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Evidence of nose-to-brain delivery of nanoemulsions: cargoes but

not vehicles
Published on 15 December 2016. Downloaded by Fudan University on 15/12/2016 16:09:50.

Received 00th January 20xx,

Accepted 00th January 20xx Ejaj Ahmada, Yunhai Fengb, Jianping Qia, Wufa Fana, Yuhua Maa, Haisheng Hea, Fei Xiaa,
Xiaochun Donga, Weili Zhaoa,c, Yi Lua,†, Wei Wua,†

Nanoscale Accepted Manuscript

DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x Abstract
The nose-to-brain pathway is proved to be a shortcut for direct drug delivery to the brain.
However, whether and to what extent can nanoparticles be delivered through this passage
are still awaiting validation with evidence. In this study, nose-to-brain transportation of
nanoparticles is tracked by fluorescent bioimaging strategies using nanoemulsions (NEs) as
model carriers. Identification of NEs in biological tissues is based on on→off signal switching
of a new kind of environment-responsive dyes embedded, P2 and P4, whereas two
conventional probes, DiR and coumarin-6 (C6), are embedded to represent the cargoes.
Evidence on translocation of NEs is collected either by live imaging or ex vivo histological
examination in rats after nasal administration. Results suggest that NEs with a particle size of
about 100 nm, either naked or coated with chitosan, show longer retention duration in
nostrils and slower mucociliary clearance than larger ones. P2 signals, representing integral
NEs, can be found in mucosa and trigeminal nerve for all size groups, whereas only weak P2
signals are detected in olfactory bulb for chitosan-coated NEs of 100 nm. Confocal
microscopy further confirms translocation of integral 100-nm NEs in nasal mucosa and along
the trigeminal nerve in decremental intensity. Weak signals of P4 probe, also representing
integral NEs, can be detected in the olfactory bulb but few in the brain. NEs as big as 900 nm
cannot be transported to the olfactory bulb. However, the DiR or C6 signals that represent
the cargoes can be found in intense amount along the nose-to-brain pathway and finally
reach the brain. Evidence shows that integral NEs can be delivered to the olfactory bulb, but
few to the brain, whereas the cargoes can be released and permeate into the brain in more
is highly challenging owing to the presence of the
Introduction blood-brain barrier (BBB), which precludes entry of
more than 95% of available pharmaceuticals.1 To
The incidence of chronic brain disorders, especially date, various drug delivery strategies via the
age-related neuro-degenerative diseases, is intravenous route fail to achieve significant
increasing at an alarming rate throughout the world. improvement in overcoming BBB obstacles.2 Besides
Effective treatment of the central nervous system trying more efficient “penetrating” approaches such
diseases, such as the Alzheimer’s and the Parkinson’s, as nanoscale delivery systems, it is inspired to explore
alternative pathways. Recently, the nose-to-brain
route attracts great interest due to the short
School of Pharmacy, Fudan University, Key Laboratory of Smart Drug Delivery of transportation passages from the nasal cavity to the
MOE and PLA, Shanghai 201203, China
Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, Dahua Hospital, brain via olfactory and trigeminal nerve,
Shanghai 200237, China circumventing BBB and providing quick transport of
Key Laboratory for Special Functional Materials of the Ministry of Education,
Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China pharmaceuticals from nose to brain.3 Moreover,
† Corresponding author. E-mail:; intranasal delivery is a non-invasive route with
Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI) available. See
DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x improved safety and patient compliance.4

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Several approaches have been tried to increase well dispersed state in the matrix, whereas the
the influx of drugs from nose to brain by using various fluorescence quenches immediately upon release
nanocarriers such as nanoemulsions,5 liposomes,6 from nanoparticles due to degradation of the matrix.
micelles,7 nanosuspensions,8 solid lipid nanoparticles9 This on→off signal switching provides accurate and
and chitosan-coated nanoconstructs.10 All these sensitive signaling on the integrity as well as
formulations, without exception, show high influx of biodegradation kinetics of the nanocarriers. In
drugs to the brain in comparison with the solution addition, these dyes bear some specific
counterparts of the drugs. Underlying mechanisms characteristics of the BODIPY family, such as intense
includes longer retention of the nanoformulations in absorption, high quantum yields, tunable emissive
nasal mucosa, enhanced permeation through wavelengths, superior stability and pH insensitivity,
Published on 15 December 2016. Downloaded by Fudan University on 15/12/2016 16:09:50.

