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This story is about a living Rubik’s Cube.

The Rubik’s cube is so kind

that it helped the lady realize that she has the IQ
or smartness to realize and
know that nothing is impossible.

Once upon a time, there was a lady

waiting for her bus at the bus stop.
A Rubik’s Cube suddenly appeared
out of thin air. It was alive.

The lady was playing a game on her phone.

It included memorizing a certain
method and pattern so that you can solve
and win the game.

The Rubik’s Cube threw itself near the

Lady’s bench and she heard
that something fell.
She went to look at what was
there, it was a Rubik’s Cube
The lady picked up the Rubik’s Cube on the floor.
The Rubik’s Cube scrambled itself.
The lady was shocked!

The lady then tried solving one color at a time.

Her idea didn’t work. She continues
to play her game.

After for a while. She realizes something.

It’s not about solving the color one by one.
It was about recognizing the pattern and
method just like her game!

Her train arrived

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