Aging Population

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The aging population is good for business, the economy and society.

disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion

It is believed that aging population not only benefits companies and the
economy but also society. While this thinking may be valid to a certain extent, I
would argue that the trend towards an older population is likely to have dire
repercussions on the world.
It is understandable why some people subscribe to the view that aging
population can be advantageous. On the societal level, aging population, which is
synonymous with longer average life expectancy, may be interpreted as an
improvement in public health. As advancements in medical treatment enable people
to ward off serious diseases, they can now live longer lives and it is easy to see how
this can be a good thing. At the same time, an increase in the number of elderly
people may result in a higher demand for products and services, which could
present a lucrative opportunity for businesses and act as a boost for the economy.
For example, an aging population may stimulate demand for leisure services that
cater to retirees such as nursing homes or resorts. A growth in this sector is certain
to create a great number of jobs, which would be of direct benefit to not only
business entities and the economy but also local communities.

However, despite the aforementioned benefits, I side with the view that aging
population is disadvantageous. As more people become older and retire, the number
of working adults also shrinks. This could mean a reduction in state budget, as there
would be fewer people paying taxes. The implication of this is that the government
would have less funding to allocate to social infrastructures while having to spend
more on welfare to support people who have retired. In addition, the fact that
people are becoming older may put more financial burden on younger family
members. This is especially true in developing countries where pension is usually
not enough to cover daily living expenses for the old, which means they have to rely
on their family for support.

In conclusion, while people living longer lives may seem like a positive trend,
I am convinced that it exert many detrimental impacts on both the economy and
Describe a time when a lot of people were smiling
-> go to a funny movie
- Lay
- My Tam (movie producer)
- why people were smiling
-> There were a host of things that cracked them up
- the characters were hysterical and they cracked a lot of good jokes
- the story was also hilarious -> many instances the whole theater burst
into laughter

Describe a positive thing in your workplace

 what? we just added some recreational facilities -> one of the things that
I'm very excited about is the fitness suite.
-> popularity:
-> kind of the norm in most offices worldwide -> (comment about why?)
>< in Vietnam, this is a rarity or even a luxury -> so ...
 why?
- BUSY: Our working environment is a very intense / high-intensity kind of place.
-> work round the clock -> as a result, ... we cannot manage the time to put
in some workout.
-> also order lots of takeaways -> greasy and over time, many get out of
shape/ many become sluggish
 fitness/ diet
 results?

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