mucosal epithelia, prevention from enzymatic which enable them to survive the harsh in vivo
degradation and inhibition of P-gp efflux pump.11,12 A environments. Thus, these ACQ probes have been
key issue in nose-to-brain delivery is whether and to adopted to study the in vivo fate of nanoparticles in

Nanoscale Accepted Manuscript

what extent these nanocarriers can be translocated the gastrointestinal tract.17-20 Since the stimulus here
to the cerebral regions. Elucidation of this issue helps is the ubiquitous water, it is theoretically correct that
to weigh the balance between efficacy and toxicity, this kind of ACQ probes can be used to track the
and to clarify some of the basic drug delivery voyage of certain nanocarriers throughout the whole
controversies, e.g. active targeting of nanocarriers to body.
brain tissues. To date, only paradoxical results have
Nanoemulsions (NEs) are heterogeneous systems
been obtained. The exact mechanisms of facilitated
that consist of ultrafine oil-in-water dispersions
nose-to-brain delivery by nanocarriers remain as a
stabilized by surfactant molecules.21 Due to the
superior solubilisation capacity, thermodynamic
This difficult situation is partly attributed to the stability and relatively easy preparation to other
lack of functional approaches to track the nanocarriers, NEs have been widely explored to
transportation of the nanocarriers. Labeling with enhance nose-to-brain drug delivery.8,22,23 Previous
radioactive or fluorescent probes represents one of results indicated that excipients contained in NEs
the expedient approaches to trace nanocarriers might facilitate permeation through nasal epithelia to
during translocation from nose to brain. Technetium brain,24 whereas coating with chitosan (CS) extends
(99mTc) has been used to label the encapsulated the nasal residence time of NEs, facilitating high influx
drugs5,13 or the nanocarriers per se14,15 to study the in of drug from nose to brain.13,25 However, the exact
vivo distribution by Gama scintigraphy. Fluorescent role that NE particles play in nose-to-brain delivery is
probes, including DiR, coumarin 6 (C6) and rhodamine still not fully explored.
B, were also physically incorporated or covalently
In this study, the ACQ probes, P2/P4, are used to
linked to either the drugs or the carriers to track the
study the fate of NEs via intranasal delivery, while
translocation of nanocarriers inside the body by live
two conventional probes, DiR/C6, are used to
imaging.7,10,16 These studies provide certain important
represent the cargoes. Specific attention is paid to
information on the in vivo fate of nanocarriers both
collecting evidence on nose-to-brain translocation of
spatially and temporally. However, these approaches
NEs. Various crucial factors that affect intranasal
experience obvious defects because dissociated
resident time and permeation along the nose-to-brain
probes still give off signals, which significantly
path such as particle size, mucoadhesive coating with
compromises the accuracy of detection of the
chitosan and in situ gelling using thermosensitive
particles. Smart or environment-responsive probes
polymers were also investigated simultaneously.
should be employed to discriminate the nanocarriers
from signals of free probes in vivo. Experimental
Recently, our laboratory developed a series of Materials
near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent 4,4′-difluoro-4-bora-
3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene (BODIPY) and aza-BODIPY Labrafac® CC (caprylic–capric acid triglycerides) was
dyes, which exhibit sensitive aggregation-caused purchased from Gattefossé S. A. (Saint-Priest, France).
quenching (ACQ) effects responding to water.17-20 This Solutol® HS15 (a mixture of free polyethylene glycol
kind of ACQ probes are highly lipophilic and can be 660 and polyethylene glycol 660 hydroxystearate)
tightly embedded into either lipid or polymeric matrix was provided by BASF (Ludwigshafen, Germany).
nanoparticles. The dyes give off fluorescent signals in Coumarin 6 (C6) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich

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(St. Louis, USA). DiR iodine was from Fanbo phase instead of water to achieve a layer of coating
Biochemicals Co. (Beijing, China). P2 and P4 were with chitosan.
synthesized in our lab; refer to previous publications
A control formulation of NEs dispersed in
for their physicochemical properties.17-20 See Table 1
chitosan solution (CS+NE-80), but not coated with
for the basic properties of the dyes used in this study.
chitosan, was prepared following the same
Deionized water was prepared using a Milli-Q
procedures as for CS-NE, except that SDS was not
purification system (Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA).
used when preparing the coarse emulsions.
Other chemicals and reagents were of analytical
grade and purchased locally. Thermosensitive in situ gel of NEs Nostril
temperature of rats was reported to be around 35°C.
In vivo or ex vivo experiments were carried out in
Published on 15 December 2016. Downloaded by Fudan University on 15/12/2016 16:09:50.

