Interim Financial Reporting

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• means the preparation and ➢ The integral view is that each

presentation of financial interim period is an integral part
statements for a period of less of the annual accounting period.
than one year. Under the integral view, annual
• PAS 34 prescribes the minimum operating expenses are
content of an interim FS. estimated and then allocated to
• may be presented monthly, the interim periods based on
quarterly, or semiannually. forecasted revenue or sales
Quarterly interim reports are the volume.
However, publicly traded entities are ➢ The independent view is that
encouraged to provide interim financial each interim period is considered
reports at least semiannually and such a discrete or separate accounting
reports are to be made available not period with status equal to a fiscal
later than 60 days after the end of year. Thus, no estimations or
interim period. allocations are made for interim
FREQUENCY OF INTERIM purposes, unless such
REPORTING estimations or allocations are
allowed for annual reporting.
PAS 34 does not mandate which entities
are required to publish interim financial WHICH VIEW ON INTERIM
reports, how frequently, or how soon FINANCIAL REPORTING IS
after the end of an interim period. FOLLOWED IN PRACTICE?

Philippine jurisdiction PAS 34 on interim financial reporting

does not mention about the two views.
• SEC and PSE requires entities Essentially, the standard adopts a mix of
covered by the integral and independent views.
• 1. Revised Securities Act - file
quarterly interim financial reports COMPONENTS OF AN INTERIM
within 45 days after the end of FINANCIAL REPORT
each of the first three quarters. PAS 34, paragraph 8. provides that an
• 2. Rules on Commercial Papers interim financial report shall include, at a
and Financing Act - file quarterly minimum, the following components:
financial reports within 45 days
after each quarter-end. a. Condensed statement of financial
REPORTING b. Condensed statement of
comprehensive income
• Integral view
• Independent view c. Condensed statement of changes in
d. Condensed statement of cash flows 2. Income statement
e. Selected explanatory notes.
a) Income statement for the
Nothing in the standard is intended to current interim period
prohibit or discourage an entity from b) Income statement
publishing a complete set of financial cumulatively for the current
statements, rather than condensed financial year to date
financial statements and selected c) Comparative income
explanatory notes. statement for the comparable
interim period of the preceding
In other words, PAS 34 allows an entity
to publish a set of condensed financial
d) Comparative income
statements or complete set of financial
statement cumulatively for the
statements in the interim financial report.
comparable financial year to
CONDENSED date of the preceding year

➢ means that each of the headings 3. Statement of comprehensive

and subtotals presented in the income
entity's most recent annual
a) Statement of comprehensive
financial statements is required
income for the current interim
but there is no requirement to
include greater detail unless this
b) Statement of comprehensive
is specifically required.
income cumulatively for the
SELECTED EXPLANATORY NOTES current financial year to date
c) Comparative statement of
➢ The selected explanatory notes comprehensive income for the
are designed to provide an comparable interim period of
explanation of significant events the preceding year
and transactions arising since the d) Comparative statement of
last annual financial statements. comprehensive income
PAS 34 assumes that financial cumulatively for the
statement users have access to comparable financial year to
the entity's most recent annual date of the preceding year
4. Statement of changes in equity
INTERIM STATEMENTS a) Statement of changes in equity
cumulatively for the current
1. Statement of financial position financial year to date
a) Statement of financial position at b) Comparative statement of
the end of current interim period changes in equity for the
b) Comparative statement of comparable financial year to date
financial position at the end of of the preceding year
preceding year.
5. Statement of cash flows 5. The preparation of interim financial
reports generally has a greater use
a) Statement of cash flows
of estimation than annual financial
cumulatively for the current
financial year to date
b) Comparative statement of cash INVENTORIES
flows for the comparable financial
Paragraph 25 of Appendix B of PAS
year to date of the preceding year
34 provides that inventories are
BASIC PRINCIPLES measured for interim financial
reporting by the same principles as
1. PAS 34, paragraph 28. provides that
at financial year-end. Full inventory
an entity shall apply the same
and valuation procedures are not
accounting policies in the interim
required for inventories at interim
financial statements as are applied in
date. Accordingly, if the net realizable
the annual financial statements.
value is lower than cost, a loss on
2. Revenues from products sold or inventory write-down shall be
services rendered are generally recognized regardless of whether the
recognized for interim reports on the write-down is temporary or non-
same basis as for the annual period. temporary.

3. Costs and expenses are recognized SEASONAL, CYCLICAL OR

as incurred in an interim period. OCCASIONAL REVENUE

a) Expenses associated directly with Seasonal, cyclical, or occasional

revenue are matched against revenue shall not be anticipated or
revenue in those interim periods deferred as of an interim date if
in which the related revenue is anticipation or deferral would not be
recognized. appropriate at the end of the entity's
b) Expenses not associated directly reporting period. Thus, dividend
with revenue are recognized in revenue, royalties and government
interim periods as incurred or grants shall be recognized in the
allocated over the interim periods interim period when they occur. For
benefited. example, dividend revenue is not
recognized until declared because
4. PAS 34, paragraph 21, provides that if even when highly predictable based
the business is seasonal, in addition to on past experience, the dividend is
the current interim period financial not an obligation of the entity until it
statements, the entity is encouraged to is legally declared.
disclose financial information:
a) For the latest 12 months
b) Comparative information for the Costs that are incurred unevenly
prior comparable 12-month during an entity's financial year shall
period be anticipated or deferred for interim
purposes only if it is also appropriate
to anticipate or defer that type of cost planned for later in the financial year
at the end of the financial year. shall not be taken into account.
The nature of year-end bonuses
varies widely. Some are earned Paid vacation and holiday leave shall be
simply by continued employment accrued for interim purposes because
during a time a bonuses based on a these are enforceable as legal
monthly, quarterly or annual measure commitments.
of performance Some bonuses may
be purely discretionary, contractual
or based on years of historical Interim period income tax expense shall
precedent. reflect the same general principles of
income tax accounting applicable to
annual reporting.
A bonus is anticipated for interim
Paragraph 12 of Appendix B of PAS 34
purposes if and only if:
states that the interim period income tax
a) The bonus is a legal obligation expense is accrued using the annual
or past practice would make effective income tax rate applied to the
the bonus a constructive pretax income of the interim period.
obligation for which the entity
has no realistic alternative but
to make the payment. Gain or loss from disposal of property,
b) A reliable estimate of the gain or loss from discontinued operation
obligation can be made. and other gain or loss shall not be
allocated over the interim periods. The
gain is reported in the interim period
Certain costs are expected to be when realized and the loss is reported in
incurred irregularly during the financial the interim period when incurred.
year, such as charitable contribution and
employee training cost.
A change in accounting policy other than
Such costs are generally discretionary
one for which the transition is specified
and even though they are planned shall
by a new standard shall be reflected by
not be anticipated as of an interim date
restating the financial statements of prior
simply because the costs have not yet
interim periods of the current year and
been incurred.
the comparable interim periods of the
Depreciation and amortization for an The objective of this requirement is to
interim period shall be based only on ensure that a single accounting policy is
assets owned during that interim period. applied to a particular class of
Asset acquisitions or dispositions
transactions throughout the entire
financial year.
To allow differing accounting policies for
the same class of transactions within a
single financial year would result in
“interim allocation difficulties, obscured
operating results. and complicated
analysis and understandability of interim

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