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CSCU9B2: Web Tech Lecture 1

Dr Jingpeng Li
Room 4B95

Spring 2019 © University CSCU9B2: Making the Most of the 1

of Stirling World Wide Web

What to Expect…

• 5 lectures covering the programming aspect

of the web: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript,
HTML5 canvas
• 8 practicals
– One hour per week and in your own time
– Checkpoints worth 20%: one per worksheet; can
be completed in your own time
• Solid foundation for web development and
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of Stirling World Wide Web

Three Aspects of Web Development

• Content (HTML)
• Presentation (CSS)
• Interactivity (JavaScript)

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• Lab worksheets + lecture notes

• Book: “Creating a Website: the Missing
Manual” (MacDonald 2011), available at:
• W3Schools Online Web Tutorials at:

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Spring 2019 © University CSCU9B2: Making the Most of the 5
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Your First Web Page...

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My First Web Page</title>
Hello world.
It is a <em>wonderful</em> day, today!

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of Stirling World Wide Web

HTML5 + Character Encoding
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html> • Meta tags provide
<head> housekeeping information
<meta charset="utf-8"> • One is the character
<title>My First Web Page</title> encoding used
<body> • utf-8 is Unicode
<p> • guarantees correct
Hello world. rendering by the browser
It is a <em>wonderful</em> day,
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of Stirling World Wide Web

XHTML Version
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title>My First Web Page</title>
Hello world.
It is a <em>wonderful</em> day, today!
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of Stirling World Wide Web

HTML Validation:

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of Stirling World Wide Web

Creating a Web Page

• Use a text editor
– e.g. Notepad, TextPad

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Web Pages the WYSIWYG Way
• There are WYSIWYG editors for HTML
– What You See Is What You Get
– we do not type in actual HTML
– the HTML is created for us behind the scenes
– e.g.
• Adobe Dreamweaver
• Microsoft FrontPage
• All such editors have limitations
– Know your HTML first!
• Example ...
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of Stirling World Wide Web

Anatomy of a Web Page

Header <title>My First Web Page</title>

Hello world.
Body </p>
It is a <em>wonderful</em> day, today!

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of Stirling World Wide Web

Formatting Text

• Document structure: e.g. a paragraph of text

Hello world.

• Style and layout: e.g. text style

It is a <em>wonderful</em> day, today!

– This is normally done with Cascading Style Sheets

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• HTML is a markup language

• You markup a document by adding tags
specifying elements and their attributes
• Tags specify the structure and formatting
• They are interpreted by a web browser to
produce the screen presentation

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HTML Tags (2)
• Most tags are containers:
• There are also standalone tags, e.g.
<img> - inline image
<br> - linebreak In XHTML:
<br />
<hr> - horizontal rule
• Most elements have attributes
– these extend or modify the tag’s actions
– e.g. <p class="important"> … </p>

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Nesting HTML Tags

• Some tags can be nested to apply multiple

effects to a single element
– e.g. It’s a <b><i>really, really</i></b> nice day!
– Gives: It’s a really, really nice day!
• The <i>…</i> is contained within <b>…</b>
• Do not overlap tags, such as
– It’s a <b><i>really, really</b></i> nice day!

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of Stirling World Wide Web

Things to Note
• Some things are ignored by browsers:
– Line breaks are ignored
• text is wrapped continuously until <p> or <br>
– Tabs and white space are ignored
– Multiple <p> tags are ignored (one will do)
– Unrecognised tags are ignored
• (this can have unfortunate effects!)

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Deprecated Tags & Attributes

• Specifying fonts with the <font> tag
– e.g. <font face="Arial" size="+1">This text will be
displayed in Arial</font>
• Specifying alignment with the align attribute
– E.g. <p align="center">….</p>
• And many others…

• We will avoid the use of deprecated elements!

