Gas Dynamics (MEC 426) Exam Examples

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Calculate the force of the water acting on the deflecting blade shown in the following figure ift i. ‘The blade ts stationary Hi, The blade moves to the right at 20 m/sce iii, The blade moves to the left at 20 m/sec = N,BMA) 4 \y, Gabe" rR . 4 H Re = ty Gente = at S- Vreekiont Spiv- Ry oe My 505s") & (YAY Roe 251,33N Ry = U35,3N Gaze Nye aemk 4— at pt NeVpeh Ny = 86-(-28)2 96 m)y Ry = B04 &,F6N Ry = 5332,97 0 pe VEN ped Mp 36-20 = Mos diameter of 2:5 om leaves the nozzle with a velocity of 30 m/s, Determine the force required to: i. Hold the vane stationary. ii. Confine the speed of the van to valve of 3m tothe right Selubion | wt 2 P da = PAG \ wo) > uk TL BF hy = boty Ly cates Vee LZ ye f iio aD Bie ten {NPiv« Je wae wien 2 -R 4 = Auta Lad + © Yovicaaus) Py \4 Misha) , mn Vin = Mab Vous Gs (Ue) Spiers Ree ttn Vin + Maat Mus Gus’ mm (Ras PAjer (YY) L 14 Gougl Ge Tt) = stationaes eye “Ks Zom's Bes Rex 354,10N Gu oy eo My=3nls —e Ve Vjer-No = 27 mls Ry = blo 38N | 4. ‘The water impacts one of the turbine blades as shown in the following figure. For a blade speed of 20 m/s, calculate the magnitude of the total force acting on the blade and the power generated from it. 4 ce ge | UPdve a en ee 2 Bee Nin Ba (—Min Bin) + No and R, 2 pav? [t+ cas (4s) ) cite (agrsty ( nae reckons ie momentum 60%, Pe ake ce — Rey = (HVeuk Seas) Past (Vad Aces) Re > Pur Vier Au Saute 2?» Blah Re VR =/sai5, 4 | = Paner gonwenbed a Fro teak = 343% 3NF 20 = — Vp= 20 m/s ) P (Now Ant) qoxt L)¥ Gaus | 2432, 34N 2% (wai sinus =| 1421, 72 b) Air enters a hand held hair dryer with a velocity of 3 m/s at a temperature of 20°C and a pressure of 101 kPa, Internal resistance heaters warm the air and it exits through an area of 20 cma with a velocity of 10 m/s at a temperature of 80°C. Assume that intemal obstructions do Rot-appreciably affect the pressure between inlet and exit and that heat transfer to the ee ee Ser a eee eee Teele Rew 2ac% Vex lems Fine Fe ' des Boe’ i R if Ww Re lol kPa 2PM Bin? Febeve = Bl Ne N, Pipe lol kPa ° a Esl vm ky \vers 2,02 kyle| a Eaegy cow valent nel oF) epee f (Lae) p OE) ae e Go i awe nat, (LE) a et ChE) —W". faravi oot We [gtk ot. | Whaat an. ) loos ¥ 353 4 (WM WeeSx 293 Z =] rsh | } we = ores, a) done on ay ‘Suanation Tw (15 marks) Poe 150kPa Ty= 20°C ‘The orlocnation of a hole com make a diffesence. Consider holes A and B in the figure which arc 02 cm? 0.3 cm? Identical but reveryed. For the given air propertics on bath side, (@) Calculate the mass fhaw rate through each bole, ) trey ifercl, what is the ‘of back 0.3 cm? ) wr Tange pressures for which they are identical”. ote @ fa Pe=100kPa hele BE PK ew S28 P= 74,2 Kee PT Pe unchecked ft Ns re i: les 0, keF a = FB Tz 035! 