Therefore, a mixture of poloxamer 407 (P407, 18%, w/v)

male SD rats (200 ± 20 g, Shanghai Laboratory Animal
and poloxamer 188 (P188, 16%, w/v), with sol↔gel
Centre, Shanghai, China). All experiments were
transition temperature around 30°C,26 was used as the
approved by the institutional ethical committee and

Nanoscale Accepted Manuscript

thermosensitive in situ gel. NEs dispersed in
performed in complicance with the relevant laws and
thermosensitive gel are encoded as P-NE.
institutional guidelines at School of Pharmacy, Fudan
University. Characterization of NEs
Preparation of NEs The average size and polydispersity index (PDI) of NEs
were measured at 25°C, in triplicate, using a Malvern
NEs of different particle sizes Crude emulsions
Zetasizer Nano® (Malvern Instruments, Malvern UK)
were prepared by a high-shear homogenizer (Scientz
with a 4 mW He–Ne laser at 633 nm under ambient
Biotechnology Co., Ltd., China). Briefly, appropriate
temperature. For the measurement, the NEs were
amount of dye dissolved in dichloromethane was
diluted in Milli-Q water beforehand (0.2 mL NEs
added into 5 g Labrafac® WL1349/Labrafac CC (Table
dispersed into 0.8 mL water).
1S). After thorough mixing and evaporation of
dichloromethane, the mixture was dispersed in an Morphology of the NEs was studied using TEM
aqueous solution (35 mL) containing 8.5% (w/v) (Jeol JEM 2100F, Japan). Ten microliter of NEs was
Solutol® HS15. The crude emulsions were produced added into 990 µL distilled water (1:100), stained with
after the mixture was sheared at 10,000 rpm for 30 2% phosphotungstic acid and applied on carbon-
sec. The crude emulsions were further homogenized coated grid for TEM observation.
through a high-pressure homogenizer (AH 100 D; ATS
The fluorescence intensity of NEs was measured
Engineering Inc, Brampton, ON, Canada) to obtain 80
using a well-plate quantification method by IVIS
nm NEs (NE-80) at 1000 bar for 3 min and 200 nm
Spectrum Live Imaging System (PerkinElmer, USA).
(NE-200) NEs at 150 bar for 2 min, respectively. A
Briefly, NEs were diluted in Milli-Q water (0.2 mL
membrane-emulsification apparatus [Senhui
mixed with 1.4 mL water). Then 100 μL of the diluted
Microsphere Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., China]
NEs was instilled into 96-well plates in triplicate and
was used to prepare 500 nm (NE-500) and 900 nm
was imaged at the maximum excitation/emission
(NE-900) NEs. NE-500 were obtained by extruding the
wavelengths (P2: 710/760 nm; P4: 640/680 nm; DiR:
crude emulsions through a membrane tube with a
740/800 nm; C6: 460/510 nm). The average radiant
pore size of 1.2 μm at 1.6 MPa for 4 cycles, followed
efficiency (ARE) of NEs was determined by a region of
by another 0.8-μm one at 1.8 MPa for 3 cycles. As for
interest (ROI) quantification method.
preparation of NE-900, the crude emulsions were
extruded through a 1.2-μm membrane tube at 1.2 Administration of NE formulations
MPa for 2 cycles. Male SD rats were divided into eight groups, three in
Chitosan-coated NEs The ingredients and each group. The P2-loaded formulations include NE-
techniques for the preparation of chitosan-coated 80, NE-200, NE-500, NE-900, CS-NE, P-NE and CS+NE.
NEs (CS-NE) were almost the same as for NE-80. In addition, DiR-loaded CS-NE was set as a control
However, in order to coat chitosan onto the surfaces group to highlight the transportation of the cargos.
of NEs, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) was added in Animals were anaesthetized by intraperitoneal
the mixture of Labrafac® CC and Solutol® HS15 when injection of 700 µL 10% (w/v) chloral hydrate aqueous
preparing the coarse emulsions to introduce negative solution before intranasal administration. Then,
charges onto the surfaces of the NEs (Table 2S). Then, animals were placed in a supine position, and 10 µL of
0.5% (w/v) chitosan solution was used as the aqueous the formulations was administered slowly and gently

