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OECD Guidelines

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 LD50/LC50
 Methods to calculate LD50
 Limitation of LD50
 How OECD GUIDELINES More Humane?
 Alternatives to use of Animal in AOT
 Description of Whole AOT Guidelines along with
Its Sighting Study (401,420,423,425)

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 The mission of Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development is to
promote policies that will improve the
economic and social well-being of people
around the world.
 work with governments to understand what
drives economic, social and environmental
 Set international standards on a wide range
of things, from agriculture and tax to the
safety of the chemicals.

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 The Organisation for European Economic
Cooperation (OEEC) was established in 1948
to run the US-financed Marshall Plan for
reconstruction of a continent ravaged by war.
 Canada and the US joined OEEC members in
signing the new OECD Convention on 14
December 1960.
 The Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD) was officially born
on 30 September 1961, when the Convention
entered into force.

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 India is one of the many non-member
economies with which the OECD has working
relationships in addition to its member
countries.The OECD has been co-operating
with India since 1995.
 The OECD Council at Ministerial level
adopted a resolution on 16 May 2007 to
strengthen the co-operation with India, as
with Brazil, China, Indonesia and South
Africa, through a programme of enhanced

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 Toxicology is the scientific study
of adverse effects that occur in
living organisms due to
 It involves observing and
reporting symptoms,
mechanisms,detection and
treatments of toxic substances,
in particular relation to the
poisoning of humans.

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 Any undesirable &/ or unintended effects of
1. Predictable (type A reactions)
2. Non-predictable (type B reactions)


Unwanted but often Are results of excessive
Unavoidable effects at Pharmacological effect
therapeutic doses. of drug due to over
dosage or prolonged
Indirect consequences
of primary action of

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 Acute toxicity 14 days

 Sub-acute(repeated doses) 28 days


 Sub-chronic toxicity 3 months

 Chronic toxicity 6to12month

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401 420 423 425

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Muscle spasm

Altered Respiration
Loss of
Righting reflex
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 LD50 represents the individual dose required to kill
50% of a population of test animals.
 It is an index determination of medicine and poison’s
 Lower the LD50 dose, the more toxic the pesticide.

 The concentrations of the chemical in air that kills
50% of the test animals during the observation period
is the LC50 value.
 Other durations of exposure (versus the traditional 4
hours) may apply depending on specific laws.

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 A humane endpoint can be defined as the
earliest indicator in an animal experiment of
severe pain, severe distress, suffering, or
impending death.
 OECD Test Guidelines do not require death as an
 Animals humanely killed during the test
will be regarded as dosage-dependent deaths.
 Three alternative test methods (Guidelines 420,
423,and 425) to the traditional acute oral
toxicity test have been adopted by the OECD.
One of these, the Fixed Dose Procedure
(Guideline 420).
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o Refinement of the traditional acute oral test in
that it requires fewer, but fixed, dosage groups
to be tested, and thus fewer animals
 It also employs non-
lethal endpoints to
determine the toxicity
of the test substance.
 Two other methods,
the Acute Toxic Class
Method(423) and the
Procedure (425), use
impending death as
the only endpoint. 4/17/2018 16
 In vitro (test tube) test methods and models
based on human cell and tissue cultures.
 Computerized patient-drug databases and virtual
drug trials.
 computer models and simulations.
 stem cell and genetic testing methods.
 non-invasive imaging techniques such as MRIs
and CT Scans.
 microdosing (in which humans are given very low
quantities of a drug to test the effects on the
body on the cellular level, without affecting the
whole bodysystem).