5? : loo “4 A MSR 2 = £02 XI y offs byv287 7 2, 28F# 26,2 + 20/2 As,20,2c%% Aes 33 Ge® dole Az aesawne Swt Arye 92 on™ De = 3 em \ \ P, and tt Mryet _s Chea Ra wth? ( ee & : ra 2 Bes ea us ‘ oo By P= B8eb5 132, 0945 Kaul > a > Checked Nozzle ne SE cone (ots Hear bly AY fe © The 2 Woles with differnt om? For Ne Sdetianl me» hele Bo must be chckad and Prot mem PRS PF op |Po 44.2 Kf A large main is connected to an evacuated reservoir with a volume uf 8 m? by Means of a convergent nozzle having an exit diameter of 4 cm. ‘The stagnation Conditions of the air ia the main are kept at constant values of § bars and 15 °C, Estimate the time required for the Pressure in the reservoir to reach 2 bars, assuming isentropic conditions. pad time 22, to Pg? bars = Re 2 bar P. 0,528 20,6280 52 264 bar “2 DDR er North is Sucked 7 g e zt fe otra Bree 305 4) ee ehigsFFte td tine 2 11,4 sc yt. ul / et Te = Cnenay Cortev vation + tie . fe Himg)s te (ua) ID ” where SOY Le a y Yomn) = in thn iB E wy; Pha) Reel = bait ‘A 10 cubic meter tank contains compressed air at 6 bars. A converging nozzle with a3 cm it diameter in the side of the tank causes air to discharge from the tank into a region where a pressure is-100 kPa. The airflow through the nozzle can be treated as isentropic. Assume the temperature of the air in the tank remains constant at 300 K- Find the minimum tank. pressure at which flow rate is independent of the back pressure and find the time required for the tank pressure to reach that pressure. At a tank pressure of 6 bars calculate the force of the air on the tank. Pahoa] ni pau Pres suve Whee vw 2 indefendndot A R bem b ba (boelete\ 1894 kPe Qn te of te panes Grsuy Vatton on tink ond Nozzle 6 4 lose RT fee 4 ef = vgs xio! 237 #800 y Rie 5 RETR lo Pre fe2B,168 ar TesogssT, = 249,9\¢ Prom Moomtim Consertebion RatrRe-RMe = mV R= meve + APe—t BAL Ve + Me (Wen ® Pre —— = 26a E(u) «tt it nan 23,3) 287 12044 gins (3 i6s- ni + Re 466,45 0 one - Zlréve f p (win) <2, ; 7 Po ra 2 £(8*) + ee = \,45%18° 'b) A rocket motor operates at altitude where the atmospheric pressure is 80 kPa. The ratio of the exit area to the throat area of the nozzle is 4:1. The throat area is 100 cm’, The total pressure feeding the nozzle is 1.2 Mpa and the total temperature is 2000 °C. Assume that the expanded gases have the same propertics as that for the For the flow conditions specified, state whether the nozzle is running at design condition, contains a shock wave ot is over expanded. Ti Determine mass flow rate as well as Mach number, density, pressure and flow velocity at.the nozzle'exit. ili, Use the formula given below to calculate the thrust 7, developed by the rocket: Toth Va + (Pe Pad Ay iv. What should be the to have an ideally expanded nozzle? Calculate the thrust under this condition, Sever 44Pnsion, Me Te= Ty ex Melange = Vie 8 Lee cll mk Hl \ ° CD mines 22,94 alin, = Jo, ad c “ i at Hy) —» Mesa , Gho 2098 a pt % a foo. Sanne = ayia 0/0798 = 35,46 FPa % ST te alee i? 2. Yoois! BEM) —e Masel sph sae tienaa + (35,94 Be) ae» Heed Pins wand sorta ya 298 Fey oe ASRS chek Roect 20,0667 et Nez 242 rae Ee. 0 4bos & a Mee My 2,84 fe .2uyrtt Eee ean B , kee 9,9) ‘Ps ® = 6010498 JNe 2158? nn ‘, Tes lo Be ws S953 IFT ad Question AS LS maths) ZI ‘euvzle is dcxigned to expand vet Dow rate through th nozzle. +: surg, and the tempera ’ vst ve an fa) The mass Onacked Nev2le Te. o,o4ed rn, S8B 72025 * Boo Ne = 7 66! 32 ¥ gostS (56,9918 kum fe 2,63 - P,. 