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Comments in HTML

• You can add comments to your HTML files:

<!-- This is a comment -->
<!-- Here is a multiple
line comment -->
• Browsers will not display comments

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HTML Structural Tags

• <html>…</html>
– defines the document as being HTML
• <head>…</head>
– information describing the document
• <body>…</body>
– contains the contents of the document to be
displayed by the browser
• Should only be ONE instance of each of
these in a web page
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of Stirling World Wide Web

Header Tags
• <title>…</title>
– description of page’s contents
– usually displayed in browser’s header bar
– used in bookmarks and by search engines
• <base>
– specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a
• <meta>
– provide information about document, e.g. author
– used by search engines

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Example Header
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base href= "">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content=“text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta name="Author" content=“J.Li">
<title>My First Web Page</title>

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Inside the Body: Headings

• Heading levels
– <h1> to <h6>
– <hn>…</hn>
– e.g. <h1>Heading One</h1>

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• Paragraphs delimited by <p>…</p>
• Browser determines lines
– use <br> to force a break

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Preformatted Paragraphs
• Use <pre>…</pre> to create a paragraph with
line breaks and spacing as you specified
– usually displayed in a monospace font, e.g. Courier

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Text Styles
• Logical styles
– specific rendering left to browser
<strong>…</strong> emphasis (usually bold)
<em>…</em> emphasis (usually italic)
<mark>…</mark> highlight (HTML5 only)
<code>…</code> computer code (monospaced)
• Physical styles
– specific display instructions
<i>…</i> italic
<b>…</b> bold
<sub>…</sub> subscript
<sup>…</sup> superscript
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Special Characters
• Characters not found in the normal
alphanumeric character set are specified
using character entities
• These may be defined by name: &name;
– e.g. &Egrave; - grave accent on capital E (È)
– these are case-sensitive! (e.g. &egrave; for è)
• Or by a number: &#nnn;
– e.g. &#062; - greater than sign (>)
• (In both cases, note the semicolon)
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of Stirling World Wide Web

Including Images
• Images can be included in-line anywhere in
your document using <img>
– e.g. <img src="mypicture.gif" alt="Picture of me"
width="50" height="50">
– src (required) specifies the location of the image
• relative or full URL (see later)
– alt (required) specifies alternative textual
– width and height of image in pixels
• Image formats are GIF, JPEG and PNG

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Spring 2019 © University CSCU9B2: Making the Most of the 29
of Stirling World Wide Web

Other Media
• <object> is a way of including a variety of
media elements in a web page
– Audio, video, Java applets, PDF, Flash
– e.g. <object width="400" height="400"
data="helloworld.swf">Hello world!</object>
– data specifies the location of media
– Alternative text is content of tag
• Alternatively in HTML5 use:
– <audio> for sound clips
– <video> for video clips

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of Stirling World Wide Web

Hypertext Links

• This is what the Web is all about!

• You can create to links to:
– other documents
• HTML or otherwise (e.g. PDF)
– parts of the same document
– images
• Links can be local or to any web-accessible

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The Anchor Tag

• Links are created using the anchor tag: <a>
– e.g. <a href=“page2.html”>next page</a>
– results in the text “next page” being a link to the
local HTML file, “page2.html”
• relative URL: page2.html is in the same folder as linking
web page (or relative to a specified <base>)
– “next page” will be displayed by the browser in a
different colour and usually underlined

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Links with Absolute URLs
• Remote pages are linked with absolute URLs
– the complete URL, e.g.
Here’s a link to Jingpeng’s
<a href=“”>
research page</a>.
• A URL with no HTML file finds a default page
– defined by server
– either index.html or default.html (default.htm)
Here’s a link to Jingpeng’s
<a href=“”> home page</a>.
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Links with Relative URLs

• Local pages are linked with relative URLs
– relative to location of current document
• or relative to location specified by <base> tag
e.g. Here’s a link to Jingpeng’s
<a href=“research.html”>research page</a>.
– “research.html” in same folder
e.g. Here’s a link to Jingpeng’s
<a href=“Research/research.html”>
research page</a>.
– “research.html” in subfolder “Research”
• Never use absolute file paths!!
e.g. <a href=“H:/Research/research.html”>

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Linking Within a Document
• Parts of a document can be named (given an
– e.g. <h1 id=“stocks”>Daily Stock Quotes</h1>
• Elsewhere in the same document we may
place a link:
– e.g. Check out the <a href=“#stocks”>stock
• And in another document we may include
Go to today’s
<a href=“dailynews.html#stocks”>stock quotes</a>

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Table of Contents

• Links to
parts of a
are very
useful for
tables of
within a long

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Links to Other Media
• Links to images:
e.g. Here is <a href=“alan.jpg”>me</a>.
• Links to email addresses:
e.g. <a href=“”>Mail me</a>
• Links to other types of document:
e.g. <a href=“mydoc.pdf”>my document</a>
– requires non-browser software to view it, either
stand-alone or browser plugin

