faces.................................................................m2

(b) Rough raking cutting to 200mm hollow ----------------------------------------------------per m

(if the output is 4m of cutting per hour.)

(c) 20mPa concrete filling to 200mm hollow block wall ------------------------------------per m2

(if the rate of 2 x Mason is K5.00 per hour and rate of 3 x Labourers @ K3.00/hr)

(d) 200mm lintel blocks including pointing to both faces.......................................................m

(if the rate of 1 x Mason is K5.00 per hour and rate of 2 x Labourers @ K3.00/hr)

Class Activity 2: Calculate the unit cost of item C but include the use of Mixer (as per
previous activity) and allow for 20% profit

Class Activity 3: From these four (4) items, create a spreadsheet approach with cost
break-up (include a column for profit as well)


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