4b, 920 kPa | 139, 1K ie 40°C to give a Mach number sure for which there Is only subsonic flow there re compression which a ngenal shock wave oceurs in the di ‘air from 3 chamber in winch the pressure is ‘of 2.5. If the throat area of the ‘corme ones nore under design couilions: te ~ Wowg ($+ fare of the sir leaving the nozzle with this back inth tant, Ceres MPF nogle. CY SEEDER ee Shop waves Jn ge exhaust rom ‘pent section of the nozzle at aes. sae tl hock waves in the ween the throat the nozzle ¢xi Gute eo BWice Shack Weed Neate 7 pe Rath = gu, ! Kf | QD. repo of Pressare ubich have shock Lane Cownrrression in the exhumd+ Arom Merle ( Regin of ver eaPension) Ge ac RS BG) @ Sue dae es. ews oPtm™ [Apo dey = 0, 0916 m fase 2 92 See 7 nn = Be eta ; MN me Ae qis3 >\AS 3,5) we % 4 Pe, SS 1393 Tes R .0,92735 oe) LRAT AT WR 20 point Acemvedpet rie ihan nro. nuedi ng seo wi apt omeee, b) The ©) The reservoir, to remain at 750 K and exhausts to ambient of pressure 100 kPa. Find: ir pressure for perfect expansion with supersonic flow at exit Teservoir pressures at which the shock will appear in the nozzle. fr tas rae Teservoir pressure for which the shock wave is located at an area ratio of 2,0, determine the exit velocity Draw the pressure distribution along tbe nozzle with all salle polnts for (e), (b) and (c) cases. \Seltisn] & .26 2 ot An The Fok HY Q) PR at Design Gadibon Re toe @ e8ign | se HT RER & Be book and chucked —— i Nozele he > i. 20 3 68S Par Shock Weve Vill ® rege ol appear Ww Ne2la 4 B, bu to Rh B dnato Tach Jr shock wave at eit: Bx Porch> be Joo KPa pez te Beats So Mets ee gaits feck of SW in Note Penge RS (30%, 2 Epa —> lore! KA) © fer SW at Aaa g SS en Mr a Are 2,2 AY Ta Mee 7 Mw “S Ra Lo 629\4 = rd whe. Rey Ae, geaaite 35 22,19849 ry OR 7 Be te Fe, 5 A506 + Ry 2b5,192 Ay TMS Ry Khe. Poy = 169, 47k =) Ys = a Me = 9,23 PTs En FE Te ate Ge Be2F) OT he A rocket has a convergent divergent nozale, Ag4000 mm, area ratiom4,23:1, a Thrust test Tun at Pb=100 KPa the nozzle is supplied with air at To=300 k at nozzle inlet. Normal shock ‘Wave is detected inside nozzle where A/A*=2,6367:1 - 0 98346 *t Ty 2 Tay > B00ls oO Serta tee oy Men 1308 we oM oli = 1/98 key bs Ng EI ice { Yooo xi? ¢ 22MM 99,85 mls Nez Me SSPE -r( Kx 295,038 T\ hes 948s my Te Ve oe Be(QRT wee = 1,994 99,38 “(7.75 Ny “oO ts b. A converging-diverging nozzle with an area ratio of 3.0 discharges large reservoir with a pressure of 6 bars and temperature of 300 °C into of back pressure. Under a certain observed in the nozzle at an area equal ‘Mass flux at the shock location. ‘The increase in entropy due the shock, ‘The percent of decrease in back pressure would be necessary to rid the i, ii, iti, | nozzle of the normal shock. iv. T be 4 bars. ‘The new location of the normal shock air from & a region condition, a normal sbock is to 2.2 times the throat area. Determine: if the back pressure is increased to De 3 aa 73 » Absa. Re bow R Ax Ty 300e 7 AL \ ) xy bas Re ( Be) ~ 200 (S853 Be 4, 07997 - emacs! | an © Py (2 64.7 ible = 3, 49982 Var 278, 4BI| | Pov cack orale acdexi & 7 o .. tH 2My= 2, + cell mie Faby Be norms [feck ax OR e 2 0 7982 Hio° 423 Sige 201,278,43 Piz 9226 bars ads 1 a ieee 7 My _ Bee F905? (E> asig PEL) oe A, en Rye 3,40974 ber \ Rs, Ad _o,53323 Re “A a AL 1g 40) S823 = | PBF » pe. + o* ay MON Mes 036 fee on? , Ry Fens, 23 SRY Or

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