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Form No : 100-SI-001-R1


Nama Evaluasi UTS Kode dosen LSK, IVO

Kode/Nama MK ISJ1K3/ BAHASA INGGRIS II Tipe Ujian Tulis
Tanggal Evaluasi 10 April 2023 Tipe Soal Paragraf Pendek

(1) Before you submit the midterm exam, make sure do Quiz 7.
(2) Read the word file “Guideline_Midterm Exam”
(3) Work on your paragraph carefully.
(4) Make sure your paragraph has a topic and a controlling idea that are clearly expressed in the topic
Petunjuk (5) Check that all the supporting sentences are relevant to the topic sentence.
(6) Make sure your paragraph has a concluding sentence.
(7) Add a title to your paragraph.
(8) Do the plagiarism check and SS your report under your paragraph text.
(9) Submit and upload your paragraph to Midterm exam submission in the LMS
(10) No late submission is accepted.

Outcomes PLO 6 Mampu untuk berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tulisan secara efektif

Learning outcomes Bobot CLO

Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan kalimat sederhana, majemuk, dan kompleks dalam present tense,
present continous tense, dan present perfect tense untuk menyajikan fakta-fakta menarik tentang
CLO2 10 %
peran sistem informasi dalam kehidupan saat ini dalam satu paragraf dengan tingkat kefasihan
menulis "intermediate-high".

Write a short paragraph to answer the following question: If you could invent one thing that would make your life
easier, what would you create, and why?

Topic Invention that make life easier

Controlling idea Invention of land’s certificate system

Topic sentence Role of land’s certificate system that make life easier

Major supporting detail 1 Blockchain technology is an advanced database mechanism that allows transparent
information sharing within a business network.

Minor supporting detail As a result you can use blockchain technology to create an unalterable or
immutable ledger for tracking orders, payments, accounts, and other transactions.

Major supporting detail 2 But is it only there? This technology can ensure data end to end

Minor supporting detail How about if we implement it in land certificate’s system.

Major supporting detail 3 If we look up of Indonesia’s land’s case because of non consistent data end to end.

Minor supporting detail But using block chain that things won’t be happen because of consistent of data

Prodi Sistem Informasi - Universitas Telkom Hal 1 dari 3

Form No : 100-SI-001-R1

Concluding In conclusion block chain technology is not limited of immutable ledger


Follow these colors to write your final paragraph:

a) Orange : Title
b) Purple : Topic sentence
c) Blue : Major Supporting sentence
d) Green : Minor Supporting sentence
e) Magenta : Concluding sentence
f) Gold : Unity

Title Invention of land’s certificate system

Blockchain technology is an advanced database medium that allows transparent information sharing within a
business network. As a result you can use blockchain technology to produce an incommutable or inflexible
tally for tracking orders, payments, accounts, and other deals. But is it only there? This technology can ensure
data end to end. How about if we implement it in land certificate’s system. If we look up of Indonesia’s land’s
case because of non consistent data end to end. But using block chain that things won’t be happen because of
consistent of data. In conclusion block chain technology is not limited of immutable ledger

Screen shoot your Plagiarism check Report:

Prodi Sistem Informasi - Universitas Telkom Hal 2 dari 3

Form No : 100-SI-001-R1

Rubric for Informative Paragraph ( Ujian Tengah semester)

Element 80 - 100 70 - 79 60-69 40-59 0-39

Ideas & Exceptionally Clear, Evident main Main idea Purpose and
Content clear, focused, focused, idea with some may be main idea
engaging with engaging with support which cloudy maybe unclear
relevant strong appropriate may be general because and contain
supporting details supporting or limited supporting some
details detail is too irrelevant
general or detail
even off-

Organization Strong topic Appropriate Appropriate Weak topic Weak topic

sentence. All topic topic sentence. sentence. sentence. The
body supporting sentences. All One of the Two of the supporting
sentences closely supporting supporting supporting sentences do
relate to the topic sentences sentences does sentences do not relate to
sentence. adequately not relate to the not relate to the topic
Conclusion relate to the topic sentence. the topic sentence.
clearly sum up topic sentence. Conclusion sentence. Conclusion
the discussions Conclusion adequately sum Conclusion does not
provided in the clearly sum up up the adequately adequately
supporting the discussions sum up the sum up the
sentences. discussions provided in discussions discussions
provided in supporting provided in provided in
the supporting sentences. the the supporting
sentences. supporting sentences

Linguistic Word choice is Word choice Language is Monotonous Limited range

Elements precise and is descriptive, functional and often contain of words.
carefully chosen. use broad appropriate. 11- repetition More than 20
1-5 errors in range or 15 errors in sometimes errors in
spelling, words. 6-10 spelling, inappropriate spelling,
grammar, or the errors in grammar, or the words. 16-20 grammar, or
mechanics of spelling, mechanics of errors in the mechanics
writing grammar, or writing spelling, of writing.
the mechanics grammar, or
of writing the
mechanics of

Total Max: 300/3 = 100

Prodi Sistem Informasi - Universitas Telkom Hal 3 dari 3

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