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through micropipette into one nostril of each rat. In order to elucidate the mechanisms underlying
Administration was repeated for 10 times to nose-to-brain delivery of nanoparticles, it is important
administer a total of 100 µL formulation at an interval to track both the nanoparticles and the payloads
of 1 min for each rat. simultaneously. Conventionally, the biodistribution of
drugs or payloads along the nose-to-brain passages
Live imaging of intranasal retention
are usually monitored to acquire evidence of
After administration, in vivo live imaging of the enhanced cerebral drug delivery. However, the in vivo
animals from both ventral and dorsal side was behaviours of the nanoparticles per se have never
acquired at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 hr using IVIS been clarified. Fortunately, by using novel
Spectrum Live Imaging System. During the whole environment-responsive fluorescent probes
Published on 15 December 2016. Downloaded by Fudan University on 15/12/2016 16:09:50.

imaging process, animals were narcotized by an on- developed in our laboratory, the in vivo fate of
line gas anesthetizing system using isoflurane nanoparticles, mainly lipid-based ones, can be
(Shandong Keyuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, China). accurately monitored.17-20 Fig. 1A is a schematic

Nanoscale Accepted Manuscript

Biodistribution study depiction of the rationale employed in this study. Two
kinds of fluorescent probes are encapsulated
Animals in groups of NE-80, CS-NE-108 and NE-900 simultaneously into NEs. Signals of environment-
were sacrificed at 1 hr post administration. Blood was responsive probes, P2 and P4, are used to represent
collected into heparinized tubes. One hundred micro- the NE particles because the probes encapsulated in
liter of blood was added into 96-well black plates for NEs are emissive, and free or released probes quench
determination of fluorescent intensity. Vital organs instantaneously and absolutely upon degradation of
like heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney and pancreas NEs. Signals of conventional probes, C6 and DiR, are
were removed, washed with saline, weighted and used to represent the payloads or drugs because they
placed into black plates for ex vivo imaging. ARE of exhibit steady fluorescence whether they are
blood and total radiant efficiency (TRE) of organs was embedded or not. Based on their wavelengths, either
determined by a ROI quantification method. P2/DiR or P4/C6 pairs are employed in this study for
Ex vivo histological examination live imaging or ex vivo imaging, respectively.
Concurrent tracking of the transportation of both NEs
After 1 hr post administration of NE-80, CS-NE-108 and the payloads provides very important
and NE-900, animals were sacrificed, and nasal information on the underlying mechanisms of nose-
mucosa, brain and trigeminal nerve were excised. to-brain delivery.
Brain was removed carefully with olfactory bulb
remaining intact with the brain and avoiding The quantity of various dyes incorporated into NEs
fluorescent interference due to contamination. Ex is chosed on the basis of our previous works.17-20 The
vivo imaging of nasal mucosa, brain and trigeminal primary purpose of choosing dye loading levels, as
nerves were performed. Furthermore, brain was specified in Table 1S, is to achieve sufficient
sliced into thin sections for ex vivo imaging. fluorescence intensity for both in vitro and in vivo
observations. Moreover, it is also meant to attain
Confocal laser scanning microscopy similar levels of fluorescence in the initial
Animals of P4/C6-loaded NE-80, CS-NE-108 and NE- administered doses for parallel comparison in a row.
900 groups were sacrificed at 1 hr post administration Yet it is hard to adjust the dye loadings to achieve the
and nasal mucosa, brain and trigeminal nerve were same level of fluorescence. Therefore, we use relative
excised and fixed using 4% paraformaldehyde for 24 fluorescence, expressed as the percentage of
hr. After air-drying for 1-2 hr under ambient fluorescence measured at time points to the originally
conditions, the samples were treated with 30% administered dose, when carring out comparisons.
sucrose solution till they were settled down to the Fig. 1B schematically reveals the virtual pathways
bottom of tubes. Finally, samples were frozen at −80 of nose-to-brain delivery. In fact, the brain is well
°C and sliced into 10-µm sections by Leica CM3050 S protected from the nasal cavity by the cribriform
Cryostat. Sections were observed by Zeiss LSM 510 plate of ethmoid bone. There are two possible
confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) (Carl Zeiss passages from nose to brain, i.e. the olfactory nerves
Inc., Germany). Image display and analysis were that end up at the olfactory bulb and the maxillary
performed using the software provided by the branch of the trigeminal nerve. The olfactory bulb is
supplier. adjacent to the front lobe of the brain, while the
trigeminal nerve leads to the brain stem. The goal of
Results and discussion

