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Stage 8

Stage 8: Apply the phrasal verbs in a text.

Choose 7 phrasal verbs from the exercise of Topic 10 and Topic 11, and write a text where you
use them. You have to underline these phrasal verbs to distinguish them in the text.

Hoy, mientras preparaba el desayuno, recuerdo cuando vivía con mi abuela, ella me hacía estar
de pie para orar en la mesa todas las mañanas.

las oraciones eran algo extensas, tenía que estar atento para contestar sus oraciones como el ave
maría o nuestros padres.

Luego sacaba el pan que había guardado el día anterior y con paciencia repartia a mis hermanos
y a mí.

La limpieza de la cocina era por turnos con mi hermano, cuando la limpiamos ella entraba y
evaluaba como iba el aseo, siempre nos corrigia con cariño.

ahora recuerdo el pasado los valores y principios que formaron mi personalidad

My Grandma

Today while I was preparing breakfast, I think back when I was living with my Grandma, she
would make me stand up to pray at the table every morning.

the prayers were somewhat extensive, I had a look up to answer their prayers like the ave maria
or our fathers.

Then she take out the bread that she had saved the day before and patiently hand out my
brothers and me.

The kitchen cleaning was taking turns with my brother, when we do cleaning it she come into
and evaluated how the toilet was going, she always corrected us with love.

now back on the values and principles that formed my personality

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