Unit Outline

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Cassidy Studtmann

Clay Initials
Unit Overview
Grade Level: 7th
I. Standards
Standard 1. Observe and Learn to Comprehend
● GLE 1. 1. Analyze works of art and apply the language of visual art and
design to infer meaning.
○ EO c. Differentiate and implement the language of visual art and
design when observing works of art.
Standard 3 Invent and Discover to Create
● GLE 1. Plan, anticipate outcomes and use feedback to grow as an artist.
○ EO b. Generate works of art based on selected themes or
anticipated goals.
● GLE 2. Demonstrate technical skills and processes to achieve desired
○ EO a. Create works of art from observation, photographs and
stored mental images adding personal interpretations.
○ EO c. Research and communicate personal ideas and interests in
works of art.

II. Big Idea

Clay Initials

III. Enduring Understandings

Art can be used to express yourself.
Imagery can be used to support an idea/purpose.

IV. Essential Questions

How can artists use art to express themselves?
What imagery can be used to symbolize your personality or interests?

V. Objectives
● Use photographs, objects, or stored mental images to create objects on
clay initial plan.
● Research objects/imagery that can be used to communicate personality
and interest.
● Create clay initial using previously planned design that represents
personality or interests.
● Glaze clay initial using colors that support the imagery in the design.
● Use the language of art and design (the principles and element of art and
design) to critique the artwork of peers.
VI. Content Integration
Literacy –
Use the language of art and design on a written worksheet to critique peer art.

VII. Instructional Strategies

● Collaboration
● Differentiated Instruction
○ Account for different modes of learning
■ Verbal – oral instruction, ask questions, written instruction
and brainstorming
■ Visual – visual examples of project, visual aids
■ Physical – gallery walk to walk around and see other
students’ work, hands-on artmaking
■ Logical – brainstorm and create a plan
■ Social – collaborate as tables to help with brainstorming,
share ideas and answer questions about Medieval Art
■ Solitary – independent work time for project
○ Extra time
○ Simplify steps

VIII. Safety Concerns

Establish a safe environment for group discussions by demonstrating listening
skills and by having clear expectations of behavior.

IX. Visuals (Examples of Student Work)

X. Differentiated Instruction/Possible Accommodations
● Differentiated Instruction
○ Provide visuals
○ Provide written instructions
○ Provide opportunities for discussion
○ Provide opportunities for movement
● Possible Accommodations
○ Extended work time
○ Adaptive art supplies
○ Additional visual or audio support
○ Individual support

XI. Assessment
● How can artists use art to express themselves?
● What imagery can be used to symbolize your personality or interests?
● Progress checks
○ Brainstorm/Planning
■ Sketches of 3 objects that represent personality/interests
○ Clay Initial
■ Created initial using proper clay techniques (slip and score)
■ Added 3 objects to represent personality/interests
○ Finished Glazed Initial
■ Glazed using colors that support chosen objects
● Finished piece
○ 3 Objects that represent personality/interests
○ Added pieces did not fall off (slip and score)
○ Glazed using colors that support chosen objects
● Art Criticism
○ Critique Worksheet

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