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this study is to track the translocation of both the NE approaches of in situ gelling using thermosensitive
droplets and the payloads along these nose-to-brain poloxamers or thickening with chitosan, a
pathways. Evidence collection is primarily based on bioadhesive polymer, to retain NEs in the nasal
identification of either the NE particles or the mucosa for longer duration. Higher retention of P-NEs
payloads in various tissue samples by live imaging or in the nostril is due to gel formation, while higher
ex vivo imaging. retention of CS-NEs is due to electrostatic interaction
between positively charged chitosan and negatively
Preparation and characterization of NEs
charged biomembranes,28 as well as the high viscosity
The size, PDI and zeta potential of the NEs are shown of the dispersion.29 Fig. 2C,D shows the quantitative
in Table 3S. The CS-NEs used in this study are of size analysis results of live imaging for surface-decorated
Published on 15 December 2016. Downloaded by Fudan University on 15/12/2016 16:09:50.

108.5 nm, PDI 0.165 and zeta potential +26 mV, NEs. Live imaging shows higher percent retention of
respectively. The presence of SDS affects zeta P-NE in the first 2 hr post administration compared to
potential, but have no significant effect on the size of NE-80, CS+NE and CS-NE-108. However, after 2 hr

Nanoscale Accepted Manuscript

CS-NEs (Table 2S). The size, PDI and zeta potential of their retention is insignificant and completely
P-NE is found to be 235 nm, 0.143 and -1.17 mV, untraceable after 8 hr due to nasal mucociliary
respectively. The bulk gelling potential of poloxamer clearance, which suggests that bulk poloxamer gelling
(P407/188) significantly increases the size from 80 nm system is somehow effective in retention of NEs in
to 235 nm and PDI from 0.11 to 0.143. Surface nostril. On the other hand, retention of NE-80, CS+NE
morphology of the CS-NEs is analyzed by TEM (Fig. and CS-NE-108 is observed up to 16 hr. NE-80 show
1S). However, no characteristic evidence of chitosan significantly higher retention at the first 30 min post
coating is seen in the TEM image. The particle size administration compared to CS-NE-108 and CS+NE.
observed in TEM is in line with that measured by a However, at 1, 2 and 4 hr post administration
Zetasizer. retention of CS-NE-108 becomes significantly higher
Intranasal retention than NE-80. Moreover, retention of NE-80 and CS-NE-
108 shows no significant difference after 8 hr post
Fig. 2A shows the retention of NEs of different sizes in administration. CS+NEs show lower retention at 30
the nasal mucosa of SD rats as visualized by IVIS min compared to NE-80; however, at 1, 2 and 4 hr
spectrum live imaging. NEs having a size > 200 nm post administration CS+NE retention is either
show less retention in the nasal mucosa compared to comparable or a little bit higher compared to NE-80.
smaller ones (Fig. 2B). Almost all NEs with a size > 200 On the contrary, retention of CS-NE-108 is
nm are cleared by the nasal mucociliary clearance significantly higher at all time points compared to
mechanism after 4 hr post administration, while both CS+NE. Our findings here comply with results
NE-80 and NE-200 show some retention even up to obtained by other researchers.10,30,31 The high
16 and 12 hr, respectively (Fig. 2B). Interestingly, the retention of NE-80 is due to their smaller size, while
overall trend of NEs retention is found to be size- even higher retention of CS-NE-108 in comparison
dependent in the following order: NE-80 > NE-200 > with NE-80 is due to their interaction with negatively
NE-500 ≈ NE-900. It is of note that there are big charged membranes. Besides, CS-NE-108 possibly
standard errors for the mucoretention data due to enters deep into the nasal mucosa and enter through
repeated administration and inter-individual the paracellular route as well upon opening of the
variations. However, the overall trend suggests that tight junctions between cells by chitosan 32,33. The
significant numbers of NE-80 and NE-200 might longer retention of CS+NE in nasal mucosa than
penetrate the mucus layer and enter deep into the naked NEs adds strength to the tight junction-opening
nasal mucosa. On the contrary, it seems that less hypothesis.
number of NE-500 and NE-900 are able to penetrate
Biodistribution of NEs
the mucus layer and reach the surface of nasal
mucosa. Quick regeneration of mucus effectively IVIS live imaging of the dorsal side of the brain show
removes the adhered NEs from the nasal mucosa, the position of NE-80, CS-NE-108 and NE-900 at
which thus creates obstacles for their free movement. different time points (Fig. 2). A small ring of intense
P2 signal is only prominent at 4 and 8 hr post
An additional constraint concerning nose-to-brain
administration in NE-80 and CS-NE-108 groups, while
drug delivery is the natural defense mechanism –
similar patterns, but of less intensity, are observed at
nasal mucociliary clearance. Therefore, it is essential
1 and 2 hr for the NE-900 group. Due to the
to localize the formulation on the mucosal layer to
limitations of live imaging, it is difficult to locate the
prevent rapid nasal clearance.27 Here we take