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 14 days study.
 Study on at least two species.
 One rodent –mice/rat.
 One non rodent –usually rabbit.
 Dose administered orally & parenterally.
 Various dose levels to groups of both
 Dose selection such that causing less
than50% but not 0% and more than 50%
but not 100% mortality.
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 In a study of toxic characteristics of substance, acute
oral toxicity testing is initial step.
 Gives information on health hazards.
 Test substance administered orally, in graduated doses
to several groups of experimental animals.
 One dose used per group.
 At least 5 rodents at each dose level of same sex are
 Observations for effects & death are made.
 After completion of study in one sex, study in another
sex is carried out.
 Studies suggested in rodents but can be adopted for
studies in non-rodents.

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 New approach in 1984 by British toxicology
 based on administration of series of fixed
dose levels.
 Instead of death, clear signs of toxicity to
animals as end point.
 Adopted as 1st alternative to conventional
acute toxicity test.
 Testing in 1 sex usually females is
considered sufficient.

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 Reproducible procedure.
 Causes less suffering to the animals.
 Uses only moderately toxic doses, doses
expected to be lethal should be avoided.
 Uses fewer animals

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involves 2 step

1- sighting

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 No sighting study.
 3 animals of single sex per step.
 On avg. 2-4 steps may be necessary to allow
judgment on the acute toxicity of the test
 Not intended to allow the calculation of
precise LD50
 Death of a proportion of animals as the
major end point (response).
 Ld50cut off values are indicated.

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 Stepwise procedure with the use of
minimum no.of animals per step.
 Substance administered orally to 2 groups
of animals at defined doses .
 3 animals per step of single sex (normally
 Compound related mortality determines
the nextstep.
 Report

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 Up and down testing approach was 1st
described by Dixon and Mood.
 Bruce in 1985 proposed to use it for acute
toxicity determination of chemicals.
 Estimates confidence intervals for LD50.
 In procedure (main test ) 1-animal dosed at a
time, at minimum of 48 hrs interval.
 Suggested starting dose is 175 mg/kg or can
be selected from 1.75, 5.5,
17.5,55,175,550,2000mg/kg .

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 Animal receives 1st dose a step below the
level of the best estimate of LD50 .
 Depending upon the outcome for the
 animal, the dose for the next animal is
adjusted up or down.
 5 reversal in 6 consecutive animals when
obtained test is terminated.
 No. of animals limited to 15.
 Report

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 Indicated that all are likely to perform poorly
for chemicals with shallow dose-response slopes
Because Guideline 420 uses evident toxicity as
an endpoint instead of death.
 Unusually test substances may cause delayed
deaths (5 days or more after test substance
administration) mostly in case of 425
However, both in Guideline 420 and 423, the
finding of a delayed death may require
additional lower dose levels to be used or
study to be repeated.
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 The test substance is administered daily in
graduated doses
 Observed closely for signs of toxicity and for
the development of neoplastic lesions.
 Died or are killed animals are necropsied and
at the conclusion surviving animals are also
killed and necropsied.

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 Housed individually or in a group of 3
 Maintain temperature at 22˚C (± 3˚C).
 Relative humidity should be at least 30% (50-
 Artificial lighting, 12 hours light and 12 hours
dark cycle
 Conventional laboratory diets + unlimited
supply of drinking water
 Analytical information on the contaminant
levels should be generated periodically

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 Rodents/non-rodents used
 2 months study for rodents
 90 days study for non-rodents
 Mostly mice are used due to short life-span
and susceptibility
 Healthy animals, acclimated to laboratory
conditions for 7 days and not been subjected
to previous experimental procedures
 The weight variation of animals used should
not exceed ± 20 % of the mean weight
 Animals should be randomly assigned
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 Survival data; urinalysis tests
 Outcome of any investigations of neurotoxicity
or immunotoxicity
 Terminal body weight; organ weights
 Necropsy findings; A detailed description of all
treatment-related histopathological findings
 Absorption data if available
 Body weight/body weight changes
 Toxic response data by sex and dose
level,including signs of toxicity
 Duration of clinical observations
 Ophthalmological examination
 Haematological tests
 Clinical biochemistry tests
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Kindly !stay on Right Side while walking on the Road

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