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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Kelas : X (MIPA-IPS)
Waktu : 90 Menit

Choose the right answer to each of the following questions by crossing the letter A, B, C, D.
or E.
1. X : Can he go to the beach?
Y : No, he can’t. He isn’t … go to the beach
A. too old D. older
B. old enough E. oldest
C. old
2. We have … to make some biscuits next Sunday. (egg)
A. too D. enough egg
B. enough E. more
A. too egg
3. “This is not cheap,” has similar meaning with ….
A. not expensive D. too cheap
B. enough expensive E. very cheap
C. too expensive
4. There were … questions to answer, so he ran out of time.
A. Enough D. Much enough
B. Too much E. Many enough
C. Too many
For Questions Number 5 to 8, find Noun Phrase of the following sentences
5. They Hope to win the main prize of the competition.
A. They Hope to D. The main prize
B. To win E. The main prize of the competition
C. The competition
6. Will you talk with these rude people?
A. Will you D. These rude people
B. You talk E. People
C. These rude
7. All the kids were sleeping
A. All D. Sleeping
B. The kids E. Were Sleeping
C. All the kids
8. You are a true hero
A. You D. Hero
B. You are E. A True hero
C. A hero

9. There are parts of event advertisement ….

A. Tittle, detail information, event D. Tittle, detail information, describtion
B. Tittle, information, describtion E. Tittle, describtion, closing
C. Tittle, detail information, closing
10. There are some functions of event advertisement …. (except)
A. To inform D. To communicate
B. To persuade E. To promote
C. To give something
The passage for Question Number 11 to 13

A Multional company seeks a sales manager for its office products devision.
Candidate must have 10 years experience in sales development and management in
the field and the ability to motivate and train incoming sales staff. Good salary and
benefits package.
Qualified candidates should send their resumes to : The Daily News,Box 8552, 1627
Elm, Street, Adelaide, Australia.

11. Which the segment of the business is looking for a sales Manager?
A. A office a products devision D. The oversies staff
B. The multinational company E. The management devision
C. The personnel devision
12. What type of experience is required for the job?
A. Product develop D. Ten years in office management
B. Expanding sales E. Product management
C. Reseach in the field
13. Where should applicants send their resumes?
A. To the company D. to the Newspaper
B. To the division manager E. to the product office
C. To the vice-president of sales

The passage for Question Number 14 to 15

Data Entry/Clerk Insurance firm seeks reliable, detail-oriented person for operation
division. Responsibilities include data entry, filling, and word processing. Good
salary and benefits. Pleasant atmostphere. Room to advance.

14. What is one resposibilty of this job?

A. Data entry D. Oprating a division
B. Answering the phone E. Include data
C. Selling insurance
15. What is one benefit of the position?
A. They’ll give you your own office later D. You earn commissions
B. You can work toward promotion E. You can include data
C. Benefits apply to dependents
For Questions Number 16 to 20, complete use Collective Noun of the following sentences
16. All night, I could hear the _________ of wolves howling
A. troop D. band
B. pod E. pack
C. aerie

17. A _________ of cows was transported to farm in Texas.

A. herd D. droves
B. flock E. litter
C. chain
18. People on the ferry were in awe as we watched the _________of the dolphins swimming
hear the ferry.
A. lodge D. nest
B. mob E. parade
C. shoal
19. Amara likes to drink a _________ of fresh water after running or having an exercise.
A. bowl D. spoon
B. bottle E. slice
C. cup
20. The teacher ask to her students prepare _________ of paper to do assignment today.
A. slice D. piece
B. bottle E. bucket
C. glass
The text for questions Number 21 to 25

An elephant is the largest and strongest animals. It is a strange looking animal with its
thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tall, little eyes, long white
tusks and above all it has a long noise, the trunk.
The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature, and it has various uses. The elephant draws
up water by its trunk and can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath. It can also lift
leaves and puts them into its mouth. In fact the trunk serves the elephant as a long am and
hand. An elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and yet it can move very quickly.
The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great strength
makes it a very useful servant to man and it can be trained to serve in various ways such
as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight.

21. The first paragraph as ….

A. Tittle D. General classification
B. Descrition E. General report
C. General
22. The text tells us about….
A. the Elephant’s peculiar feature D. an elephant
B. useful servant E. elephant looks very clumsy.
C. strange looking animal
23. The most distinguishing characteristic of an elephant is…..
A. its clumsiness D. its long nose
B. its thick legs E. its large ears
C. its large body
24. The elephant draws up water by its trunk and can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath
(paragraph 2). The word “it” refers to….
A. a shower bath D. water
B. elephant’s body E. elephant’s trunk
C. a shower
25. “The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature….(Paragraph2). The word “peculiar” close in
meaning to ….
A. Large D. smooth
B. Strange E. king
C. Tough

Answer these questions briefly.

1. What is differences use too and enough! (3 differences)

2. Please make sentences using expressing undesirable excess!
3. Give 3 example expressing persuading!
4. Give 3 example of collective noun in sentences!
5. What is the factual report?

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