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signals to a specific organ or tissue. Therefore, no vivo imaging of trigeminal nerve. However, relative
information on nose-to-brain delivery can be intense P4 signals are found in the trigeminal nerve in
obtained by live imaging. the following order NE-80 > CS-NE-108 > NE-900 due
to their relatively high percentage of translocation
Blood and different vital organs are also analyzed
through this route (Fig. 5A). Presence of intense
by ex vivo imaging. No P2 signals are detected in
green signal, irrespective of the groups, in the
blood or any vital organ. However, some signals are
trigeminal nerve suggests that C6 might first be
observed in the trachea attached to the lungs (images
released in the nostril and then permeate into the
not shown) in some animals, which might be due to
trigeminal nerves. Following the passive diffusion
the direct movement of the particles along with
path, released C6 can be quickly transported from the
mucus from anterior to posterior part of the nasal
Published on 15 December 2016. Downloaded by Fudan University on 15/12/2016 16:09:50.

nostril to the brain via the trigeminal nerve.

cavity and finally to the trachea through the
Previously, it was reported that intranasally
nasopharynx, rather than absorption via systemic
administered drugs could enter in high concentration
circulation. There is possibility that some NEs might

Nanoscale Accepted Manuscript

into the olfactory nerve and trigeminal nerve, and be
enter into the systemic circulation through the blood
transported into the brain.34 Moreover, the
vessels that present in the respiratory region of nasal
transportation of the drugs to the brain through
mucosa; however, the amount must be too small to
these nerves is very fast, within 10 min of
be detected by ex vivo imaging.
administration.35 However, the presence of very weak
Ex vivo analysis of translocation P4 signal in all three sections in NE-80 group indicated
Translocation of integral NEs to nasal mucosa and that small amount of NE-80 might be transported in
trigeminal nerve Fig. 3 shows the ex vivo imaging of intact form through this route. While the presence of
retention of NE-80, CS-NE-108 and NE-900 in the relatively intense P4 signals in the trigeminal nerve of
nasal mucosa and trigeminal nerve of SD rats at 1 hr CS-NE-108 group in the nostril and middle sections
post administration. The intensity of P2 signals in the ssuggests that some intact CS-NE-108 is also
nasal mucosa is in line with the live imaging results. transported via this route, however, presence of
Quantification of ex vivo imaging of nasal mucosa relatively weak signal in the brain stem region
shows retention of NEs in the order of CS-NE-108 > indicates that transportation of CS-NE-108 may be
NE-80 > NE-900 with significant difference between relatively slow, possibly due to their larger size and
groups (P < 0.05). Moreover, quantification of P2 viscosity due to presence of chitosan as compared to
signal suggests size dependent translocation via NE-80. On the other hand, presence of relatively high
trigeminal nerves. The translocation of NE-80, CS-NE- levels of P4 signals only in the nostril region in
108 and NE-900 groups is found to be 4.4%, 3.5% and comparison to the middle and brain stem region in
2.7% of the total applied NEs, respectively. NE-900 group suggest that due to large size their rate
of translocation from the trigeminal nerve was
Encapsulation of both P4 and C6 dyes together in significantly slow. This observation also reinforces ex-
NEs enables simultaneous tracking of both NEs and vivo imaging of low percentage of NE-900 in
the cargoes by CLSM. Intense C6 signal (green) and P4 trigeminal nerve in comparison to CS-NE-108 and NE-
signal (red) are observed from both olfactory and 80.
respiratory regions in the horizontal as well as vertical
sections of each of NE-80, CS-NE-108 and NE-900 Translocation of integral NEs to brain Recently,
groups (Fig. 4). This observation clearly suggests that several studies performed in rodent model suggested
a large number of NEs present in intact form that NEs enhanced direct nose-to-brain transport of
throughout the nasal mucosa. A little bit higher levels small molecular drug.10,13 However, no particles
of both C6 and P4 signals was observed in the either in the olfactory bulb or the brain could be
respiratory regions at 1 hr post administration, which found after continuous instillation of chitosan-coated
might be ascribed to their direct contact with NEs latex up to 4 consecutive days.31 Further investigation
administered. on polystyrene nanoparticles with particle sizes of 20,
100 and 200 nm, respectively, either naked or
Fig. 5 reveals the presence of intense green C6 surface-modified with polysorbate 80 or chitosan,
signals in NE-80, CS-NE-108 and NE-900 groups in all indicated no penetration across excised porcine nasal
three sections taken from the nostril, middle and mucosa mounted in a vertical Franz diffusion cell.36
brain stem regions of the trigeminal nerve. Presence To date, no concrete evidence has yet been provided
of P4 signals in all sections of the trigeminal nerve for in support of transport of integral nanocarriers from
NE-80, CS-NE-108 and NE-900 clearly reinforces ex nose to brain.