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Thumbnail Images
• Images are usually big and can take a long time
to download
• Often use a thumbnail-sized image as a link to
the full image, using <a>
– the target attribute tells the browser to open a new
<a href=“bruce.jpg” target=“myimage”>
– it helps to indicate size of full image near thumbnail
– user has choice as to whether to download or not
• More details ...
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of Stirling World Wide Web

<a href="bruce.jpg" target="myimage">
<img src="bruce65x75.jpg" alt=“me"></a>
Click the thumbnail
to see a larger image of me!

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of Stirling World Wide Web

Lists in HTML

• Unordered (bulleted) lists

• Numbered lists
• Definition lists

• We have limited control over appearance,

such as bullet styles, using CSS

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of Stirling World Wide Web

Unordered (Bulleted) Lists
• <ul>…</ul>
• List entries with <li>…</li>
• Bullet style can be set with style sheets
<p><b>Shopping List</b></p>
<li>Black beans</li>

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Ordered (Numbered) Lists

• <ol>…</ol>
– first number and numbering style can be set with
style sheets
• List entries with <li>…</li>
<p><b>The Morning</b></p>
<li>Wake up</li>
<li>Get up</li>


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of Stirling World Wide Web

Definition Lists
• <dl>…</dl>
• Term with <dt>…</dt>
• Definition with <dd>…</dd>
<p><b>Some Definitions</b></p>
<dd>Network of networks.</dd>
<dt>World Wide Web</dt>
<dd>Distributed system of hypertext
documents known as web pages.</dd>
<dd>Hypertext markup language.</dd>
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of Stirling World Wide Web

Nested Lists
• Lists can be nested
– Browser automatically changes bullet style for
unordered lists
– Ordered lists can also be nested but change
numbering style with style sheets
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of Stirling World Wide Web

Style in Lists with CSS
<meta charset="utf-8">
<style type="text/css">
ul.cir { list-style-type: circle; }
ul.squ { list-style-type: square; }
ol.upA { list-style-type: upper-alpha; }
ol.lor { list-style-type: lower-roman; }
<title>Examples of Lists</title>

<h3>Shopping List</h3>
<ul class="squ">
<li>Black beans</li>

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of Stirling World Wide Web

• Rows and columns of tabular data

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A Very Simple Table
• As basic as it gets…
<td>Cell 1</td><td>Cell 2</td>
<td>Cell 1</td><td>Cell 2</td>

– <tr>…</tr> defines each row

– <td>…</td> defines each entry (cell)

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Headers and Borders

<table border=“1”>
<th>Row 1:</th>
<td>Cell 1</td><td>Cell 2</td>
<th>Row 2:</th>
<td>Cell 1</td><td>Cell 2</td>

Note: <th> … </th>

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Spanning Columns
<table border=“1”>
<caption>A Complicated Table</caption>
<td rowspan=“3”>Cell 1</td>
<td colspan=“2”>Cell 2</td>
<td>Cell 3</td><td>Cell 4</td>
<td>Cell 5</td><td>Cell 6</td>

Note: caption

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Table Sizing
• Table and cell widths can be specified
using style sheets
• Relative sizing
– Table relative to size of browser window
– Cell relative to table size
• Absolute sizing in pixels
<table border=“1”>
<td class=“narrow”>Left-hand</td>
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Sizing (contd)
<TITLE>A Two Column Table Layout</TITLE>
<STYLE type="text/css">
.whole {width: 100%}
.narrow {width: 20%}
<TD CLASS="narrow">Left-hand column for
.narfix {width: 40px}
<TD>Right-hand column for content</TD>
<TD>Left-hand column for links</TD>
<TD>Right-hand column for content</TD>
<TD CLASS="narfix">Left-hand column for
<TD>Right-hand column for content</TD>
<TABLE BORDER=1 class="whole">
<TD CLASS="narrow">Left-hand column for
<TD>Right-hand column for content</TD>
</TR>Spring 2016 © University CSCU9B2: Making the Most of the 51
of Stirling
</TABLE> World Wide Web

Table Sizing (contd)

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of Stirling World Wide Web

End of Lecture

Next Web Tech lecture: Cascading

Style Sheets

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