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What can I do about it?

1.) Eon- C
2.) Period- A
3.) Era- A
4.) Epoch- B


1.) Original horizontally- A

2.) Super Position- C
3.) Unconformity- B
4.) Correlation-D

=As far as I know, based on research, The Earth is already 4.543 billion years old.

= I think it is because of the weather or climates. One fact affecting it was climate change. Earth having
different climates resulting the adapting of species to the weather of their places and as the climate
changes, it affects their body that can cause their sickness or death.


1.) Stimulus= Rise in body temperature

2.) Receptor= Skin and brain senses change
3.) Signal= Command from the brain
4.) Response= Skin makes sweat and blood vessels dilate

What to do:

Evidences Type of fossils Description

1 True form Fossils True form fossils are large body
parts of an organism that has
been replaced by minerals. True
form fossils are formed by a
process called petrification.
2 Cast Fossils The mineralized sediment that
fills the mold recreates the
shape of the remains
3 Mold or impression is formed when the plant or
animal decays completely but
leaves behind an impression of
itself, like a hollow mold.
4 Trace fossils Ichnofossils, also known as
trace fossils, are geological
records of the activities and
behaviors of past life. Some
examples include rock evidence
of nests, burrows, footprints,
and scat. These fossils are
different from body fossils that
preserve the actual remains of a
body such as shells or bones

Explain Evolution:

- For me, evolution is the changes that takes place is every species for over a long period of time.
It is a change that affects the inherited characteristics and brings development of species
through the generations.

How fossil provide evidences for evolution:

- We all know that fossils are the remains of species from the past that has been discovered. It
plays a very important role in evolution because it represents and can give ideas on how was the
world before our present time. Fossils reflect the existence presently organisms, demonstrating
that various creatures lived on Earth at various times throughout its history.

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