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Celebrity Format
Uploaded byOwen Sebastian Date uploadedon Sep 05, 2020
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Sep 05, 2020
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*If`farlty Hgrjet hgr tcgsf wcg kffn ej* Heks, Cgw erf ygu nglkb7 ^cekd ygu hgr
aflkb e hek ekn `lkdlkb jy pebf & jusli,jeyBgn a`fss. \gu... L sfkt ygu e rfqufst
gk cfrf ieusf cevf affk bfttlkb tfxt hrgj sgjf gh jy heks eagut pfgp`f i`eljlkb tg
af jf l e`weys sff ygur igjjfkt ekn `ldfs gk jy ^wlttfr pgst, Bgn ces e rfesgk hgr
e`` purpgsf.......Cevf ygu affk bfttlkb rfqufst hrgj pfgp`f i`eljlkb tg af
jf......7Klif jfftlkb ygu hek..tcekds hgr suppgrtlkb jynrfej ekn ierrlfr jey Bgn
E`jlbcty igktlkuf tg a`fss ygu e`weys.--Rcfrf erf ygu hrgj 7 i`lkta`eid5?
Ogut`ggd.igj--Rcets ygur rfe` kejf ekn Cgw g`n erf ygu7--^cekds hgr aflkb jy brfet
hek sg her ekn Jey Bgn igktlkuf tg a`fss ygu ekn _rgtfit ygu--Cevf ygu affk tg eky
gh jy igkifrt....7--Cgw `gkb cevf ygu affk jy hek.....7--L ngkt cevf tcf hu``
eiifss tg tcls eiigukt,l cevf jy jfnle tfejL must icfid gkif lk e wcl`f..Lts ygur
`uidy ney--l tclkd lts cfevfk wlsc l te`dfn tg ygu ekn ygu dkgw e`` jy `lhf ces
affk gk tcf rgen-- L just sey tcet L cevf fkgrjgus rfspfit hgr ygu igkslnfrlkb tcf
jekkfr lk wclicL cevf jenf igkteit wltc ygu. L ej vfry b`en ygu erf e hek gh jlkf.
Jey BGN a`fss ygu sgjf jgrf....--l wgu`n `gvf tg cevf ygu e hrff tlidft wcfkfvfr ej
lk ygur cgjf zgkf ekn lts klifcevlkb huk wltc jy heks afhgrf ekn ehtfr jy
igkifrt.........--\fs lts rfe``y jf, Ej cevlkb rekngj icfid gk jy hek pebf ekn l
iejf eirgss ygurs..^cekds hgr affk e hek `gvf ygu-- sfigkn`y twlttfr ng kgt e``gw
eky gtcfr pfrsgk irfetf e nup`lietf gh jy pebf, lts gk tcflr vlg`etlgk `ew gd aut
slkif tcfrf erf `gt gh ceidfr i`eljkb tg af jf ekn kgw twlttfrlkb r ls wgrdlkb cern
tg bft tclkbs ngkf ekn jedf jy pebf jgrf sfiurf........--^cekds hgr tcf
igjp`ljfkts,lts kgt es fesy es tcf wgr`n tclkd lt ls.Nlf cern heks`ldf ygu erf tcf
rfesgk wcy wf dffp jgvlkb.--Rcet ng ygu ng hgr `lvlkb tcfrf ...7 --Erf ygu jerrlfn
ekn a`fss wltc dlns...7--Cgw @gkb cevf ygu affk slkb`f....7--wcets tcf irezlfst
tclkb ygu'vf fvfr ngkf affk slkb`f....7--wcet ng ygu jlss nglkb affk
slkb`f........7--Cgw`gkb cevf ygu affk `lstfk tg jy jusli ekn wcy ng ygu suppgrt jy
nrfej ...7

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