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Chemistry is a branch of science that studies matter.

In the pdf, it talks about how this discipline is connected to other STEM related disciplines. Which
is why learning this subject, you might find connection in terms within this disciplines. For
example photosynthesis, in the process of photosynthesis the product is glucose. In chemistry,
we dig deeper on the molecule.
Are you aware of scientific method? Science experiments?


Identify a Problem
Formulating a Question

Gather Data
Make Hypothesis

Make Hypothesis
Test Hypothesis

Y Test Hypothesis
Collect, Organize, and Analyze Data
Can the Hypothesis be Accepted?


Chemistry is based on observation and experimentation.

There are actually multiple ways or routes a scientific investigation can take place. It’s not limited
to these method of acquiring knowledge (1 st image) and the method of solving a problem (2 nd

The study of Chemistry actually begins with the atom. Are you aware what an atom is? An atom
looks like a circle inside another circle with a nucleus in the innermost part of the circle.
Atom is the building block of matter.
In your future discussion, your teacher may or may not refresh you with the knowledge in matter,
they may or may not directly proceed the discussion with the atomic theory.

So to understand atom, we also need to understand matter.

The pdf I sent you contains the knowledge and understanding you’re going to need in order to
have a deeper understanding of chemistry.

But since the topic matter is something that you are very familiar with, we can review the basic
concepts of matter.

There are characteristics of matter:

 Made up of particles – atoms, molecules or ions

 Particles are in constant motion (move mostly because of heat- is an energy, when there’s
energy there’s movement, the more energy the more movement; Particle Theory)
 Has volume in the space (the amount a 3D object occupies, example the formula of a cube is
 Has a mass (measure or the amount of matter in an object, example kg. Anywhere in the
universe, the mass of an object stays the same. Can be used interchangeably if gravity is
(if your teacher ask what matter is, you have answers na. But that’s not the only definition you can
have in matter, those four are the best definition, not the only definition.)

It occurs in four states

 Solid (rigid, has fixed shape, fixed volume, cannot be squashed)

 Liquid (fluid or not rigid, no fixed shape, fixed volume, cannot be squashed)
 Gas (not rigid, no fixed shape, no fixed volume, can be squashed)
 Plasma (behaves like a fluid, no fixed shape, no fixed volume, can be squashed)
(rigid means inflexible, unable to be forced out of shape)
(fluid is pertaining to a substance that easily changes its shape; capable of flowing)
(squashed meaning compressed)
(plasma being like a fluid, you don’t really read it from books that plasma is a fluid, I’ve only found
resources saying that it is like a fluid, just like liquid it has no fixed shape, and just like gas it has no
fixed volume)

 Macroscopic Domain (naked eye)
 Microscopic Domain (can be seen under a microscope)
 Symbolic Domain (H for hydrogen, H2O for water,…)
Properties of matter

(Properties are the characteristics that enable us to differentiate one matter from another)
 Physical Properties - can be measured or observed without matter changing into a different
chemical composition (color, hardness, volume, mass, odor, taste, texture, malleability (ability to
be hammered, pressed, or rolled into thin sheets), solubility (ability to dissolve solute into a
solvent), electrical conductivity (Conductivity is a measure of the ability to carry an electric
current), density, melting point, and boiling point (mp and bp is not a chemical property because
you are only changing the phase not the chemical composition, refer to additional information
 Chemical Properties - can be measured or observed only when the matter undergoes a change
to become a different chemical composition.  A chemical property is revealed only by the
behavior of a substance in a chemical reaction (Reactivity with other chemicals (example - lime
and baking soda), Toxicity, Flammability, Enthalpy of formation (this is a chemical reaction), Heat
of combustion (also a chemical reaction), type of chemical bonding, among others.

Two types of physical properties

 Extensive Properties - do depend on the amount of matter that is present (Volume, Mass, Size,
Weight, Length)
 Intensive Properties - do not depend on the amount of matter that is present (Boiling Point,
Density, State of Matter, Color, Melting Point, Odor, Temperature, Refractive Index, Luster,
Hardness, Ductility, Malleability)
(The ratio between two extensive properties is an intensive property. For example, mass and volume
are extensive properties, but their ratio is the formula of density which is an intensive property of
(Density has a fixed value in every kind of matter. Since it is a ratio, when you decrease the sample
volume, mass also decreases)
Kaya although extensive properties are great for describing a sample (importante yan sa pag gather
ng experiments), they aren't very helpful in identifying the sample because they can change according
to sample size or conditions.)


