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3 Chemistry Exercise 4 (Isotopes) Score:_________/20 Bonus:________

Name:__________________________ Class:________ ( ) Date:_____________

Multiple choices (Put your answer on P.2) (7 marks)
1. The isotopes of an element have the same 5. Natural chlorine consists of two isotopes: 35Cl
(1) mass number. and 37Cl. The relative atomic mass of chlorine
(2) chemical properties. is 35.5. Which of the following statements
(3) physical properties. is/are correct?
A. (1) only (1) The two isotopes have different numbers
B. (2) only of protons.
C. (1) and (3) only (2) The two isotopes have different numbers
D. (2) and (3) only of neutrons.
(3) The relative abundance of the two
2. An isotope of element E contains 19 protons isotopes is about the same.
and 20 neutrons. The atomic notation of this
A. (1) only
atom is B. (2) only
A. 2019K. C. (1) and (3) only
B. 2039Ca. D. (2) and (3) only
C. 1920Ca.
D. 3919K. 6. If a neutron is added to the nucleus of an
3. Consider the following atoms: (1) the isotope would change to an isotope of
Ato Atomic Mass Number of another element.
m number number electrons (2) the mass number of the isotope would
W 20 46 No information increase by one.
X 22 46 No information (3) the atomic number of the isotope would
Y No information 48 22 remain the same.
Z 42 No information 42 A. (1) and (2) only
Which of the following pairs are isotopes? B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only
A. W and X D. (1), (2) and (3)
B. W and Z
C. X and Y
D. Cannot determine 7. Copper consists of two isotopes. The table
below shows the relative abundance of each of
4. The table below shows the numbers of these two isotopes
protons, neutrons & electrons of two different
Isotope Relative abundance
particles, X and Y. 63
Cu 69.09%
Number of 65
Cu 30.91%
protons neutrons electrons
X 8 8 8
Calculate the relative atomic mass of copper
Y 8 10 8
(correct to 2 decimal places).
Which of the following statements about X A. 64.38
and Y is INCORRECT? B. 63.64
A. X is an electrically neutral atom. C. 63.62
B. The mass number of Y is 16. D. 63.60
C. X and Y are the atoms of the same element.
D. X and Y have different physical properties.

Answer boxes of Multiple choices
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Short Questions
1. Silicon has three isotopes in Nature, 28Si, 29Si and 30Si. The relative abundance of each of these isotopes
is shown in the table below.
28 29 30
Isotope Si Si Si
Relative abundance (%) 92.23 4.68 3.09

(a) What is meant by the term ‘isotopes’? (2 marks)

(b) Calculate the relative atomic mass of silicon. (2 marks)

(c) Complete the following table. (3 marks)

Atom Number of protons Number of neutrons
2. The figures below show the
nuclei of four Si atoms P, Q, R and S.
(P, Q, R and S Si Proton
are NOT chemical

(a) Which two nuclei are isotopes of the same element?_______________________________(1 mark)

(b) Which two nuclei have the same mass?_________________________________________(1 mark)

(c) Which nuclei is Carbon-12 (12C) isotope?________________________________________(1 mark)

3. Element Q has a relative atomic mass of 85.5. It consists of two isotopes 85Q and 87Q. Calculate the
relative abundance of each of the two isotopes. (3 marks)

** Bonus question
4. The relative atomic mass of a certain element X is 39.1. X has 2 isotopes 39
X and yX with relative

abundance of 90% and 10% respectively.

(a) Calculate the value of y. (2 marks)

(b) Suggest a use of element X or its compound in industry or in our life. (1 mark)


F.3 Chemistry Exercise 4 (Isotopes) Answer
Multiple choices
1. B
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. C
Short questions
1. (a) Isotopes are different atoms of the same element with the same number of protons, but
different numbers of neutrons. (2)
(b) Relative atomic mass of silicon
= 28 × 92.23% + 29 × 4.68% + 30 × 3.09% (1)
= 28.1 (1)
(c) (1@x3)
Atom Number of protons Number of neutrons
Si 14 14
Si 14 15
Si 14 16

2. (a) P and R (1)

(b) P and S (1)
(c) R (1)
3. Let the relative abundance of 85Q be y% and that of 87Q be (100 – y)%.
85.5 = 85 × y% + 87 × (100 – y)% (1)
8550 = 85y + 8700 – 87y
y = 75 (1)
85 87
Thus, the relative abundance of Q is 75% and that of Q is 25%. (1)

Bonus question
4.(a) 39 × 90% + y × 10% = 39.1 1
y = 40 1
(b) Potassium chloride and potassium oxide are fertilizers./ 1
Potassium hydroxide is used to make soap./
Potassium perchlorate is used to make explosives, gun powder and fireworks.


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