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In this study, brains of NE-80, CS-NE-108 and NE- clear evidence on whether intact NEs enter into the
900 groups are excised for ex vivo imaging from both brain, whereas green C6 signals speak the traces of
dorsal and ventral side. Ex vivo imaging shows very the cargoes. CLSM images show intense green signal
weak P2 signals mainly in both olfactory bulb and from sections taken from different brain regions of
ventral region for the CS-NE-108 group, while weak NE-80 and CS-NE-108 groups, but weak signals for NE-
P2 signals are only observed sporadically in the 900 (Fig. 7). Very faint P4 signals are observed only in
ventral surface of the brain in some of the NE-80 NE-80 and CS-NE-108 groups in the olfactory bulb
group animals. Noticeably, no P2 signals are detected section only (Fig. 7). It suggested that only NEs of very
in any part of the brain for the NE-900 group (Fig. 6). small size can be translocated to the brain in intact
This finding clearly suggests that only minute number form though in extremely small amount.
Published on 15 December 2016. Downloaded by Fudan University on 15/12/2016 16:09:50.

of intact NE-80 and CS-NE-108 enter into brain.

Nose-to-brain transport of the payload Fig. 8
Earlier, Huang and Donovan37 studied the transport of
shows the presence of DiR dye signal in the brain at 1
polysterene nanoparticles ranging from 10–500 nm
hr post administration in CS-NE encapsulating DiR.

