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Many people experience cyber bullying because all young people now use
cellphones and what they read is not good on social media so they copy it and
spread it and other people sometimes read it
more about what they hate and they talk about it in their posts or in their messages
talking about someone like what my cousin experienced, he was bullied at school
and his friends talked about it on social media that he only found out about from
others so we should not talk to people who will bring bad things to our lives and
slander secretly and you will just know that you are the one they are referring to in
their social media posts and messages and whoever is experiencing cyber bullying
don't do it let's ignore them or let's not do this to others and cyber bullies bro please
stop it because it's bad and if you do it you won't be happy either so don't post bad
things on social media we know that it's fun use of social media but let's use it in a
good way not that we post bad things, so let's stop cyber bullying

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