(putting into category)

 Pure Substances and Mixtures
 Elements and Compounds
 Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Mixtures
 Methods of separating mixtures into their component substances
Pure Substance - consist of one element or one compound
Mixture - consist of two or more substances that are not chemically joined together
(homogeneous- meaning of the same kind, you look at it as one, but it actually is a mixture)
(heterogeneous - diverse, you look at it you see the difference)

The components of a mixture can be separated without chemical reactions

Separating Mixtures
 Handpicking
 Threshing
 Winnowing
 Sieving
 Evaporation
 Distillation
 Filtration or Sedimentation
 Separating Funnel
 Magnetic Separation


Atoms and Molecules

Particles in constant motion

States of Matter
Pure Substance and Mixture
Distillation Process


1. Which of the following definition is false.

A. Chemistry is a branch of science that deals with the study of matter
B. Chemistry involves and is based on scientific investigation
C. Chemistry is a branch of science that deals with the study of life
D. Chemistry seeks to understand not only the properties of matter, like the mass or composition of a
chemical element, but also how and why matter undergoes certain changes 

2. What is rigid, has fixed shape, and fixed volume?

A. Solid
B. Liquid
C. Gas
D. Plasma

3. What makes the particles move from one phase to another? Choose the best answer
A. Decrease in temperature
B. Increase in temperature
C. Changes in temperature
D. Particle Theory

4. What is true about physical properties

A. Can be measured or observed without matter changing into a different chemical composition
B. Can be measured or observed only when the matter undergoes a change to become a different
chemical composition.
C. A physical property is revealed only by the behavior of a substance in a chemical reaction
D. All of the above

5. Household products that contain ammonia ( NH 3 ¿ and bleach are considered toxic and poisonous.
What properties of matter does this statement display?
A. Physical Property
B. Chemical Property
C. Intensive Property
D. Extensive Property

6. Mass, volume, and density are physical properties of matter. Mass and volume is to extensive
property while the ratio of mass and volume which is also the formula of density is to intensive
A. True
B. Sometimes true
C. False
D. Not connected

7. Iron that is used as armor in the ancient periods is able to be forged or hammered into sheets to
form the armor. This is because iron is a malleable material. What property is this? Choose the best
A. Physical Property
B. Physical Property, Intensive Property
C. Physical Property, Extensive Property
D. Chemical Property

8. There are many kinds of chemical bonding, there is ionic bonding, covalent bonding, hydrogen
bonding, metallic bonding, among others. What property of matter does chemical bonding display?
A. Physical Property
B. Physical Property, Intensive Property
C. Physical Property, Extensive Property
D. Chemical Property

9. These are all compounds except;

A. NaCl
B. CO 2
C. C 6 H 12 O 6
D. O 2
10. Elements and Compounds is to Pure Substance, while Homogeneous Mixture and Heterogeneous
Mixture is to _______
A. Molecule
B. Mixture
C. Group of Atoms
D. Group of Molecules

11. A solution is a homogeneous mixture. To separate this type of mixture, we can use all of these
methods except
A. Filtration
B. Distillation
C. Evaporation
D. Centrifugation

12. Molecule is defined as one or more atom. Compound is defined as two or more elements. The
difference between atom and element are the following except;
A. Atom is a part of an element.
B. Element is a part of an atom
C. Element can be O or O 2, Atom is only O
D. When atoms combined, they form a molecule. When elements combined, the form a compound.

13. Molecule is defined as one or more atom. Compound is defined as two or more elements. Which
is both a molecule and an element?
A. O 2
B. O
C. N
D. H 2 O

14. Molecule is defined as one or more atom. Compound is defined as two or more elements. Which
is both a molecule and a compound?
A. O 2
B. O
C. N
D. H 2 O

Additional Information

Particle Theory

The kinetic theory of matter (particle theory) says that all matter consists of many, very small particles
which are constantly moving or in a continual state of motion. The degree to which the particles move
is determined by the amount of energy they have and their relationship to other particles.
Phase Change

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