Nanoscale Accepted Manuscript

across excised rabbit nasal respiratory epithelia, and
Fluorescence of DiR dye is observed on both dorsal
found that both 10-nm carboxylated and 200-nm
and ventral surfaces of the brain; however, intense
amine-modified PS particles were transported
signals are mainly observed on the olfactory bulb.
paracellularly and transcellularly, but in very minute
Moreover, ventral surface shows relatively strong
quantities. Chitosan has been widely documented to
signals in comparison with dorsal surfaces. The
affect the permeability of epithelial membrane
ophthalmic and maxillary branches of the trigeminal
through its interaction with the junctional complexes
nerve are playing pivotal role for nose-to-brain
between epithelial cells. It can transiently open the
delivery of drugs. These neurons are forming
tight junctions and consequently allow a paracellular
branches that pass directly through the nasal mucosa.
passage of materials through the epithelial barrier.
32,33 In fact, it has been established that these neurons
Presence of CS-NE-108, however in minute
influx neurotrophic factor, IGF-1, to the brain stem
quantity in the olfactory bulb, suggests that a small
and spinal cord areas in an in vivo rat model.34
fraction of small-size CS-NE-108 might follow the
Therefore, entry of drug in the rostral part of the
paracellular route to enter into the olfactory bulb.
brain is via olfactory as well as trigeminal nerve. On
Since the average diameter of olfactory axon is about
the other hand, trigeminal nerve is shown to enhance
200 nm (for two-month-old rabbits), particles of
drug to the caudal areas of the brain. Presence of
sufficiently small sizes may translocate from olfactory
model DiR signal in the caudal region suggests that
epithelia to olfactory bulb or brain.31,38 It is possible
DiR is transported through the trigeminal nerve as
that some NE-80 and CS-NE-108 reach the olfactory
bulb through this axon. However, strong P2 signals
are detected mainly at cribriform plate, suggesting Conclusion
that a good number of NE-80 and CS-NE-108 reach By tracing the signals of various fluorescent probes
the cribriform plate, but only a small fraction into the used to label NEs, the translocation profiles of
olfactory bulb, which clearly contradicts earlier integral NEs, as well as the cargoes, along the
findings of localization of NEs payloads to the passages from nose to brain have been roughly
olfactory bulb. It is implied that the translocation is outlined with imaging evidence both in vivo and ex
not due to translocation of the nanocarriers vivo. Particle size, rather than surface coating with
themselves, but the diffusion of the model drug/dye chitosan or thickening with thermosensitive in situ gel,
after release from the nanocarrier matrices.13-15 plays the most important role in determining the in
Moreover, some of the released drugs/dyes may vivo fate of NEs. NEs with particle size of about 100
enter into the brain via trigeminal nerves as well.34 In nm or smaller show prolonged resident duration in
general, only a very small percentage of applied NE- the nasal cavity, whereas NEs of larger sizes show
80 and CS-NE-108 enter into olfactory bulb through faster clearance. Integral NEs of 100 nm can be
olfactory nerve in intact form. Slices of the brain transported through the trigeminal and the olfactory
tissues are further scrutinized and only faint P2
nerve to olfactory bulb, following a decremental
signals are found in limited sections of the brain in intensity gradient along the nose-to-brain path, and
NE-80, CS-NE-108 and NE-900 group (Fig. 6). finally to the brain, but in minute quantity. NEs of 900
To obtain more supportive data, CLSM of the brain nm can also be transported along the nose-to-brain
tissue is further performed to strengthen the passage but in slower pace, which apparently can be
evidence of ex vivo imaging. The P4 signals provide attributed to the faster mucociliary clearance and

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higher diffusion resistance encountered. On the 19 Y. Xie, X. Hu, H. He, F. Xia, Y. Ma, J. Qi, X. Dong, W. Zhao, Y.
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Published on 15 December 2016. Downloaded by Fudan University on 15/12/2016 16:09:50.

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Table 1 Basic properties of various dyes used in this study

Dye λabs λem Colour ACQ Tracing Hydrophobicity

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effect target
P2 708 732 Red Yes Particle High
P4 651 662 Red Yes Particle High
C6 460 500 Green No Cargo High
DiR 748 780 Red No Cargo High

Fig. 1 Schematic depiction of the rationale of accurate detection of integral nanoparticles (A)
and virtual passages of nose-to-brain delivery (B)

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Fig. 2 Retention of NEs in the nasal mucosa of SD rats analysed by IVIS live imaging from ventral side (A,
B) and quantification of total fluorescence in nostrils as a function of time (C, D)

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Fig. 3 Ex vivo imaging (A) and quantification of fluorescence (B) in nasal mucosa

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Fig. 4 Histological examination of horizontal sections of nasal mucosa, vertical sections of

olfactory region and vertical sections of respiratory region in both C6 and P4 channels.

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Fig. 5 Histological examination of different sections taken from the nostril,

middle and brain stem regions of trigeminal nerve. Green and red colors
represent the signals of C6 and P4, respectively

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Fig. 6 Ex vivo imaging of P2 fluorescence signals in the brain of SD rats 1
hr post administration

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Fig. 7 Confocal laser scanning microscopy images of the brain tissues taken from different Nanoscale Accepted Manuscript
position at 1 hr post administration in SD rats.

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Fig. 8 Diffusion of DiR fluorescence in the brain of SD rat at 1 and 2 hr post
administration after nasal administration of chitosan-coated nanoemulsions
(CS-NE-108) in both dorsal and ventral side.

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